Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 166 The sister of Gong Cultivation sent a reply sign, play you to death!

Qiao Si raised his hand again to attack Junyi. If something in his sleeve shot out, Junyi really couldn't avoid it again.

Come back soon! Come back quickly! - Everything happened quickly. It only took more than ten seconds for Junyi and Qiao Si to make a few moves. When Qiao Si finally wanted to take Junyi's life, she did not hide, but looked behind Qiao Si and prayed.

Pray that Xuguang will bring senior Chaolu to the scene as soon as possible? NO, NO, when they died early, the bodies would be cold.

Junyi's eyes looked behind Qiao Si. Under her expectant eyes, a fiery red bright spot appeared behind him. When Qiao Si hissed, the bright spot became bigger and bigger. Finally, when he raised his arm and was about to shoot at Junyi, the fiery spiritual power rotated straight to take his head.

Qiao Si felt something behind him. In great fear, he subconsciously turned his body and looked back and hid aside. His neck narrowly escaped, but Junyi's fire spiritual power did not let him go, spinning around him, and finally hit him hard on the back.

Qiao Si's clothes were immediately burned, and he shouted and turned into a fireman.

"What's the reply standard sent by my sister?! Haven't you seen it? Play to death!" Junyi said excitedly, and finally let her hit it. Won't be killed by him now?" Sister uses the return mark made by the spiritual power of fire. If you can't kill it, you will burn you to death!"

However, before Junyi was proud for a second, Qiao Si immediately took out a jade bottle from the portable space and crushed it on the top of his head. The spiritual water in the bottle fell down and immediately extinguished the fire spirit fire on his body. A wisp of black smoke came out of him, his hands and face turned black, his eyelids burned, and the white eyes were about to fall down and rotated in his eyes, which was very horrible.

The gangster ran around him, and the evil lion subconsciously took a step back.

Junyi saw that his right hand was a prosthetic limb, and his skin was burned to reveal strange armor. Some places were smoking, and some places were covered with frost. In an instant, five or six people were poisoned and it was not clear what the poison came from here.

"What kind of plug-in is this?" Junyi was shocked that mechanical armor was her blank field and had never paid attention to it.

"Kill you!" Qiao Si's horrible eyes stared at Junyi and moved his burnt legs to push her step by step. Black blood flowed out of his teeth without lips, which was simply a devil crawling out of hell.

Junyi is frozen in place. She has never beaten a person so miserably. Is this evil spirit really created by herself? An idea came to my mind - am I overprotective?

What is excessive defense? Yes, it's the law... the law of that world... But what the hell is going on...

Junyi was trapped in the array for too long, and her arms and legs were eroded by the poison. Her physical strength and spiritual power reached the limit. There were too many things to remember, her mind was too chaotic, and her endurance reached the limit. When Qiao approached step by step, she finally fell to the ground and could not move.

"Fairy, run!" When she fell into the blank and waited for death, a gangster hugged Qiao Si from behind and didn't have time to react. Qiao Si raised his hand and hit his head. Suddenly, his brain splashed around, and the white red sticky ** mixed with blood splashed far away, splashing on Junyi's skirt and face.

What happened? Why did he save me? What should I do? When blood splashed into her eyes, everything she saw turned bloody, and she knew what to do.

Junyi stood up and turned around and ran in one direction.

Seeing Junyi run away, the first man who pointed an arrow at Junyi went to the evil lion. "She escaped. We're done."

For the first time, a look of admiration appeared in the eyes of the evil lion, "No!"

How much courage does it take to turn against a terrible opponent? You don't know.

She only knew how to run in the direction of her predecessor's way, run as fast as possible, and ensure that Qiao Si would catch up with her.

Because his legs were poisoned, Junyi couldn't run fast. He fell many times and even rolled and climbed. He couldn't care about his image when his life was at stake. Junyi noticed that Qiao Si was going to raise his strange arm and shoot her, but only a ball of black smoke came out of his arm and dripping some black poisonous water.

Buddha bless the Virgin Mary...

Thank you from the heart to the four gods and Buddhas! Haha! No matter what you are, are you ruined by my samadhi?!"

Junyi's provocative words caused Qiao Si to scream strangely and speed up to chase Junyi. His cultivation is not high, and he can only rely on magic weapons to be arrogant. Now the magic weapons next to him have been destroyed one after another by Junyi. How can he not be crazy?

Although it looked very badly burned, Qiao Si wore excellent soft armor and was not seriously damaged. He didn't care about the poisonous arrows and darts shot at him at all and could only play a harassing role. He either avoided or directly brushed it away with the palm wind and could not hurt him at all.

And his spiritual power is still very sufficient, and he may occasionally wave a palm to Junyi, and Junyi can only avoid it by hard next to or rolling and crawling. If the flow cloud array had not been destroyed, his spiritual power could be endless.

(Junyi: Thank God that thing was destroyed from the beginning.)

