Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 60 Peerless Spring

Seeing the dawn in front of him, Qin Zhong also became refreshed in an instant. He stretched out one of his hands, stretched out a pair of fingers, and waved a winning hand shape.

Chen Mu took a long breath, and Qin Zhong's father slowly let go of his hand, leaned against Qin Zhong, and said, "In front of you is the cave of the bugs. Grab a few bugs to borrow their shells. Presumably, you will be able to maintain the basic performance of the divine spring after going back."

"It's better to be like this, Dafu. As a big brother, I will definitely bring you back the divine spring. I hope you can really get well." Qin Zhong said, pulled out his steel knife, turned around and picked out a handful of worms from the cave. After turning out the shells of these insects, he cut them out little by little with a knife. He saw that each worm's shell seemed to have a life swimming in it. After each insect bee broke it with his hand, he found that the insect bee seemed to be free. What reaction.

"It's really hard, awesome, what kind of bug is this?" Youzi and Chen Mu also rushed over.

A smile piled up on Qin Zhong's father's face: "You look at the bodies of some insects, which are as soft as water and as smooth as silk."

"Is it a divine insect left in ancient times?"

"They are not divine insects. At present, they have evolved into fireflies. These are the ancestors of fireflies."

When Qin Zhong heard this, he felt that his father seemed to be deceiving himself. It is really puzzling that such a big bug can evolve into a firefly in the future.

"No matter how much it is, let's burn the shells of these bugs, refine them into powder, and then shape them, and then we can take them back." Qin Zhong's father said, so he picked up a few long dry branches, set them up and set them up to burn a pile of fire, filled some water with a broken tile jar, smashed them with a wooden stick, and put them back on the fire and slowly burned up.

In less than half an hour, the water splashed, and the powder of the insect beetle slowly floated up and gradually concentrated. After that, he slowly stirred it with a wooden stick, and the worm powder turned into a paste.

After Qin Zhong's father removed the fire, he poured out the excess water inside, and then smeared these gelatinous worm powder on the inner wall of the tile pot and waited for him to dry.

In less than ten minutes, the crock was smashed by Qin Zhong's father. Looking back, Qin Zhong saw a transparent container appeared in the broken crock. It didn't look glass, but there seemed to be some white breath in the transparent container.

"What is this?"

"This is the essence of those worm shells. These things can withstand all kinds of pressure, because these are the relics left by their ancestors. This is all the essence of their worm species, and it is also the essence that a worm relies on from birth to death." Qin Zhong's father explained this.

I don't know if it's true, but Qin Zhong knows that these things always have some credibility, which sounds very reasonable.

Chen Mu gently flicked the football-sized container with his hand and couldn't help admiring when he saw the two handle-like things above: "Uncle Qin, you can actually make such a level. You are simply a first-class builder, but these two handles can be tied with a rope and put your back behind you."

"Yes, that's how I designed it. The broken tile pot is also in this shape. Do you know how much effort I spent to find these tile pots at that time?" As he said this, he turned around and handed over the container to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong looked up at the place where the divine spring came out of the top of the mountain and couldn't help trembling: "The divine spring, the peerless divine spring, I can finally find you." Looking back, he smiled faintly and shook his head: "The volcanic sulfur water from ancient times is interesting."

A breeze passed by, and there was an additional figure on the cliff of the volcanic rock. A steel knife was inserted into the crack of the rock. A powerful hand tried to grasp a stone that seemed to be about to slip. This was just borrowing strength. In an instant, the figure took a big step up.

The three people standing at the foot of the mountain sweated and kept praying in their hearts, hoping that the people who went up the mountain could come back smoothly.

Half an hour later, the figure still stood at the crater, waved down and put down a rope. After all, it is easy to go up the mountain here, and it is difficult to climb up. If you go down the mountain, I'm afraid it will slip, so you must use the power of the rope to slide down.

Qin Zhong, standing on the top of the mountain, looked around and saw a quiet puera. At the bottom of the puera, you could clearly see rolling bubbles at the bottom of the water. The blisters kept surging up and overturned to the surface of the water. The gas emitted made people feel extremely clear, which can be said to be awake. The brain can make people feel a feeling of floating.

