Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 30 Blood Soul

Qin Zhong's words have touched many feng shui gentlemen around him. Although many of them have died, it was because things came too suddenly. The rest of the safe people closed the door to avoid for a long time. Later, a swarm of bees rushed out. What charms, statues, mahogany swords, and all kinds of ghost fighting instruments should All of them came to Qin Zhong's side.

"We were moved by you, so we decided to fight with them to the end."

"It's up to you? Get back quickly and don't come out to die." Qin Zhong opened his mouth and scolded.

The person who came out had a black face and looked at the other party's ghosts. Finally, he had to take back his room obediently and did not dare to move.

Qin Zhong's face was low and smiled at the ghosts in front of him: "You guys, come here!"

Seeing that Qin Zhong was so arrogant, several ghost faces on the opposite side actually put on a different look. One of the ghosts opened his teeth and claws, grinned and leaked the yellow teeth, and moaned in a low voice: "Little human beings, our enemy, kill you."

Qin Zhong didn't know well. His two knives flew, and the green light was facing him. The knife light showed off crazily in the air, splitting the rushing ghost into two pieces. This action also shocked more than a dozen ghosts of the other party out of seconds.

"Hahaha, come on, you hairy little guys rush over and see how Grandpa steps on you." Guo Dafu shouted. A few little ghosts rushed quickly. As soon as he arrived beside Guo Dafu, he was cut down by a knife. His feet suddenly stepped on the guy's face crazily and said, "Step on you to death, son of a bitch, because how many people have died!"

Just after Qin Zhong easily put down the two ghosts who rushed over, the remaining ghosts pulled out one by one, and their faces flowed thick yellow water, and the corners of their mouth trembled crazily. They seemed to rush over, but they were a little hesitant.

Qin Zhong sneered and said, "Come on, come together and see if I can clean you up together. After cleaning up, I'm going home to sleep."

"You!" The originally rampant face of a ghost head gradually became extremely stiff: "Roar!" The ghost door roared.

"Big boss, let's rush over and take them back to bed." Guo Dafu is anxious.

But just here, a thick red smoke gradually came behind these ghosts, and the old wall clock in the Justice Hall made a sound.

"It's twelve o'clock. I'm afraid something will happen. We can't rush there recklessly. Look at the fog coming from the opposite side. There's something wrong."

Looking at the ghosts on the opposite side, most of them were possessed or not completely dead. The two people whom Qin Zhong cut down just now were completely eroded, but they did not die. Even if these people survived, they were just puppets with no IQ.

"Rich smoke, red, how can there be a kind of smoke..." Guo Dafu was about to speak when Qin Zhong gagged his mouth.

"Don't talk, that smoke is poisonous!" After saying that, Qin Zhong blocked his mouth and nose, and then tore down a wisp of cloth to cover his face: "Try to defeat the enemy with one blow and reduce the waste of physical strength. The fog floating should be the thick fog of the dead soul flower. It always feels wrong. It turns out that that the guy went to find the dead soul flower, okay!"

" boss, what should we do next?"

"Normal, but pay attention to the timing. Compared with the blood smoke before it condenses into the yellow-headed soul body, these ghosts will not move. Even if he moves, we can easily split them." Qin Zhong said.

Guo Dafu nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll wait for them to come together."

Looking at the red smoke in the sky gradually becoming stronger, not only that, but also a face appeared in the thick fog, with a round head and a bare head.

"Big yellow head!" Qin Zhong sighed secretly, what on earth did this guy do? Unexpectedly, there was such a strong blood. Isn't this to condense the soul of blood?

Guo Dafu looked aside, and he couldn't help feeling unhappy. In an instant, he seemed to feel a sudden pressure.

Qin Zhong slowly stepped back: "Big rich, be careful, this guy actually wants to condense the soul of blood."

"Blood Soul?"

"Yes, the soul of blood is the soul of the deceased. Within seven or 49 days, he will find a poisonous plant, such as the dead soul flower. If he goes back, he will find seventy-49 people to donate blood for him. For example, now, every time he receives a person's blood, he will swell. Every time he expands, his ability is It will rise a lot, and the person who has been sucked dry blood, coupled with the obstruction of a few ghosts, will become what these people are now, but the appearance of these people should not have been sucked dry.

"What would he look like after sucking up the blood of seventy-seven and forty-nine people?" Guo Dafu asked.

Qin Zhong shook his head and said, "Then his blood soul will be completely successful, and a complete blood corpse will appear. This blood corpse was called a demon before. Have you ever heard of the white bone essence?"

"I've heard that it will change!"

"Yes, changing goblins need something sacred to completely kill it." Qin Zhong said.

"Sacred things? Do we have a golden staff?

Qin Zhong smiled faintly and didn't say anything. He pulled Guo Dafu back to the Justice Hall. After all, there was an eight-armed demon king and several Buddha statues in the Justice Hall, which was enough to destroy the blood soul.

"Blood soul is broken? What will happen?"

"Your uncle, why are there so many reasons? Are you 100,000 whys?" Qin Zhong couldn't stand it anymore. At first, he answered smoothly. As soon as he heard Guo Dafu's question, he was unhappy and refused him, which closed the door of the Justice Hall and looked at the blood stain through the window.

But what's more strange is that the blood stains formed are even more terrible. More than a dozen people who were fine just now, except for those who were put down by Qin Zhong, the remaining few people were completely blowns by the blood fog* on that day. A fist-sized hole was opened in the Baihui of that person's head, and the plasma in their heads was straight. He rushed up and was sucked clean by the blood mist.

"Pervert!" Guo Dafu shouted.

Qin Zhong said very calmly, "When he changes, I don't believe that he can demolish all the houses here."

"Removed! Come on, dismantle it and cover it again. I'll see how capable he is.

After more than ten minutes, the dozen people were fine, but at this moment, they were sucked by the blood fog and left with dry skin, wrapped in thin bones inside, and no flesh and blood could be seen at all.

Qin Zhong stretched out a cold sweat on his forehead and said coldly, "Rich, get ready to do it. Bring that guy here. I'd like to see how capable he is, but you must be careful, like this later!" Qin Zhongfu said a few words in Guo Dafu's ear, and then Guo Dafu jumped out of the back window and turned his head to leave.

"Dong Dong!" There was a light knock on the door. Qin Zhong didn't know who was knocking outside the door, but he knew that it must not be the blood soul knocking on the door, because the blood fog was condensing, and it could not be successfully condensing for a moment. However, if Qin Zhong took action at this time, he was afraid it was just a waste of physical strength. Not only could he not kill the yellow blood soul, but also possible Help Huang Datou continue to absorb other people's blood.

Qin Zhong looked down at the door and saw that it was Priniewa with a doll in her hand. He carefully opened the door. The little girl floated into the room and stared at the blood fog in the air. For a moment, she looked panicked and did not move.

"Why are you here?" Qin Zhong asked.

The girl pointed to the doll in her hand, as if she wanted to say something.

"What are you going to say?"

"I want to find my doll!" Qin Zhong was also very different when the girl spoke for the first time.

The girl handed the doll to Qin Zhong: "This doll is handed to you. I'm going to live with you for a few days."

"I'm here? Can you bear it?"

"It's okay. I'm not a ghost. I'm just a child who came back from heaven to find my doll and return it to my sister." The girl said and sat next to Qin Zhong.