Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 90 Shenzong College

"Is there really a villa with the same residence as Huang Yeyuan?" Lin Ruomeng couldn't believe it and asked.

Maybe she is ignorant. It is said that the passed away master has only this detached villa in the world.

Speaking of this master, the cat demon king also has a lot of roots, so he built this unique villa for the cat demon college.

Now it has been burned and spread to the construction industry. I don't know how many people will regret it.

It's hard for Lin Ruomeng to believe that there is a similar house.

When Huang Yeyuan heard that An Huaixin had the same building as his own villa, he was also very curious. He turned his head and looked at An Huaixin.

An Huaixin's face was not red and panicked. He looked at Lin Ruomeng with a smile, and he didn't lie at all.

"Children, if you lie, you have to swallow a thousand needles!"

Director Li also came over and threatened. He felt that the little girl was talking nonsense and deliberately making a fuss.

"Uncle director, you listen to too many songs!" An Huaixin was not angry. She said to Lin Ruomeng very seriously and calmly, "Although I dare not say that every brick and tile is the same, but at a glance, it is exactly the same. If you don't believe it..." She took out her mobile phone, turned out the photo and put it in front of Lin Ruomeng: "There are photos as proof."

Lin Ruomeng took the mobile phone. The photo on the mobile phone was a unique photo of An Huaixin standing at the door of the villa. Although you can't see the panoramic view, the decorative pattern at the door is even exactly the same as the iron door. She handed the mobile phone to Director Li in surprise. Director Li looked at it carefully and asked, "Little girl, where is this villa?"

"Do you want to know, uncle?" An Huaixin suddenly raised his little face and raised his eyebrows.

"You don't know, do you?" After all, Director Li is not so easy to be fooled, so he asked her back.

"Of course I know, but I don't want to tell you!" After saying it in a very childish manner, An Huaixin stuck out his tongue, grabbed back the mobile phone, turned his head and ran to Chi Xiaomi, and affectionately grabbed Chi Xiaomi's arm.

"An'an, is there really such a place?" Chi Xiaomi asked curiously.

"Yes. It's in my alma mater."

"Alma mater? Don't you go to school?" Chi Xiaomi simply thinks that she is the kind of child her parents teach at home. After all, her mother is a teacher.

"I graduated, lovely Xiaomi." An Huaixin smiled obediently.

Lin Ruomeng came over and asked, "So, which school is your alma mater?"

An Huaixin stared at her and opened his mouth, but didn't say the answer. Lin Ruomeng smiled and said, "This is not helping me. This is for your good friend Chi Xiaomi. This play is all for her.

"That's all right." An Huaixin lowered his eyes and said as if how wronged he was, "You should have heard of my alma mater. It is also very famous for the cu four-tone college."

"Oh~" Lin Ruomeng nodded clearly: "I know, it is the Shenzhu College, which is civilized in China with a fully enclosed high enrollment rate. Rumor has it that although the scale is small, the strictness of enrollment is even better. I didn't expect that you were a student who graduated from there.

An Huaixin walked aside, took out his mobile phone, and played a number.

"Dad, are you in class or are you lazy? I'm at the school gate now... Yes... I'm not here to play. My friend needs to shoot in the venue of our school, and I have to ask the principal. You have such a good relationship with the principal's uncle. There is no problem with cutting first and then playing later! That's it. You call the doorman, that's it!"

After saying that, An Huaixin immediately hung up the phone and said to Lin Ruomeng, "Teacher, it's done. Let's go in!"

Is it so easy?

The completely mysterious soldier who refused everyone to visit and interview, how could it be so easy to enter?

Lin Ruomeng didn't know whether to sigh that someone is easy to do or she is too lucky.

An Huaixin collar everyone came to the very small gate under the wall of the towering courtyard. An Huaixin said a few words to the security guard, and the school gate immediately opened.

Entering the school gate, it is not facing the playground, but a wall. Similar to the ancient Chinese courtyard door arched door, there will be a shadow wall in front of the evil spirit.

But in modern times, I can't wait to show everything to others. The existence of this wall is very uncomfortable.

It seems to be trying to hide something.

When people walk through this wall, they can't help looking back.

Then I don't want to look at it more.

Because the scenery behind the wall is so amazing and eye-catching. Those ordinary teaching buildings seen in the distance seem to be just an illusion for the outside world. The ordinary teaching buildings outside the leaking wall are full of high-end villas, and there are all kinds of glazed tile metal railings, white wood fences and tile walls. Dozens of villas are neatly arranged from left to right, and each villa has a different style. I couldn't find the same two houses at a glance.

Now Director Lin Ruomengli knows that An Huaixin is not lying. It is reasonable that there will be a master's villa here.

It's just that this application is too incomprehensible. Obviously, it is such a high-end university, but I don't want to be known by outsiders. The strong at the school gate seems to have announced that it is trying to hide something.

"Are these villas your residence, or do you have classes here?"

There is a feeling that it is more awesome than Fengluo.

"Well, it's a secret!" An Huai smiled cunningly, "Aren't you in a hurry to film? When you get there, I'll take you to that villa."

It's not good for Lin Ruomeng to ask anything. There is no shadow of a person on the quiet campus. It's very quiet. Those trees and leaves interspersed around the villa are teased by the wind, which makes people feel very irritable.

There is always something wrong.

Lin Ruomeng suddenly felt this way. This place made her feel very bad, disgusting and annoying.

It's so clean here. It doesn't smell like humans or goblins. There is not even any smell of living things, like a huge vacuum area, filled with faint strangeness.

She looked back at Huang Yeyuan behind her and frowned doubtfully.

Huang Yeyuan also frowned.

The two understand each other's ideas at the same time. Something is wrong here!

But both of them are extremely proud goblins, and naturally they have no idea of running away without fighting. They want to see what kind of "surprise" will be waiting for them here!