Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 201 A fox's shady thoughts

However, it is not difficult to learn the piano. Isn't there a teacher here? There are two people around me who play the piano very well. Xuguang and Huangfu Qingyi are both masters of high mountains and flowing water.

"Please hire a teacher for me. I also want to learn the piano," Junyi said to the maid. "No, I still don't want it. I'm going to surprise him. Don't tell Your Highness about this."

When it comes to playing the piano, Junyi has heard a very good piano sound, which is a piano sound that can flow out of his mind. Yes, it is played by Xuguang.

"Can you teach me how to play the piano?" Junyi squatted beside the little fox and begged.

The little fox Xuguang's eyes were too lazy to open. The little old master said, "If you don't practice well, why do you play the piano?"

"It's just that I have always paid too much attention to cultivation, so I haven't learned anything. What a pity. How good it is to know an instrument."

"What's good?"

"Dora Feng, how satisfying is vanity..." Junyi said.

"Do you want to learn how to sing with your highness?"

"Hey, you can see it, and you also have this idea." You are embarrassed to say.

The little fox Xuguang suddenly became angry, and his hair stood up all over his body and said to Junyi, "Go to teach him to Qin Se and Ming. What do you want me to do?! ci~~~”

After he came back, he always basked in the sun sullenly. He had never seen him so angry. Junyi was so scared that he fell back and sat on the ground and whispered, "If you don't teach him, you won't teach him what to do if you get angry..."

Can't you invite a teacher without teaching? You want to secretly hire a teacher. What is her identity now? Princess~ It's not easy to ask someone to learn the piano. If you don't want to keep a secret and surprise with Huangfu Qingyi, she can order to invite all the pianists around the Xiaoyao School, including the Xiaoyao School, who are nine thousand miles inside. Shh~ Keep it a secret~

If it was kept secret, there happened to be a maid who could play and a piano. In less than a minute, she was taught. The white tape sound was pasted on the piano box. The maid began to teach the princess how to teach her. Only then did she find that their princess could not even understand music theory and the music score, so the maid began to teach music theory.

Dingdong, Dingdong, Dingdong, Dolaimi instigated Xiduo, and then learned it. Junyi thought it was very simple, but it took some time. She was going to practice after learning the piano for a while, but it took much more time than she thought. She couldn't calm down when she was thinking about practice, and there was also a headache in her fingers. But it's okay. Huangfu Qingyi talked so well that in order to play with him in order to surprise him, these can be overcome.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Doraimi instigated Xiduo...

was practicing carefully. The little fox Xuguang pulled down his ears tightly and rolled on the ground in pain. Jun Yi thought he had eaten his stomach and quickly took him to the empty inner room to check his situation.

The little fox patted Junyi's hand with one paw, "I'm fine!"

"It's okay, so what?"

"It's your business! You talk too badly! I can't stand it! I can't stand it! It's so ugly, so ugly, ah, my ears~ I'm sorry for you, my ears... You're simply poisoning my ears, no, you're simply poisoning everyone's ears! What evil have we done in our previous life? We should be treated like this in this life..." The little fox Xuguang rolled on the table with pain.

"It's not so exaggerated, isn't it? And... I think it sounds good."

"Oh, my God, it's terrible enough to play so poisonously. What's more terrible than this is that the person who plays it doesn't feel..."

"Okay," Junyi interrupted him. "You can't stand it. I'm in a hurry to practice. There are still a lot of things to do. I don't have time to play with you."

"Well, since there are a lot of things to do, and it's too late to practice, why do you have to learn these time-consuming things?" The little fox Xuguang's paws scratched two deep marks on the table, "Does he know that you have done so much for him? Will he remember? If you don't know him at all, give him your heart. What you do is not worth it at all. He doesn't know how to cherish it at all! If you turn your face and feel tired, you will abandon you, just like the old and dirty clothes they threw out..."

"Stop talking nonsense. Why don't you like him? Obviously, they are all good at playing the piano, and they should cherish each other."

"It's not good to compare me with him. There is no heart in his piano!" The little fox Xuguang stared at Junyi's eyes, but Junyi did not notice the deep meaning to be expressed in the little fox's eyes.

The little fox Xuguang has not rejected Huangfu Qingyi for a day or two. She has been used to such bad words for a long time. She didn't feel angry, but a little confused. She walked out of the room silently and stopped saying anything. What's the use of saying now?

"You really want to learn to ask my master to teach you! At least it won't make people want to cut off their ears!" When he opened the door, he heard the little fox Xuguang shouting behind him.

