Beauty on the side

Chapter 164 Queen's Heart 2

I suddenly smiled and asked resolutely, "Careless? The ground under this foot is very flat. How did you accidentally fall the jade porcelain pot? How can it be careless to splash Yan Zhaoyi? Cai Chongrong has never been very close to me. Today, I invited all the concubines to get together, which is also to reconcile the conflict between you and me. However, since I talked to you by this palace, you said an irony, and everyone heard it in their ears. Now that you break the jade porcelain pot of my palace, how can you make me care less about you!"

My eyes were majestic, and every sentence forced me to ask, which made her chest fall together, and she tried her best to suppress her anger. Her facial features were squeezed tightly, and Xu Jiu tore out a sentence from her teeth: "Don't bully others too much!"

I raised my eyebrows and stared at her with cold eyes: "How much is this palace bullying? Don't think that you are today's favorite and dare not punish you! This palace recognizes the court law of the Tang Dynasty, not a human! Even if you are a saint, you will sin with all the people!" I shook my head and almost roared, "Come on, pull down the staff and hit ten sticks!"

The palace man gathered around, and the navel quickly slapped the palace man with his sleeve and shouted to me, "How dare you! If you hurt me, the emperor will not let you go!"

I had a cold smile on the corners of my mouth and my eyes were sharp: "Oh? Do you think so? Why won't the emperor let go? You are not the only woman favored in the harem. What reason do you have to let the emperor ignore the court law for you!"

Caiqian opened his mouth to speak, but he gritted his teeth and stared at me. Suddenly, he sneered: "Ha ha, Empress Defei, please!"

I was cold: "Hmm, pull it down!"

The torture tools had been set up outside, and the maids of honor who picked urves were all around her. As the sound of the staff fell, a sad scream came from the outer court of Deqing Palace. The concubines present paused their words and looked at each other, and no one dared to speak. I walked into the inner hall unhappily and told these concubines to stay if they wanted to stay and leave if they wanted to leave.

These ten sticks are just a warning to her. As long as she can't say the right reason, I can make her life worse than death! Naturally, there will be a sound on Li Shimin's other side. With the protection of the court law of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin will not easily do anything about me. Either he will find a reason to kill me, or one of them will always explain the reason.

Caiqi was scolded by my staff under the eyes of many concubines, and the news soon spread all over the palace, but the two halls did not move for a long time. Didn't Li Shimin plead guilty everywhere? Why was he indifferent this time?

When I was wondering, Eunuch Zhou came to Deqing Palace and said that tonight was my servant Dragon Hall.

I haven't entered the Liangyi Hall and the Dragon Hall for a long time, and the feeling of waiting for the hour to come to bed is both familiar and strange. If it weren't for a simple gathering, could it be that Li Shimin already knew that I was scolded, but he calmly thought of other ways to question me?

It was late. I changed my coat and robe, sat in a sedan chair full of precious light tassels, and slowly entered the Dragon Hall with Grandpa Zhou. The Dragon Hall was brightly lit. When I walked into the hall, a cool atmosphere with the fragrance of the dragon came on my face. Li Shimin was sitting at the master's desk and looking at the folds. I went forward to salute. He raised his eyes and asked me to sit next to him. The door of the palace has been closed, and there are only two maids guarding the palace. The atmosphere is quiet and peaceful. He held a fold in his hand and reached out to touch the hair that lifted my ear, and his eyes were like water.

"I haven't discussed anything with you for a long time, but I miss it." He smiled and handed me the fold in his hand. "This is Nobo's request. What do you think of it?"

I took it and opened it. What I wrote was Nuo Bo, which he personally wrote to Li Shimin. Nuobo is the Khan of Tuyuhun today. His father Tuyuhun Gandou Khan has been a hostage in our Tang Dynasty for a long time, so Tuyuhun has always disovinced his commander and was finally killed by his subordinates. As a result, the young Nohock stood up, which also caused a power struggle for ministers and chaos in the country.

It turned out that Li Shimin criticized behind closed doors. Previously, Caiqian also said that he was busy with state affairs day and night. I neglected this. No wonder the news did not reach Li Shimin's ears. I looked at Nuobo's folds again. When I was about to open my mouth, Eunuch Zhou had something to ask for outside the hall. Li Shimin answered him to come in. The door of the hall slowly opened a crack. He bent down and saluted to me and Li Shimin, "Listen to the maid of Zhuge for a meeting."

I just planned to find a way to put Li Shimin's blame, but I didn't expect the protagonist to come at his own request! Li Shimin's expression tightened and immediately invited the maid of honor to come in. The maid of honor had tears on her face and fell to kneel in the center of the hall. She looked up at me quickly and immediately kowtowed to Li Shimin and cried, "Your Majesty, I have injured my body and bones. Now I have a high fever and I can't go back, shouting to the emperor. The maidservant dared to ask the emperor to listen to the bamboo pavilion to see Cai Chongrong and fulfill her wish!"

The high fever is not in danger, and the last sentence fulfilled her wish clearly with a strong provocative meaning. Li Shimin noticed that the maid looked into my eyes and suppressed his anger and asked me, "Did you punish Cai Chongrong?"

