Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 71 revealing

Seeing that Qin Zhongyue was eager to try, Qin Zhong's father looked entangled: "You really can't relax at this time, but I'm afraid that Xiaozhong will encounter danger if you go up. You know, our opponents in recent years have been secretly competing with us. If he really shows up this time, I believe that our efforts in the past decades will It's time to see the dawn."

"Okay, since everyone agrees with me to go up like this, we definitely have a way to expose those people." Qin Zhong said, straightened his clothes, looked back at the brothers who followed him, and went upstairs directly. When Qin Zhong changed his identity to another name and showed his ID card, Qin Zhong smiled faintly and said, "I'm a staff here. I'm going to find the person who came a few days ago."

The security guard pushed his eyes and rolled his eyes: "This doesn't work. We can't enter people casually now. No matter who it is, as long as there is no red-headed document on it, no one can enter or out."

"Well, so everyone here eats and lives here?"

"Yes, even if you stand here for a few minutes, I have the right to kick you out." The security guard's words were very serious.

Qin Zhong's face sank slightly, took out a package from his pocket and gently put it in front of the security guard: "I think you can take this thing. If it still doesn't work, you see..."

"I think it's time to coax you out and bribe law enforcement officers in public. Don't look at us security guards. We are all staff members of the country. If you are rude to me, I can sue you for maliciously attacking law enforcement officers."

"Is that right? What if I don't want my life?" Qin Zhong laughed in an instant and pointed to the things in the package: "If I bribe you, you can tell others about this thing."

"Hmm!" The security guard pulled open the plastic bag, and a round black jar leaked out, with a yellow seal on top of the jar, and a strange charm was painted with cinnabar.

Looking at the security guard's face again, his face turned pale in an instant, and the elder of Xiabara said: "You..."

"I passed by this morning and saw that you are gloomy here. I always feel that you have ghosts here. If I guess correctly, in less than three days, someone here will definitely die one after another." Qin Zhong picked up the black mud jar and smiled, "This is the ghost's thing. If you don't believe it, I can leave immediately."

"What? Don't suff me, I don't believe in evil. If you enter here today, I will be rude. The security guard was a little timid. The baton in his hand had been swayed high. At this time, a man ran down from the second floor here crazily.

The person who came down rushed directly to the security guard and said in a trance, "Brother, someone on the second floor, someone on the second floor is crazy and said he was going to kill someone."

Qin Zhong didn't talk much. His face was very relaxed and looked at the security guard's upper and lower teeth constantly trembling. He looked back at Qin Zhong and looked down at the muscles on the face of the mud jar and suddenly twitched: "Wait a minute, I'll call us immediately." When he just picked up the phone, he suddenly found that the phone had turned into a huge toad and was crying at the security guard with his mouth open.

"Ah!" The security guard sat on the ground and pointed to the toad with trembling hands: "What's going on?"

"I told you that you are not clean here. Do you want me to go up?"

"Call, call!" The security guard went crazy and rushed out of the door and called several brothers patrolling outside. He immediately picked up his mobile phone and called. Soon the phone was called, saying that someone would be here in a few minutes.

Qin Zhong was anxious. He knew that this person was not good, which would definitely affect his plan: "At this time, you still don't believe it. I promise that one person will die. If you don't go up to find that fierce ghost, I promise that none of us can escape."

"I...you!" The security guard was speechless.

Suddenly, more than a dozen people rushed down from the second floor and rushed to the gate. Qin Zhong began to be confused when he saw that there were many people. He immediately inserted into the crowd and rushed to the second floor in a few steps. When he arrived at the second floor, he saw that the little devil he saw a few days ago really mutated, and the rotten meat on his body was falling down one by one.

"This is a crazy rhythm. It seems that it is necessary to deal with this matter today, otherwise there will really be no chance." Qin Zhong became secretly nervous.

He pulled out the steel knife in his hand and stepped towards the little devil standing on the window sill at the end of the second floor. He passed through the crazy fleeing crowd, came to the little devil, and gently knocked twice behind him with a steel knife: "Brother, now I give you two ways to go with us, but I let you There is no way to succeed in jumping off a building. You can choose and give you five seconds.