"Good." Junyi smiled. Maybe she thought too much. Xuguang just simply didn't like Huangfu Qingyi. People who play the piano well may not like each other and regard each other as an eyesore.

The previous things have been sorted out. They have not started, but they have ended. Now he is just her benefactor. She is just repaying her kindness. As long as Xuguang stays here for a day, she will treat him well for a day.

Junyi knew that she had put it down. She felt that Xuguang had never started, which was a little funny.

However, it has gone with the wind.

"First of all, you can't learn from me. If you learn from me, you will become a master. At least you have to be one of the best in the world. Go out and lose my face. Give up as soon as possible!" Before starting to teach, Xuguang vowed.

"I know," Junyi really didn't want to learn so well. "When I was on the street and sold steamed buns, I wouldn't mention the master's name. I just said that I had no teacher."

"Bah, curse yourself on the street!" The little fox Xuguang was very concerned, "Hurry up and say three times. It's too unlucky. Hurry up, what are you doing when you look at me giggle?

A small heartstring in the bottom of Junyi's heart was touched, bringing a small ripple, and fainted in circles on the heart lake: although he had never loved me, he still cared about me, and the voice in his heart said so.

"I'm following you now. If you live on the street, where will I get better! Hurry up, are you going to make me live on the street!" The little fox Xuguang continued to urge you to moan.

Uh, well, my heartstrings have been touched again. Sure enough, there are no feelings, only politeness and cultivation. No, this guy doesn't even have politeness and cultivation. Don't you understand his politeness and cultivation after five years? His politeness and cultivation will only be shown when he wants to perform.

Junyi didn't say three poohs in the end. If he didn't believe this, Xuguang poohed six times seriously, and then cleared his throat and said, "Most practitioners think that practice should be focused, dedicated and focused. The so-called 'three specials', but they don't know that piano, chess, calligraphy and painting can cultivate sentiment, adjust mood, and sort it out. The mood, properly used, is beneficial but harmless to the road of cultivation.

"Actually, there is no need to say..." Junyi doesn't want to listen to these big principles, and he hates the big truth routines the most.

"Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!" Teacher Xuguang interrupted her and raised her paws and patted it again. "If you learn the piano, you must have a correct attitude. I heard you practiced before, and pointed out that you are heart-minded to practice on the piano, and you are worried about practicing and affectionate with that bastard! This! That's why you can't practice well. You don't love the piano in your heart. What you love is the person who wants to play the piano for him! You didn't figure out the purpose of practicing the piano. It's chaotic! Unintentional! Wrong heart! So you can't practice well!"

Actually, I have figured out the purpose. I don't care about the piano or anything. I really only care about the people who play the piano for him. Junyi thinks he is a layman. The cooking is for people to eat, otherwise why do you want to cook? Playing the piano is for people to hear, otherwise why does the sound of the piano rise?

Her goal is also very simple. She doesn't have to become the first and second as Xu Guang said. She just wants to learn one or two songs and play them with Huangfu Qingyi, or learn the accompaniment of Huangfu Qingyi in the morning, and then he will play with him when he plays, so on.

However, these words can't be said. You can imagine saying these words to Xuguang. She will face endless theoretical bombing and brainwashing about correct attitude.

The little fox Xuguang talked about his attitude for a quarter of an hour, and finally asked, "Can you start teaching?"

He scratched his chin and reluctantly nodded. Xuguang said, "First of all, choose a suitable piano for you and go to the piano room here."

"No," Junyi quickly stopped it. She wanted to secretly learn to surprise Huangfu Qingyi. If she went to the piano room, things would spread. "I just learned it. Just a handful of piano. That's all. I'll change it when I learn it well. I'll use the piano reported by the maid Dan first. It's good for you to go out and have a look. Even the white tape has been marked!"

"I said it for nothing, didn't I? You can't correct your attitude, can you?" Xuguang has the tendency to incarnate the roaring emperor, "White tape! Is there anything special about the white tape? Is it suitable for you if the white tape is marked?"

"That's... I mean... you don't need to spend time on pasting it again... to save time..." Jun Yi said weakly, "Teacher..."

"You can't teach children! What I said was useless! Do you know the importance of basic skills? Do you know that the movement of a finger is wrong at the beginning and you have been wrong all your life? Do you know how different the pitch is between a good piano and a poor piano..." Xuguang jumped up on the table and his ears were high. Junyi noticed that he was very * falling down... It seemed that it was spring, changing his hair... He was distracted. In Junyi's mind, Xuguang roared again, from basic fingering to listening training, and finally Yu Roar was tired and concluded, "You don't know what qualifications you have!"

On the table, there is a shallow layer of fox fur.