Beauty on the side

Chapter 081 Battle of Eastern Capital 1

With a sweep of his face, Li Shimin nod his head and said, "It has been many months since the siege of Luoyang City. The royal army is about to run out of food and the army is exhausted. After the last war, it has been afraid of our military power. This is the best time to attack and seize the city!" He raised his glass and said to the soldiers under the account, "Water instead of wine, dry!"

The soldiers raised their glasses and drank them all.

The Tang army dug a trench under Luoyang City and laid a long siege around it to prevent Wang Shichong from breaking out of the siege. However, Luoyang City's defense is very tight, and the people ahead reported that Wang Shichong used two major weapons to defend the city: the cannon can reveal 50 catties of stone 200 steps away; the eight bows and crossbows are known as "arrows are like car spokes, and arrows are like giant axes, shooting 500 steps". These two defensive weapons really lived up to the name and brought great casualties to the Tang army, and Wang Shichong quickly succeeded in the defensive battle. Li Shimin did not stop, led the army to besiege Luoyang, attacked the city on all sides, day and night, and failed to conquer it for ten days.

The soldiers of the Tang army are all exhausted. On this day, Liu Hongji, the general manager of the march, invited the class. Li Shimin said angrily, "Today, I will come here once and for all. The eastern states have been looking forward to the wind and clothing, but the lonely city of Luoyang can't last long. The achievements are on the decline, but they have to abandon it!" Later, he ordered the army: "If Luoyang is not broken, the division will not return it. If you dare to say that the division will be killed!"

Everyone dares not talk about the class teacher again. The news of the war spread to Chang'an, and Li Yuan secretly ordered Li Shimin to return to the army. Li Shimin said that Luoyang must be broken, and he also sent Feng Deyi to the court to Chen the situation, which made Feng Deyi say to Li Yuan: "Although Wang Shi has a lot of land, they are all in capitaries. Only Luoyang is only a city. He tries his best to be poor and restrain them in the morning and night. If the spinner now, the thief will recover and be more connected, and it will be difficult to plan later!"

Li Yuan finally followed Li Shimin's advice and no longer asked the class teacher.

In March of the fourth year of Wude (June 1st), Li Shimin was discussing war strategies with the soldiers in the army. Some soldiers came back to report: "Royal army reinforcements, Dou Jiande personally led the army to Luoyang and has arrived at Wu prison."

Li Shimin asked, "How many people are there in Xia Jun?"

The soldiers below hesitated. Hearing Li Shimin's unhappy coldness, they immediately replied, "Xia Jun is known as 300,000, but the front report is 100,000. I don't know if there is any ambush around!"

As soon as this statement came out, the Tang army was greatly frightened. Xiao Yu, Qu Tutong, Feng Deyi and others all got up and asked Li Shimin to avoid the edge and retreat and think again. Li Shimin shot at the crowd with cold eyes and said, "You are really stupid!" Everyone was surprised and didn't know why. Li Shimin continued: "Wang Shi filled his army and lost all his food, and he was far from the city. It was not far from breaking the city. The martial prison was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but if Dou Jiande took the risk to fight, it was very easy to take it. At this time, it was a good opportunity to kill two grams at one stone!"

When everyone heard this, they nodded repeatedly and were willing to listen to the task. Li Shimin took a closer look at the map and ordered, "Deputy Marshal Li Yuanji led half of the soldiers and horses to continue to besiege Luoyang. I will meet Dou Jiande!"

Immediately, Li Shimin personally led 3,500 people to Wu prison to meet Dou Jiande. He wanted me to stay in Luoyang, but I didn't want to stay with Li Yuanji, so he repeatedly asked Li Shimin and promised that he finally promised to take me out together. Therefore, the Tang army and the Xia army confronted each other in Wu prison, and there were also confrontations, but they did not win or lose until May.

This night, after discussing the war strategy with the soldiers, Li Shimin could not defeat Xia Jun at one time, and his eyebrows were deeply locked and smooth in my account. I took the map of Wu prison and thought about it carefully. It is really difficult to annihilate this terrain in one fell swoop. Now that Xia Jun does not attack, there is no way to find a breakthrough, and the Tang Jun can't abandon the situation and approach it. It's really difficult to find a good strategy.

I gently stroked his frown. He looked elsewhere and had been disturbed by the military. I comforted: "Left and right stalemate, now just wait for the opportunity to appear."

"Not bad." Li Shimin secretly had two deep eyes and sighed, "As long as Dou Jiande moves, I can take them down!"

At this time, there were soldiers outside the tent asking for a meeting. Li Shimin allowed him to report, and someone came into the tent and said, "The army is outside the newspaper. Xia Jun wants to take advantage of our army's shepherd horse to attack the martial arts prison!"

Li Shimin shook off my hand, suddenly got up, and his face gradually smiled. He stepped out of the account and said: "The generals and soldiers will immediately continue the strategy! Hahaha!"

I was also happy when I looked at his leaving figure, but I suddenly felt a little sad.

This is a good opportunity to break Dou Jiande. The next day, Li Shimin ordered more than a thousand horses to graze by the river to seduce Dou Jiande. Before long, Dou Jiande was really tricked and led the army to come to the prison, and Xia's army immediately spread all over the mountains. Li Shimin immediately led a large army to surround the Xia Legion. Therefore, the two armies of Tang and Xia held each other from morning to noon. The Xia army was thirsty and hungry, while the Tang army waited for work with ease.

