Mei Gu Xiancheng

First meeting of three encounters 3

"The courage is quite fat~" The three-tailed spirit fox ridiculed the "tide insect".

The light spot in his green eyes was about the same size as Junyi's whole body. The breath he exhaled almost blew Junyi to the ground and noticed that he was too big to speak. The three-tailed spirit fox shrank its body two or three times larger than Junyi.

Originally, the small hill was the size of his body itself. He showed his original shape and became smaller after stretching, so that it was convenient to talk to... er... with the "tide worm".

He thought that he was actually not looking at the moon, let alone "deeply" the moon. He just stretched his neck and stretched his waist, so that he would not look at the moon. It was just a huge barren stone. He was not interested.

He is a spirit fox, a high-level spirit fox, and a high-level three-tailed spirit fox.

The difference between ordinary foxes, spirit foxes and high-level spirit foxes has emerged.

They are all foxes, and they are not very long, and there is a big difference. How can an ordinary wild fox become bigger and smaller? This is difficult to do even by low-level spirit foxes.

If ordinary foxes are defined as foxes, low-level spirit foxes are comparable to or even better than human beings. High-level spirit foxes - this is undoubtedly a "superman" existence.

High-level spirit beasts have their own knowledge inheritance. Even if the low-level spirit fox does not have such knowledge and vision, low-level spirit foxes generally cannot understand what the moon is, but high-level spirit beasts know that knowledge flows in their blood.

Therefore, the high-level spirit fox is far more powerful than the monk imagined, and has amazing combat effectiveness; it is also smart, and has more inheritance... and is valuable.

However, Junyi is not concerned about these. Her attention is a little biased, but it is not biased. Let's see who pays attention to it from what angle. From the perspective of a little girl who has never seen much of the world and likes furry pets, she pays great attention to the "point".

She said, "You can talk... so cute..."

This is obviously the little girl's mentality. This three-tailed spirit fox reminds her of the "little purple" she raised when she was a child. Memories brought her back to the time when she was still a little girl. The "so cute" she came out is really not in line with the identity of the occasion and the image she has always wanted to maintain, but fortunately At this moment, she jumped up and hugged other people's thighs without excitement and shouted "I like it so much".

If she was two years younger, she would have jumped up and hugged her thighs. It can be regarded as her rapid growth in the past two years without hugging other people's thighs and rubbing her face on it.

She has always dreamed of "Xiao Zi" being able to talk to herself. She heard that high-level spirit beasts can speak human language, but her cultivation is too low and her status in the sect is too low. She has never seen a talking spirit beast.

Since she was a child, she wanted to have a fluffy pet that could talk and chat with her, so that after the three-tailed fox became smaller, she almost said, "Can you become smaller and I want to hold you in my arms!"

No wonder they all want high-level spirit beasts. It's so cute - this is what Junyi thinks at this moment.

It turned out to be a nymphomaniac - this is what the three-tailed spirit fox thinks at this moment.

Her current position is somewhat awkward. It is impossible to find the "ex-husband" who abandoned her and have a new lover. It is also a little uncomfortable to join the group of her brothers and sisters. After all, she used to be a senior sister, and it seems that she can't pull down. Even if she doesn't care, the brothers and sisters are not free. In;

And she has just been abandoned for a long time, and she has a bad temper, and I have to say that she has somewhat offended people.

When she is sad, she also likes to be alone, and later she seems to be a little used to being lonely...

The immortal is not alone... If the immortal is not alone, she has to pull a companion. Now, she has no one to pull. Can't she ask her to pull the master to accompany her to find the "foot washing pool"? What's more, the master doesn't like her...

The reason why Junyi acted alone is simple. After analyzing various reasons, it is not much simpler than the three-tailed spirit fox thinks. The ideas in people's hearts are really simple and complex. Sometimes they just shake gently like an unconscious wind, sometimes comparable to the twists and turns of a war.

The three-tailed spirit fox kicked her away, and she got out of the distance. There were old injuries and new injuries, and there were a lot of bruises on her body. However, thanks to this kick, Junyi found her state.

This is not in a fairy tale-like dream. In a fairy tale-like dream, everything you want will line up and rush to jump into your arms. In reality, in the reality of the king's will, you need to work hard for everything you want. Even if the hope is slim, you have to work hard.

I don't know if she has noticed that she is more awake after being hurt every time, poor gentleman...

"I came here by chance. I happened to meet you. Meeting is fate." Junyi hit the tree again before stopping. She stood up and raised her neck and said calmly to the three-tailed spirit fox. Junyi herself also felt that the sentence "meal is fate". Fortunately, she was calm enough when she was calm, and When she was calm, she was thick-skinned enough to finish this sentence, but the first two sentences of this sentence were true, and the last sentence was not hypocritical at all, "Would you want to be my spiritual pet?"

"Hum... play tricks with me...he," the three-tailed spirit fox sneered at her words, "Aim your accomplice come out. What other tricks are there to bring out together! With your courage, I'll give you a chance.

The three-tailed spirit fox didn't believe anything about her words. He thought you were going to play tricks with him. Moreover, he was very concerned about Junyi's "unappearing accomplices". He did not find other practitioners, which made him more cautious. He had been secretly observing around and did not find any practitioners who fainted or escaped, so he believed that Junyi's accomplices were still hidden nearby. It must be that he could hide his breath so well. A highly cultivated person, but why hasn't he been able to do it yet? Are you arranging a large array? No... If you can't feel the array... Is it... is it part of their plan to confuse and worry themselves?

In fact, those "partners" really don't exist, and of course he can't find them. On the contrary, the smart three-tailed spirit fox got more and more complicated he thought about it and surrounded himself.

Junyi didn't know that his imagination was so complicated. Seeing that he didn't believe in himself, he no longer defended himself and said calmly, "You are injured. I have six three-pin healing elixirs. If I give them all to you, would you like to be my spiritual pet?"

"What?" The three-tailed spirit fox felt that he seemed to have heard something funny, but it was "like" and could not be sure, because it was too unbelievable.

"I know that my cultivation is too low to subdue you, but think about it, as long as you are here, you will sooner or later be subdued by a powerful practitioners. Instead of being defeated by a practitioners and having to be his spiritual pet, it's better to choose one by yourself. I have a good temper and gentle personality, and I won't force you to do it. In fact, I am very beautiful, kind and generous," Junyi noticed the confusion in the eyes of the three-tailed spirit fox, and then looked down at his gray body and explained, "You may not see it now. You will see it in the future. I will also make spiritual food and make delicious food for you every day. What do you think? ?"