Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 6 Doll

Broken wooden doors and rotten window frames, I don't know how long it will take to get rid of such a living environment. The couple's look has begun to be in a trance, and their swaying bodies always feel a little paralyzed.

Qin Zhong was a little anxious and paced back and forth on the ground, muttering waves of sadness from time to time.

"What on earth is this? If it is possessed, it is unlikely. If it is affected by brain waves, you will not see the child's back. There is only a possibility of reincarnation!" Qin Zhong finally came to the conclusion that he was reincarnated. Although he didn't know where the reincarnation came from, this is the only possibility that he could think of the child's state.

Guo Dafu sat boredly at the door, waiting for his translation letter, holding his mobile phone to death.

"Big boss, why don't we pick up this family first to save this place where there is no sunshine all day to make it difficult for us to do the next work." Qin Zhong quickly adopted Guo Dafu's suggestion. Fortunately, Guo Dafu has his financial strength. Not to mention helping this family, there are ten or eight such families. If he wants to help, it is definitely not a problem for him.

Qin Zhong saw that the couple were in a coma and fell into a hurry. The symptoms seemed to have a fever, but the life characteristics of body temperature were normal, except that their eyes were closed and their faces gradually darkened.

The man's song sounded, and Guo Dafu's mobile phone rang: "Mr. Guo, the front is a personal name, called Prinieva, which should be a woman's name. The name is followed by a doll. According to the normal understanding, if the name is put together with this doll, There should be nothing wrong with the name of the doll.

"Okay, it's hard for you. It's been so long to turn over a name. Go back." Guo Dafu counted the translation and went back to explain what the translator said to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong glanced at the child who was still talking and recalled his voice, which seemed to mean that.

"Prileva, is that you?" Qin Zhong said with a smile, "Sure enough, you have been reincarnated. No wonder your soul is so strong."

The child's crying seemed to be still. It seemed that she heard the name, and then she was stunned. The big watery eyes purred, and the expression on her face seemed to feel a super doubt and shock.

"Wow!" With a sound, the child really cried, crying like rain, and soon soaked the child's clothes.

Qin Zhong lowered his head, approached the child's face, and said a few words gently: "Child, if you are really reincarnated, then be a good person. If you want to torture this child, you will be embarrassed. I will break your dream."

After Qin Zhong's words, the child's face suddenly deteriorated, and his blue-purple forehead suddenly showed a look of fear and astonishment, with a sad face. The painful recipient of Qin Zhong's words, but for a long time, he stopped to cry, and suddenly there was a burst of anger on his small face, which made Qin Zhong suddenly My body took a step back.

"Good boy, you still play well with me. Well, let's wait and see, but you are very dangerous. It's not good to hurt your parents here. Why don't you go back with me and let you worship the Buddhist scriptures and purify your heart."

"Wow!" The child's crying is even worse. She doesn't know what she is crying about. Maybe she can only say two words, and nothing else can be said. She can only use crying to represent her intention.

In the child's crying, the unconscious couple woke up in a blink of an eye and saw their child crying. Tears fell on their faces like rain, and they suddenly rushed to Qin Zhong.

"What are you going to do? How can my child cry like this? Tell me, or I'll strangle you." The cyan markings on the couple's faces seemed to burst, and the blood vessels seemed to burst. The turbid eyes stared straight at Qin Zhong, and the woman's hands had been placed on Qin Zhong's neck and almost pinched them fiercely and strangled Qin Zhong all of a sudden.

Qin Zhong shouted, "Go back, what are you going to do?"

"Kill you!"

"Touch!" Qin Zhong held a head with both hands and hit the two heads fiercely. The couple's two pairs of eyes drew in circles and fell into a coma.

"Da Fu, call someone immediately and take these two goods to the Justice Hall, and the child will be put alone in the middle of the Justice Hall."

Guo Dafu nodded and immediately contacted his own people.

But strangely, the two guys who just stunned Qin Zhong suddenly felt a very ominous feeling at this moment. The couple's bodies seemed to emit a foul smell, not feces, but corpses. Look at the normal corpses. How could such a situation happen? This makes Qin Zhong was very puzzled.

He immediately uncovered the man's coat and saw that their skin was normal. Where did the smell come from? Are there any other corpses in this room? He circled around the room many times, but couldn't find anything wrong. He only found that there seemed to be a few cockroaches crawling around in the couple's shoes.

Qin Zhong was surprised. When he turned around, he closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, "Rich, find someone to prepare to search in this room. I guess there should be something else here."

"What else? Is this a place where there is a body?

"I don't think so, but I feel that the smell doesn't seem to come from here. I always feel that the smell of the corpse comes from the couple's bodies."

"Doll, Plineva!" The child's voice is louder and clearer. The child hasn't stopped since morning and evening. I really don't know if he is tired or not. If a normal person can say this for a day, he will also faint from language fatigue.

"The boss, our people are here." Guo Dafu said.

Qin Zhong nodded and said, "Get in the car, put these people in the car, and send them to the Justice Hall first."

"I know." Seventeen or 18 people came and took the couple and the child into the car and pulled them away.

Qin Zhong and several people began to search in this dilapidated room. The red brick ground has become a shelter for many insects. Under this dilapidated wooden bed, there is nothing before. The whole room is nothing more than 20 square meters. It won't take long for so many people to search the whole room. I just didn't find where the smell came from.

For a long time, Qin Zhong suddenly felt that there seemed to be no smell of the body in the room. After the couple left, the smell of the body disappeared, which made Qin Zhong feel very puzzled. He shifted the focus of his suspicion to the couple.

Looking back, Qin Zhong took a detour to the back of the house and looked at the still remaining outline of the prison. Although women prisoners were imprisoned here, many people were innocently arrested. They just wanted to fight for freedom, but were ruthlessly buried here by the tsar.

"Hmm?" Qin Zhong suddenly felt that something was wrong. He rubbed his eyes and saw that a figure appeared at the door of the warehouse. A short little girl held a doll in her hand and looked at Qin Zhong from afar.

"Don't go, child, come here!" Qin Zhong finally found the root cause of the matter, but when he opened his eyes again, the child at the gate disappeared again.

Qin Zhong took a deep breath. He seemed to notice that the child's anger was not like this. What's more, there seemed to be an expectation in the child's body. The child's situation was nothing more than an invisible waiting.

Qin Zhong shook his head violently. He knew that he could have seen the ghost, but this time it was gone, which was enough to prove that the child's energy was not very strong. Maybe the next time the child would stand in front of Qin Zhong again, or wait for the child's anger to concentrate, he would take the initiative to find Qin Zhong, or Take the initiative to find the child.

"Mr. Qin, can we leave here?"

"Ok, but..." Qin Zhong wanted to say something, and then stopped: "Forget it, let's go."