Beauty on the side

Chapter 130 Xuanwu Gate 4

Wude's ninth year, June 3rd.

It was slightly dawn, and I got up. This night, I didn't sleep well again.

When I first opened the window, the sky overhead suddenly drew a white light and fell on the mountainside in the northwest in the distance. On the night of the first lunar month, there was also a white light flashing, so the East Palace poisoned wine incident occurred. I was vaguely uneasy and hurriedly straightened my face and rushed to the East Palace.

Before entering the East Palace, she saw a maid standing in front of the door. When she saw me coming, she came forward and asked, "Does this sister know Yunshang?" My heart tightened, and I replied, "I am." The maid breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Please come with me." I asked, "What happened?" The maid forcibly pulled me and said, "I dare not ask about my superiors. If you don't go, not only will you be in trouble, but I will also suffer.

I followed the maid a few roads and found that this direction seemed to be going to the Chengqian Hall. I stood on the road and looked at the hall from afar with thousands of thoughts. When the maid saw me moving forward, she turned around and pulled me in. My heart trembled, and finally I arrived at Li Shimin's bedroom. I looked left and right and found that Qin Shubao stood outside the bedroom, and there was no maid of honor waiting around.

The maid saluted Qin Shubao. Qin Shubao glanced at me up and down and gently pushed the door of the palace to signal me to enter. I hesitated, and was about to ask again when I was pushed in by the maid behind me, and then the door of the palace closed again. Shocked, I tried to breathe calmly so that I would not appear abrupt in this quiet hall, and my eyes quietly protrud into the bed of the inner hall. The man above waved his arm and slowly sat up from the couch. I quickly came forward to remind him, "Your Highness Qin can't stay yet!"

"Why not?" A slightly smiling voice came from above. I looked up and saw that Li Shimin, who was extremely weak yesterday, went to bed alone and safely went to the table and drank a cup of tea. I was stunned, and he turned around and smiled: "You must be very strange. Why am I safe?"

I didn't dare to speculate. I bowed my head and said, "It's Shang Pharmacy's medical skills."

Li Shimin actually laughed and said strangely: "Didn't Song Fengyu tell you that it will take me two months to recover?"

Looking at the people in front of me, I began to panic. I have never really known Li Shimin, and now he makes me feel strange and even terrible. I took a deep breath. Yun was angry and asked, "Your Highness, aren't you afraid of telling the prince if you framed the prince like that?"

Li Shimin disdained: "Do you still have a chance to tell me?" If you come today, don't want to go back.

I continued to whisper: "I'm just an ordinary maid of honor, and I just want to live a stable life..." "What I said yesterday is not nonsense!" He broke the words behind me, pinched my arm and suddenly pulled it. He only heard a "bang". Half of his wide sleeves were slightly pulled down by him. His white lotus arms were exposed to the air, and his whole body suddenly felt a chill. Li Shimin held my arm in one hand, raised my cheek in the other hand, and gently spected about my lips with his thumb: "You didn't guard the palace sand, and you are not this face."

After saying that, the fingers on my face moved, and a tingling suddenly pulled away from my face. I gritted my teeth to push him away, but he grabbed me around, with a thin fake skin between my fingers. The place with fake skin on his face was still painfully hot. I touched my cheek and stared at the person in front of me fiercely. His eyes flashed with a trace of heartache, but his face was still cold.

"Sometimes it's hard on you." He pressed my hand touching my cheek and slowly moved down, and his face suddenly softened when he saw the red silk pulled on my face. I patted his palm coldly and said in a low voice, "I just want to ask you, what is your purpose for the poisoned wine?"

Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng are incompatible. Even if they go to the banquet on the surface, Li Shimin should not be unprepared, and he drank more than one or two glasses of wine at that time. If Li Jiancheng told me the truth, then the poisoning of the East Palace may have been arranged by Li Shimin himself, and Li Shentong is his accomplice!

"So what is his intention to report the war in Wucheng?" I was surprised and speech-sloged for a moment. Li Shimin said coldly and walked around me with the fake skin in his hands and said one by one, "First, they transferred the main war generals of the Qin Palace to participate in the war. In the state of war, the marshal had the power to live and kill his subordinates. It was easy for the king of Qi to take advantage of sending troops to fight to destroy the people of our Qin Palace. Second, the court held an expedition ceremony to see the king of Qi off. In Kunming Lake, the prince will also attend on behalf of the emperor. This opportunity... just killed me!" He glanced at the fake skin on his finger, lost it casually, and stared at me and said, "You already know this. Otherwise, how could you turn back from outside the palace?

It turned out that all the whereabouts and passwords were controlled by Li Shimin. I asked, "In this case, why didn't Your Highness expose the prince's plan earlier? Why do you still trap yourself?

"I like to make plans!" He sounded, and his chest fluctuated, as if there was a breath in it. His eyes gradually turned cold, and he couldn't help but make me shrink back. He continued: "Chengqian Hall is not a safe place for you, so I have always tolerated letting you live in the East Palace and get along with him day and night. But after tomorrow... everything will be reversed!"

