Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 58 Mother of Insect

At the door of the huge cave, Qin Zhong's father grabbed Qin Zhong, but the sentence from his mouth was a little abnormal, which made Qin Zhong think of what he said at the beginning. After all, this bug should have a certain ability to control illusions.

"Thank you very much for the gift of such a big amusement park. If he hadn't found it, we wouldn't have had a chance to come here. Look how good the soil here is."

Qin Zhong's face became darker and darker. He saw that the bug on his father's head was eating his father's flesh and blood, and was drilling into Qin Zhong's father's head with two sharp pliers protruding in front of the worm.

"Your uncle!" Qin Zhong cursed. He reached out and pulled off the bug above his father's head and pulled it into two or three knots in his hand.

Chen Mu was dazzled when he saw it. After all, there was a trace of whisper from the mouths of those insects echoing in his ears.

"Papa!" Qin Zhong's two big mouths hit Chen Mu's face, which woke Chen Mu up from the edge of psychedelic.

As soon as the bug on Qin Zhong's father's head fell, he woke up from his hallucination and felt that what he had just done seemed to be a little off, and his face darkened: "His uncle, it doesn't seem to be such a few simple bugs here. On the contrary, it should be more powerful creatures that appear here."

"What? Stronger creatures?" Qin Zhong looked frightened: "These little bugs are deadly enough. Just lying on their bodies will make them hallucinate. If the more powerful creatures want us to sink the ship with this?"

Youzi was a little frightened. He pressed his machete with one hand and said tremblingly, "That means we don't have a chance to leave here again?"

While the three were talking, because Qin Zhong had just broken a bug, the other bugs in the wormhole should have felt that their partners had been killed. More than a dozen bugs rushed out of the hole crazily and rushed straight to Qin Zhong.

A rustling sound made Qin Zhong's eardrums begin to agitate from time to time. The sound entered the ears and stimulated the hearts of several people. From their eardrums, a lot of panic and panic slowly rose from their hearts, which began to shroud in the minds of several people. Gradually, Qin Zhong only felt in front of him. For a moment, there was a blank, as if I had been controlled by something.

These insects are so fast that they have soon filled Qin Zhong's bodies, and several insects have even penetrated into your flesh and blood.

"What's wrong with me? My hands and feet don't work."

At this time, Youzi was too scared, so he kept retreating. Seeing the bugs coming to him, he desperately raised his knife to meet them, thus cutting off the bodies of many bugs.

"Qin Zhong, Mr. Qin, wake up, I can't stand it." Not to mention, Youzi's shout really woke up Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong shook his head violently, turned around and slapped Chen Mu's face again. His father still fell to the ground, and his forehead just hit the stone and woke up.

These people escaped this hallucination attack, and then they each took their own hands and attacked these insects crazily. Before long, the insects that rushed out were trampled under Qin Zhong and became part of the soil here.

"Kka!" Two joint-like things were ringing crazily. Not only that, a few big feet crawled out of the hole. When Qin Zhong looked up again, several insects the size of a human rushed out this time.

"Run, we can't beat these." Qin Zhong pulled up his father, pushed Chen Mu and ran back.

Several people rushed out for at least dozens of meters. Only then did they find that after the bugs came out, they were drilling into the ground crazily, as if they were loosening the soil again. They only felt that their feet began to tremble, and most of the soil was constantly breaking. Gradually, the soil gradually turned into super-large balls, forming a A huge rock ball.

In an instant, Qin Zhong and others only felt the shaking of the mountain, and the Xinghe River was about to fall. The huge rock rolled down from the hillside and rushed to Qin Zhong and others.

The four people sweated coldly and rolled into the woods on both sides of the road. In an instant, several rows of ancient trees on both sides of the road were ruthlessly broken. A deep ditch flowed down the road, leading directly to the deep ditch in the front.

"It's so dangerous. What is this bug going to do?" Qin Zhong asked.

Youzi's face turned pale and pointed to the huge hole on the slope tremblingly: "That hole is like the patio when we came, this..."

"What?" Qin Zhong's father also panicked, because he had not seen such a thing since he came here. This was the first time he saw the strange shock of the cave that was abruptly buckled by insects. Thousands of bugs crawled out of the cave, and then suddenly stretched out two huge tentacles from the patio and put them on the cave. On the side, the insects suddenly surged up like a burst of pulp, as if a mountain rose from the hole.

