Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 71 Accurately control the spiritual power and admit that you like me

Xu Guang's blood has indeed been tested and passed the test, but I don't know why there is always a trace of uneasiness in Junyi's heart, and this uneasiness is getting bigger and bigger.

Unknown cemetery.

"Acknowledge, you like me! Haha!" Xuguang laughed so annoyingly that Junyi had the impulse to punch him again. It might be a good choice to collapse his nose.

"Acknowledge, admit it, you like me, you just like me, that's why you break the reagent bottle, because you like me and you want to protect me, haha!" Junyi ignored him, but Xuguang was still talking.

"You like me...ha..."

Junyi suddenly turned his head and looked at Xuguang without saying a word. His eyes were extremely cold. The breath emanating from all over his body made Xuguang's words chop on half of the "ha". Half a sound, he protected his chest and said, "What...what are you going to do?"

Junyi looked at him and asked with a faint smile, "I haven't asked before, and I won't ask again. I only asked once, are you a demon?"

"Of course, it's a human, and it's a man. It's a very man's man. It's the kind of man above," Xuguang said without hesitation. "If you don't believe it, I'll show it to you. Do you want me to take it off and show it to you?"

How can you tell whether a man is a demon or a demon? Facing this slippery face, Junyi looked around and arched his hand to a tombstone and said, "I'm offended."

Then he climbed up the tombstone and said to Xuguang, "Come here."

"What are you doing here? Come here, I warn you, I'm not a casual person, I'm not a person, don't say I didn't remind you... Why did you climb the tombstone?"

Junyi climbed onto the tombstone and stood on the tombstone. She grabbed Xuguang's collar and grabbed him by the neck in the other hand. She climbed up to pinch Xuguang's neck, otherwise she would be shorter than him and had no momentum.

The moonlight shone on her cloak, and her face was dark under the shadow. She looked down at Xuguang and said, "If you are a demon, I will kill you with my own hands. One last chance, if you are a demon, get out of here now!"

Xuguang can feel the determination of Junyi from the pressure from her neck. If she is a demon, she will definitely kill herself.

"Hahaha..." Xuguang suddenly laughed, shook off Junyi's hand and laughed, "Don't say I'm not a demon, even if I am, you don't have that ability at all! The momentum is enough. Come on, help you down and don't fall down.

Junyi was too lazy to pay attention to him, and he was still very uneasy. No one would fall down from such a low tombstone. Junyi didn't care about his feet at all. He only felt that the person in front of him was very hateful. There was no one minute of righteousness, and there was no word of truth... He slipped and unfortunately fell from the tombstone. Xuguang didn't save her. He retreated to the side and made her fall to the ground.

"Why do you have such a big salute?" For the first time, he just pushed open the lid of the coffin and climbed out of the coffin.

For example, Chaolu's coffin was transformed into a secret door to enter the hole. Junyi felt that using the coffin as a door was very secret, safe and convenient to get in and out. She considered that if she always moved the coffin, it would leave traces on the ground, in case someone found it suspicious; Xuguang thought it was cool and special, and she didn't think much about anything else; for example, Chaolu felt very square. It's just that the coffin he slept for decades was drilled with a hole. It's a little distressed. It's not rotten for decades. What a good wood!

For the first time, Chaolu was practicing underground, but when he heard a sound from it, he was sure that it was Junyi and Xuguang, he came up to have a look. The two arrived for a while, but they didn't come in for a long time. He came up to see what was going on.

Open the coffin and see Junyi's great worship.

Junyi lay on the ground, bowed two more calmly, and said, "It's almost the Spring Festival. I wish you an early New Year in advance."

"Is it going to be the Spring Festival?" For the strange thing, Chaolu has lived a muddle-headed life of the living dead for decades and has forgotten what the New Year is about, but instinctively feels that it should be very early before the New Year.

"It's almost time. The New Year will be in six or seven months." Twelve months in a year, Junyi was really not in a hurry and said, "Congratulations on making a fortune, good luck, and all your wishes come true!"

"Thank you." For the dew scratched his head, he took out a dim crystal and said, "I also wish you all the best. I don't have anything, only three crystals. You take this crystal as a red envelope."

"Thank you, senior." Junyi has collected the crystal, which is a ten-grade water-based crystal. The worst grade of the crystal is not good, so there is no glory.

In this way, the two of them worshiped the New Year in early summer, at the farthest time from the New Year.

After the visit, Chaolu asked, "What are you doing?" Why don't you come down and start practicing?"

"Well, it's going down." Junyi said and jumped into the coffin.

Xuguang came to hold her arm and laughed, "Be careful, come on, help you down and don't fall down."

"Thank you very much. Be careful not to be killed by me in the end!" Junyi finally couldn't help staring at him and jumped into the hole under his help.

After she turned her head, Xuguang kept looking at her back. At that moment, the hippie smile on his face was replaced by a faint and soft smile, but when he also jumped into the hole, Junyi looked at him again, his face was a new face, cold and with an almost ferocious smile.

However, his expression is the same for Junyi. In Junyi's eyes, his face is always an elliptical sphere with a little bump and shadow.

So Junyi didn't know that Xuguang was going to be embarrassed by her.

"Let's get another spiritual group and hang it around your neck." Xuguang ordered.

