Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 32 Junyi's suicide note 2 and shut down

Junyi spread out a new piece of writing paper and began to write to Mingzhen:

Brother Mingzhen:

Brother, my brother Mingzhen...

Thank you for hugging me when I was a child...

They said that babies can't remember things at all. The so-called memory is told by others or fantasized by themselves. Maybe I fantasize about it myself, but I really remember that when you were eight years old, you held me carefully when you first took me from your master when you were just born; I really Remember, your arms are very warm. Thank you for hugging me carefully.

I still remember the time when we were young, we sneaked into the master's alchemy room and stole the master's elixir to make you guilty. I'm sorry, and thank you. That was one of the happiest memories of my life. I will never forget you when you smiled at me when you were punished by the master.

I'm sorry to let you stand up alone at that time. At that time, I should have stood up with you, but I was so scared that I only knew how to hide behind, so I think I can understand your mood when you framed me. Thank you for taking all the blame alone when you were a child, which is that I still owed you.

At this moment, I realized that when a person dies, wealth, reputation and status are not important. Nothing can be taken away. All I can do is "stay". I want to leave my apologies and blessings to you.

We used to be together every day and had such good memories, but you suddenly said at the wedding that you couldn't stand me. I've been really angry and wronged in recent years, but now that I think about it, you have really been putting up with me.

I feel that I am the fire spiritual power cultivated for you, and I will lose my temper with you when my body is uncomfortable. I think you should let me; I think I am your wife, and you should spoil me; I think I burn the spiritual power I gave you to refine the purity, and I also learn to cook for you. I think I have done so much for you. You should belong to me.

What a stupid idea. I regard my love as a gift to you, and I always feel that this is what you owe me. I don't know when my love has become a burden for you.

In the years before the wedding, Bingwei came. I saw you talking to her and smashing things. Ha ha, when I recalling it, I realized that I really did so many unbearable things.

Sorry, really, I'm sorry.

But allow me to defend myself. From the first time you saw Bingwei, I saw your obsession with her in your eyes, that's why I was angry. At that time, I was really afraid, really afraid of losing you, so I was so crazy that I didn't want you to say a word and did a lot of perverse things.

In the end, I lost you.

I'm dead, brother. I hope you can forgive me. If I can really take anything away, I want to take your forgiveness.

If I can leave something behind, I want to leave a blessing for you, brother, I hope you can be brave and be brave enough to do something like when you were a child, instead of blaming others.

Bingwei needs such a person to love her, and any woman needs the love of such a person. Bingwei is a good girl, innocent and kind. If you can't do this, you don't deserve to love her.

Brother, be brave, and then go after Bingwei. You like her and like her at first sight. I can see it.

sincere feelings are too rare, really, I want you to be happy.

It's my fault that Sister Bing is always mean to you. You are so good, so simple and kind. When everyone is estranged from me, only you want to be close to me and help me with a sincere heart, but I'm the most fierce to you. I'm sorry, really, I'm sorry. I'm ashamed of myself, but please forgive me. I think you will be much more comfortable if I tell you the reason for targeting you, because I'm really jealous of you, jealous that you are liked by everyone, and no one likes me, even Linghe doesn't like me. So don't remember those unhappy things, concentrate on practicing and live a happy life.

I'm sorry that I didn't be your big sister, really, I'm sorry. ......


Writing it to the master and brother, Junyi spread out a new piece of writing paper and wrote to Boss Bai and Mingzhu:

Brother Bai, Pearl:

First of all, Brother Bai, don't make the little tiger into a tiger and leopard balls! Otherwise, I won't let you go!

Then, my friend, please let me shout: Together! Together! Together! Together! ... (three thousand "together" are omitted here).

You obviously love each other, and the two people who love each other are going to be together. The previous kindness and resentment are not your fault, and the murderer has also been found. I believe that your parents' spirits in heaven also really want you to be together. If you are still worried, I will find them to explain to them after I go and call him. We give you dreams. If there are no dreams, maybe I can't find them or dreams can't do it (I haven't go when I wrote this letter, and I don't know what's going on over there). Anyway, I will try to find a way. You should also believe that the people who love you only want your happiness.

Believe me, a sincere relationship is really rare. If you have it, please don't let down this luck. It must be vigorous! The sky and the earth must collapse! The sea must be dry and the rocks are rotten!! ... (a thousand words are omitted here)

It's your own business to love someone. Don't care about the views and vision of the world. It's not that they live. The key is that you live a good life, you are happy, you are willing to be together, and it's not enough for you to be together all your life... (five thousand words are omitted here)

I'm sorry for kicking Brother Bai. I can't stand your grinding. Recently, I haven't made any progress. When are you going to get married? I don't seem to be able to catch up with your wedding. I can't eat the newly made spicy snake section. In fact, the tiger and leopard balls are delicious. I'm sorry to call Xiaohu. Bite you, Brother Bai, and Mingzhu. I know that the jewelry is what you like, but it's really beautiful, so I also want it. I'll give it to you after I die (Mingzhu: It's mine already); I'm sorry, and the Hetian jade bracelet, which has a texture like a small fish, a plum blossom and a landscape (what the hell it looks like... (Three thousand words are omitted here)


After writing his last words, Junyi handed over the letter to Mingzhu and Boss Bai, paid the trust to Master and Brother Mingzhen to Xuguang, and asked him to send it on his behalf, "Just send it to the Foreign Affairs Department. They will send the letter to the inner door. Thank you." And his own body, please also ask him to transport it. Junyi took the initiative to promise him the "shipping fee" of 20 crystals, which can cost hundreds of taels of silver at most. Twenty crystals are really luxurious.

