Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 148 complicated and confusing

Ye Qianxiu looked at Chi Xiaomi inexplud and looked forward to it.

He doesn't understand.

Is there an unsolved taboo boundary in the soul of the moon of the curtain?

Why doesn't she have any response to her affectionate confession?

"Qian Xiu, if I said, I still remember everything about Chi Xiaomi, what would you think?" Chi Xiaomi said tentatively.

Ye Qianxiu was stunned for a long time, looked at her, lowered his head, and raised his head in surprise.

Chi Xiaomi knows that he has understood what he is going to say.

In Chi Xiaomi's memory, the most important thing must be the Huang Yeyuan.

"Remember... just remember... don't you think of me the same? As long as our good memories are there, I don't care who you used to have in your heart. Ye Qianxiu replied like this.

He is forcing himself, and Chi Xiaomi knows.

The affectionate alliance is also exclusive.

Love itself is selfish.

Unless you can't get it, unless there is a last resort, the lovers in the world will not give their favorite objects to others.

Ye Qianxiu is so affectionate that he must not want her to retain her feelings for Huang Yeyuan.

"I made a deal with Chi Xiaomi. She gave me the soul, and I want to protect her beloved boy instead of her. Qian Xiu, do you understand what this transaction represents?

"What does it represent?" He didn't want to guess the truths that would make him feel sad at all.

"I can't have any memories with you before I save Huang Yeyuan."

"I don't agree!" Ye Qianxiu stood up excitedly and said to her, "Ye Muzhiyue, you clearly remember everything between us. Why do you think it doesn't exist? Can my waiting madness only make you treat me so indifferently? You are my wife! Mine, it's not his Huang Yeyuan's! Why do you want me to treat you as a stranger? I can't do it!"

"Qian Xiu... calm down!" Chi Xiaomi's eyes were awe-liming, and the hegemony belonging to Ye Muzhiyue was undoubtedly revealed. "The deal between us has been reached, and Ye Muzhiyue has never done anything to disobey. You can only accept this matter.

"Moon..." Ye Qianxiu's beautiful and handsome face suddenly became sad.

This is not what he thought.

It took a lot of hard work to find the beloved moon, but I had to wait for her to save an unrelated man. Why did God torture him like this? It's right in front of you, isn't it?

He has been guarding for countless years, and he just wants to hear the beloved woman respond that he has already loved you.

Is his request too much?

Maybe for the dead moon of the curtain, after rebirth, he will feel the separation between them, maybe only overnight, but he has been carrying the heavy love between them for thousands of days and nights.

"Moon, you can't be so cruel..."

"Qian Xiu, I can't be so cruel to Chi Xiaomi... I occupy her body. Can't I do something she wants to do instead of her?"

"Moon, that's you at all... Chi Xiaomi is just you when you lose your memory. She has no soul for a long time, hasn't she? Without your soul, she would have died long ago. I don't understand what you are obsessed with... Is the memory between us and our love not as important as a man as cruel as you fell in love with when you lost your memory?!" Ye Qianxiu asked sadly.

His heart was about to be crushed by the determination of Chi Xiaomi's face.

It hurts...It hurts...

"You will know about this later." After saying something unclear, Chi Xiaomi stood up and left the bedroom without looking back.

She doesn't want to say this to Ye Qianxiu, because she knows that these things can't be understood by a love madman.

When I came outside, the sky was already inclined to the evening. At this time, it was the end of summer, and finally there was a little cool evening breeze.

She wanted to walk next to the main hall.

Cruel... Maybe she is cruel.

Ye Qianxiu is right. The original Xiaomi has long been dead, and the Chi Xiaomi, who was once humble to the dust, is just himself who has lost his memory. Is the soul or the body important when a person is alive?

She doesn't know now.

She was eager to leave, but she was actually afraid of answering Ye Qianxiu's straightforward question.

Because she really doesn't know, for her at this moment, is it important for Ye Qianxiu, who is willing to give everything for her, or is it important for her to fall in love with the arrogant man she didn't remember before?

I really don't know.

If she is Chi Xiaomi, and Chi Xiaomi is the moon of the curtain, then who is she?

She doesn't know either.

Her heart has never been so entangled. Even in the previous reincarnation, she did not hesitate so much.

Her heart is so confusing that she can't see it clearly...

However, there is only one thing, and her goal is very clear, that is, to save Huang Yeyuan and find her teacher.

And the most encountered is the revenge of killing parents.

