Fairy Road

Chapter 1 The house leaks in the rain all night

Zhangjia Village.

An ordinary and ordinary small northern village. Most of the villagers in the village make a living by farming, and some have not even left this small village in their lives. The dilapidated gray bus stopped at the east end of the village, and a plainly dressed young girl got out of the car.

1.63 meters tall, thin figure, fair skin, and aura eyes. If it weren't for the old clothes and very cheap, such a girl would be very eye-catching when walking on the street.

The woman collecting firewood near the village saw the girl from afar, put down the firewood in her hand, and asked with a loud smile, "Shi Miao! Are you back to see your sister again?

Shi Miao, who got out of the car, saw the woman in the village and smiled sweetly, "Second sister-in-law, I'll come back to see my sister."

When the second sister-in-law Wang, who was at the east of the village, heard this, she looked like she wanted to talk and stopped. Seeing Shi Miao go further and farther, she put down the firewood in her hand. Her dark face was full of regret. "I feel sorry for these two sisters. They have had no mother since childhood, and their father has followed such a stepmother..."

Walking to the fifth house in the west of the village, Shi Miao stopped. This is her home... A trace of sadness appeared on Shi Miao's beautiful face. It seemed that the laughter of the past still existed. Her mother left early, and her father remarried Zhang Guirong with her daughter. She thought that divorced people would cherish the reunited family more. , but he didn't expect that Zhang Guirong was in front of him and wanted to give all the good things to his daughter. In his sophomore year, his father died because of an accident on the construction site, and Zhang Guirong immediately exposed his original shape. He not only stopped giving a penny, but also wanted to marry both of them to rich farmers near the village. Sell a good price as a dowry for your daughter!

In order not to let her stepmother control her life, Shi Miao finally completed her studies by relying on a student loan, but she didn't think that the vicious woman would hit her sister Shi Yue again!

"Wow, wow!"

A few dog barks, pulled Shi Miao's thoughts back to reality, took a deep breath, and Shi Miao pushed the door open.

With a creak, the door was pushed open, and the dark woman who was feeding chickens in the yard turned her head and saw Shi Miao coming back. With a trick in her eyes, she greeted her with a smile, "Shi Miao, you're back. How's your work recently? Has the salary increased?

The three words of salary increase are the key point.

Shi Miao took a look at Zhang Guirong and said directly, "Aunt Zhang, where's Yueyue?"

"Yueyue?" Zhang Guirong looked up and down at Shi Miao and said with a smile, "Shi Yue is working for me. If you want to see her, pay this month's rations first."

The ration fee is the cost of Shi Yue's eating, drinking and going to school at home. After his father's death, Zhang Guirong couldn't wait to show his true face. Not to mention occupying Shi Miao's house, he saw the beauty of their sisters and married Shi Miao to the person who gave the most betrothal gifts in a nearby village, a disabled son of the mayor of a neighboring village.

It took a lot of effort for Shi Miao to withdraw from the marriage. When Zhang Guirong saw that Shi Miao did not listen to him, he became angry and stipulated that Shi Miao would pay every month, otherwise his sister could only starve.

Shi Miao just graduated from college and hasn't had time to take root in the city. She has no choice but to send money to Zhang Guirong every month in order to make her sister live a better life in this family.

took a deep breath, and Shi Miao knew that she could not have the same experience as Zhang Guirong at this moment. After all, her sister was still in her hand and took out 600 yuan from her bag and handed it to Zhang Guirong.

Seeing the money, Zhang Guirong immediately changed his face, "Wait first, I'll call her." Then he ran to the vegetable garden behind the house to look for Shi Yue.

"Sister!" After a while, a dark and thin child ran to Shi Miao and called his sister crisply.

"Yueyue! Why are you thin again!" Seeing his sister, Shi Miao was full of bitterness. She didn't lose weight like this when she came back last time.

Seeing that my sister's eyes were red, Shi Yue took Shi Miao's hand and said, "Sister, I have grown up and I can work. Take me away!"

Shi Yue cried into a big cat. After her father's death, her sister became her only relative. The two of them could only see each other for two weeks. Every time Shi Miao left, Shi Yue faced the empty yard alone and looked at Zhang Guirong and her daughter's smiling face full of sarcasm. Shi Yue felt a little scared.

Shi Miao also wanted to bring his sister to his side, but the custody had never been received. Zhang Guirong disagreed to death and squatted down. Shi Miao held Shi Yue tightly in his arms.

Shi Yue, who was hugged, snorted, and her little face wrinkled into a ball.

Shi Miao keenly felt that her sister's expression was something wrong, and hurriedly opened Shi Yue's clothes, and there was a large bruise on her small body.

"Did she hit you? Why is the good body blue and blue? Looking at his sister Shi Miao, he finally couldn't help crying.

Shi Yue was a well-behaved child. She put down her clothes carelessly and explained with a smile: "No, I accidentally fell from the ox cart when I went up the mountain to pick mushrooms with Aunt Zhang. It doesn't hurt, sister, don't cry... It really doesn't hurt..."