Cultivators don't like money or anything, but the spiritual power in crystal is what immortals need most. If they grab silver, immortals can simply give you away; if they grab crystals, immortals will fight with you, believe it?

Junyi is one of the practitioners who are more important than life, but anyway, he can't use the crystal when he dies. When he dies, he will find Boss Bai.

After thinking about it, she said, "Xuguang, although we are only getting along with each other in just a few days, I can feel that you are a particularly good person. Don't do anything abnormal in the future. I wish you success in the entry test."

Junyi didn't know Xuguang's cultivation. She made up her mind: It should be very high at the beginning, very high (repeated n times until you can't say it in one breath)... Otherwise, how could there be so many powerful nuns who would die for him? However, from his ex-girlfriend, the demon killer, Junyi heard that he was punished for doing too many bad things and his cultivation was abolished.

What does it mean to be invalid? To what extent is it useless? Seeing that his appearance is not completely useless, at least he left some for his life-saving use, 90% of which is useless? 80%? Junyi really wants to ask, and he really wants to ask, but it's a pity that the two haven't revealed their friendship with each other.

This kind of thing, like a business deposit and salary slip, belongs to personal privacy. The supplementary provisions of the free school rules clearly stipulate that if others are imprisoned for three days, they will be fined 30 six-grade crystals.

There are two routine cultivation tests every year (like physical examination, it's fun).

It is said that a long time ago, the brothers "inspection" together. One person tested many people and patted each other on the shoulders to encourage, comfort and congratulate each other... I don't know when it evolved into several small rooms with testers. Everyone went in and out alone. The test results were notified in writing by the direct master. The book is placed in a wax-sealed envelope, on which it will be written that you have reached the level of gas refining, and the state is unstable. It will also write whether the spiritual mobility in the body is low or high compared with the optimal mobility, whether the activity is enough, whether there are many impurities, the combination and rejection with blood and other items.

The immortals absorb the aura between heaven and earth and convert them into spiritual power. The transformed spiritual power mainly operates in the blood vessels. In short, in addition to red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, there is more spiritual power in the blood vessels.

High or low spiritual mobility is not good. The high flow is too fast. The blood vessel wall can't stand it first. The heart load is large, and there is even the risk of reducing life. The low operation of the week cycle is blocked, and the cultivation efficiency is reduced. The activity also has the best range. Of course, the purity of spiritual power, the better, and too many impurities will cause blood. Blocked, so many impurities need essence. Your intention is to help Brother Mingzhen's essence spiritual power, once.

What do you mean by the cultivation of immortals? At the beginning, what was being said? Oh, Junyi didn't know Xuguang's cultivation. The main reason is that the cultivation of immortals is too attractive and he went off the topic. Cultivation of immortals is extensive, profound, and wonderful. Let's talk about the mobility and activity of spiritual power. It looks similar but it's not the same thing at all. It's not the same thing and affects each other. Simply speaking, activity It refers to the jitter range of each unit's spiritual power... (other out of the topic, 66 million words are omitted below).

The knowledge of cultivating immortals is endless.

Or Junyi doesn't know Xuguang's cultivation, just like worldly people don't know other people's business deposits and pay slips. Over the years, this aspect of privacy has been paid more and more attention to. In fact, even couples with double cultivation may not really know each other's background, because men Zi likes to hide some "private money" so much!!!!!!

The conclusion after Junyi's brain supplement is that Xuguang's cultivation was once very high, but now it is not high. It is speculated that it is higher than himself... Who said that his cultivation is so low, and it is higher than his own cultivation everywhere.

As for the thing that he just met and was masturbating by him, Junyi never thought that Xuguang was "stroking" with the yuan god, but only when he used some perverted water plants, or he hid magic weapons. After all, his cultivation was very high, and it was normal to have one or two magic weapons. With his character and the number of ex-girlfriends, he stole one or two when he was exiled. It couldn't be more normal to come.

Junyi thought for a moment and said grimly, "I think you can definitely enter the inner door with your ability. Don't say you know me after entering. My reputation and popularity at the inner door are not very good. You said my name will be excluded."

Xuguang laughed and said, "Don't worry, with me, the possibility of your death is only 98%."

98%... More than 80% will die, which is no different from death. Do you still laugh like this when you are no different from death?

Junyi's little heart trembled: "... Did you say the opposite?"