Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 25 absolutely

Qin Zhong's two knives were shouting in the wind. He wanted to know where the big yellow head was hiding, and the girl just led herself here and completely fell into the plan of the big yellow head.

He knew that if he could get in this time, I'm afraid it would take a lot of effort if he went out. After all, this is a fresh place. For them, this ancient temple full of mountains is the first time. Moreover, the first thing they saw was the Huang's ancestral hall. Who knows if the temples below are It is the ancestral hall of the Huang family, or there are some messy things in the temple.

"Where is that guy? If it doesn't work, I'll call someone and flatten this place." Guo Dafu is always irritable.

Qin Zhong didn't say anything, and he had a lingering lingering heart, because he always suspected that these temples were fake, all of which were illusions created by Huang Datou. This must not be a real temple group. Even if it is true, there is no monk here, it is completely an ancestral community? It doesn't make sense anywhere.

At this moment, the sky is dark, which is not much better than the blind night. A gust of gloomy wind blows from the opposite side, with a strong smell of incense in the wind.

"Do we continue to go? Otherwise, how about going back? Tomoko's heart was a little sudden. He didn't know that he should not continue to stay here. He had never seen such a perverted thing.

Of course, Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu will not be afraid. They have seen a lot of such things, so Qin Zhong just smiled faintly at the friend and said, "You are not afraid of a worse death after going out. If you go with me, there may be a glimmer of life."

"No way, this is not hell. Will we die here?"

"I don't know about this, but have you heard that the temples will be connected, and the first temple you see is their Huang's ancestral hall, which is a little impossible. Compared with their blinding method, the yellow big head doesn't know how to go there to hide."

Youzi nodded, calmed down a little, and whispered, "Well, anyway, it's hard to go out. Then rush in together. Whether he is a ghost or not, let's kill them."

"It's still like that. Rush in." Guo Dafu came to the spirit.

Qin Zhong carefully walked in front of the temple. In the second temple, Qin Zhong went in and walked around, which was also the Huang family's ancestral hall. The third one was also the same. He kept walking down more than a dozen ancestral halls. They actually found that these ancestral halls were Huang's ancestral halls, and there were more and more Huang's plaques in it. Qin Zhong's heart was heart: "His, this What's the eye-catching method? How many people have died in the Huang family? There is no need to set up so many spiritual positions here.

"Mr. Qin, I found a problem. Every time we go to an ancestral hall, the incense burner there is just lit incense, which means that the person who served the incense is in front of us. We might as well catch up with him." Youzi said.

Qin Zhong's face darkened: "Chase!"

The three people ran fast. Although there were absolute visual obstacles, the speed of the three people was really not fast. In desperation, they were worth chasing and scolding, hoping to shout out the yellow head from the scolding.

Unfortunately, no matter how they chased or scolded, all this seemed to have not changed. They didn't see a temple that it was the Huang family's ancestral hall, and the laughter of the yellow head and the sound of ghost crying and wolves came from all directions. It seemed that there were people worshipping in every ancestral hall, only the ancestral hall they went to did not People are inside.

Qin Zhong was very surprised by what happened. He had never entered such a maze. Running around is the same. As usual, it was just to find the exit. This time, it was difficult to find the exit, and he couldn't even see a figure. Did we really meet? Master.

"Shouldn't the big yellow head know that it's not our opponent, so he hides in the dark shadow and looks at us?"

"I don't think so. That guy doesn't know what he is preparing, or this is a trap, but the girl shouldn't deceive us. She should know that we have been helping her."

Qin Zhong didn't want to waste time here like this. He opened the ink bottle and whispered, "Bong, you fly far away. Help me find one to come."

"Buzz!" The harsh Weng Ming sounded in the air, and the place where the two wind knives flew over turned into two pieces. I really don't know how powerful these two small bugs are. Perhaps only the steel and iron bones or the huge stone can't be chopped up, and the rest of the things are probably just their targets.

A smooth road appeared in front of Qin Zhong and several people, and they still felt that it was dark at the end of the road.

The consumption of running at high speed made their physical strength suddenly go down. Before long, Youzi's physical strength was a little unsistful. Guo Dafu was a man with a donkey with a tail, so he was like Qin Zhong. His physical strength was definitely not a problem, but the two wind knives did not seem to stop. I don't know these two bugs. Take them somewhere.

Running all the way through several ancestral halls, they didn't even look at them, and they have run all the external influences out.

Guo Dafu smiled secretly and said, " boss, that ancestral hall can no longer deceive us."

"But when can we run to the end? Are we going to run like this? Then can we still see the future?"

"You two slow down. I can't run anymore. Wait for me." Youzi shouted bitterly.

The two insects suddenly stopped and suddenly turned around. There seemed to be a little sad mood in Weng Ming's voice.

Qin Zhong and the three of them were dumbfounded at first sight. What's the situation? They want to run back again.

"What's wrong with the boss?" Guo Dafu has not found anything opposite them.

Qin Zhong said bitterly, "There are three dogs opposite. You should have seen that dog."

"Dog in prison?"

"You smell it!"

Qin Zhong said and smelled it gently. The strong smell and the corpse rolled in sourly. This was not the first time they had seen such a smell, so when the smell appeared, Qin Zhong had already felt a very ominous feeling.

"It's just a few broken dogs. Why don't we kill them?"

"Your uncle's here is a natural maze, and it's smoky here. Who knows what's going on with this dog? Let's deal with our destination first." Qin Zhong ran, and the steel knife in his hand had flashed a green light.

In the ancestral temples all over the mountains, Qin Zhong and the three have been forced into a desperate situation, and the voice of the big yellow head has never been heard.

Youzi's physical strength is gradually exhausted, and his pale face has proved that he can no longer escape with Qin Zhong.

"Kill!" Qin Zhong suddenly stopped and split his two knives in his hand. His convulsive behavior made Guo Dafu and Youzi feel quite uncomfortable. Before they could realize what was going on, they saw that Qin Zhong's double knives had split a black dog behind him into two pieces.

"If you don't do it, we can escape five ways if you don't do it again." As soon as Qin Zhong's voice fell, two wind knives floated from the air, cutting off the body of a dog horizontally. The other dog also barked in a hurry and was about to turn around and leave. Guo Dafu's * was already in place.

"Death!" Guo Dafu had a strange and hateful voice, and the knife was on the dog's head and split the dog in half.

Qin Zhong took a long breath: "Run back. I think there is anything else that can stop us this time."

" boss, why didn't we kill these three dogs at the beginning?"

"This is Huang Datou's plan. I guess their people have come to us. The purpose of the three dogs coming out is to drive us back." Qin Zhong said and took the lead and ran back.

Youzi was exhausted and his legs were weak. He grabbed Guo Dafu and said, "Brother, take me to run. I can't run."

"If you can't run, you have to run. Can't you die?" Guo Dafu asked.

Qin Zhong smiled, put away his two knives, and a dark shadow spread out and went straight down the mountain.

It didn't take long to rush out of the woods. They finally saw the road when they came, but on the highway, the girl held a doll in her hand and squatted on the side of the road and cried. When Qin Zhong and the three looked back at the mountain again, the scene on the mountain really made them dumbfounded.