Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 162 Key Class Cultivation

"Junyi Fairy, what do you think? Is there a suitable one?" Boss Zou, who had a blind date with each other, served him carefully in person.

"It's all good, but I think it's very good. I want to vomit after watching too much. I'm sorry, I'll go and vomit." Junyi took a bite and really spit it out. Junyi didn't eat anything these two days. There was nothing to vomit, and even the bitterness was about to spit out.

Boss Zou and several men who didn't leave after the blind date were scared and really vomited... "Is it so bad..." From then on, they were afraid to leave a psychological shadow!

"No..." Junyi rubbed his temples and comforted them, "I haven't been feeling well recently."

Over the years, Junyi has occasionally seen strange images, and many strange ideas have poured into his mind. These days, more strange pictures appear in his mind, which makes him have a headache. In addition, these days are too busy. Just after the retreat, everything suddenly surged over and there was no time to rest. Today's long blind date became the last straw to crush the camel.

Even so, you still have to look for your husband unremittingly.

If I'm going to die, I must die on the way to find a Taoist couple.

- Quotations from Junyi.

"I didn't make it clear," Junyi said to Boss Zou, "I mean to hold some training courses, but not according to the mass production of molds. They are all acting, so they can't get to know each other at all."

"Yes, yes, it will be improved! It must be improved!"

"You did a good job. Keep up the good work!" You praise it.

Boss Zou really did a good job. Junyi gave an idea. In just a few months, he held a training class and led his men to hold several large-scale activities. Their achievements could not be erased.

But the lack is indeed insufficient.

The top ten things you saw today are still carefully selected and think they are appropriate.

After seeing it, Junyi felt that there was no problem with their manners and talking. They all came to pull chairs and respected women very much; they were clean and not luxurious, and they were not sloppy; they all said that they had their own careers and dreams and did not rely on their families; they were not too nervous, and moderately praised Junyi's "special temperament", and occasionally they could be humorous. One, but Junyi thinks they are too good.

She met more than ten, which is the same as seeing one.

Four of them told the same joke: "I want the world to know that I am very low-key."

The rest of Qi brushed and brushed another joke: "Red crisp hands, yellow rattan wine, two olis singing green willows; outside the long pavilion, by the ancient road, a group of egrets on the blue sky."

She felt that what she saw today was not a blind date, but a big boy playing games.

is a game, a show. In the game, boys work hard to perform, strive to show themselves, win the likes of the audience and girls, and strive for more attention.

Love becomes a game, feelings become a toy, and Junyi herself is also part of the game.

She proposed this game, but her intention is really not like this. When did it change?

"There are too many eye-catching eyes. I'll go back and settle down." You said.

Too many choices may not be good.

But Junyi is still satisfied with the work of blind date training. "You have done a good job. As the chief consultant, the following proposes to continue to strengthen the review, create more opportunities and romance for interested men and women to improve the success rate," said Junyi doubted, "You We won't deliberately reduce the success rate of blind dates in order to have business, will we?

"No, I dare not." Boss Zou said quickly.

"It's not good. Only with a high success rate will attract more people to come, and after-sales service," Junyi rubbed his painful temples. "The secular matchmaker received a heavy gift money. After marriage, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was not good, and the quarrel between husband and wife was also mediated by them. You also charged a lot of fees. Why didn't you cover it? After-sales service?"

"This...this industry is really special..." Boss Zou said.

"Isn't what you did is the matchmaker? How can the matchmaker mediate the family dispute after marriage, but you have pushed it cleanly? There are not as many things as a matchmaker, but no less money than a matchmaker!"

Boss Zou was a little aggrieved: "You just open your mouth and talk about it. How do you know the pain of our work? It's not easy to do it. Besides, don't talk about money. It's vulgar to talk about money. You can't calculate it with money. It's not worth a copper coin..."

"You don't say vulgarly when you collect money!" Junyi has a headache, "What I'm saying is that the value and price of the services you provide cannot be equal! I won't tell you. I don't think I can give you advice after taking the profit share for nothing, otherwise I don't care about the after-sales service. This is also a market, and the market is still very large. You have a business mind. Think about it yourself.

Boss Zou was silent and fell into deep thought.

The world is like this. There are many quarrels and separations. Is there a need for the market to mediate family disputes? The answer is yes! Boss Zou patted his thigh: "Yes, why didn't I expect it!"

Junyi's body is really uncomfortable. It's getting more and more uncomfortable. Her head is buzzing, and occasionally there are all kinds of symbols and images that she can't understand. She rubbed her temples and stood up: "I'm leaving. Come on, I hope to cultivate a husband who suits me as soon as possible. Why don't you do this? I'll take less. You can get a special one. Class, what do you think of the special training that suits me?

