Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 23 The truth and the reason for the great change in appearance ten years ago

The regret master and the Zen master are both arranged by the regretless boss. The regretless master and the regretless boss also have a bad fate. The regretless master owes the regretless boss. The Zen master is a friend of the two. This is another story. More distant things, the people who are so far away that they remember have passed away, and no one remembers the living.

And in Bai Lixuan's tragic story, which is not far away to be forgotten, the truth is as follows:

Ten years ago, someone set up an ambush and captured Mingzhu as a hostage. He coerced the regretless boss not to say it. He coerced the regretless boss to kill Bai Lixuan's family. The regretless boss did not agree. The man cut off Mingzhu's hand and put it in a box and gave it to him. The regretless boss holding his daughter almost collapsed. Pearl's mother died in childbirth when she gave birth to Pearl. No regrets, all the hope and love of the boss are on his daughter. He can't let his daughter have nothing to do!

Under the balance, the unrepentant boss secretly told Bai Lixuan's mother that Mrs. Bai was his sister-in-law and was smart and steady; Mrs. Bai asked the unrepentant boss for three days and used all means to find it, and even the government who should not have gone asked for it.

It's a pity that it's so big and complicated to hide a person; it's so difficult to find a person!

I didn't find the pearl for three days, only the other hand of the pearl.

Bai Lixuan's mother can no longer appease the unrepentant boss. He collapsed. He can't let his daughter have an accident! He can't let his daughter be cut into pieces and sent to him!

He killed Bai Lixuan's father and Bai Lixuan's sister, forcing Bai Lixuan's mother to commit suicide. However, he secretly let Bai Lixuan go and arranged his resurrection, cultivation and revenge.

The unrepentant boss said to Bai Lixuan, "I killed my best friend, forced my sister-in-law to die, and killed their child, a five-year-old child... I paid for my life, I died at the hands of their son, pay for my life."

The regretless boss has been waiting for this day, waiting for Bai Lixuan to revenge, and waiting for the day when he can finally be released.

Boss Bai followed the wandering monk for ten years and practiced hard for ten years. His cultivation has reached the highest level he can achieve - the eighth level of practice. This cultivation is not too high, but with really important experience, experience and tricks, it is enough to stand alone in the Devil Canyon.

The regretless boss entrusted the brothers of Devil Canyon, entrusted the heavy burden of taking care of Mingzhu for a lifetime, and entrusted the almost impossible fate of revenge.

Then, he was relieved and finally relieved!

Junyi asked, "Pearl... okay?"

Big Bai nodded: "Alive."

"Brother Bai should be happy. As long as people live, there is hope when they live!" Junyi said happily, and immediately found that he was wrong. Boss Bai's parents and sister died, the unregulated boss also died, and many innocent people died.

At this moment, it is really not suitable to say, "As long as people live." Because there are too many dead, they should not be damned.

Junyi really doesn't know what to say, or say "as long as the pearl can live"? It doesn't seem right. It seems that we should use these people's lives to save the lives of the pearl.

At this time, everything seems to be wrong...

Bai Lao Avenue: "She has been released. Over the years, she is alive."

"Which turtle bastard did it? I'm going to whip the body!"

Bai Lao Avenue: "I didn't find it out. I can't find it out. It's too clean. I admire this person very much! The regretless father hasn't found it out for ten years. Haha, it's been so many years! In fact, what can I do if I can't find out? I can't kill another person by mistake, can I? Haha, as the girl said, it's good for people to live. Boss Bai grinned and smiled strangely, as if he was very relieved and free, but the indescribable desolate smile was still sad. He said, "Come on, sister, what, the future... brother-in-law! Future brother-in-law! Haha! Let's drink!"

misunderstood by Boss Bai, Junyi and Xuguang no longer argued and drank with him silently.

Big Bai quickly said like chanting scriptures: "Master Zen once said that there are three ways for the world to treat hatred. The first is to hold revenge, which is equivalent to putting a piece of dirt in your heart, and you always live in the pain caused by hatred; the second is to forget hatred as soon as possible and return your peace and happiness, which is equivalent to breaking the dirt and planting flowers on it; the third is to take the initiative to reconcile with the enemy and untie the knot of the other party, which is equivalent to picking flowers and giving flowers. Give it to the right one. If you can do the third one, it is not far from the realm of saints.

He often recites these words and recites them every time he is burned crazy by hatred.

Wine, drunk from noon to night.

This night, the wine is good, the food is good, and the people are good.

Only the story is not good.

I was drunk this night.


Pushing away Boss Bai's men who came to help, and the staggering Junyi and Xuguang personally sent Boss Bai to his room and covered him on the quilt.

Hmm... Junyi said that he was not drunk, and thought with his brain very calmly, and said to Xuguang, "Well... it's not his toes! I... I use my extremely smart and precious brain to tell you: People should be covered with quilts, because quilts will be cold!"

Well, you are drunk.

Xuguang staggered and dragged Junyi to the cliff to blow the wind. This journey was not easy, and Junyi never stopped making noise.