I stayed in the barracks, and only a few soldiers guarded the camp. I was alone in the tent, hoping that this battle would soon be clear, and Li Shimin's strategy could take down the Xia army. But he couldn't stand it anymore, so he went out to check and saw two pairs of people and horses as big as ants surrounded each other from afar. It seemed that Li Shimin would wait until Xia Jun was extremely tired before he could take action. In such a situation, I will be relieved.

At this time, more than a dozen people jumped out from nowhere, and the armor was not from the Tang army. Suddenly, he felt bad and immediately shouted to the barracks: "Come on, there are thieves!"

Li Shimin was afraid that Dou Jiande would attack the barracks while our troops were coming out, so he left a team in the army. At the same time, he also expected that the number of people would come. After all, this was a key battle, and Dou Jiande would use his military strength in the battle. After we shouted, all the soldiers in the camp raised their troops and fought with the people.

When I panicked, I was grabbed by a person's shoulder and saw that the cold knife was about to be stabbed. His blade scratched my hair, inadvertently cut the hairband, and immediately scattered the green silk. When the people saw this, a light flashed in his eyes, and the long knife had not fallen for a long time. The casualties of the fighting soldiers were not bad, but several of the soldiers left by Li Shimin were excellent in knife skills, and soon killed the remaining thieves, leaving only one person holding me.

When the man saw that the matter failed, he whistled and rushed to a horse and took me to the opposite side. The soldiers behind me did not dare to chase after this. They were shocked by my identity, and they were afraid of being transferred away from the mountain.

This man stuffed my mouth with cloth and took me from outside the battlefield of the two armies to the Xia army's camp. The cold wind and crazy green silk along the way cut my company painfully and lay on the horse's back and made me sick. Finally, the horse's hoof stopped. I was pushed down from the horse and caught in a tent before I could react from the pain.

"Who is she?" There was a doubt from his head, old and hoarse.

I looked up and saw the man in the upper seat with brown hair and long beard. His elite eyes looked down at me. He must be Dou Jiande.

The soldier I captured hugged and replied, "This man appeared in the Tang barracks dressed as a man. The last general thought it might be useful!"

Dou Jiande immediately understood the meaning of the words, looked at me with a treacherous smile, waved his hand and called: "Very good, very good! Come on, take it down and watch it."

Li Shimin, I'm sorry, I will drag you down again! They pulled me to a partial account and tied it to a pillar. Two guards were sent inside and outside, as if the victory and defeat were above me alone. At this time, I actually hope that Li Shimin can be more cruel. If he really abandons his personal life for the overall situation, I will feel at ease. Although I hope to accompany him for a long time, if I live in the rejection and self-blame of the world, neither I nor him will be happy, especially him.

Afternoon, the other side. Seeing that the Xia army was tired, Li Shimin took the opportunity to attack and rode lightly. The main force of the Tang army followed closely and went straight to the Xia army. At that time, Dou Jiande was discussing with his subordinates, but the Tang army had already entered the camp. Xia Jun was in chaos, and there were shouts outside the tent. I looked at the figures staggered, waving and turned over outside, and I was uneasy.

The Xia army sent 100,000 troops in this battle, while Li Shimin only brought 3,500 people. If there is a mistake, the Tang army will be defeated! I closed my eyes in fear and listened to the ups and downs outside. Because it was a partial account, the tent that had to be torn down several times could barely support it. It was not until the sun set in the west and the dark yellow light shone into the tent that the sound of the battle gradually calmed down. I don't know who won and who lost.

At this time, a movement came from outside, and someone reported: "Chief, a total of 50,000 Xia troops have been captured!"

It was Li Shimin who won! I was happy, but my mouth was stuffed with cloth and couldn't call out, and my hands and feet were tightly tied and I couldn't move. The high tone from outside was Li Shimin who asked, "Where is Dou Jiande?"

"Here!" After a burst of horseshoe, someone came from afar, "The last general caught Dou Jiande. I thought about it, but he said that he could enrich the army, so he brought him back and wait for the commander-in-chief's judgment!"

Li Shimin met Dou Jiande as a winner and questioned him, "I asked Wang Shichong. What are you doing? Come across the border and offend my front!" Dou Jiande sneered and said, "After Wang Shichong is destroyed, it's my turn. Sooner or later, there will be a battle. It's better to fight early than later. Ask knowingly! Oh, since I lost, I will give you a gift. But if you want to take this gift, I hope you can save my life first.

Li Shimin said coldly: "I don't need it! I'm going to decide your life!"

Dou Jiande said meaninglessly, "I just want to send you a beautiful woman for my life. In this case, you can kill her. She is in this account!"

Li Shimin disdained and shouted, "Bow the arrow!"

Dou Jiande is really resourceful. As a woman, I appeared in Li Shimin's army and had not been dealt with by military law. He must have guessed the relationship between me and Li Shimin. If he can change his life, it is the best. If he can't, he will also make Li Shimin blame himself. It's not good!

"Wo!" With an arrow, I closed my eyes in despair. I shouldn't have existed. He could let go of Dou Jiande and keep my hope, not to mention that he didn't know that the person inside was me at all!

The tense nerve was not stabbed by the arrow, but he heard Dou Jiande's wailing. Li Shimin said coldly to him, "You actually want to threaten me. This arrow is a lesson for you, but it will be useless in the future, because you must die!"

The curtain was lifted, and Qin Shubao strode in. Seeing my appearance, he couldn't help but untie it for me immediately. He carefully lifted the hemp rope on Quwo's hands and feet and rubbed the red marks made by the tightness of the rope. His eyes were sad, but he didn't say anything. At this time, Li Shimin also came in from outside the tent. I opened my eyes and looked at him with joy, but his face was dark, and his eyes were fixed on Qin Shubao's hand holding my scars.