Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 50 The Nest of the Child

Qin Zhong's idea is that he is going to use the gloves with iron pieces he brought on the old vine and the cat claws on his safety rope. Even if the old vine is very slippery, it can fully ensure that he can go up quickly. After really climbing to the patio, they will face down the mountain again. No matter what, it is necessary to go up the mountain first.

Youzi and Chen Mu also went up the mountain. The speed of the three was super fast. Although Lao Teng's slippery and laborious, they finally went up the mountain relatively smoothly. However, on the way, Chen Mu fell twice due to limited arm strength and was successfully pulled up by Qin Zhong.

After they reached the top of the mountain, their eyes were suddenly bright and refreshing at a glance.

"Wow, there's really a hole. This is simply a paradise. The hillside here is finally on a gentle slope. Look at that stream!" Chen Mu was very excited that she could go to the top of the mountain and showed a very strange smile on her face in an instant. It was like an environment and a feeling she had been pursuing.

Qin Zhong stared at the opposite mountain. There was a stream trickling down the mountain and poured into the water flowing into the patio. There was a thin layer of fog above the water flow. This fog was blown by the wind, inhaled into the nasal cavity, and suddenly a clear stream poured into the brain. It was simply a magic medicine of the world, which instantly killed Qin Zhong Wait for someone to wash away from exhaustion.

"The divine spring, this is definitely a divine spring. If the fog evaporates from other water, it is absolutely impossible to achieve this effect." Qin Zhong also boiled in an instant, felt a sense of accomplishment, and saw the hope of their trip.

Youzi is deposited in enjoying the peerless fog. He has forgotten to speak and the feeling that he is still bathing in nature.

Qin Zhong's mind instantly sprouted a yearning. He was eager to live here in the future, but this was completely unrealistic. If he lived here, he would face the reality of fighting with those fierce beasts all day long.

He shook his head and sighed, "Let's go to the opposite mountain. I'm afraid it's the place we will eventually go. This trip is too thorny and difficult. For the sake of the name of the rich man, for our hope, we will rush over!"

"Mr. Qin, I can't, I really want to run!"

Looking at Qin Zhong, who had rushed out, a burst of pain appeared on his face. He knew that his physical strength was almost to the limit. After all, Chen Mu still had Qin Zhong's help from time to time, but he was a man anyway. If he couldn't keep up, Qin Zhong would not take so much effort to consider him.

"Hurry up, or I won't have time for you." With that, Qin Zhong had walked to the front of them, and the speed under his feet was super fast. Maybe he saw this long power after seeing hope and rushed directly to the opposite mountain.

Youzi chattered bitterly and couldn't help but have an idea that he shouldn't have come, but in the face of this reality that has kept up, he can no longer complain.

Not long after the three went out, a huge banyan tree suddenly flashed in the forest, and the air roots on the big banyan tree fell to the ground.

"It's strange that this kind of tree should not grow in the mountains in the north. These are all trees in the south. What's going on?" Qin Zhong's face was full of doubts.

Youzi also scratched his head, and only Chen Mu seemed to say unintentionally, "This may be a breed grown in the north, or it may have been transplanted by someone."

"It's simple. It's more difficult to transplant it. Besides, the climate here is not suitable for this tree to survive at all." Tomoko said.

Qin Zhong gradually approached the big tree, looked up at the crown of the big tree, and remembered it in his eyes: "Yes, it should have been transplanted."

Who? It's hard for people to come in here. We're not very desperate. I'm afraid we're also looking for a living under the patio now. Youzi finally complained.

Qin Zhong saw that Youzi was a little dissatisfied. He pointed to the big tree and said, "You see, it's absolutely not a person here to put the tree here to grow. That's impossible. If it's them, it's possible. After all, these creatures are definitely not ordinary creatures."


"Look at the canopy, you can see that huge nest. From time to time, you have never seen or heard of it." Qin Zhong pointed to his friend.

Youzi and Chen Mu looked up, and suddenly they were stunned.

"My God, how big is the bird there in such a big bird's nest?" Tomoko sighed.

Qin Zhong shook his head: "I don't know about this, but I feel that such a big bird's nest is a place to hatch eggs."

"That doesn't have to be such a big place?"

"Anyway, we'd better not disturb them. We must be absolutely unable to provoke such a big bird." Qin Zhong said that he was about to walk through the air roots of the banyan tree.