I withdrew my eyes from the maid of honor, put down Nuo's request, and looked at him seriously: "Last year, the emperor has ordered Hou Junji, the minister of the Ministry of War, to lead the troops to support. First, send an envoy to persuade him. If you don't obey the edict, you can act at the opportunity. Now Nuobo asked me to issue a calendar to my dynasty, and send my children to serve me. My concubine thought that this was a good time to persuade Tuyu's chaos.

Li Shimin pinched my chin, looked into my eyes fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "I ask you again, are you targeting Cai Chongrong from it? Is it your cruel hand?"

I looked directly into his eyes and said slowly, "It has not been a year or two since Tuyuhun affected my border. The internal chaos in Tuyuhun is likely to endanger my border again. At that time, it is inevitable to meet each other. This time, they took the initiative to request that as long as the emperor's sentence was awarded the title, the matter would be solved.

He shook off the palm that pinched my chin, stood up and laughed: "What Concubine De said is reasonable and won my heart!"

I still kneel in the same place, as calm as water: "Please give me an order to eliminate hidden dangers as soon as possible."

Li Shimin closed his eyes and nodded, "Fengnuolu is the prince of Heyuan, and Wudi also pulls Qindou Khan." Then, he stepped off the stage, looked like a sword light, and sneered: "Princes De is so resourceful, so you can think about this national event for me tonight!"

He shook his clothes and left, and I stopped behind him: "Just now, my concubine came back from the government palace and realized that the empress's face was haggard and I was afraid of feeling uncomfortable. Please ask the emperor to go and see the queen."

He stopped, was silent for a moment, and did not look back: "I know!"

The door of the hall is closed heavily, and the Dragon Hall is still brightly lit, but the cool air in the hall is becoming more and more abusive. I stared at the closed door for a long time, and my mind was blank. The empty hall turned into a place full of endless smoke in an instant. I looked for his evaporated back. The drooping mood could not make a sound. The messy long grass rose day and night, the wind was automatic, and the wind was bleak. At a glance, it was full of lovesickness, and there was no ability to avoid it between his eyebrows.

The fold he handed me in his hand suddenly fell down, and I suddenly gasped. I sighed gently and hid that no matter how perfect it was, for a few moments, I couldn't deceive myself after all.

When he came back, I was still kneeling in the same place. He was a little stunned and didn't expect me to kneel here. I came back to my senses, raised a pair of lukewarm eyes, and stared quietly. His long and narrow eyes are unbearable and unsettling.

He walked to me step by step and looked at me angrily: "I understand, you are forcing me!"

He was indignant, and two beams of cold-pillar eyes stared at me.

My heart shook, but my face was pale: "I never dare to force the emperor. I just act according to the law."

Li Shimin strode to me and pulled me up: "You are finally willing to say this. Speaking of the law, will I also punish you for false accusations?"

Because I knelt on the ground for too long, my legs suddenly lost consciousness. I relied on Li Shimin to hold my shoulder and stood hard. Because I was too uncomfortable, I couldn't help gritting my teeth and said, "If the emperor has enough evidence to prove that my concubine is falsely full, I am willing to accept the crime."

Li Shimin nodded repeatedly and raised his eyebrows gently: "Okay, then I'll tell you, I'm happy and full of face, and I'm spoiled and full of face, do you understand?" He shook my shoulders, and I almost couldn't stand, but he didn't notice it at all. He looked at every changing expression on my face and sneered, "Don't you believe it? You have no choice but to trust me!"

He grabbed my cheek and pressed his eyes into my eyes. I stared at him, and my chest hurt like an arrow through my heart. Unconsciously, my eyes staring at him gradually blurred and my cheeks were warm. His bright eyes swung, and his cold eyes suddenly melted into a pool of soft water, extending unbridled pity. He lowered his head and sighed. He pressed me into his arms. My face was close to his chest, and tears were wet. After a long time, I came to my senses and pushed his shoulder to escape. His arms tightened and imprisoned me in his arms, almost holding me out of breath.

He pressed my shoulder tightly, and his voice trembled slightly, full of helplessness and begging: "Don't guess anymore, don't ask anymore, don't think anymore. OK?"

A sudden pain in my heart made me want to look up, but he didn't let me. I was quietly hugged by him and kept recalling what he said. Don't guess, don't ask, don't you want to? Without guessing, asking, and not thinking about the secret he didn't say, will simple happiness and happiness continue?

The mystery of the portrait, the favor of picking qian, seems that it is not too much if he is happy to pick qian and spoiling qian. Because you like someone, there is no reason to do anything for her, right? The emperor's love is so broad that it makes people breathless that they have to compete for that place. He is an affectionate person, so he never has affection for anyone.

It suddenly occurred to my mind that the Empress Changsun said to me that if all this was just Li Shimin's affectionate, then even his wife's affectionate Empress Changsun would not be suspicious. However, Li Shimin had no choice but to tell anyone, which is enough to show that there is really a door that outsiders can't open between him and Cai Ner.