Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 38 Cultivation of the ugliest face in the world

In the underground secret room of the quiet room, a figure stood quietly in the middle of the secret room. He stood for too long. The night pearl on the stone wall had enough time to release the stored light energy and pull out a vague shadow on the ground.

Boss Bai took down the depleted crystal in the four corners of the magic array. Looking at the broken magic array, the corners of his mouth twitched with heartache. Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief and laughed and comforted himself, "Ok, you don't have to worry about others coming to grab it anymore!"

The magic array has been used many times. The number of times this magic array has been used up. No matter what happens in the future, you and Mingzhu will have two lives left. It is definitely not good to use it to come back to life.

Four first-class crystals are also his treasures at the bottom of the box. So far, Boss Bai's home has been used cleanly and there is nothing left.

He was the only one who looked at Junyi with a bitter face. When he talked to Junyi, he was distracted. As he politely spoke, he thought to make a "big" one, otherwise the rewards of his subordinates would become a problem next month. The boss of the Devil Canyon is not easy to be. His restless subordinates are all staring at the boss's position. Boss Bai's cultivation is not very high. There are many people who are not convinced. There is a little chance to ensure that they will not rebel.

However, Boss Bai's business annoys him. Who calls him the boss of Devil's Canyon?


Junyi's drowsy and sober time was only ten minutes in total. After sleeping for another day or two, he finally passed this breath and really survived the dangerous period.

That morning, a ray of morning sun shone on her eyes through the window lattice. She woke up and sat up by herself. She thought of an extremely happy and extremely excited thing. She even happily hugged Xuguang's neck sitting by the bed and waved. If she had the strength, she would really hold him and jumped up:

"I can practice the spiritual power of the water system! I can cultivate the spiritual power of water! I can finally cultivate the spiritual power of the water system! ......”

Forget the pain and forget the sadness. Junyi is only full of excitement and cheerfulness at this moment. The newborn baby does not know the value of an opportunity, so he only knows how hard it is to cry. Junyi, who has been reborn after living for nearly 20 years, can finally experience it.

Xuguang hugged her and stroked her back up and down. His palm was slightly hot, and his hot breath came to her ear. Junyi suddenly woke up and pushed him away and said, "What are you doing?! I warn you, don't touch your hands! Don't think about it at all!"

Xuguang blinked innocently. "Xiaosheng wants to think about it, but," he looked up and down at Junyi's dry figure and said, "You have to have an arc that you can think of!"


Junyi also knows in his heart that his figure is not attractive, arc? Yes, but it's a pity that it's not protruding, but concave. She is so thin that there is a deep concave skin in the middle of each rib. This appearance will only make people avoid it far away. Even the most restless apprentice will not have any indifferent thoughts.

But I felt something was wrong in my heart. The woman's natural sixth sense told her that Xuguang had just eaten his own tofu, that's it!

No way, he won't be so perverted, will he? Junyi looks at his dry hands. I'm afraid that zombies who have died for a thousand years are more plump than himself. What kind of tofu is there for him to eat?

Shake his head and put aside the sixth sense in his heart, Junyi continued to say excitedly, "I can practice the water system!" Haha!" She was really happy when she thought about it. She remembered happily, "Trouble, you stepped on my shoes! I'm going to find Pearl!"

She made an appointment with Mingzhu. If she comes out alive, Mingzhu will help her.

du Dao seems to be a very mysterious word. Things in the world look complicated, but they are actually very simple; they look simple, but they are actually very complicated.

Only depends on what angle and how to explain it.

The way of cultivating immortals means that people with spiritual roots get spiritual power for the first time. This is complicated and involves a lot of knowledge of immortal cultivation. In order to make it simple, let's talk about it again.

Only spiritual roots can cultivate immortals, but how to cultivate immortals with spiritual roots? One word is called "hook", using the spiritual power in the body to "hook" the aura between heaven and earth and the spiritual power in the crystal.

But there is no spiritual power in the body of people who have not yet begun to cultivate immortals, and few of them are close to zero, about 0.0000 (60 0s are omitted) 002 ink. In this case, what to check?

So you want to save the Tao, and those who have practiced will first give some spiritual power to Ta.

The orthodox way is that after the complex and sacred worship of the teacher, the master delivers a little spiritual power in his body to his disciples. This is the first spiritual power owned by the disciples, and the long road of cultivation of immortals in the future begins here.

Without the gift of the master, you can hook yourself by relying on the spiritual power close to zero in your body. If you measure it, there will be 0.00000 (sixty 0s) 002 ink (ink: units of measurement of spiritual power). If you are not in a hurry, check 0.00000 (sixty zeros) 002 for the first time and come back. The number becomes 4, and the second tick 0.00000 (60 0s are omitted) 004 come back, regardless of the consumption of crystals and the failure rate. Congratulations, in 100,000 years, you can raise the spiritual power in your body to a decimal point, and then "hook" for a hundred years, you can enter the door of immortal cultivation.

Therefore, the saying that "one day as a teacher and a lifelong father" is really true in the world of immortal cultivation, because no one can "do the way" for human beings. It is the master who uses his spiritual power to lead his apprentice into the door of the world of immortal cultivation.

Spiritual power enters the body, becomes part of the blood and becomes part of the body. In this sense, although the master is not the biological parents, he also gives the disciple the body.

Of course, this is an orthodox way, courtesy and shame, teaching people to be obedient and grateful. Of course, this should be the case. Most people have also done it, but there are always people who have gone astray - this is far away.