Gradually ran out of the woods and out of the attack range of the bow and arrow, and the arrows of the archer who responded to the harassment in the back were about to run out. When Qiao Si attacked again, Junyi waved a palm with the remaining water spirit, but her poisoned blood had to be closed, and she was in a state of fatigue. She The palm power really can't be compared with Qiao Si, who used the magic weapon. He was beaten by Qiao Si and fell to the ground, and he couldn't help spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Qiao Si smiled ferociously and took out the seven-child sword from the portable space. There was one of the seven-child swords. After flying into the air, there were seven small swords, one large and seven small.

together, can form various exquisite sword arrays; points, each has its own spirituality, and takes the target directly from different directions.

"Cough... Don't bring this! Too equipped, isn't it? So much equipment?!" Junyi spit out another mouthful of blood.

The sword is still known. The sword is the favorite weapon of the practitioners. The sword is the best of the sword. Everyone knows it in the world of cultivation. Qiao threw the sword into the air and turned into eight swords and flew towards the king.

The evil lion was like a crazy cow at this time, with blood in his eyes. He fell on Qiao Si with his tall body, grabbed his neck and shouted, "I'll fight for you!"

But even if he can really kill Qiao Si, he can't save Junyi. No one can resist the seven-child sword in the air. He can make sixteen holes in two seconds. The archer shot the last few poisonous arrows. One of them touched the seven-child sword, but the seven-child sword was not even biased.

And Junyi, not to mention avoiding, doesn't even have the strength to move her fingers. She is not the character of closing her eyes and waiting to die, so she can only wait to die.

Looking at the eight swords getting closer and closer to you, Junyi's last thought was: Fortunately, in just one or two seconds, the painful process will not be very long...



Just when a total of eight swords were aimed at Junyi's heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, large intestine, small intestine and head, a broken shout sounded on a sunny day, and the huge spiritual wind forced the Qizi Sword away from Junyi.

The Seven Sword is spiritual. It is re-arranged and attacked without the master's command, but it is swept together by the following spiritual power and flew into the hands of a zombie.

For Zhaolu held the main sword and read the formula to receive the seven swords and reunite them into a sword. "Hmm! The sword is a good sword, but unfortunately, its spirituality is greatly lost and its power is greatly damaged.

"Wow," Junyi lay on the ground and cried, "Senior, you came so slowly. If you come a step later, I can only complain to the Lord Yan..."

"Junyi, why are you so miserable?" For example, Chaolu was shocked to see Junyi's appearance and quickly took off his coat and closed his eyes to cover Junyi.

Junyi was speechless: "What are you doing for me? I'm not dead yet! Besides, even if I die, please find a beautiful cloth. A dress is too hasty. I want Nanmu's coffin, which is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Fore, Chaolu said seriously, "If you don't dress neatly, don't look at it if you are impolite."

Ah? Oh...please!"

"Ah?" Junyi took a look and saw that his clothes must have been broken, and many places were exposed. Especially just now, the seven-child sword was powerful, and the sword wind cut the skin. Of course, the clothes were also cut open seven or eight big pieces. For the character of Chaolu, Junyi understood, "Oh..." But he couldn't stand it. For the predecessor Chaolu, he was too old-fashioned. Please..."

Or the little fox Xuguang opened, turned around Junyi twice and drilled into his clothes to lick Junyi's wound. He felt his little tongue * touch his skin. Junyi's heart was warm and he didn't know what to say... Huh? Where to lick? Too open?! After a while, Junyi grabbed the little fox by the neck and pulled him out.

Seeing that Mr. Chaolu's predecessor Junyi was greatly relieved and complained a few words, "Senior, I'm poisoned. Please help me catch that person for the antidote... Huh? What about people?"

The evil lion was covered with blood and lost another arm. His arm was cut off with white bones and spit out a mouthful of blood: "After all, he ran away!"

When Qiao Si saw the zombie-like character, he accepted the seven-child sword and knew that he could not fight. He took a handful of accelerated elixir and ran away.

"This senior," the evil lion knelt down to Chaolu, "this man is not a human! If he runs away, he will definitely kill all of us and sell all the nuns as a furnace tripod. The Junyi fairy will definitely not escape his clutches and ask his elders for help to kill him!"

He shook his head, "I don't care about my own business."

"Senior!" The evil lion kowtowed to the ground and thong every time.

Junyi couldn't bear to look at it and said leisurely, "Five thousand crystals."

For a moment, Chaolu's mind moved: "Three grades."

Junyi gritted his teeth: "Sanpin."

"It's a deal."



Those who were not injured or slightly injured were sent by the evil lion to find Qiao Si's traces, and the rest cleaned up the battlefield and cleaned up their bodies to cover up the traces.

Junyi was busy supplementing her spiritual power. She knew that it was purely uncomfortable to ask. She still cared about it and didn't ask about it. "What is Qiao Si's cultivation?"