Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 38 Ghost Flame Lost 2

The dark night sky and the faint blue ghost flame led Qin Zhong to pursue it desperately, but what they never expected was that such a team of ghost fireworks would appear faintly, like ghosts, which brought them a lot of trouble.

" boss, how can we chase him? I can't catch up with him at a speed of 112 seconds. It seems that our plan is going to be ruined." Guo Dafu gasped breathlessly.

The others were behind him and Qin Zhong, and it took a long time to catch up with them. After catching up with them, they hugged their thighs and whined one by one: "When did you practice and how did you run so fast?"

"Isn't it still not caught up?"

"Mr. Guo, it is said that you are not very rich. You should drive your mountain cross-country. Isn't that much faster than us?" The students of the Tomb College put their hands on their knees and said bitterly.

While these people were talking, the ghost flame ran around desperately and ran away. This time, Qin Zhong and others were dizzy, and directly felt the remote, gloomy and depressing here.

Chen Mu pulled Mengna, and the two of them easily caught up with Qin Zhong and several people, but before they recovered, Qin Zhong and those people chased them out desperately.

"Qin Zhong, slow down. Don't do this. We just caught up!" Mona was a little anxious and blushed.

But who can hear the words of the two girl at this jugme? On the other hand, Qin Zhong and others chased the ghost flame crazily. I don't know if the ghost flame is particularly light. They are driven around by the wind. After a few laps, they have been scattered into the air of endless air.

Qin Zhong and several people suddenly stopped, looked around, and were stunned one by one.

The students of the Tomb College took out the compass and swept around. The compass did not seem to have a pointer rotating, but weakly collapsed in that place and stayed quietly.

"Strange, these ghost flames have disappeared?" These students belong to the level of more than 20 in the ancient tomb college. It should not be a problem to find ordinary ghosts by their means, but this time they really failed. They actually consumed so much physical strength and did not catch a ghost flame.

Qin Zhong scratched his head: "Are these ghost flames too light to be blown away by the wind?"

" boss, there is no wind here?"

"Fathered!" At this time, Mona caught up with him: "You people! What's the difference between ghost flame and ghosts? Basically, where do ghosts usually appear when they disappear?

Hearing this, Guo Dafu was the most**. He was possessed many times. They pinched their faces with their hands. Fortunately, they knew the pain and proved that they were fine. Then he casually picked up two students from the ancient tomb college and secretly pinched them, and the students screamed.

"Mr. Guo, what are you doing?" The student hurriedly asked.

"Well, you're fine!" He pointed to the remaining students: "One person pinched it to prove that you are all right!"

"No, we are all normal."

Chen Mu said breathlessly, "There is no need for them to do it. Just now, we saw the pile of blue light disappear here and fly into the woods. It must be attached to plants, or those insects. It is difficult for us to observe with the naked eye on the bodies of animals."

"What should I do?"

"I said, you all have runes in your hands. If you can't, use ghost exorcism to force them out." Qin Zhong said and turned out a lot of rune paper from his pocket and a brush. Then he drew on the rune paper with a brush. After finishing the drawing, he said a word in his mouth, and then the rune paper seemed to have long legs and flew out and smashed directly into the trees.

There were spells and fire shadows everywhere in the woods, and the faint light spread, and the trees that were hit were cremated and splashed. After such a carpet-style search, Qin Zhong and several people's charms flew all over the sky.

Until they walked into the depths of the dense forest, Guo Dafu's fire charm hit the tree and suddenly burst into a bursting blue flame. The blue ghost flame suddenly became like a face. Two black eyes and a cracked mouth appeared on the face. The angry look seemed to be there. Everyone ate it.

Qin Zhong curled his lips and smiled and said, "Ha, come out and deal with him."

These people in the ancient tomb college are really not given for nothing. Four people set up a trap array, and eight hundred and sixty-four charms fluttered all over the sky, covering the ghost flame and gradually wrapping them in it.

When the ghost flame saw such a big array, it not only had no fear, but also did the opposite. It crazily enlarged its own flame. Gradually, the ghost flame's body was the size of a basketball. This time, the face became clearer, the angry face, the fist-sized eyes, the black hole could not see the bottom, and the triangle The mouth cracked, and a chill came out of his mouth.

The ghost flame made a fierce impact on that day. Every time it rushed to a place, it would hit a perfect blue flame. After the blue flame, it appeared the strange flame bursting out by the red rune fire and the ghost fire. The flame turned into a huge haze and gradually became a cloud, and a mass of red and blue light floated in the air.

"Receed!" Several students of the ancient tomb college shouted in unison.

Seeing that the rune of the net array gradually tightened to the end, he wrapped the ghost face tightly until it squeezed into a fist-sized ball.

But after the spells tightened together, the blue light disappeared, and the students of the ancient tomb college observed that they did not take away the ghost flame. The light of the charm used in the net array that day turned into a mass of black ash and fell.

"Presor, confiscate it."

"No, we have tied him up. Why did he run away again?"

"I didn't see it. I really didn't see where the ghost flame went."

Qin Zhong looked around and said, "He ran away. He followed the black dust left by your charm and got into the ground. I guess the remaining ghosts are really not easy to find. I think it's okay today. Let's put this matter first. Later, arrange other time and call more people to search."

"Then didn't we run away for nothing?"

"There's nothing we can do. Who can't let us run away." Qin Zhong turned his head and walked back, but he didn't expect that he really saw a huge blue ghost flame rushing out like an arrow leaving the string.

Guo Dafu shouted, "12 seconds and five, watch me chase him!" The rich man didn't know where his physical strength came from. He ran away. While chasing after him, he thought about the change of the ghost flame in front of him. Strangely, the ghost flame became more and more strange. In an instant, the ghost flame fell and turned into a graceful, slender girl with long hair. Just looking at her back can make people rise. The ambiguous heart.

"Beauty, take your time, at least let your brother see what you look like!" Guo Dafu didn't know how tired he was and shouted while running.

Qin Zhong did not show weakness. He chased after Guo Dafu at a faster speed than Guo Dafu.

"Sure enough, look at a flower behind your back."

Mona frowned and muttered, "It's really lustful. Can you chase it just by looking at your back?"

"That's right, there is a flower behind you. When you walk in, it's an aunt. I'll see what they will do. Are you in the mood to chase it." Chen Mu also muttered.

Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu have run to one place and marched together. After the fast-floating ghost flame, Guo Dafu opened his mouth and said, "Don't think that you can't show us what you look like. Let me tell you that you must obey our words, otherwise you will die miserably."

"It's not only a miserable death, but also has to complete all the difficulties of burial independently." Although this is a very outrageous statement, it did come out of Qin Zhong's mouth.

Guo Dafu laughed and said, "It looks good behind him. If the front face is beautiful, it is definitely the best, but this is a ghost."

"Ghosts, what are you afraid of?" Qin Zhong glanced at Guo Dafu: "Shack him and don't let him run around again.

"That's up to me." Guo Dafu's hand fell, and a cold light fell from the broken knife, which abruptly turned the ghost flame into two halves, and turned it into two ghost flames.