Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 109 Slight traces

The world before the storm was always particularly quiet.

Wen Jinghong stood on the wall of the windy rooftop. The weather on this day was cloudy.

He is thinking about someone in his heart.

Lin Ruomeng.

Huang Yeyuan lay on the special lounge chair as usual, lazily closing his eyes, as if he were asleep, but he wanted to meditate on something.

It doesn't seem to be a wise behavior to stop the panicked Wen Jinghong.

Maybe something really happened to that woman.

There is only gloomy air on the rooftop, and there is no wind at all.

Suppose that Lin Ruomeng is missing, so what is the reason for her disappearance?


Chased and killed by enemies?

Human beings don't have the ability to kidnap her at all, and she has been wandering around the world, and she doesn't seem to have heard of any goblin enemies.

" Jing Hong." Huang Yeyuan suddenly asked, "If the woman Lin Ruomeng can never appear again, what will you do?"


"I said if."

"Your Majesty, my heart is very confused. Let's not do it again, okay? I have listened to you and didn't act rashly, waiting for the guy who kidnapped her to contact us. What else do you want me to do?!"

"If you calm down, you will find that my decision is right. No one forces you to stay here."

"You?! ...I don't want to quarrel with you, emperor, I believe in you, but you should also understand that I'm really worried about her. That woman is my dream and the motivation for me to live... I really can't bear to lose her..."

If you like a person, will it become the motivation to survive?

Huang Yeyuan doesn't quite understand this matter.

Although he has always known that Wen Jinghong is usually a young master of flowers and is passionate about beauty, he is indeed different from other women, Lin Ruomeng.

As for the reason, Wen Jinghong never said it, and naturally he would not ask.

His personality is indifferent and lazy, he doesn't like gossip, and doesn't like to meddle in other people's business. He is a very cold goblin. Because of his indifference, he attracted many people's resentment and hatred, but he didn't care.

But Wen Jinghong is his friend.

A best friend who can't help but say that if there is a problem, he must be in charge of his affairs.

"If you are in a hurry, you will be confused. If you care about it, you can't see the truth of the matter. Lin Ruomeng, let me find this woman!"

Huang Yeyuan opened his eyes and sat up.

"It's also me." Chi Xiaomi's voice was also plugged in. I don't know when she ran to the rooftop.

Wen Jinghong looked at Huang Yeyuan and Chi Xiaomi, and said in surprise, "You two are really my good friends! I love you so much. Why don't we form a dream inspection team?! Let's work together to find my beloved goddess!"


Chi Xiaomi and Huang Yeyuan were immediately helpless by Wen Jinghong's brainless proposal.

"I don't think there is any way for us to wait like this. Why don't we find the last place where the teacher appeared? Maybe there will be any clues?"

Chi Xiaomi proposed that the proposal was immediately agreed by the other two people.

Wen Jinghong called McDull. In less than ten minutes, the fat side of McDull appeared on the rooftop. The round cat's face was solemn and looked like he was weary.

"What?!" Wen Jinghong immediately screamed and turned on the light of the secret room. Sure enough... The secret room was in a mess, and there were serious traces of fighting. All the white walls were scattered white ash falling on the ground, revealing the red bricks inside.

The wall was full of traces of blood. Wen Jinghong's eyes found something that belonged to Lin Ruomeng... The gauze he put on her face lay alone in the corner.

A flash of lightning suddenly passed through Wen Jinghong's heart!

If it doesn't matter what the beautiful goblin Lin Ruomeng is, then she doesn't want anyone to see it with only this nose. He once joked, "What if you can't do it again if your nose is there?"

At that time, Lin Ruomeng's answer was: "If you don't have a nose, the gauze will be there, and the gauze will be there."

If her life hadn't been threatened, her gauze would never have her face immediately!

"Who the hell is it?!"

Wen Jinghong suddenly roared irritablely, shaking the wall dust and falling a lot, and Chi Xiaomi was also shocked. She has never seen Mr. Wen Jinghong have such a big temper.

" Jinghong, calm down." Huang Yeyuan walked into the secret room and pressed Wen Jinghong's shoulder.

"I can't calm down!" Wen Jinghong roared again.

"Faking Hong, you must calm down."

"My woman is gone. How can you calm me down! Emperor, tell me where she went. It was that bastard who hurt her and hid her?! She is mine, and no one can touch her!"

Wen Jinghong's eyes were already red, and he still had a trace of fantasy, and the status quo broke his last hope. He really couldn't bear it. Many years ago, that bloody morning seemed to appear in front of him again...

Blood... Blood everywhere...

So much blood has flowed into a river...

Huang Yeyuan raised his hand and quickly and neatly split it on his neck. Wen Jinghong rolled his eyes and fainted.

He carried him out of the secret room and put it flat on the ground. Huang Yeyuan said, "He has been stimulated, so I don't want him to interfere in Lin Ruomeng's affairs."

"It's still a child." McDull said with a blank face, "There is also a smell of cat demon in it, which is very familiar... But I can't remember who it is..."

Huang Yeyuan also nodded. In addition to the disgusting smell of dog demon, there was also a smell of cat demon that he was familiar with.

Although the taste is familiar, it is very annoying...

Is it...

"Mu Xue Ming?!" Huang Yeyuan looked at McDull, and the two nodded and nodded at the same time.

Chi Xiaomi suddenly remembered when she heard this voice. The teacher seemed to promise to let Mu Xueming continue to participate in the shooting of "Vampire Campus", but she didn't see her when she was shooting at Huang Yeyuan Villa. She always thought that she had given up the assassination operation and was ready to go to the world of the cat demon. Unexpectedly, she heard the name again today. .

Looking at the messy secret room, Chi Xiaomi couldn't help but imagine what happened in this room these days?

"Mu Xueming is the master's sister, and it will not be unfavorable to the master. It seems that both of them seem to be dog demons." McDull speculated.

"More than one dog demon..." Huang Yeyuan added.

After all, Mu Xueming is the strongest killer of the cat demon. Even she was kidnapped. It should be more than a dog demon, and the smell in the room is more than a dog demon.

It's just that a few people can't figure it out and guess... What's the purpose of the dog demons kidnapping these two cat demons?

Is it as simple as looking for revenge or something?