Before he walked a few steps, he suddenly felt a dark shadow falling from the top of the tree and fell on Qin Zhong's body. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his shoulder. He reached out and touched it, and it was actually a round thing.

"Mr. Qin, you won the prize. This is a big bird egg."

"Such a big bird egg, Qin Zhong, didn't you feel pain when he hit you from above?" Chen Mu asked.

Qin Zhong user rubbed his shoulder and said: "It's fake that it doesn't hurt, but such a big bird egg seems to be much bigger than a vulture. What is this?" This bird egg alone made Qin Zhong instantly think that something was wrong. He looked up at the nest on the canopy of the tree: "Damn you, if I don't go up, you can come down by yourself, huh!" He was entangled. After thinking for a long time, he threw the Dan in his hand to his friend. He jumped high and grabbed the air root of the banyan tree with one hand. His feet were already on the tree and climbed to the canopy a few times.

Looking at the bird's nest half the size of a basketball court, a bad feeling instantly came to his mind. This is the place for birds. If the mother bird comes back, not to mention the three of them, 30 may not be the bird's opponents. He looked at the sky through the dense leaves. There seemed to be no special situation in the air, so he made a decision and was ready to go into the nest to see what was going on.

After stepping into the huge nest with his feet, he visited it privately and found that there were more than a dozen huge bird eggs in the nest.

"Qin Zhong, what's up there?" Chen Mu shouted loudly.

Youzi is also curious. He also wants to know what's on it: "Are there any birds on it?"

"No, there are still more than a dozen bird eggs here. I think we'd better return the bird egg to the mother bird. I'll put the rope down, you tie the bird eggs and I'll pull them up." Qin Zhong said and put down his safety rope. After Youzi and Chen Mu tied the bird's egg, Qin Zhong began to slowly pull up. In a few minutes, the huge bird egg was pulled to the bird's nest by Qin Zhong. He stood in the bird's nest and looked around, and then found that there was nothing in the whole bird's nest. There is a place to put down this egg again.

"It's strange that why this bird egg can't be put down here? Is it because this bird egg takes up space? Where is the big bird?" Qin Zhong was making a calculation in his heart, and then he found that there were a lot of beast corpses in the bird's nest, including the same family of the gorilla.

In the huge nest, the bodies of so many beasts, is that the food of a big bird? He couldn't help but have such an idea. While Qin Zhong was thinking, suddenly there was a scream from the depths of the dense forest. The sound was empty and magnificent, and it was definitely a super shock, which made Qin Zhong standing in the huge nest tremble all over, including Chen Mu and his friends standing under the tree. Both of them trembled and didn't know what to do.

Qin Zhong's forehead sweated coldly: "Bad dish, this may be a big bird." He threw the egg in his hand and slid down quickly according to the original road, but now it was too late. A huge dark shadow from the air, like a large dark cloud, told him to fall. When the shadow approached the big banyan tree, Qin Zhong only felt the trunk shaking violently, the huge nest trembled violently, and the leaves fell like rain.

"Hide quickly. This big bird is back. It doesn't know our intentions and is afraid it will attack us." Qin Zhong shouted and continued to go down the tree quickly, two or three meters away from the ground. He flew down and landed in an instant, pulling Chen Mu and friends to rely on the tree hole formed by the air roots of the big banyan tree.

Youzi's mouth trembling: "Mr. Qin, what should we do? I'm afraid we can't escape this time. With such a big bird, our knife on his body is nothing more than a burr. I'm afraid we're going to fold here."

What are you afraid of? Hasn't he attacked us yet?"

"Qin Zhong, if the attack is over, shall we run first?"

Qin Zhong frowned: "Run? Where can we run and fly? Nonsense?"

"Wow!" This cry resounded in the huge nest. When Qin Zhong stared at it, what appeared in his eyes was actually a giant bird about ten meters in size. It poked red hair on the top of its head, and its feathers were like steel sheets. It was glued a little wet by the thin fog. Under the sunlight, it looked particularly crystal clear and looked It shines even more brightly.

The big bird probe looked at Qin Zhong. After a few glances, he suddenly jumped up, passed through the huge banyan tree, and rushed to the three Qin Zhong. The two huge claws were opened and grabbed Qin Zhong. Before the claws touched Qin Zhong, there was already a strong murderous spirit approaching Qin Zhong's body.

Can Qin Zhong and the other three escape in front of such a terrible big bird? Cheer for them!