The earth was trembling, and the human-sized insects that began to dig holes were still separated, lying on the ground seemingly very subduous.

"Ah!" Chen Mu wanted to shout, but he still stopped. He covered his mouth with one hand, and the cold sweat on his forehead fell like a raindrop.

Qin Zhong sighed and said, "What is this? Is it so big?"

An elephant can be dozens of tons. The thing that crawls out in front of you is no smaller than an elephant from the surface, but the shock of the moment he unearthed is definitely not what ordinary underground creatures can do. This powerful impact makes the mountains shake here.

Qin Zhong held his breath in this swaying environment: "Don't panic first. If we run, we will definitely not be able to run away from them. If we don't run, we can't escape."

"What should I do?" Youzi's eyes have protruded in half, and his heart has reached a peak in horror.

Qin Zhongsheng said, "Don't move, let's see what he wants to do?"

The huge body suddenly stretched out six big feet from the hole and stood on the ground, which slowly walked towards Qin Zhong's side. It looked like a proud face. On the huge face, two eyes rolled back and forth, staring at Qin Zhong's side. The two huge insect pliers made the passing by The ancient tree broke its waist one by one. When Qin Zhong was here, two huge tentacles poked towards them and landed on the ground, a large deep pit.

"Withdraw quickly." Qin Zhong and others were about to move when the two tentacles had formed a huge dark shadow above their heads, and the tentacles had gradually landed and sank beside them.

"Go to hell!" Tomoko was a little excited. He was ready to make the final struggle. The atmosphere at the scene was too amazing. A huge ancient ant queen and several human-sized ants behind him were enough to make Tomoko lose confidence in life.

After Tomoko's machete landed crazily on the huge tentacles, forming several deep trace gullies, the huge and terrible queen worm pliers cut off a huge rock section in front of Tomoko.

"Cut, I'll cut!" Youzi didn't know how much strength she used. Her body had been soaked in sweat, mostly cold sweat caused by fear. After his machete split randomly, the tentacles of the queen of the ant suddenly shrank back, making burstsqueaks, shocking the mountains and forests around the front and back.

Qin Zhong's father frowned and said, "Daunt, this is not fun. The attack of this ant queen can destroy all the creatures in this mountain range."

"If you fight, you will die. If you don't fight, you will die. It's better to fight with him." Chen Mu, a girl, also said such a thing.

The corners of Qin Zhong's mouth were slightly upturned: "We have come to this point. Anyway, since we came into contact with these strange things, this is the first time we have seen such a crisis, so let's fight. Whether we live or die depends on our creation and kill it."

"No, illusion...illusion!" Qin Zhong's father suddenly seemed to remember something, because he saw that the friend's body was still squatting and trembling beside him, without any movement, and the huge cave seemed to be intermittent.

Qin Zhong remembered what his father said to him at the beginning: "Illusion, it's also hallucinations. Isn't this the trick made by the Easterners who have always existed at the beginning?"

"Do you also know? No, we have been tricked."

"You can't run. Come with me. Let's slap ourselves in the face and see if we can wake ourselves up." Qin Zhong tried and saw that the huge tentacles had hit him like a dark cloud, and Qin Zhong's hands had already hit his face.

However, the huge tentacles have overturned the towering ancient trees immediately, and the huge leaves falling from the sky have fallen on the bodies of Qin Zhong and several people. Not long, those ancient leaves have buried Qin Zhong and others deep here.

"Papa!" Several people have been hit dozens of times in the face. Chen Mu was hit by Qin Zhong's palm wind several times at the beginning. This time he also used his strength. At this time, his face had been beaten purple, and the corners of his mouth were faintly painful.

Suddenly, the ground shook and the rocks flew wildly. I only felt that the whole volcano was about to burst, and a huge crack appeared from the huge hole just now.

"Fight me, don't care how these things create momentum, ignore him, even if you see some blood stains on us, don't panic, just stay here."

"My foot is broken and it hurts!" With Chen Mu's scream, Qin Zhong seemed to be a little suspicious of his speculation.