Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 245 Biography of Huanghua Village

"I said, you are not short of money, and you are full of children and grandchildren. Why do you want to wrong people?" You want to ask.

"Xiao Liu, come here, come to grandma," the old woman brought a little grandson who was playing alone, and tears flowed down from his wrinkled eyes. "I didn't accumulate virtue in my last life. My grandson was born and wouldn't talk and ignored anyone. The doctor in the city looked at it and said that his ears and throat were fine. Whoo... I I want to make more money to cure his illness... Whoo..."

A woman next to her, the mother of the child, also came to cry together.

Junyi looked at Xuguang and wanted to hear his opinion. Xuguang didn't look at the crying family and ate *: "Don't believe it. You are using your sympathy to cheat money."

It's really a trick. After failing to touch porcelain, now the sympathy of good people has come.

These scum don't look at who has been cheated. Xuguang's deceptive level is "can't stop at all". He can roll a big snowball with lies! Because of these scum, Junyi can't refute Xuguang's contempt for ordinary human beings.

If Xuguang didn't see it, Junyi might have really paid for it. They lied and not. In addition, the child may be really sick and looks autistic. Junyi knew in his previous life that families with autistic children were really difficult, and their parents would worry about it for a lifetime.

"Although you shouldn't say that, the child is innocent after all," Junyi scolded the crying old woman, "you deserve it! You deserve it! You also said that you didn't accumulate virtue in your last life, so you haven't accumulated virtue in your life! Wait for you to be more unlucky in your next life!"

The old woman has never been told that. She said the same thing as many people. Who didn't pay to express sympathy? Who cursed?

She was completely stunned by Junyi. She didn't react for a long time. When she reacted, she rushed up and splashed with Junyi. She wanted to fight hard with Junyi. Her sons came forward to hold her and said one after another, "Mom, mom, mom, calm down. You can't solve the problem by force."

Why can't force solve the problem, because it can't be beaten. Hey hey, absolute force is easy to use.

By their noise, Junyi Meimei had a farm meal, not to mention that the food of the scum family was still delicious. Farm food is fresh.

After dinner, a man came forward and said, "Three immortals, we are going to guard the spirit. You three..."

"Let's go and have a look with you." Xuguang picked his teeth.

"I'm afraid..."

"What? Do you have any comments? Junyi said with a smile.

"No comment, no comment! God, please."

"Oh, let me ask you, how did that life die?"

" will know when you go to see it."

The mourning hall was set in the courtyard, and more than 100 people in the village arrived. The old man who drove the car stood at the corner of the yard and kept coughing. He saw Junyi bending over to salute and approach the mourning hall. Hi, it's really lively! In addition to the crying family members, there are three waves of people hostile to each other. The mourning hall was not small, and these people squeezed in and there was no room to breathe. Seeing Junyi and his party come in, they all raised their guard.

One is a fast catcher, and the big catcher in his forties takes a young follower with him, "The catcher and handle the case quickly, and the unrelate people will avoid it by themselves!"

One is a monk. I'm afraid he is the most formal and retro monk he has seen since Junyi came to Hanshan Temple. He has a jacket, a bowl, a bald head, a scar, eighty-eight dragon-falling rosary in his left hand, and a golden nine-ring tin rod in his right hand. As the first day of practice, there is a welcome ceremony. The master of the ceremony did not have his full line, "Amitabha, why did the three benefactors come? The demon and poor monks here are enough to surrender.

One is... dressed fancyly, wearing many layers of clothes, mopping the floor with wide sleeves, and white paintings on his face. I really don't know what it is for. The man is kind. He took out a post from his arms and distributed it to Junyi and his party, "I haven't seen you. You came from afar. Here, my famous post, if there is a child at home Well, if the old man wants to see anyone, he can come to me. He can also look at me, divination, fortune-telling, and feng shui. I will give you a 20% discount." - It turned out to be a jumping god.

Seeing the business of the jumping god, the monk was unhappy: "Is it something that you and other juniors can do? Still asking C, looking for dragons!" The class is to look at the phase. Knocking on the scriptures is divination, asking C is fortune-telling, and reading feng shui is looking for dragons.

The goddess retorted: "You fake monk, just take a few profound words!"

"Who do you think is a fake monk!" The monk raised the bowl.

"Don't quarrel." The catcher drank and quarreled with them and asked Junyi, "What do you three do?"

Junyi looked at Xuguang and raised his eyebrows, which meant, "Look, the catcher, the monk and the goddess are all over. There is no Taoist priest here. Why don't we be a Taoist priest?" Xuguang shook his head, saying that the identity of Taoist priest is inconvenient, and we still have a more convenient identity. Junyi understood what he meant and blinked slowly - OK, I agree.

Xuguang straightened up and raised his head and put his feet on the shelf and looked around the crowd: "Guys, let me introduce myself. We have just concluded a double practice. Today, we will take your wife out casually and cultivate feelings. Don't care about us. What should we do?"

You want to stare at him - I asked you to identify ourselves as a monk. What is your announcement of a fake marriage? Really.

