Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 13 Hidden Body Bed

Qin Zhong asked the man to go downstairs to confirm whether his method was correct. Before Lin went downstairs, Qin Zhong suddenly felt a sense of embarrassment: "Yes, I have known you for a day, and I don't know what to call you?"

"Haha, just call me Youzi." The man said.

Qin Zhong is not interested in this extremely ordinary name, but he just knows what to call him next time.

The dark corridor lights in the fire passage flash and go out, and even the constant lights do not seem very bright.

"That's this one!" Youzi pointed to a door: "In the same position as my house, you can see that the direction on the paper has changed."

Qin Zhong glanced at the direction of the saliva on the white paper. Sure enough, it was the same as what Youzi said. The direction of the ghost was pointing to the door.

Two people gently pushed the door, and Qin Zhong found that the house number was actually 1304, 13 is the black number in the Western world, and 4 is what we think is a bad number, but this room number is very common, and Youzi didn't care about this matter.

They knocked on the door, and no one answered for a long time.

"Is there no one in his house?" Qin Zhong asked.

Youzi shook his head and said, "There should be someone. A few days ago, I saw a girl living in, and the landlord took the money and left."

"Is that a girl's nightlife?" Qin Zhong asked in surprise.

Youzi scratched her head and said, "This girl is very strange. It seems that she only goes out to buy something to eat every day, and then she doesn't see her out of the house."

"So that's it. That proves that the girl is still in the house." Qin Zhong said and knocked on the door again.

After a long time, a seemingly old voice came out of the room: "Who is it?"

"Oh, we are upstairs. There is a leak in the house. Let's see if there is any leakage in your house." Tomoko said.

The door was slowly opened and a head was poked out. The old face was obviously an old woman: "Oh, upstairs, it's okay. Come in."

Qin Zhong looked at the old woman's dress, which was a little disgusting. The old woman was wearing a long pajamas, and her pajamas seemed to be a little transparent, but her skin seemed to be tender, but looking at her face, she looked like an old lady.

"Well, aunt, the heating in my house seems to be leaking. It should be the position opposite your bedside." Tomoko said that he wanted to go into the house to have a look.

But after the woman nodded and weighed, the friend seemed to find a clue. He took a breath and whispered to Qin Zhong, "Why is this woman not the one I saw in Tian Tian before?"

"Shh! Look at your water pipe. I'm watching it. As Qin Zhong said, he took out the white paper in his hand, went to the place of the heating pipe, and held up the white paper flat. Suddenly, he found that the direction of the ghost on the white paper was exactly the direction of the woman.

Qin Zhong took a deep breath and drew with his hand to signal that the man behind his friend was a ghost.

Youzi's eyebrows trembled slightly and suddenly turned around. He saw the woman sitting in front of the dressing table, drawing her face with a brush and thick clothes. Before long, a beautiful woman appeared in front of Qin Zhong.

"Have you finished reading it?" The woman asked.

"Oh, after reading it, there should be nothing here, but I think there is really something wrong with the water pipe in my house. Fortunately, it didn't flood your house." Youzi prevaricates.

The woman smiled gently, lifted his quilt, and a fragrance came to his face. He stepped on ** with one leg. His tender and smooth skin and round buttocks looked particularly attractive under the white-gray veil. In addition, the face that had just finished makeup secreted hormones for men. It is a serious challenge.

Qin Zhong shook his head and looked at it by himself. The woman moved slowly. Finally, she lay down on her **, covered the quilt, took out a novel in her hand and whispered, "After reading it, just help close the door when you leave."

What kind of woman is this? She doesn't care about the safety of her home. When two completely strange people are at home, can she be so relieved to let the two big men close the door when they leave?

The more Qin Zhong thought about it, the more wrong it became. Coupled with the direction indicated on the paper, everything showed that the woman was the ghost, but Qin Zhong's eyes saw that the woman was still very normal. What was going on? He thought about it carefully and didn't figure it out.

Then he and Youzi went out of the door. When they came out, Qin Zhong deliberately put a layer of white paper on the door and whispered to Youzi, "Tell me what's going on with this house? I want to know the history of the people living in this house.

"Well, this woman just moved in, but before him, the landlord seemed to take back the room because the previous tenant didn't pay the rent and couldn't find anyone."

"Someone lived here before, but they didn't move out, right?" Qin Zhong confirmed it.

Youzi nodded: "That's true, but this is also what happened before this woman came in."

"Then I understand. Maybe there are really ghosts here. Your trick is very easy to use. Let's go in again." Qin Zhong said, took down the white paper on the door, gently opened the door, tiptoed into the room, and hid behind the chair to look at the woman, who had already fallen asleep.

Qin Zhong and Youzi nodded and lowered their voices, "Go and see if there is anything under his bed."

"Do you suspect that there is something under her bed?" Youzi was surprised, but he still believed Qin Zhong's judgment. He carefully crawled over the ground. When he came under the bed, he looked back at Qin Zhong, as if he was bold.

Qin Zhong stared at the ** woman and slept very quietly, as if it would not happen to turn over.

Youzi lifted the sheet and stretched his head under the bed first. He only heard "bang!" With a sound, Youzi rolled his eyes and sat on the ground: "Master, this is a stone."

"Ah?" Qin Zhong was surprised.

The woman was awakened by the movement of her friend and suddenly got up: "Oh? Haven't you left yet?"

Qin Zhong was helpless and asked, "Is your bed made of stone?"

"Oh, yes, in fact, this matter is strange. The landlord told me that there was a bed. After I moved in, I always found that the bed was very hard. I found the stone bed two days ago." It's normal for women to talk.

Qin Zhong also boldly got up and came to the woman. This time, he saw some clues on the woman's forehead.

The cyan blood vessel woman's forehead shuttled back and forth, densely, and the blood vessels on her face seemed to be slowly deriving.

"How long have you been living here?" Qin Zhong asked.

The woman rolled her eyes and said for a long time, "Has it been more than a month?"

"That's it! Can you get up? I want to see what's going on with your bed? Qin Zhong said it very serious.

It was not until this time that the woman asked in surprise, "Aren't you upstairs?" What are you doing in my bed?"

"Oh, I just want to see if there is anything strange in your stone bed. This is also for your own good. Get up."

"No, do you like my beauty? Let me tell you, it's expensive to support me."

Qin Zhong was said in a cold sweat and stood in front of the woman and scolded, "Your uncle, you still let grandpa take care of you. It's a waste of time for nothing. Get up!" He forced the woman away.

It's also to blame that this woman was also shocked by the two strong men Qin Zhong. Unexpectedly, she couldn't think of calling the police, so she jumped down from ** obediently, looked at Qin Zhong with great surprise, and then angrily lifted all her mattresses.

After the woman lifted the mattress, all three people present were stunned. A flat cement surface appeared under the woman's mattress, but a thick layer of black gas was floating on the cement surface. The white lining of the mattress has become blue and black, which is not the usual dirty color, but a kind of yin tide. The feeling.

"Mr. Qin, this bed..."

"There is something wrong with this bed. If I guess correctly, your appearance will be ruined." Because Qin Zhong saw the old face when he came in, the woman could only catch her makeup to make up for the loss.