Beauty on the side

Chapter 048 Branch Plum 2

Li Shimin entered the inner room alone, and I quickly got up and entered the room. This is my father's room. The furnishings are very simple, and there is an herbal book on the table. I dusted the pages and held him in my arms. Li Shimin came over and asked, "There is no pen and ink on the table. Why do you put a big cloth?"

I shook my head: "That's Dad's habit."

Li Shimin reached out and lifted the layer of cloth, but saw two gaps in the table, as if it were a dark box. I was surprised that I gently moved my hand between the two gaps, and the table was moved away. I was surprised. I opened the dark box in one hand, and the dust in the sun flew freely, and a touch of gold flashed from the box.

There is a golden hairpin inside. I carefully took it out and held it in my hand. Li Shimin said, "Why is this golden hairpin hidden so secretly?"

I said, "I think this is a relic left by my mother. The family is poor, and my father can't bear to exchange it for silver, so he hides it here and remembers it.

Li Shimin looked at the golden hairpin carefully and frowned slightly and said, "Then keep it well and don't take it out and show it to others at will. Now you can't live without salary when you work in my Chengqian Hall. If it's not enough, you want me to take it.

As I put it away, I said, "I know it. My father kept it so well, how could I destroy his thoughts at will?

I vaguely felt that my feet were soft and I couldn't exert myself. Li Shimin held my waist with one hand and held it on the table with the other. His face was confused. He said, "It's really careless. When will it be poisoned?"

Two figures flashed in front of the door, and one of them laughed wildly and said, "This room has been coated with incense powder. Together with dust, you will all be tricked!"

"How can you think that I am easy to bully!" Li Shimin whispered, pulled out the long sword beside him and stabbed forward. Because of the fan powder, Li Shimin's footsteps were extremely unstable, and even a few moves did not hurt the two of them. When the two saw that he had lost his strength, they looked at each other and split the knife forward. I was shocked and randomly helped the table and pushed a man away. Li Shimin raised his sword to block the other man's several moves, and finally fell down softly. Seeing that the big knife was about to hit his eyebrows, I pressed on Li Shimin and rolled aside with him. My ear suddenly shook, and my body fell down quickly and fell to an unknown place.

The fan powder used was very powerful, and I couldn't help covering my eyelids. Finally, I faintly heard the person above say: "The master has an order not to hurt this woman!" We'd better take action first, otherwise you and I won't..."

When I woke up, I don't know how much time has passed. I looked around in a daze. It turned out that it had fallen into a deep round hole, surrounded by bumpy stone walls, which looked like new. I looked at the top. The hole is not shallow. It is very difficult to climb up by hands and feet alone, and it is unknown whether it can be climbed. Thinking of what I heard before I fainted, it seems that those people have not come back.

I looked at the person beside me. The medicinal properties of the incense powder were almost over, but his hands and feet were still a little weak. Why hasn't Li Shimin woken up yet? He lay on his back with sweat on his forehead. My Buddha's hand touched my forehead, which was very hot. In a blink of an eye, I saw the blood stains on his waist coat, and I couldn't help panic.

I looked at the wound on his waist and extended from the waist to the back of his waist. The wound was not very deep, but it also cut the meat. From time to time, some wind blew down from the top of the hole. At this time, he was hit by powder and was injured again. His body was really weak, so he got cold and fever.

There is no water or herbs in the hole, so I have to wake him up first. But after calling for a long time, Li Shimin only moved his head uneasily and refused to wake up. Touching his hot forehead, I was really anxious. At this time, he opened his eyes slightly and his eyes fell on my face. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pressed me to the ground. The delicate kiss fell on his neck, causing waves of ripples. I pushed him gently and called, "Your Highness? Your Highness?"

A faint musk floated beside him, and he was injured. I didn't dare to move at will and was at a loss for a moment. He loosened my wrist, stroked my back with his big palm, and hugged me tightly. He fell in my ear, kissed and sighed, "Are you back? Qiyan...Qiyan."

I was stiff, staring at the stone wall above, and my whole body became cold. I came to my senses and pushed hard, but he hugged me tighter, and the words in my ear were anxious: "Qiyan, you can't leave me, you can't!"

He was very depressed. He muttered the names of other women in my ear. Who is this woman? There is no one called Qiyan in Chengqian Hall. Is this woman acting outside the palace like Ye Ying? She... must be very important to him, that's why she mistook me for her.

