Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 45 Soul Search

Find a trustworthy person to exchange his feelings and find a confidant to tell his current predicament. Everyone wants or hopes for such a thing. So is Guo Dafu. As the general manager of the company, doing so is nothing more than proof of his letter to Qin Zhong. Ren.

Although Qin Zhong's situation at this moment is not very good and not as good as before, at least he knows that Qin Zhong will help him and will never help him.

" boss, so many people died at once, what should we do?" Guo Dafu is not unaware of what he should do, but many things he can't solve with normal methods. Of course, he also hopes that Qin Zhong can use some ghost methods to find the root of these things and find the root of these things.

The two quickly drove to the construction site. The situation at the scene was very poor. Almost no one had the courage to touch the bodies hanging on the steel scaffolding. From the outside of the construction site, the bodies hanging outside the scaffolding were absolutely a spectacular scene, which really shook Qin Zhong's heart.

"What's the matter? Is there going to be bloodshed on Tomb-sweeping Day and so many people will die on Tomb-sweeping Day?" Qin Zhong was surprised.

Guo Dafu shouted, "Who the fuck goes up and pulls people down."

"Guo, Mr. Guo, these are serious and dare not. You don't know what they said after they came down from above." A younger brother ran to Guo Dafu's ear and muttered.

Qin Zhong immediately cut off: "Say, what did they say?"

"Just now, these people hanging on the scaffold flew out while working on it. I don't know what they stepped on, and I don't know why it was so coincidental. Unexpectedly, these people stepped on the same thing at the same time and flew out in an instant. Another brother who fell out and had not yet died described that he only It felt as if someone pushed him behind him, and then he didn't know why he flew out horizontally.

"What about the others?" Guo Dafu looked a little anxious.

"Other people ran down as if they had lost their souls, but these dead people, Lao Liu here said that they should be because their own souls did not like their respective bodies, which kicked their own bodies away, which led to the current situation." The younger brother explained clearly, but Guo Dafu became more and more confused. What does it mean that the soul doesn't like his body?

His face trembled: "I really heard such a thing for the first time. People said that the soul was scattered, and I had never heard that the soul was willing to leave his body."

" boss, I don't think this matter is simple. Let's meet Lao Liu first."

My younger brother took Qin Zhong into the shed. The shed here is relatively good. Although the conditions are poor, it is still neat and has all kinds of household appliances. After all, these construction workers are also quite difficult. They also have to eat well and be serious.

As soon as Qin Zhong entered the room, he saw several small workers hiding in the corner of the wall, looking a little flustered, as if he had not yet eased the scene just now.

The little brother came to an old man. The old man lay on **. Everyone else was scared. He was the only one with a cigarette in his mouth and looked at a colorful pictorial full of little devils. The stars of Aoi and his party above showed their own demeanor.

"Hey, Lao Liu, get up. Mr. Guo is here. I have something to ask you." The younger brother slapped the old sound, and the old Liu's head trembled. He got up, cracked his big yellow teeth, and shouted a mouthful of yellow sticky phlegm in his throat.

"Cough, boss, are you here? Give me two money and go out to buy some and drink?" Old Liu's face was greedy and ruthlessly devouring his normal nervous thinking.

Guo Dafu waved his hand and called his younger brother and asked in a low voice, "Is this Lao Liu? Do you believe what he does?

"But in such a dangerous situation just now, everyone was stunned. Only he seemed to be fine."

"Nonsense, people with abnormal brains don't want to do anything, and still tell me this?" Guo Dafu was ashamed and angry, and his beard stood at the root of his face.

Qin Zhong didn't say much at this moment. He was carefully observing the state of the old Liu. This guy said that he was really not as good as the beggar gang. He said that he was a serious work and looked like a handyman.

" boss, that's what he said just now."

Qin Zhong inserted and said, "Okay, don't argue. Let him talk about what he just saw and what wine and dishes he had just seen.

The younger brother looked at Guo Dafu and then at Qin Zhong. Guo Dafu pushed his younger brother and said, "Go ahead. The boss has said it. What else are you looking at me?"

"Mr. Liu, the boss came to ask you something. They want to know what happened just now?" The younger brother said.

Guo Dafu came to the front: "You said it well today. I bought you two bottles of wine and included your vegetable money. This money will not be deducted from your wages."

"Papa!" Old Liu applauded happily and jumped down from ** crazily: "That's great. In this case, I'll tell you."

"When we went to work in the morning, I found that the people who just died seemed to have lost their souls, and they all lived in the same room, a big **, which is beyond doubt."

"What happened later?"

Old Liu rolled up the dry smoke and took two puffs: "Then a few people went to work on their own floor normally, but when I was feeding them, I suddenly found a faint green light flying in from the north and rushed directly into our construction site. Soon I found these people. He flew down from upstairs, and some of them were penetrated and hung on the scaffolding.

"It's not such a thing. Didn't you say that these people don't like to stay physically?" The younger brother interrupted.

Lao Liu's eyes narrowed: "Of course. If you don't believe it, I will show you two unique skills. Do you know how to catch ghosts?"

"Yes, what's going on!" Qin Zhong answered cheerfully.

"Since there is, it's easy to do. I will find a soul to come out, meet the body above, and find a way to put his soul back to the body. I can guarantee that this soul will turn its head and fly away, and I can't stop it." Old Liu said the same thing.

Qin Zhong nodded, and Guo Dafu had no choice but to agree.

Old Liu jumped out of bed quickly, kowtopped his dry pipe on the soles of his shoes, and went out to look at the tree outside the wall, where a group of sparrows were chirping.

"Call you a bird, come down." As he said, a stone hit directly into the tree like a bullet, and a fat sparrow fell from the tree.

Qin Zhong scratched his head. What does this old man want to do?

Old Liu opened his mouth and said, "Well, this bird will be our navigator. He will take us to find those lost souls and tell us why those souls left the body."

Qin Zhong was also confused. He didn't know what kind of medicine the old man was selling in the gourd.

But this old man is not an ordinary person just by reaching out. I'm afraid he is a folk master or a big man hidden in the construction site.

Old Liu's head had a spell. He woke up again with the unconscious sparrow, flapped his wings, and suddenly flew up and rushed upstairs and downstairs. After a while, he fell on a scaffolding and chirping.

"Ha, do you see it? I found it. Come on, I will catch the ghost. Help me catch that ghost." Old Liu was rude when he arrived. He took Qin Zhong and walked upstairs.

This is the place where no one dares to step on now, the elevator that has been suspended in mid-air.

The elevator made a roaring sound and rose to a floor parallel to the sparrow. The old Liutou monkey jumped off the elevator and pointed to the hall inside: "That's right there. Go and catch it. I'll help you deal with him."

Qin Zhong had never seen such a confident folk master. Two rusty steel knives behind him suddenly pulled out, drew a semicircle, and pulled back vigorously. Then he finally saw the ghost that everyone could see.