The little devil seemed to understand Qin Zhong's meaning. He turned his head and smiled coldly and competed with his feet. He was about to jump off the window. Qin Zhong was about to grab it with his hand, but his hand did not grab the guy's feet and watched the little devil float down from the second floor. What surprised Qin Zhong was even more than the little ghost After falling, he didn't fall to death. He fell directly on the inflatable mat that was prepared downstairs. The guy seemed to be helped up by a person and walked out.

Qin Zhong frowned and shouted out of the window, "Don't go, stop for me."

At this time, no one listened to Qin Zhong's words. Basically, he was shocked by the attack of this brain waves, so he only cared about running out, and no one was willing to come back.

Qin Zhong quickly rushed down the stairs and waved the steel knife in his hand along the corridor of the building. Whoever stopped him would definitely use a knife to open the security guards in the way. He rushed out of the yard, but when he got outside, he found that there was an empty road. Qin Zhong was extremely annoyed. Is this God deliberately torturing himself? This little devil is likely to be his best harvest this time. If he really got him, then they will Bu's plan is likely to surface, which will add fresher blood to the authenticity of the Northeast archives.

"Xiao Zhong, I just received the formation. Let's go. This is not a place to stay for a long time." The Korean army rushed over.

Qin Zhong asked, "Uncle Han Jun, where is my father?"

"Just now, the bastard pulled a rotten man into the car and ran away quickly. I don't know where they went, but your father chased after them."

"My father chased after him? Great, the effort is finally not in vain. In this way, take me to my father. Qin Zhong said that this office was going in the direction of the car.

Halfway, Han Jun took Qin Zhong to another direction and got into his car. Guo Dafu was also in it. This time, it was really all together.

" boss, I'm really not very comfortable leaving myself at home. It may be the thing I yearn for most to do something with you." Guo Dafu said with a big smile.

Qin Zhong nodded, and then frowned slightly: "Uncle Han Jun, you know where Dad is going. This time you came to help drive, so that we can help Dad when we get there."

"This doesn't work. We still have to meet with the old ghost. If we want to cure the people in the army, we must find a more powerful person, or someone with this right. Let's go. Listen to my arrangement. It's definitely not wrong. If we connect the old ghost, we will go to your father's place."

"Uncle Han, are kidding. If we go late, I'm afraid my father will be dead and cold. Which of those people in the car is Hu Dajun's opponent, plus a few women, isn't it a joke?" Qin Zhong is in a hurry.

Military general Han sighed and said, "I have been with your father for many years. I have believed her. Why don't you believe her? Why don't you go to your father first? It's just because in order to prevent problems with his safety, he may not be found there. If there are many people, he is likely to die without a whole body. "

"This!" Qin Zhong said without saying anything more. The car drove into a deep alley and came up. This person was the old ghost. This time, the old ghost also put on the uniform. I really don't know why he did this, but it seemed that the old ghost looked like a normal person in the uniform.

Qin Zhong was not in the mood to see the new appearance of the old ghost. After a long time, he recovered: "by the way, what's your plan?"

"Don't worry, your father is fine. This time I have fully grasped the guy's every move. I just wait to catch him and take this guy with those little devils. At that time, the country will come forward to deal with this matter. After all, it touches the national law and the most morals of a person. For the simple small part, but this person is enough to recognize this series of supernatural events. This time, he finally arrived at the station. Let's wait for your uncle to be promoted to the throne.

Qin Zhong scratched his head: "Your old boy came here for promotion. Well, don't say I won't give you face today."

A car of people talked and made trouble, and then went into a small forest. In the woods, it seemed that many people were talking. Qin Zhong heard one of the voices clearly. He knew that this was his own father.

"Since you're here, I'll rush in. Let me see what these people want to do." Qin Zhong was crazy, and the people inside were talking about the excitement. Qin Zhong was more familiar with this voice, that is, Hu Dajun. He has always seen Hu Dajun's very refreshing arrangements, but this time he can actually do this, which proves that he has run out of oil. In the end, the batch of files he must have taken away by him seem to be rooted. Ben didn't mean to come back again.