I couldn't help but make a big knot on the name. I huddled in the corner of the cave and looked at the sleeping person lying on the ground, but I didn't know what to do. There was a sound of rain outside. The door of the house was open, and some rain fell into the cave as soon as the wind blew. Thinking about it, I got up and found the place where it rained the most, and opened my arms to let the rain fall on my clothes. The spring rain is always big and small, dense and sparse. After standing for about half an hour, the clothes are finally a little wet. I turned around and pulled my sleeves to cover Li Shimin's hot forehead. His hot forehead suddenly imprinted my skin through the wet sleeves. My heart suddenly beat, and the heat rushed into the bottom of my heart from my wrist.

After such a repeated appointment for an hour, Li Shimin finally woke up again, but this time his consciousness was also awake. Qingming's eyes swept the cave and finally fell on me, with his eyes moving up and down.

I saw him wake up with joy in worry. When I saw him look at me, I subconsciously looked at myself. In order to cool him down from the spring rain, I plunged my whole body into the falling rain. The dress was a little thin. After the rain, it was half silky. At this time, it was gently sticking to my skin, bringing out the skin color and curves of my upper body.

A red face, I held my arm and explained, "You are injured and hot, I..."

"I know." Li Shimin stretched out his hand to untie my hairband, "Drying your hair, or you will have a headache."

The yellow hairband fluttered on his hand, and the green silk on my shoulder suddenly spread and hung to my chest, slightly wet. Looking up at his burning eyes, he couldn't help but feel ashamed. He shrank and sat back at the corner of the hole and dared not look in his direction.

Li Shimin held his palm several times, and finally stood up, leaned his back against the stone wall and looked at the mouth of the cave. After thinking for a long time, he finally said, "The room is very neat except for spider webs and dust. If it were the remnants of the Sui Dynasty, they would have turned the whole house to find something beneficial. Previously, the four people took action when they saw the carriage. They knew who were inside, and their purpose was not the so-called people in the palace, nor were they the so-called Sui Dynasty pirates! The people who appeared later expected that we would enter the house. Both groups of people had the same purpose.

"Know our identity, know the intention of our trip, and want to kill us outside the it the palace people?" I followed his idea, and a figure appeared in my mind, and my heart was cold. It turns out that he also doesn't miss family affection.

"I think, yes!" Li Shimin's eyes flashed with a trace of dangerous anger. I changed the topic and reminded him, "Those two will leave temporarily, but they will come back. Can Your Highness think of a good way to go out?

"Go out... you can make a bet." As he spoke, he reached out and stroked his lower back. He still has a wound on his waist. If he wants to fight, I'm afraid it will be very inconvenient.

He took a few steps to the center of the cave and reached out to me. I will get up.

"You just need to hold me tightly later and don't move." He pressed me in his arms with one hand and suddenly got up and jumped. The wind blew in my ear, which made me so nervous! He had a wound on his waist, and I could only hold his back tightly. He took me to jump up through the bumps on the stone wall and finally fell on a sloping wall not far from the mouth of the cave. The raised stone wall under his feet could only stand with two feet. Li Shimin held me in one hand and climbed the stone above with the other, and asked me to step on his feet. There was no other way. I stood on his feet, clinging to his body and leaning against his chest, listening to his beating heart.

"Your Highness..." I called softly and said above his head, "Xiran, you will turn over and avoid it immediately when you go up."

After listening to this sentence, a strong force on my waist pushed me up. I was pushed out of the hole by him heavily, and my body ached. I suddenly remembered what he said and immediately turned aside a few times. At this time, a plain color appeared at the mouth of the cave, and Li Shimin also jumped to the ground where we just fell, turned over and lay on his back on the ground to breathe.

I thought that I had finally got out of this dead hole, and then I was relieved to see a man rushing into the door. It turned out that one of the two people went back to report, and the other stayed here. Li Shimin struggled to get up and get the sword to block a few moves, but the man picked out the sword, and the sword fell right in front of me. Seeing that Li Shimin was forced to die, I didn't think much about it and raised my sword to stab him.

This is the first time in my life that I have killed someone with my own hands. I held a long sword in my hands and pierced the man's chest, and blood flowed out of the mouth of the sword, and there was a smell of blood. The tall figure then fell down and opened his eyes straight, looking in my direction. I was so scared that I lost my sword and trembled all over.

Li Shimin also looked at me in surprise, but soon came to his senses, held me in his arms, stroked my long hair, and told me not to be afraid. And I still looked at the eyes on the ground, whose eyes bursting with blood and hatred should make me sleep for months, and every time I think of it, there was a creepy tremor.