After tomorrow! It turned out that the fake poisoning planned by Li Shimin was for tomorrow. Song Yi, the highest management of the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Bureau, said that it was due to poisoning. Everyone knew that His Royal Highness the King of Qin must rest for two months. Who could have expected his tomorrow's trip!

Li Shimin turned around and pulled a yellow shell letter from the desk in front of me. I glanced at it and asked, "What is this?"

"This is Fu Yi's secret performance given to me by my father. It is said that there are too platinum stars on the first and third day of the lunar new year. When Taibai saw Qin, the king of Qin should have the world. He despised and said proudly, "Do you think this astrology is credible? Just want to kill me for this."

I immediately recalled the white light that had crossed this morning. I didn't expect that someone used this sky to tell Li Yuan, who beat Li Shimin like this. From this point of view, when the "King of Qin should have the world" was explained, Li Yuan was determined to disarm all Li Shimin, even if his life was not cancelled, at least he was prepared to cancel his political life. And for this, Li Shimin absolutely can't tolerate it, let alone wait for death!

Li Shimin clenched the play tightly, and the yellow paper shell drew several ferocious folds. Fu Yi is his person. He borrowed the sky to kill me, and his father also borrowed the sky to get rid of me. He deliberately showed me this secret letter to see my reaction. Do you think I should show mercy to these people!" He smiled coldly and took out another secret letter from the desk, "This is a reply I wrote to my father. Are you interested in reading it?"

I squeezed my lips tightly and took it open. With huge waves in his heart, I have to admire Li Shimin's wit. His tactical strategy has always been so unquestionable. He actually used this information in time to take the opportunity to denounce Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji** harem!

I became more and more strange to the people in front of me. I gritted my teeth and said, "You talk nonsense! The prince doesn't have it at all..."

"I'm just talking nonsense!" Li Shimin interrupted me angrily and approached me with my chin and whispered, "And I'm even more unhappy that you put him on your lips. I'm telling you this as well. I want you to see who the final winner is. I want you to completely break your mind with him from now on! I don't allow you to have any affection for him, even if you are just guilty!"

I stared into his eyes and said word by word, "Don't even have any affection. You know it's impossible...unless I die!" My eyes flashed and I sneered, "Ha ha, I didn't tell you a long time ago. I'm just a detailed work sent by him. Has Your Highness forgotten?"

Li Shimin sighed quietly, and the hall was as quiet as an ice cellar. He couldn't. He was a little helpless: "I know you made it up to anger me, and I can also imprison you to ensure that you will no longer be disturbed by right and wrong. As long as I get the highest position, you will no longer be threatened, do you understand?"

"But I can't see you killing each other. Three years ago, I shouldn't belong here. You snuck me and imprisoned me to protect me. And it's the same when I leave you. Only when I am not by your side can you avoid this heavy scruples. The emperor, the prince, and the power in your heart will not put you in a dilemma. I will no longer interfere with whether you want to seize power or not. I just want you to live and live well.

He held me in his arms and said fiercely, "I want you and the world!"

He is too ambitious and too shrewd, but he still doesn't understand what I really want. Maybe he should say that he cares too much.

I sighed, "I should go."

He asked, "Where are you going?"

I said, "Go back to the East Palace!"

He held my shoulder and looked at me, with a layer of anger in his eyes: "Go back? You should go back to Chengqian Hall!" He gently held my hair, "I told you that you don't have a chance to see him again!"

He suddenly pushed me away and opened the door of the hall, stepped out and locked me inside. Before I could react, I rushed to the closed door in surprise, but I couldn't open it, and the window beside me closed coldly. I suddenly panicked and knocked on the door and shouted, "Let me out!"

Li Shimin outside did not hesitate and called Qin Shubao to block all the doors and windows with wooden strips. His shadow stood in front of the window, as if looking at me inside. At this time, I burst into anger and grabbed the porcelain cup on the table and smashed it on the ground. His figure paused and resolutely left.

Qin Shubao conscientiously put wooden strips on the doors and windows, and then guarded outside the hall. I looked at the wooden strips blocked in front of the window and felt restless. Li Shimin was determined to lock me in it, and what kind of palace change would happen after tomorrow as he said before?

I began to speculate about the purpose of Li Shimin's denouncement of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji** harem. If Li Yuan investigates that he is looking for a dead end? He must not be so stupid. He must have unknown secrets. His ultimate goal should be Li Jiancheng! I thought about it, if I guessed well...

That's a middle-game, and what Li Shimin reported is not true. Because of the strict harem system, the contact between concubines and the outside world is not only limited but also monitored a lot. Li Shimin is taking advantage of Li Yuan's emotions to mobilize Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji. Because this matter is too absurd and unreliable, and it will also make Li Yuan the most angry, so Li Yuan will definitely decide to investigate immediately. The two will meet each other and understand everything immediately. If Li Shimin framed Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji, then it is disrespectful not only to frame but also insult the emperor! Therefore, Li Shimin will definitely die in court. It is undeniable that Li Yuan also wants to get rid of Li Shimin, so how could he miss such a great opportunity?

And Li Shimin is not a false idea! Li Shimin seems to be in a trap. In fact, he is transferring the tiger away from the mountain. He wants to mobilize Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji!