Beauty on the side

Chapter 001 First Encounter 1

In May of the second year of Yining (June 18), Li Yuan won the throne in the Taiji Hall of Daxing City, set the name of the country Tang, and the Sui Dynasty perished. It was changed to Wude, and the former capital Daxing was named Chang'an. The eldest son Li Jiancheng was crowned prince, the second son Li Shimin was the king of Qin, the third son Li Xuanba died early, and the fourth son Li Yuanji was the king of Qi.

Neighbors quietly discussed this matter. Chang'an City was still a great boom in the Sui Dynasty yesterday, and today it has become Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.

I picked up my clothes and did laundry by the stream. I heard several women say that after the Li family broke Chang'an, they did not hurt a single animal, which was the king's job. Now that the Li family is in the world, the people also want to have peace.

I don't know what happened back then. When I woke up, I had slept for two days and two nights. I was awakened by the sound of purring wheels and found myself lying on a board pulling a cart, beside me a little boy. When he saw that I woke up, he immediately shouted, "Sister wakes up, sister wakes up!"

The car was immediately stopped, and a man with a wrinkled face came to look at me. Seeing the old age and sadness in his eyes, I couldn't help calling out, "Dad." The man took a look and then answered me happily. He said, "Dad will take you out of the city, and your father will protect you if he dies."

I really forgot what happened before that day. After thinking about it for a few days, it was still blank. My father said that I was sick and burned my head before forgetting things. He often looked at me and scolded Li Jiajun. He said that if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have done this. He always looks at me with guilt and heartache, but I don't feel uncomfortable with memory loss.

My name is Mo Xiran, which my father told me. My father also said that my mother died when I was a child, leaving my brother and me. After Li Jiajun broke through Daxing, he took me and my brother to escape for their lives. I don't know why we are running for our lives. It seems that we are the only ones running for our lives in the old Daxing City. However, it was obviously impossible to go out of the city at that time. Not long after Li Jiajun broke through the city, the search was extremely strict. His father wandered at the gate for several days and dared not take us out. He said that it doesn't matter if he dies, but he can't implict me and my brother.

"It's safe to be in danger!" Finally, after saying this, my father took my brother and me to the town on the edge of the city. The family life is quite good, but my mother has not been here for a long time. My father can do medicine and opened a medicine shop to treat people's diseases and buy medicine. I often help dry herbs and decoct medicine in the backyard. Every morning, my father and younger brother go to the slope of the forest to collect medicine, and I tidy up the medicinal herbs and dry them. Such a good day is also good.

After half a year, my memory is only half a year. The stars turn in the sky, and my fate has been decided. I often look at the starry sky and wonder if there will be someone I have met but forgotten somewhere in this sky. In the previous 13 years, I was so lonely that I didn't know any friends? I really can't remember that those thirteen years were blank in my mind.

Withdrawing my thoughts, I lifted my clothes in the water with my hand, and the women had changed the topic to talk about family affairs. It is necessary to be killed to discuss state affairs in private.

I picked up my laundry and walked home. In the distance, I saw my father sitting on the stone at the door and looking at the distance. Seeing me coming, he closed his eyes and secretly moved to me. When I dried my clothes, he watched me dry, and when I cooked, he watched me do it. When eating, my father also ate a few bites at will. I felt strange and asked, "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Father sighed and said, "Today, the name of the country is Tang."

I can't help saying: "Military and state affairs, no matter big or small, civil and military officials, no noble and lowly. I think the emperor has done a very good job today!"

My father suddenly got up from the stool and said angrily to me, "It's all pretending!" If you mention the kindness of the Li family again in the future, don't want me as a father!"

What my father said was really unfair. My younger brother gently pulled me and gave me a wink to stop talking. Seeing my father's face turn red with anger, I quickly picked up the vegetables and put them in his bowl. "If you don't say it, don't say it!" I won't say anything anymore. I won't want my father.

The father calmed down and said, "This is the best, this is the best."

When I was cooking before, the rice was shallow at home, and I planned to go to town. At this time, my brother ran to grab my sleeve and insisted on going with me. Thinking that he had not been to the town, I repeatedly told him not to make trouble and took him with him. On the way, I kept holding his hand tightly. The child was very curious, but I was pulled away by him.

"Hongzhi, slow down." I pulled him back. He looked at the colorful things in the town and looked excited: "Sister, the town is very interesting. You will bring me here next time."

I shaved his nose and said, "You follow me obediently and don't lose it."

I took my brother's hand and walked on the street. My brother was still very naughty and did not restrain himself at all. Entering the rice shop, my brother saw the colorful face mask outside and rushed out again. Seeing him at the edge of the shop, I looked at him from time to time and bought rice in the shop. Suddenly, I felt as if someone had been staring at me. I looked back and saw that the shopkeeper was looking up and down at me. When he saw me turning around and seeing me look scared, he hurriedly explained to me, "Xiran, you should be careful when you go to the street at this time. This town is looking for a beautiful girl of your age."

Because I often buy rice here, the shop owner is familiar with me. He kindly reminded me and told me to go home quickly, and Mi sent it to my house the next day as usual. I thanked my brother who was still looking at the flower-faced mask, but my brother was fascinated by the flower-faced mask and shouted to buy the flower-faced mask.

"Sister will make one for you when you go home, which is 100 times better than the face mask here." I pulled my brother away. My younger brother struggled in my hand and shouted, "You can't make a face mask!" The flower face mask you made can't be recognized by anyone!"

I really don't know who painted the flower-faced mask. I said that I just wanted my brother to go home with me faster. My father has always liked us spending money indiscriminately. I'm afraid my brother will be scolded if he buys that mask. My brother was very stubborn. He suddenly became strong and turned his head and ran away. I was so angry that I hurried back to chase after it. Unexpectedly, as soon as I turned around, I heard a roar: "Ah! Where did the wild kid come from?"

I saw a middle-aged man in gorgeous purple flaming his clothes, holding his brother's wrist in one hand, and another older man standing next to him. Both of them were wearing official uniforms. This hit the official's mouth. My younger brother looked at the angry man in panic. I quickly came forward and nodded and said, "Please calm down your anger. My little brother is playful and has no heart in the adult's clothes."

The older man came forward to look at me and said strangely, "Come on, look up and let our family have a look."

I was terrled when I heard his name for myself. The new Tang Dynasty was just built to select qualified women over 13 years old from the people to enter the palace. Fourteen beautiful women have been selected in the town, and one is still missing. The boss of Mipu just reminded me, and I bumped into the official's mouth.

Seeing that I didn't look up, the man in purple said sharply, "Why don't you look up to Grandpa Xu!"

I sweated in the palm of my hand, and my brother was still caught by the man. I couldn't escape. I had to look up and let my father-in-law look at it. Grandpa Xu looked at my face, his eyes were full of brilliance, and he turned his head and said, "Ye Shishi, we don't have to look for it anymore. It's just right to fill in front of us." Then he turned his head and smiled and said, "Wonest you like to go to the palace with our family? If you are lucky, you can enjoy endless glory and wealth!"

I listened and hurriedly stepped back and said, "The little woman has a father in her family, and I'm afraid she can't move forward."

Ye Shishi next to him picked up his brother's wrist, and his brother shouted in pain. He was about to say a few words but was stopped by Grandpa Xu. Grandpa Xu loosened Ye Shishi's hand, pushed his brother into my arms, and waved his hand to signal that we could leave. I hurriedly pulled my brother with a panicked face three steps and took two steps back home.

When my younger brother arrived at home, he cried when he saw his father.

"Dad, I just saw a few people and almost caught my sister and me!"

After listening to my brother's words, my father's face changed greatly and asked me with a white face. I knew that my father linked the escape from half a year ago and said calmly, "I just accidentally bumped into someone and apologized."

As soon as he finished saying this, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of the medicine shop. It turned out to be Grandpa Xu and Ye Shishi who met on the street, and there were several sergeants lined up straight behind him. I was really surprised by their appearance, and my younger brother hid behind me and secretly leaned his head to see.

When the father saw them, he shook his hand holding the medicine and sprinkled the medicine all over the ground. My father hurriedly bent down to pick it up. Grandpa Xu lifted his wrist and helped him up. He smiled and said, "Don't panic, we're here to deliver things."

Father Xu smiled brightly, but his father's face was even more pale. Grandpa Xu patted his palms, handed over a set of folded white clothes and turned to me and said to his father, "I heard that Mr. Mo's daughter is beautiful, just in the sky. I'm here to take your daughter into the palace to enjoy happiness."

My father pushed the dress away with one hand, pulled me behind him with the other hand, and said, "No. My daughter doesn't go to the palace.

When Grandpa Xu heard this, his face suddenly changed. He dragged his yellow face and said, "I have said hello to your daughter on the street, and your daughter is also very happy. This palace must be entered!"

Grandpa Xu threw his clothes on the table and said to me, "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Don't play tricks on me, or... hum!" He brushed his sleeves hard and strode away. My father shook his chin and couldn't speak for a long time. I knew that he didn't want me to enter the palace. The people in the palace were sinister. After entering, life and death were from heaven, and he had to be trapped in the red wall all his life. But this can no longer be refused, otherwise it will lead to murder.

My father was sweating heavily on his forehead, closed the pharmacy and turned over the box. I saw him fold one clothes after another and quickly stopped him and said, "Dad, what are you going to do?"

The father said, "What do you do?" Is it really going to send you to the palace? After saying that, he began to finish the whole thing again. I just don't think it's appropriate to do so and hide his packed luggage behind me. My father stared at me and said angrily, "Do you really want to go to the palace? Do you think life is hard and want to seduce the old emperor?

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