"No, no, no, no..."

"Can't, then I'll take one and a half less?" In order to find your husband, you will go all out! There is no mercy for heavy bleeding!

"No, no, no, no... I mean, divide it into you, and we will set up a special class for you. I will find the best subordinates to be responsible for your guarantee to cultivate your satisfaction!"

Is it okay without money? This made Junyi a little overjoyed. In her impression, the blind date cave has always been charged a high fee, but this time it has turned out.

In fact, Boss Zou has been taught so many lessons by Junyi. How dare he dare to yin Junyi again?

Besides, any of the advice provided by Junyi has made him make a lot of money. He has made a lot of money in the past few months. He also expects Junyi to give more suggestions. It is nothing to help Junyi organize a special targeted training course. As long as Junyi is willing, he is willing to do it in person.

When Junyi left, Boss Zou also sent hundreds of crystals. He was full of sincerity and was afraid that Junyi would not accept it.

Later, the enrollment notice of the targeted key training course specially designed to train Junyi's husband was quickly posted. Originally, Junyi thought that no one would sign up, but she just tried it. Even if she was laughed at, she had to try it, right?

But Boss Zou said that the registration was very popular. The information he brought proved that he was not true. Boss Zou said that these thick materials were still after selection. According to Junyi's requirements and preferences, the young, sissy, industrious and so on have been screened out, and there is still a thick A book for your choice.

Junyi finally really feels that her current value is different from before. She is a cultivation who has defeated the disciples of the inner door! He is a practicer who has defeated the core disciples of the inner gate! He is the fastest-growing practitioners of the Xiaoyao School!

Yes - many men said that she was so special that she would be shocked by her pale face at first sight;

But don't look at it for the second time, because at the second glance, you will be melted by her timid silence. You just want to protect her, and then you will find the light of perseverance surrounded by the weak appearance, the gentle heart for others, and the potential of a good wife and mother... There are too many more, every time you look She will feel more beautiful than the last time and firmly attract you...

In the end, your life will be "finished" by her. There is only her in your eyes, and you can no longer tolerate all her beauties. Those beautiful women who once thought were beautiful turned into vulgar fans in an instant, and the beautiful women who once felt that they were like paintings with a smile are really as shallow and pale as paintings, and can't stand thinking about... ...

They said: Do you want to reshape your aesthetics? Just go to see her.

They said: She has changed the public aesthetics, and since then she has been the standard of beauty.

They said: Junyi is the most special woman in history. She is not attracted to the country or the city. She is so cruel that she directly collapses her aesthetics!

When Boss Zou said these words to Junyi, Junyi knew that he had exaggerated. In addition to the praise, Junyi actually heard some criticisms, and some criticisms were as earth-shaking as praise.

However, although I know it's exaggerated, flattery is still absolutely useful. Haha, which woman doesn't want anyone to pursue it? In the past, she was a product that no one wanted, but now how can she be unhappy when someone pursues her?

Boss Zou didn't leave, so Junyi couldn't help spreading all the information he brought and shouting happily back and forth - completely ignoring the contempt of the little fox.

After being crazy and happy for a moment, Junyi began to work hard to raise flowers and practice hard again. The little fox Xuguang sat down on the information of the alternative husband cultivated and said coldly, "Why don't you quickly choose one to marry? You don't have to work hard when you get married.

Everyone knows that flowers are beautiful, and it is very beautiful to grow flowers and sell flowers. Most people don't know the smell of fertilizer and the hard work and bitterness of collecting money one by one.

"Of course you have to choose! But it is more important to practice to make money! Only when everything becomes better will someone chase me, otherwise what do they like about me?

"Reality! Love..." The little fox Xuguang wants to talk about love.

Junyi interrupted him: "Love? When did you give up treatment? Listen, even if 'love' always has a lovely place, if I have nothing, why should I love each other in the future?

Of course, men's pursuit of Junyi is not pure. If they believe that it is all because of pure love, they will really be sent for treatment!

Most of the reason should be that Junyi is the only female nun who has the strength to build a foundation and openly recruits marriage to secular men. For secular people, marrying Junyi is equivalent to asking a family to protect the mythical beast, which has the same meaning.

These are things to do in the future.


A major event happened on Junyi's way out of the Hehuan blind date cave and returned to the flower field. This major change has been lurking since her birth and has been brewing many years before her birth. Since then, it has changed her life, not only her later life, but also her previous life.