Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 180 Cat and Dog Merger

The reaction of milk tea looked at Xiaotian indifferently and said, "It's me."

Xiao Tian couldn't help moving his body back and suddenly blushed: "You're still alive... I didn't expect it."

"What do you think? I have nothing to do with you, do you..." Milk tea still said plainly, as if the engagement with Xiaotian did not have much impact on her.

Xiao Tian's face turned red even more.

At the beginning, it was he who refused the marriage, so Tian Zhixun went to the human world. After that, the news of her death came. Xiaotian felt very guilty for this, and since then, he has never been close to women.

When the girl he had always felt guilty appeared in front of him, unexpectedly, his heart would suddenly throb.

And the girl who was hurt by him turned out to be completely different from the soft Tianzhixun in the past.

Milk tea ignored him and stood up, because Chi Xiaomi still landed from the sky and walked in front of her.

Xiao Tian also stood up and looked at Chi Xiaomi, and his crimson face immediately returned to normal.

"Xiaotian, milk tea." Chi Xiaomi looked at the two people with a smile.

"Good girl, I can't believe my eyes. Is this still the Chi Xiaomi I know?" Xiao Tian smiled brightly and kindly, just like Xiao Tian in Chi Xiaomi's memory.

"I don't believe it either. You are the lovely girl I know." Milk tea also said so.

The once innocent and lovely Chi Xiaomi will never be associated with this high-end girl who wants to be a demon king.

Reality is always more bizarre than the story.

"Maybe I'm not the same as I was at that time, but you and I won't change those friendships, will I?" Chi Xiaomi said with a smile.

In this world, many things will be questioned.

Friendship, family affection, love, all the relationship between people seems to deteriorate for some reason. We are afraid of betrayal, but we are finally betrayed, and then we suddenly understand that many things should not be questioned in the first place.

Believe it forever.

The atmosphere of the cat demon and the dog demon made the cat demon and the dog demon look at each other in consternation. I don't believe that all this happened in this desolate cat demon and dog demon for many years.

Milk tea suddenly realized a key problem at present: "Xiaomi, now you are the king of cat demons, and I want to ask you something."

"I also have one thing to ask you for help." Xiao Tian also said.

After saying that, the two looked at each other, and Xiaotian's face turned red in an instant.

Chi Xiaomi said, "You don't have to ask me for help. I have decided what to do about this." She turned to the cat demon guards and ordered, "Let all the dog demon prisoners go!"

All the cat demons were in an uproar. Ye Qianxiu hurried to him and said, "Moon, you have just taken office. How can you make such a confused decision?"

"What is Prince Ye afraid of?" Xiaotian beside him asked with a smile on his face, "Are you afraid of our dog demon revenge?"

"Is it wrong for me to worry?" Ye Qianxiu turned to Xiaotian.

"What if I sign an agreement on behalf of the dog demon and the cat demon? I want to be the great wizard of the dog demon. I still have this right and the strength to control the dog demon. Do you think I'm right?

"What agreement?"

"Of course it is a peace agreement. In those years, it was the dog demon who made a betrayal, and now this battle is also a repayment for the cat demon... How many years of war have been fighting against each other, which is not good for the development of the cat demon and the dog demon, right? Why don't we stop the war here and two for one?"

"And two for one?" Ye Qianxiu didn't understand what Xiaotian wanted to do.

Xiao Tian smiled and turned to Chi Xiaomi and said, "If you don't want to go to war, then this is the best and the best way to reassure you cat demon. Our dog demons belong to your cat demon. From then on, there is no cat demon and dog demon. There is only a foreign king demon clan in the world. Chi Xiaomi is a well-deserved demon king, no Maybe it should be called the Demon Emperor!"

"Okood! I agree." The first one in favor of milk tea is Ye Qianxiu, and the second one is Ye Qianxiu. "I also agree with both hands."

"I agree!" The speaker is Ye and Lun.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"



Chi Xiaomi listened to the voices of approval and looked at those beautiful and proud faces. She has stood at the peak of goblins.

Father, I'm almost close to my dream...

Did you see it...

The surrounding goblins cheered the birth of the demon emperor together, and Xiaotian suddenly remembered a problem that he had just ignored.

Chi Xiaomi seemed to say just now that she is the moon of the curtain...

The old rival of his time, the most powerful cat demon wizard.

Once he wanted to fight with her, but he didn't expect to become her friend.

Forget it, what is more important than peace in this matter.