Dao is actually that a person loses spiritual power to another person. The amount of spiritual power required is a little too much for a practicing qi cultivation, and it is small for a practitioners of the golden elixir period. For a practitioners in the Yuanying period, "It doesn't matter at all. Let's warm up 5,000 warm up first!"

Ha, it is impossible to warm up 5,000 times first, because although Du Dao is simple, it is very sacred. Du Dao is to help a person open the door to cultivate immortals. If this person does something bad in the future, the person who helps him Du Dao is responsible and will blame himself. The enemy can even trace back to kill revenge together, so You have to be a master, apprentice, relatives, and great kindness to yourself to do it.

Just in response to the last reason - she has great kindness to Mingzhu.

This guy doesn't know what politeness is. After helping them find out their unsolved case, he fully showed the face of "robbery and blackmail".

Junyi did not have the indiscriminate intention of Guanyin Bodhisattva to "prevent all sentient beings and give kindness without retribution". In line with the purpose of "if they don't want them back, they will be embarrassed", she took a fancy to the spiritual power of the pearl's water system after letting Boss Bai bankrupt.

There are many women's water refining system, and Pearl practices the water system. Her cultivation is not high. In the past ten years, she has devoted herself to cultivation and has just reached the third level of gas refining, but her spiritual power is very pure. It can be seen that she has made a lot of efforts in refining and purification. Of course, the purer the first spiritual power is, the better. There is no need to refine and purify by herself. You are "adored" This pure spiritual power has been around for a long time.

At this moment, with a little strength, Junyi was about to find the pearl with greedy saliva. Xuguang couldn't stop him.

"You just woke up. It's not too late to rest for another two days to restore your body's vitality. Your body is fundamental. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Pearl has been meditating and purifying the spiritual power in your body these two days. The cooked pearl can't fly..."

Where is this? Jun Yibai glanced at him: "The cultivation depends on diligence. You can sleep every day. I haven't meditated for several days. How many days will it take to make up for it? It can't be delayed any longer."

"I'll ask Mingzhu to come here. What should you do if you go out and get blown away by the wind? Why don't you wait for me to find a rope..." Xuguang stopped Junyi from wearing shoes.

"Why are you looking for a rope?"

"I'll tie it up for you. I'll pull you back when you're blown to the sky. Speaking of which, I haven't been kiteing for a long time. Wait, I'll find a longer one..."

"Just look for it slowly." Junyi didn't play with him. She had to seize the time to practice. She didn't know where her shoes were kicked by Xuguang, so she walked out of the door barefoot.

"Ah..." Opening the door, Junyi exhaled into the blue sky and white clouds and expressed the biggest emotion after resurrebirth, "Blue sky, you are so blue! Baiyun, you are so white!"

Three crows flew under the blue sky and white clouds.

After sighing, Junyi hurried the way to Missy and drooled to find the pearl.

Under the order of Boss Bai, no one dared to walk near the room where Junyi lived. Junyi walked through the long cut corridor and turned a corner with a simple wooden window, and the number of people gradually increased.

When they saw Junyi, they all stared straight at her as if they had seen a monster. Junyi has been soaked in all kinds of eyes in recent years. She doesn't care what kind of eyes many people look at her, hummed, raised her feet and continued to move forward.

"Ah!!!! Monster!!!"



A woman holding a dustpan and was lifting rice to go to the champ finally reacted. She threw away the dustpan in her hand and sprinkling rice on the ground; a woman with a tray smashed the bowls and chopsticks and soybean milk and deep-fried dough sticks on the ground, stumbled and fled; a little girl who was squeezing acne with a mirror didn't want the mirror and disappeared in an instant. Shadow; a little girl who was learning to braid her own braids was stunned. After a long time, she finally remembered to cry. Her mother ran back and picked her up and ran away...

The movement here shocked the men on patrol. They ran over and saw Jun Yi's hind legs softly retreat several steps, sounding the first-level alarm of foreign enemy invasion. In an instant, countless bright weapons surrounded Junyi three times.

"misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!" Xuguang finally appeared, squeezed through the crowd and covered Junyi's whole body with a cloak. "Go ahead and scare everyone. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't watch it for a while. I'm sorry."

"Son, what kind of monster is this?" He boldly asked half a step.

Xuguang said, "This is my new pet. It's still in the taming stage. I accidentally ran out of it. I'm sorry. I'm shocked everyone. It's okay. Go ahead. Don't cry, the beautiful little sister over there. Will my brother take you to buy candy later?"

"Why did you keep it so ugly..." The man blurted out, found that he had lost his words halfway through, and quickly stopped talking.

"Cool, trendy, do you know?" Xuguang looked proud, "This can highlight my uniqueness! I just want to take the road that others have not taken, I just want to open up! I just want to do something that others haven't done, I just want to challenge! I just want to raise pets that others can't accept. I just want personality!"



People nodded without understanding. They didn't understand at all, but the pride on Xuguang's face, his tone, and his sonorous and powerful ratio were all very inflammatory. People looked at him, listened to him, and felt that he was doing something extraordinary. At this moment, people would definitely find an extremely ugly and disgusting Creatures as pets (at least women will, those women are so obsessed that their eyes are ❤-shaped. They already want to hold the most annoying animals in their arms. At this moment, even if Xuguang takes them to jump off the cliff, they will cheer and jump down.)

What Xuguang said is reasonable. Of course, it's good not to take the ordinary road. Courage is commendable, but it also depends on anything. It can't be without a moral bottom line. What he said is simply killing and set fire.

Junyi finally couldn't help lifting his cloak and said to Xuguang, "You are the pet!" Then she looked around at the crowd and said calmly, "I'm Junyi, Junyi fairy."