"Didn't you ask me why my appearance changed so much, that... changed into a zombie? Tell you! Me! Me! I have transformed my cultivation! Wow! Wow! Am I awesome? Am I crazy? Unexpectedly, right? I didn't expect that I would do such a crazy thing! Crazy, right? Wow~~~~I'm crazy~~~wow~~~"

Junyi shouted to the opposite side of the cliff, and there were echoes on the other side of the cliff, "I'm crazy~~~wow~~~I'm crazy~~~wow~~~"

It's really an extremely crazy thing to remove cultivation. This is not a matter of washing attributes in computer games. It's easy to wash and play. Anyway, even washing attributes in computer games is not a matter of casually washing and playing!!

Junyi began to practice by taking elixir when he was bought by his master. He didn't learn to speak and learned to medit first. From the age of four to the wedding day, he practiced in the quiet room every day for nearly 13 years, 12 hours a day, 365 days a year, without interruption, never on Saturday and Sunday. , there are never holidays, including Spring Festival, birthdays, and all holidays;

You can count the days that have not been practicing for nearly 13 years with one hand. Occasionally, after going out to see the world and coming back, you have to stay up late to make up for the time. Cold and fever should also persist. People who cultivate immortals are not easy to get sick. Junyi delayed a practice because of illness when he was a child. Because he was too boring and lazy, he was beaten by his master and had a serious illness, which was delayed for three and a half days. The rest was not delayed. The practice time delayed by illness was later scattered in other days.

After being abandoned on the wedding day, I smashed things for half a night and cried until dawn. I didn't go to practice the next day. On the third day, I resumed practicing. A week later, I began to take on various tasks to kill monsters and began to walk around the foot of the mountain. I no longer stayed in the sad place day and night, but no matter whether Tired and painful, I still insist on mediting for more than eight hours a day.

Junyi's spiritual root is not bad, and it is not good. Ordinary practitioners with ordinary qualifications are all so hard to achieve their achievements. This is the way to cultivate immortals of practitioners with ordinary qualifications, ordinary birth and ordinary luck. There is no other way. Such a practice of loneliness and patience day and night is not going away.

Decomification of cultivation is one of the punishment methods of the sect, which is only one level lower than the punishment than the death. Only if you commit absolutely unforgivable serious crimes will you be transformed into cultivation. For example, Article 102 of the Family Rules of the Xiaoyao School: [The crime of betraying the sect] Those who collude with other sects and endanger the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of the Xiaoyao faction will be sentenced to life imprisonment. Prohibit or abandon cultivation.

Article 115 of the regulations of Xiaoyao School [the crime of arson, the crime of watershed, the crime of explosion, the crime of putting dangerous substances, the crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means] Fire, water bursting, explosion, and the release of toxic, infectious disease pathogens and other substances or other dangerous methods to cause serious injury, death or public and private property If he suffers heavy losses, he shall be abolished or sentenced to death.

Junyi did not violate the rules of the door. Maybe she can only say that she is crazy. Only when a practicer is crazy can he treat himself with such a heavy criminal law.

Xuguang asked, "What the hell happened?! Why did you do this?"

Junyi tilted his head and said puzzled, "What happened? ...Didn't I tell you? I changed my cultivation, first one weight, and then one weight, wow! I'm crazy..."

Xuguang frowned and grabbed Junyi swaying back and forth, and asked, "I'm asking you, why did you do this?" What the hell happened?"

"Why?" Junyi didn't understand, "Didn't you say that you have transformed the cultivation, um... It's just that you don't want the previous practice... That's... Ah... There are no words. Forget it. I won't tell you. You're drunk and can't understand! I'm sleepy. You have to sleep well after drinking. Come on, let's go to rest together..."

Junyi said, holding Xuguang's head and leaning against his chest. As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep and said that he fell asleep. Xuguang patted her fleshless face: "Hey, don't sleep. When you wake up, you have a headache! What a common sense! It's too unbearable to watch... Hey... Hey... Wake up! ......”

Junyi still fell asleep under his call and beating, but the wind on the cliff was strong and cold, and soon woke her up. After waking up, she vomited. Xuguang gloated 15,000 words from the disaster and chattered endlessly. Even the wind on the cliff was tired of hearing. He covered his ears and just wanted to blow away quickly.

People who are drunk and have headaches are afraid of sound, especially the chattering voice, as if they will tear the painful nerves. Junyi covered her stomach and rubbed her head and begged: "Please stop talking, headache..."

How could Xuguang easily give up the opportunity to enjoy disaster: "Just this little alcohol?! Ha ha ha... I don't know how to drink and drink so much. I deserve it. Sure enough, it is an animal that thinks with its heels, and it doesn't even know how much it drinks..."

"It's the toes!" Junyi roared angrily, "It's not the heel. I told you that I used 'toes'!" Are you satisfied?! What are you thinking about? What's true compared with animals that think with their toes?!"

"Who is more serious with you?" Xuguang was roared and immediately short, "Are you really angry? All right, all right, help you back, get me, stand still, I really don't see... Don't say, don't say..."

Xuguang also said that he was swallowed back by Junyi's sharp eyes. Junyi stared at him sharply and wiped his mouth with his sleeve rudely! Xuguang dared not say anything and sobbed silently.

The cliff was quite high, and I don't know how Xuguang dragged Junyi up. The way down staggered for a long time and didn't get halfway. For a moment, Junyi was a little sober. He inadvertently looked up at the sky and saw the stars all over the sky.

"It's so beautiful..." she said.

"Well, it's beautiful..." Xu Guang said.

"Let's stay and watch the sunrise!" She said.