Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 103 The remnant winged butterfly of treasure hunt lives or dies together

"No," Bibi lowered his head and cried, "I'm afraid, I can't, I can't save him, I really can't, you believe me..."

You believe it. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. At this time, "I beg you go and help drag the time. What magic weapon do you have? You don't dare to go. I'll send it in, Bibi?"

"No," Bibi shook his head, "Really, no, no, we can't do it... Let's run... At this time, we have one way to escape, and we can do nothing. Why don't you even understand this? You're too stupid..."

Bibi is a three-tailed spirit fox. Her natural sense of danger is many times stronger than Junyi. Her cultivation is also higher than Junyi, and her sense of danger is higher. Junyi is a "dangerous induction blind" that even the little tiger despises. Bibi really can't be blamed for running in fear. Fear can't be more normal.

Junyi is also afraid. She has experienced the power of Yuanying. The ancestor of the Xiaoyao faction is Yuanying's cultivation, so it is impossible for her to be ignorant. At this moment, she will be so scared that she can no longer stand up, but at this moment, she has no time to be afraid.

She only thought about how to save Xuguang. She must not let him die. He will not die! He will definitely not die! He is insisting that he must be buying time! She must not be let down, and she must save him!

Calm down... Calm down... Junyi said to himself countless times in his heart.

Bibi didn't help. Junyi said to Xiaodie in his arms, "Xiaodie, Xiaodie, you must remember that now only you can save Xuguang. The Xuguang in the hall is what you thought of. Think about it, think about it, really don't you remember? ......”

Bibi lowered his head and pulled Junyi's sleeve and advised, "Let's go quickly. Xuguang covered you to escape, isn't he? He has always been like this. The last retreat always covers everyone, so we all like him. He doesn't like us to save him, but the people who save him will be scolded by him. No matter how powerful the monster or the demon clan is, he will always win in the end..."

"You don't know his current situation, he is now..." Junyi said.

"I know. Only you foolishly think that I don't know. I'm afraid he only has Jindan cultivation now," Bibi said. "Even if there is only foundation cultivation, he can win in the end. He is the strongest, and the strongest Xuguang is what we love."

Junyi doesn't know whether it's better to believe in Xuguang or what's better for her. She has no adjectives. At this moment, her idea is very simple. Live together or die together. There is no third option for this multiple choice.

She clearly realized that even if Bibi had a chance to help save Xuguang alive, the only hope was on Xiaodie.

"Xiaodie, think about it. I beg you, Xuguang, do you remember?" You said.

Xiaodie thought for a moment, and her severe headache seemed to split her head. She covered her head and shook her head and moaned.

"Little butterfly! Little butterfly!" Junyi was so anxious that his heart pounded and said, "Do you know? Help me think about Xuguang and Xiaodie. They know each other and have had a couple relationship. Think about it quickly. If you don't talk about Xuguang's past, maybe you can help Xiaodie remember something.

Bibi timidly crossed his index finger on his chest and said softly like a lovely voice, "It turns out that it's still his romantic debt. He deserves it when he dies. I will take advantage of him when he dies. After I die, I will bury it after whipping the corpse, and then dig it out and whip the corpse!"

"..." Bibi couldn't count on it at all. Junyi took a breath, calmed down and slowly took away Xiaodie's hand covering her head and said, "You have met such a person in your life, a male cultivation. He is * unruly. He plays games, he is lustful, he is lazy, he lies, and he is still ruffian. He said all kinds of unreliable words like a rogue. He used all his exaggerated words and deeds to hide the tenderness, seriousness and sincerity in his heart, so that you won't be sad for him when he leaves. Xiaodie, don't worry, remember slowly, because you also understand him, because you can't forget him, and you put him in it. The deepest part of my heart..."

Xiaodie listened to Junyi's words, slowly put down her hand covering her head and looked into the distance. Just when Junyi thought there was hope, she raised her finger and shouted innocently, "Ah, butterfly!"

There were no butterflies in the wilderness. Xiaodie saw Junyi's pieces of clothes being cut off by gravel and flying in the air. Seeing the joy and yearning in Xiaodie's eyes, Junyi asked Bibi, "Can you take us to the place where there are butterflies as fast as possible?"

"My father gave me a dozen paper cranes, but they are all disposable." Bibi said, "I have nothing to use for recreation at this level. Of course, it's a magic weapon that you have never seen before..."

"Take it out quickly." Junyi interrupted Bibi's words and ordered.

Junyi's words are not fierce or even loud, but there is an irresistible momentum. Bibi quickly took out the Yufeng paper crane. After the paper crane was taken out of the tea bag-sized envelope, it automatically became bigger in the wind. The Yufeng paper crane and paper crane saw the wind. Junyi and Bibi blew up the Yufeng paper crane and fanted it with their hands. The paper crane soon grew to the size of two people. Bibi sat on it. Junyi sat up with the little butterfly in his arms. Junyi saw the instructions on the paper crane's wings: it grows when you see the wind, it flies when you listen to it, and it falls when it falls.

What a simple explanation, how easy-to-use paper crane is, you shout "fly", the paper crane has a spiritual flashing wings and fly, the wind is getting bigger and bigger, the higher it flies, the faster it flies faster it is, and the vast wilderness can be seen.

"Little butterfly, shall we take you to see the butterfly? How many years have you not seen a butterfly? You have forgotten that you are a butterfly for a long time. Junyi hugged Xiaodie and whispered gently in her ear, hoping that she could remember everything that was sealed by herself after seeing the butterfly.

Fly across the depression, flew over the thorn forest, and saw a stream. Junyi quickly shouted "Falling~Falling~Falling"

The paper crane gathered its wings and soared to the ground, sending the three people to the stream, and the windy paper crane gradually turned into countless burning fragments flying butterflies in the process of falling, and finally disappeared in the air.

If there is a stream, there is water, if there is water, there are flowers, and if there are flowers, there are butterflies.

The stream in the wilderness is also barren, but there are still tenacious flowers swaying in the wind in the cracks of the stone. Junyi walked along the stream with the butterfly in his arms and finally saw a small butterfly.

After breaking through the sky, the silky white beam of light withdrew for a moment. Junyi looked worriedly at the direction of the light column disappeared and prayed that Xuguang was fine.


Xuguang is fine, but it's okay, he didn't die.

The beam of light rushed away the whole concave ground. The sun shone on the broken wall of the hall. Xu Guang bent one leg against half of the wall, and a white butterfly stopped on his slender fingers, just like before.

"So it's you..." Xuguang laughed. The light and shadow pulled the rings, and the years had already left the past.

Only the silky butterfly stops on its fingers. Quietly, under the sunshine and shining smile, the butterfly still flows the shadow of the past on its fingers.