However, after the return of memory, she had another hatred.

An obscene man who once killed her and her father!

That villain, she will definitely let him die without a place to be buried. No, if you want him to die, he won't even leave a scum between the world.

She was once the great moon of the curtain.

So now... she must not be cowardly.



"Since everyone has more and my identity is meaningless, and they all admit that I am the month of Yemu, then I don't think anyone is more suitable for the position of patriarch of the Ye clan than me, right?"

Chi Xiaomi stood in the hall and held his head high and said to all the elders of His Highness.

On this day, the sun was angry early and vigorous.

Ye Qianxiu stood quietly below, looking at Chi Xiaomi's face full of ambition and self-confidence.

This is the moon of the curtain that he loves deeply, and nothing can stop her will and belief.

In the past, he gave up the throne for her dream of revenge, so now he has nothing, what else can he do?

Maybe, after that, he can only look at her from such a distance.

He has found her, but he still feels that he has lost her...

Maybe he only deserves her life?

After Chi Xiaomi showed her colorful spiritual power, all the elders affirmed that she was indeed the reincarnation of the moon of the curtain, and immediately showed a little more respect and belief.

After that, Ye and Lun also announced that Ye Mu Zhichen had left alone, and now the position of the patriarch was vacant.

After the elders studied it, the second grandfather stood up and said to Chi Xiaomi, "Since the little princess wants to lead the Ye clan, it's naturally better. In this way, King Mu will not do whatever he wants in our Ye's place! All our elders admire the little princess as the elder of our Ye people!"

A voice of approval under the stage.

The moon of Yemu has always been the greatest existence of the Ye people, and her return is extremely likely to make the Ye people overthrow the rule of the cruel and vicious King Mu.

"Well, from now on, I will be the patriarch of the Ye clan, but don't call me the month of the curtain."

"What should I call it?"

"Since I occupy the human girl's body, of course, I have to call the girl's name, so that it is worthy of my reincarnation. In the future, the elders will still call me Chi Xiaomi, or if anyone feels uncomfortable, just call me the patriarch!"

"This is absolutely impossible!" The second grandfather hurriedly said, "All our Ye cat demons have been surnamed Ye since ancient times, and we are also honored by our Ye surname and proud of the name of the little princess. Why does the little princess have to lose this name and surname?"

"I will announce one more thing, and you will know my intention... In the future, all the cat demon kings can't mention that I am the moon of the curtain to any other kings!"

"Why is this...?" Second grandpa really doesn't understand what this little girl wants to do?

"Although the name of the moon is loud, it is very popular. If you have a great reputation, there will be as many enemies. Our Ye people are now succumbing to the king of Mu. Of course, we can't tell the world that the vicious king of Mu is on guard. In what name did he use to suppress us at will?!"

Wake up all the dreamers.

The elders were convinced that the little girl was the moon of the curtain.

Only Ye Qianxiu didn't say a word.

Only his heart is different from what others are worried about.

The name of sticking to Chi Xiaomi... Represents it that Yue must stick to the past without his memory...

He didn't hear what Chi Xiaomi said later.

In front of us, there is a vast expanse of white.

All things are integrated into this vast whiteness, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Why is his heart so desperate...

"Then, patriarch, if there is nothing else, we will leave separately." Ye and Lun took the lead and said.

"No hurry, I have one more thing to announce." Chi Xiaomi suddenly said solemnly to the elders, "I heard that a new family of different kings has emerged recently, called the royal family, right?"

"That's right, patriarch. This royal family is so powerful that I have never seen a different king of an ethnic group who are all purple spirits. A middle-aged patriarch said.

"Hmm, isn't it Ziling? I don't know how many times stronger the colorful spiritual power our patriarch just exerted is than the purple spirit? If they dare to make trouble, just let our great patriarchs deal with them?" This elder with a sour tone is the youngest of all the elders. He was once defeated by Chi Xiaomi and naturally spoke strangely.

Chi Xiaomi smiled coldly and naturally understood what the boy was thinking.

But what she thought was not such a simple question.

She wants to find a reason to fight against the royal family.

Just thinking about it, suddenly there was an escort to inform.

"It's not good, elders, someone came to our territory to do trouble! The other sides are all purple spirits, and our guards can't resist. They are about to attack the front hall!"

"What? Who is so bold? How can you come to the territory of our Ye people?

The second grandpa has always been a striker. When he heard this, he was the first to rush out of the main hall.