On this day, he successfully removed King Mu's head with King Mu's protoss weapon in Huang Yeyuan.

His past humiliation or hatred, at the moment when King Mu's blood splashed out, he was completely annihilated.

The bloody war calmed down in this way. The dog demon continued to stay in the dog demon country under the leadership of Xiaotian, and Chi Xiaomi led the cat demon back to the capital of the cat demon country.

The two clans reached a consensus on one thing before leaving: to find the light of the other half of the guide and find the place of the seal.

******** dividing line**********

"Do you think you can find the whereabouts of the other half of the guide's light with this half of the light of the guide?"

At this time, Chi Xiaomi has taken the Ye people to occupy King Mu's Elvis Palace and held a meeting with all the cat demon elders in the magnificent hall.

Chi Xiaomi sat on the throne of Elvis, with an amethyst crown on his head, which was so majestic.

Ye Qianxiu also stood quietly under the palace with all the cat demons of the Ye nationality, but one less imperial night abyss.

Huang Yeyuan didn't even say goodbye to Chi Xiaomi. The day after returning to the cat demon world, he immediately returned to the cat demon world and returned to Fengluo.

No one knows the reason.

According to common sense, King Mu, who threatened him in the cat demon world, has been killed by him himself, and he can return at ease.

However, he still left.

Chi Xiaomi looked solemn and discussed the light of the guide with all the elders, and it seems that he didn't care about his departure.

Do you really don't care?

"I found the record of the light of the guide from the cat code. It says that as long as you cast a spell on the light of the guide, the light of the guide will automatically find the other half it lost..." The old scholar under the stage is reporting, but Chi Xiaomi can no longer hear what he is saying...

Why did he leave so quietly?

What did she do wrong?

Are you unhappy with him?

Or, he became a demon emperor, which made him feel hurtful of dignity... After all, he has always wanted to be Elvis, hasn't he?

Didn't you say you like it?

Didn't you let her stay with him all the time?

Why did he leave by himself?

She doesn't understand.

Chi Xiaomi looked at somewhere in front of her dullly until she heard someone calling her: "Wang...Wang..."

Then she turned around, and all the elders of His Highness stared at her with puzzled eyes.

She coughed gently and said, "Where did you say just now?"

"No one can use this kind of spell, only the Wanyan gods can use it."

"Then let's find this Wanyan protoss."

"But it is said that this protoss has disappeared because there are no descendants..."

"What? Do you mean that the other half of the light of the guide can't be found at all?!"

"Yes...that's what it means..."

Chi Xiaomi frowned and seemed that finding the light of the guide was not as simple as I thought...

>>Division line****

In early autumn, Fengluo College is still Fengluo College.

In the change of a season, many things are changed.

Huang Yeyuan walked quietly in the cherry blossom corridor where there were no cherry blossoms.

He is not such an idle goblin. He doesn't have time to take a walk, but... he has nothing to do.

Tianjiao is no longer yesterday's Tianjiao, and Fengluo is not yesterday's Fengluo.

Although it is still the highest university in the world, although those students still scream and go crazy when they see him, there are many things that are different in his heart.

King Mu is dead, and he doesn't want to be a demon king. What makes him so depraved and decadent?

Huang Yeyuan slowly walked to a pavilion and sat down inside.

The cold autumn wind blew, lifting up his long purple-black hair and revealing his melancholy face.

What makes him so decadent...

With a sigh, he stood up again and looked at the bench where he had retained Chi Xiaomi. The face that was once extremely ugly and sloppy in his opinion suddenly became particularly clear.

Loneliness will make people miss someone who has always been with you, right?

It must be like this.

He stepped on his long legs, walked to the bench where Chi Xiaomi had sat, sat down, and gently climbed over the place where she had sat with his fingertips.

At that time, she was so scared that she stared at her, so funny...

But now when I think about it, why does my heart have such a taste?

It seems to be very painful, but it's sore. It's so sad that he can't breathe.

Huang Yeyuan suddenly stood up, his fingers tightly pinched together, and there seemed to be water in his eyes.

Chi Xiaomi... Will you never come back...

Didn't I say that if I don't let you leave, you can't leave immediately?

Why didn't I keep you...

A drop of cold tears shook away from Huang Yeyuan's eyes, fell into the dust, and then disappeared.

Huang Yeyuan sighed gently and walked forward depressingly.

Soon, Fengluo's supreme pride became the king of melancholy, which all girls were worried about but admired.