However, the wedding news also received the same effect. "Double cultivation" is a special word for practitioners to get married. With the words, people in the world know that they are immortals as soon as they hear it. The crying family immediately ran up and knelt down. The deceased had four direct relatives, an elderly father, a daughter-in-law who has just passed the door for a long time, and a middle-aged brother and sister-in-law. The young widow of the deceased came forward and begged, "Immortal, please, how did you say that my son died!" My father-in-law died unjustly!" Others also begged: "My son died unjustly!" My brother died unjustly! Please give him justice!"

The catcher, monk and jumping gods were weak in front of the practitioners, and they immediately did not exist in everyone's eyes. They could only silently salute and give up the land.

Junyi took the opportunity to say, "Please get up, poppy, go and have a look." She held her head high and introduced to the crowd, "This is my spiritual pet. Let her show you."

When everyone heard that they brought spiritual pets, they kowtowed more frequently. In the secular world, practitioners were immortals and immortals, but all those who could bring spiritual pets were very powerful immortals. Even the jumping gods and catchers knelt down. The monk turned his rosary and stood still. Seeing that everyone knelt down and slipped away.

The first seven has not sealed the coffin. Huanghua Village follows the custom of dead bodies lying on the door panel. The dead sleep on the flat door panel above the mourning hall. Junyi pulled the poppy and whispered, "Do as agreed."

Poppy muttered, "Why is it me again?" and took off the cloth covering the dead body.

"Ah!" She screamed and turned into a black smoke and rose rapidly. When everyone looked for it again, she held the beam of the roof and couldn't come down.

Junyi was afraid of ghosts. Although she was psychologically prepared, she was still scared by her scream and hugged Xuguang's arm and didn't let go. But at this time, she had to be stretched. She calmed down and pretended that her wife was holding her husband's arm and said to everyone: "I'm sorry, it's embarrassing, although this spiritual pet is a little I have the ability, but I still have the courage to**.

Where can you have the ability to turn into black smoke? You have a lot of ability, okay? The cultivation who can receive such a powerful spiritual pet is even more capable, and everyone sees Junyi and Xuguang as immortals.

Xuguang took the opportunity to hold Junyi and came forward to check the body. Junyi leaned against him to be bold. He was so afraid that he still wanted to see it. He squinted and looked carefully from the cracks in his eyes.

The body is black and obviously poisoned.

The father of the deceased came forward and said, "My son went to the field to pick vegetables. He hasn't come back for a long time. His daughter-in-law went out to look for it, and he has become like this. Oh, immortals, I just beg to save my son. As long as I can save him, I am willing to offer you everything. You can take all my property!"

The father is very old, and his dead son is still young. He is an old son, and he is a white-haired man who sends black hair. He can't breathe sadly as he speaks.

It's Junyi's appearance too much, which gives them higher expectations.

"Father, my brother is dead, and people can't come back to life. Don't embarrass the immortals." The eldest son came forward to help the old father and filially rub his father's chest to cheer him up.

"Of course you don't want to be saved!" The widow of the deceased pushed her uncle away and helped her father-in-law by herself. "If you kill our mother and son again, it's all yours!" You are happy! It's you who killed my father-in-law, arrest Lord, and arrest him! He killed my father-in-law!"

"Blood mouth sprays!" The eldest son's daughter-in-law said, "Who doesn't know that your father-in-law often beats you to death? You still have someone outside recently. I think you did it. Catch her quickly and arrest her! She murdered her husband!"

"Don't quarrel!" Hurry up and shout. Stop everyone from making noise.

"This family is quite complicated." Your feelings.

"Look, people are like this, dirty." Xuguang couldn't help contempt.

If you don't like to hear this, Junyi pushed him away, "You are dirty, then stay away from me!" I still think you smell!"

Xuguang's face stuck up, "It smells good. I finally smell it. I'm full of men's body smell."

"Ouch..." Junyi was disgusted and pushed him away again, "A fox* is."

Xuguang glued again and said sweetly, "No, I said they, you don't count, some people, some people, and many people are very cute. Cute, kind, and loved by everyone, okay?"

"Cut." Barely, sweet words are still very useful. "I am loved by everyone, flowers bloom, and the car will have a flat tire when it sees it."


"If you don't understand, I will explain later. Investigate the case first."

The arrest came to introduce the situation of this family. It turned out that after Huanghua Village made money from Xiaohuanghua, the villagers became rich. The old father married the second lady. In a few years, the eldest lady hanged herself and committed suicide. In a few years, the second wife fell into the river on the way back from the temple to worship the gods. The eldest son was left by the eldest lady. The second son was left by the second lady.

"Wow, this is a small biography of Zhen Huan."

"The Legend of Zhen Huan?" Xuguang is puzzled.

"If you don't understand, I will explain later. Investigate the case first."

Xuguang is going to vomit blood. Fortunately, he is not anxious and curious, otherwise he must die.

Such a small family actually has a harem, palace fighting, hanging, assassination, and living together. There is only one truth!" Junyi reasoned, "The second lady must have forced the eldest lady to die, and the eldest lady's son will take revenge when he grows up."

The catcher said, "We also think so, but there is no evidence. The investigation is about evidence. I believe that the eldest son killed his aunt, but he killed his brother. I don't believe it. Their brotherly relationship is very good. After the second lady's death, the child is still young. It was the eldest son who brought up his younger brother.

"Isn't there a family property? What can't be done for the sake of money? Is it to swallow the family property alone?" You said.