"?" You are puzzled. It's so easy for her to use the gap between work and spend a whole day absorbing spiritual power back into her body. What is she doing now? Such a dangerous thing...

"You must practice the precise control of spiritual power. Don't let me say it for the third time and condense the spiritual power into a group and hang it around your neck. In the future, I won't say that I can take it off."

"Oh." Junyi condensed part of his spiritual power into a ball and controlled the blue spiritual power like rice grains to rotate around his neck at high speed. This was equivalent to putting on a torture tool for himself. If he was not careful to control it well, his head fell to the ground.

Like jumping off a cliff, Junyi didn't ask why or even thought about the reason.

She believes in Xuguang and inexplicably believes in this ruthless and lying man. She feels that since she believes it, it is enough to believe him.

People have intuition. Although they have degenerated a lot after being far away from nature, they still exist in the body. Junyi's intuition can be believed by Xuguang, even if there is no reason to believe it wholeheartedly.

Just like Junyi's intuition that Xuguang is a demon, even if Xuguang passes the test of whether it is a monster or not, she is still very uneasy.

"You said that you need people with water and fire spiritual roots at the same time to save you. Am I going to start practicing fire?" Junyi is worried about Xuguang's body. Although he has not been eating and sleeping recently, it makes Junyi more worried, because he has never eaten or slept!

Do you want to be so extreme? Junyi began to suspect that his body had solved a month's meal and sleep in one period of time, and then did not eat or sleep until the next cycle. If so, he should be able to live. Anyway, it is regular.

The body and life are like this, as long as there is regularity. There is no story that two people raise fish, one who works hard to change water once a day, and the fish is alive; the other is lazy to change water once a month, and the fish also lives well. Then, the hard-working man saw that the lazy person changes water fish once a month, even more fatter than his own fish, so he also changed it for a month. Second water; the lazy man heard that the hard-working person changed the water once a day, blushed and felt that he was too lazy, so he began to change the water every day, and then...imaginable.

The body forms a regularity, which operates according to the law. People eat three meals a day. If they form a habit to form a regularity, eating three meals in three days theoretically does not affect their health.

What I'm afraid of is breaking the law.

I don't know what the water and fire can do to help Xuguang by practicing at the same time. Maybe it can help him form a rule. Of course, she doesn't believe what Xuguang said that she can only live for a hundred days and will die at any time, but his body is really wrong. Junyi is eager to refine the spiritual power of water and fire. He can practice one day earlier and let Xuguang one day earlier. The body stabilized.

Do you want to start refining water and fire now? Xuguang shook his head and said, "It's all your fault that you are too stupid. The precise control of spiritual power is too poor, otherwise it could have been refined. Do you think it's easy to refine water and fire? Water and fire are resisting each other, and refining together is against the sky! Precise control, give me precise control! Accurate control, can accurately control every spiritual power to achieve water and fire refining together! Anyway, practice control now! This ring is also not allowed to be taken off during the day. The control ability is so poor. You are so ashamed to live in the immortal world. It's a waste of aura. It's a waste of air. It's a waste of space to die here..."

"Excellence, achieving such accurate control has surpassed the level of excellence of most people," Xuguang was scolding endlessly, and the meditation on the other side of the cave frowned. "Unless I have left here for decades, I don't know that there has been a major breakthrough in the control method of spiritual power outside."

A smile appeared on Junyi's face. She glanced at Xuguang, which meant, "Look, people say that I'm fine, but you are not satisfied. Are you wrong?"

Xuguang didn't mean to eat at all. He said righteously, "How can she compare with those people outside? She wants to compare with me, compare with me!" She is simply wasting time and doesn't know what she has done in the past ten years. Lying and sleeping every day should be better than she is now... stupid! Stupid! ... (300 words omitted below) is hopeless. How can there be such a stupid girl in the world? It's a strange..."

"I'm not a stupid girl!" Junyi originally wanted not to care about the blocking, but when he didn't eat and didn't sleep for a few days, which led to a bad temper, but he always emphasized that he was stupid. Why did he always say that? What if he was psychologically hinted if he heard too much, what if he was really stupid? ( Xuguang: Don't worry about this at all, because it's stupid.)

"Well, okay, don't call me a silly girl," Xuguang nodded and accepted. "I'll call you a silly girl in the future. Which one do you think is better? You can choose one.

"..." Junyi is powerless, and the following word is not the point, "I! I have a lot! I won't care about you!"

Junyi decided not to quarrel with him. If you have time to practice, you don't have to quarrel.

"How can I help you after I work together?" Junyi asked, although it was too early to ask this, she was very curious and wanted to know earlier.

"Do you want to know?" Xuguang blinked at her, and the expression on her face suddenly changed, and suddenly laughed so that the livestock were harmless.

"Think." You nodded honestly.

"If you want to practice quickly!!!"

The sudden drinking made Junyi trembling, and the furrows of the furrows not far away are about to be knotted in the middle.

Practice taboo is to disturb. If there are conditions, it is the most efficient in the absolutely soundproof quiet room. Of course, it can be anywhere without conditions, and it's okay if there is sound, but Xuguang is shocked by the continuous cynicism beside him... Isn't this too dangerous?