Qin Zhong slowly bent down and wanted to test the water in the depression with his own hand, but after his hand was just a little distance from the surface of the water, he suddenly felt a strange energy stimulating his heart and lungs. Suddenly, he sweated coldly on his forehead and suddenly felt a super heat wave from the water. It is used to fly straight to the bottom of the mountain.

Qin Zhong's whole body soared into the air and had left the land of the top of the mountain. His body was still floating outside the cliff. He immediately grabbed the safety lock with his hand, and his body swayed back and forth in the air, and had fallen more than ten meters.

"Qin Zhong!"

"Mr. Qin."

"Xiao Zhong!"

The three people at the foot of the mountain shouted in shock, and their foreheads sweated coldly.

Qin Zhong gritted his teeth, grabbed the rope, held his breath, and rushed to the top of the mountain again desperately. The divine spring he was about to get could not give up like this. It was a little too much to say.

"Don't worry, it's okay. I was pushed by the heat just now. It's really a volcano. Just be careful this time."

Hearing Qin Zhong say this, the three people at the foot of the mountain eased. Within a few minutes, Qin Zhong climbed to the top of the mountain again. Seeing that the water in the depression had boiled and the rolling heat wave kept rushing towards Qin Zhong, he had to be more careful. He tightened the safety rope again, and then carefully approached the water. When he approached the water again, there was already a super pressure on the surface of his body. Li actually made him feel like he was in the sauna in an instant.

"Daes, this is a volcano. I have to hurry up, otherwise the water here is really crazy. I'm afraid it will make me feel very uneasy and my life is likely to be in danger." Qin Zhong said to himself that he had guessed that the water here was likely to put him in danger and unable to extricate himself.

Qin Zhong tied the container with a rope, shook it a few times in his hand, threw it out, and fell directly into the water. After he saw the container sink into the water, he slowly pulled the rope back. Before long, the container was pulled back by him and twisted the lid. He carried the rope on his body and looked back at the water depression. When he saw a thick white wave in the water depression, pushing Qin Zhong's body to hang in the air again, and the rope tied to his body formed a beautiful arc in the air.

The free fall really made the three people at the foot of the mountain panic. Seeing Qin Zhong fall like a floating object from a few hundred meters of cliff, their hearts were about to jump out of their mouths.

Qin Zhong's father opened his mouth and shouted, "Old boy, hold on and grab the rope!"

Qin Zhong's hand was fast. While falling, it was dark in front of him. Because after the white wave hit him, it still hit his artery, making him faint for a short time. Just dozens of meters away from the ground, Qin Zhong was awakened by a stone. Only then did he recover and his one arm would be safe. The rope was wrapped twice, and the whole body rotated in mid-air as the safety rope slowly landed.

After Qin Zhong landed, the three people standing below helped Qin Zhong and saw that the divine spring in the container behind him was still boiling. Now Qin Zhong's father's heart bottomed out: "You uncle, you have to scare your father to death. Fortunately, this container is powerful, otherwise you will die."

"Isn't I good, but I just thought of a question. Can I take a little bit of this divine spring into this container?"

"If possible, we need to catch a few bugs, make a spoon, and then use it to put out the water inside." Qin Zhong's father didn't know what he meant and asked again, "You haven't gone back yet. Why are you in a hurry to get water?"

"When I came, I promised a gorilla. I decided to help him get some water. He was also bitten and pinched by several evil spirits after falling from the top of the mountain. I think he had to use the so-called peerless spring, sulfur water to save his life." Qin Zhongyi said, making his father sweat coldly.

"A gorilla?"

"Yes, you can't just keep your promises. You must keep your promises when dealing with animals, especially animals in ancient times, otherwise, how can we get along when we come back here?"

Qin Zhong's words shocked several people in a cold sweat. Seeing that Qin Zhong's body had no other scars except a few bruises, these people calmed down.

"Let's go back. After decades, we are finally going back."

"Go back to recruit Hu Dajun. These little devils are simply shameless. At worst, I will go to the island country again and flatten their so-called shrines." Qin Zhong's face is not very good-looking, and this decision will definitely be realized.

Several people rushed back according to the route when Qin Zhong came. When they passed by the long-haired savage, they found the two crazy people. Qin Zhong's father actually started a business with them. When talking about going back, the two weirdos actually decided to stay here and never return to normal life again. Among them, because they are used to the life here.

Just as they were about to part, a black figure disappeared in front of Qin Zhong and others and ran to the way they came.