Looking at her clever sister, Shi Miao quickly wiped away the tears on her face and let go of Shi Yue. Shi Miao looked coldly at Zhang Guirong beside her, "What's wrong with my sister? How on earth did you promise me? No, I have to take her away today!"

Zhang Guirong, who was watching the lively and happy, heard it, his face changed. He sat on the ground and began to shout, "It's amazing! Shi Miao actually wanted to kidnap his sister out! Guys, come and judge!"

A few minutes later, the surrounding villagers immediately surrounded the yard. Zhang Guirong cried and explained to everyone while rolling on the ground: "Shi Yue just fell from the ox cart. Is this a big deal? Did I push it on purpose? At least I have served your Shi family for five or six years, and I still have to work hard without credit! Shi Miao, you wolf-hearted girl, you are going to force me to die!"

Every family in this village is implicated. The Shi family moved in later. After Shi Miao's father died, the house immediately became Zhang Guirong's. The land of the Shi family was quietly sold by Zhang Guirong. Naturally, no one in the village would help, and the tragic life of Shi Miao and Shi Yue began.

Such a scene has not been once or twice. If Shi Yue could be taken away in full view of the public, Shi Miao would have taken away long ago.

I secretly stuffed dozens of change into my sister's pocket, and Shi Miao whispered, "I'll find medicine for you to wipe. Don't worry, I'll pass the probationary period soon, and I'll pick you up when I'll come back!"

Seeing that Shi Miao was no longer determined to take away Shi Yue, their faces finally eased.

Using dozens of yuan to 'exchange' a little wine with Zhang Guirong, Shi Miao painted for his sister while telling her about the city.

When Zhang Guirong saw that the cash cow would not leave, he stopped crying, but with a contemptuous smile on his face, hum, he wanted to fight with her, but there was no door!

The two sisters chatted a lot in the yard. Two hours later, Shi Miao had to leave. It took five or six hours to go back and forth from the city to Zhangjia Village. If she didn't leave, she would not catch up with the bus back to the county.

Shi Yue was full of reluctance, her big eyes were full of tears, and she hugged her sister hard.

All the delicious food from the city will be left to my sister. I reluctantly imprinted a kiss on my sister's face, and Shi Miao left without looking back. I'm afraid that if I look back and see Shi Yue crying and catch up with me, I won't want to leave.

The hands are clenched into fists, because the nails are inserted into the meat too hard, which is nothing compared with the pain of their sisters in the past two years! Shi Miao's eyes were firm, "Sister! Wait for me! I will definitely come back to pick you up!"

Listening to her sister's words, Shi Yue stopped crying.

As soon as Shi Miao walked away, a little girl, 13 or 14 years old, with a fat face, immediately rushed out of the room. Seeing that Shi Yue had food on her hand, the girl immediately grabbed it rudely and pushed Shi Yue fiercely.

Seeing that Shi Yue suffered a loss, Zhang Guirong sneered, touched his daughter's hair dotingly, and explained, "Shi Yue, don't be unhappy. These things are not made of good materials. It's not good for children to eat too much."

Seeing what her sister bought for herself enter Zhang Guirong's daughter's mouth, Shi Miao flattened her mouth, but did not cry.

I had to take two trains back to the city. Shi Miao first got on the bus to the county and sat in his seat. Shi Miao took out the phone and hesitated for a long time. She decided not to call Chen Anyu and went straight to him.

Chen Anyu is Shi Miao's boyfriend for a year. When the two just met, Shi Miao told Chen Anyu about his situation. Chen Anyu sympathized with their sisters and decided to work hard with Shi Miao and take Shi Yue out after graduation.

The two work in the same company, and the salary is not low.

Shi Miao wants to repay the student loan and pick up his sister quickly, so he needs this salary very much. If they work together, they may have their own house in the future, and his sister will have a better life. As long as he thinks of these, Shi Miao's heart is full of hope.

Hope is the only motivation for people to live and the only motivation to leave suffering behind!

After three hours of bumping, Shi Miao finally arrived at S City and went to the house rented by her boyfriend Chen Anyu.

After buying two kinds of green vegetables, Shi Miao came to Chen Anyu's rental house and easily opened the door by relying on the key given by Chen Anyu. As soon as she entered the door, she heard an ambiguous sound. Even if she had never experienced it, Shi Miao could guess what was going on.

In an instant, Shi Miao's face turned pale, and she mechanically walked towards Chen Anyu's room.

"Qing Tong, you are so beautiful! I want to do it again!"

"Of course I'm more beautiful than your bun girlfriend!"

"How can she compare with you? I'm coming, honey..."


With a sweet and stuffy hum, Shi Miao pushed the door open with a trembling hand. With a bang, the two of ** stopped moving and looked at the door in a staringly. The two bodies were still entangled and naked.

In an instant, Shi Miao seemed to have fallen from heaven to hell. Her gentle boyfriend Chen Anyu actually rolled with her immediate superior Ji Qingtong**.

—————————————————————————————————————Dear girls and young men, the cat has released a new book, please click for everything! ╭(╯3╰)╮This time is about urban cultivation. I hope you like it~

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