Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 30 Anthem of the Earth

Classical wood-painted coffins, quiet and magical cemeteries, and forested crosses always give people a sense of tranquility.

This team of monks carried a coffin containing Qin Zhong on their shoulders, walked steadily on the bluestone path, and walked into the cellar step by step. Every torch in their hand, in front of the torch that needs to be inserted, two monks will put torches on it to illuminate the whole passage, and only in the hands of Cheng Zhongchen The torch has been holding it all the time to guide the people behind.

All the way into the hall, the sun-like torch in the hall was still burning at this moment. Cheng Zhongchen inserted the torch into the torch bracket at the top of several wooden coffins, so that every corner of the hall was illuminated by the quiet firelight.

Qin Zhong's coffin was standing in one corner, and the lid of the coffin was opened. With the long hymn hymn, these monks entered their own lacquer coffin in a good order, and the sound of the hymn did not seem to stop, and every moment and every second continued.

In order not to be baptized by brain waves, the captain and others stayed at the entrance of the cellar. Even so, the echo of the hymn stimulated their eardrums from time to time.

The more so, the sudden tranquility on Qin Zhong's face is admirable, but in his body, there seems to be an aura that other monks do not have. It seems that every inch of his cells are shining, every inch of muscle is beating, and the white airflow slowly rotates along the outside of his body. Gradual penetration can always bring a kind of righteous and righteous boiling.

"What a strong aura, it feels stronger than that at the Demon King of Eight Arm Town. Is it possible that the boss will be promoted?" Guo Dafu seems to have seen something.

"It's really strong. That's why he can save his life. Otherwise, I'm afraid he's really sleeping in the coffin now."

Cheng Zhongchen was the last to walk into the coffin. Before he entered the coffin, the light in his eyes trembled. He didn't know whether he wanted to suppress Qin Zhong's super aura, but after feeling for a long time, he suddenly felt that this aura was a kind of justice and energy.

"It's so strong. What's going on? I'm afraid our methods may not have the energy of his aura. If he is not wrong, he is likely to borrow this aura to restore his previous ability." Cheng Zhongchen was dumbfounded.

He woke up for a long time before walking into the coffin step by step, singing the hymn part of the Bible in a low voice.

Mona held her hands tightly in front of the torch, and the silver light of the cross in her hand flashed, and the hymn in his mouth kept praising the beauty and brightness of the god.

However, Qin Zhong's body trembled crazily. His trembling made everyone present feel a little uncomfortable, but this trembling began to have a rhythm. The wooden paint boards on the left and right sides of the coffin began to shake, which seemed to shock the sound of heaven and earth, but this moment puzzled everyone.

Cheng Zhongchen came out of the coffin several times to stop Qin Zhong's posture, but he stood up, because he felt that if Qin Zhong's tremor was in a very rhythmic situation, the stronger it was, the louder the volume of their hymns could be.

Two hours later, the monks' chants did not stop, and Qin Zhong's trembled more and more. Looking at his body, he was sweating like rain, and every action seemed so difficult, and this sound almost besieged the whole island with the hymn and tied it to a big tree. The mouse seemed to be infected by the power of the hymn. It rushed into the cellar crazily and jumped into Qin Zhong's coffin.

But what the mouse didn't expect was that before he could get close to the coffin, it was pushed out by an invisible force, pushing the mouse's eyes around.

"Is this the arrival of the gods?" Some crew members asked.

Almost everyone present has been silent in the peace of this hymn. Not only that, Qin Zhong's trembling body also seemed to stop**. Gradually, he regained his composure and saw a wisp of black gas winding up in his body. In an instant, his painful eyes became better in an instant. Like a bowl of water, calm and peaceful.

What happened surprised Guo Dafu and Chen Mu.

Three days have passed, and no one has eaten or drunk. Not only that, but she doesn't even feel hungry. Mona has been standing there respectfully for three days.

Guo Dafu was anxious: "Let me go. Are these going to become immortals?" As he spoke, he gently patted Chen Mu: "People are iron rice and steel. If it goes on like this, the boss can't stand it."

"What should I do? Now no one dares to touch his body. Once something goes wrong, the boss will not only lose his memory, but also may become a dementia. What should we do then?"

The two chatted in a quiet environment, expressing their own opinions. After discussing for a long time, they did not say a second or three, which could not change the reality here.

Mona gradually got up and said calmly, "I'm going to cook. They will leave in a moment and are ready to eat."

"My God, I thought they were really going to stay here for a year. At that time, let alone you, we will all become immortals." Guo Dafu said and just turned around with Chen Mu and found that the crew members wiped their mouths one by one, as if they had eaten something delicious and came in, grinning.

Guo Dafu frowned: "What did you steal?"

"Ha ha, I'm really hungry and can't stand it, so I made some food. I didn't expect the vegetables here to be so delicious and the rice is sweet."

Several crew members talked and seemed to have destroyed the tranquility here. Suddenly, the coffin plate opened and closed quickly, and a burst of golden light emerged. The leading Cheng Zhongchen came out of the coffin and took the group of monks behind him to put Qin Zhong to the end. The group of people quietly went out of the cellar.

Guo Dafu followed Qin Zhong closely. He tried to ask Qin Zhong how he felt, but Qin Zhong never paid attention to Guo Dafu's intention. He simply walked step by step and entered the auditorium with the echo of the holy song. In the auditorium, the chant floated. Half an hour of prayer seemed to wash everyone's hearts.

"Lord Almighty, forgive us sinners and give us the pure food of the holy light." With this, everyone prayed devoutly.

bursts of bread fragrance, and the oily fragrance of cheese was also mixed in it. Before long, everyone present was attracted by this strong aroma.

After Cheng Zhongchen took these people to the prayer, he went straight to the dining hall. After dinner, they finally returned to reality from prayer.

Qin Zhong looked at his monk's clothes carefully and looked really good. He patted the clothes with his hand and felt that the cloth was also a good thing.

"Give me this dress."

"Of course, you still have a few courses of treatment left. You are really an exception. I originally thought that these days would just force the dirty air in your body out, but I didn't expect you to enter the holy land all of a sudden. It's really good, so if you want to continue treatment in the future, you can meditate at any time and enter the holy place. After that, you can slowly recall the past.

A pair of big eyes blinked twice with crystal water. Chen Mu stared at Qin Zhong and asked softly, "Qin Zhong, do you remember anything now?"

Qin Zhong's head shook like a rattle: "I don't remember anything, but it seems that there are some things in the mountains, which can be recalled. At that time, there were bear bones, beehive-like caves, and ancient tribes."

"Do you remember anyone?" Mona asked excitedly.

"It seems that there is a girl from the tribe, named Yingzi, and later she became my wife? I'm not sure, it should be." Qin Zhong's words caused a big disaster.

Mengna and Chen Mu looked quite ugly and were quite excited, but this time they were brought a basin of cold water by Qin Zhong.

Seeing that the two girls ignored Qin Zhong, Guo Dafu grinned and laughed, and the stubble on his face moved up and down: " boss, you have offended people again."

"I don't know that the two of them are also my relatives. They have been taking care of me for so long. Of course I will be moved."