Fairy Road

Chapter 11 Flowers bloom overnight

Master Gao's downplayed sentence made Shi Miao worship him a little more. Isn't that eye his own adventure? Baling is not his own nobleman!

"I don't want to learn fortune-telling." Shi Miao explained with a smile, but did not say everything. After others dispersed, Shi Miao helped Master Gao collect the stall.

That's it, there has been no interruption for a week.

Shi Miao is still a newcomer in the company. He usually does not come into contact with any business. He often watches other people's work. Shi Miao has gradually learned some fur. Every day after work, Shi Miao still goes to the square to see Master Gao tell fortunes for people, and occasionally chats with others. Just after closing the stall that day, Master Gao suddenly asked Shi Miao, "Do you want to What did you learn?

This voice is undoubtedly the sound of nature for Shi Miao, who is eager to learn the method of hope. Pressing on the joy in the center, Shi Miao honestly replied, "I want to learn hope."

Looking forward to Qi, the skills of metaphysics, and the unpassed skills of the feng shui master. After listening to it, Master Gao was silent for a while. Shi Miao thought it was hopeless and lowered his head listlessly, but he did not expect that Master Gao then smiled kindly and took out a small horse and handed it to Shi Miao.

After taking over the pony, Shi Miao quickly sat down. At this time, there was no one in this open space. Master Gao always had few words, but at this moment he explained it to Shi Miao in detail.

"In fact, Wangqi is to judge the good or bad luck of the yin and Yang house by qi. Qi also has color, red looks rich, purple is noble, and black is fierce, and the color of Qi in all directions is: wood in the east, and the gas is cyan; in the south is fire, and the gas is red; in the west is gold, and the gas is white; in the north, and the gas is black; the center belongs to earth, The gas is yellow.

Hearing this, Shi Miao was a little shocked. It turned out that there were so many things to pay attention to, "So how can I see these qi?"

"Naturally, it's heartfelt." Master Gao said with a smile, "When your heart replaces your eyes, you can see it." Although Master Gao's words are not many, every sentence has a deep meaning and is thought-provoking.

People are born with senses. They can listen to the sound, the mouth can eat food, the eyes can see things, and feel pain all over their body, but Qi is not something that ordinary people can see with their naked eyes.

Shi Miao knew little about it, but he also roughly understood Master Gao's meaning, "Master's intention is to reach the realm of unity of hearts and people?"

Master Gao smiled bitterly when he heard the words, "My realm is not enough to be your master. I have been thinking about this sentence of my master for ten days."

Shi Miao got up and kowtowed to Master Gao, "One day as a teacher and a father for life, you can bear my voice as a master." Wangqi is originally an unpopular technique in metaphysics, and only the master of feng shui can do it. Master Gao taught her casually, so he can afford this sentence of master. There is a good saying that the master leads the door and practices as a person. No matter how high his understanding is, there is no guide, it is just futile!

Seeing Shi Miao's great gift, Master Gao helped Shi Miao up with satisfaction. Nowadays, people in society value themselves more and don't know how to respect others for a long time. Master Gao is also very happy to meet young people like Shi Miao, so he talked with Shi Miao about his experience in previous years and talked about it until it was dark. Shi Miao's a little I reluctantly said goodbye to Master Gao.

When I returned to my residence, the fish had not yet arrived home. Shi Miao quickly stir-fried two dishes. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and stir-fried meat with garlic sprouts were all fast dishes.

When the food was served, Shi Miao immediately called Yuyu, but the fish on the phone said that he was going to eat out with Zhao Meng.

Hearing this, Shi Miao was secretly happy and gave her time to practice hope.

Pack everything quickly, turn off all the lights, and sit on **. Shi Miao slowly closes his eyes. Once people can't see clearly, other senses will become more sensitive, and Shi Miao slows down her breathing.

At this time, there was no sound in the room. Shi Miao could only hear his breathing. Gradually, Shi Miao seemed to hear the sound of his heartbeat. There was a trace of surprise in his heart. Suddenly, he only felt a breeze blowing, and there was the sound of fallen leaves. Shi Miao suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw the lantern flowers on the window sill shaking slightly. It turned out that the wind blew through the lantern flowers.

In the dark, some of the lantern flowers are budding, and some have bloomed, swaying slightly with the wind, which seems to have endless vitality. Shi Miao was slightly surprised. When they first moved here, they were full of flowers and bones. When did they bloom?

In the dark, Shi Miao looked intently at the lantern flower and actually looked at what he had to do before. Three hours later, Shi Miao still stood motionless in front of the window. His whole body seemed to have turned into a statue. If ordinary people had already felt that his legs were sore, Shi Miao did not feel it at all.

Because Shi Miao's heart seemed to evoke something, it was said that the flowers only bloomed and fell overnight. Unexpectedly, the lantern flowers were really different from moment to moment.

Flowers and trees are all taken from the aura of heaven and earth, and the wood is cyan. What color will the flowers be? A gust of wind blew, and Shi Miao's eyes were slightly surprised, and she only felt that the flower bones were a little different from the previous second.

When I opened the door, Yuyu saw this scene. The slender figure under the moonlight stood quietly in the window without even thinking about it. Yuyu immediately turned on the light in the living room. Seeing that it was stone, a heart finally fell down and patted his chest and said helplessly, "Sister, I didn't ask you to save this little electricity for me. Do you know how scary it is to see a figure in the window?

Shi Miao, who was absorbed in watching the lantern flower, was interrupted by the fish. He slowly raised his head and found that it was already dark. He couldn't help asking, "What time is it now?"

"It's 10:30!" Yuyu glanced at his watch and replied, not understanding what Shi Miao was looking at, and followed him, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Shi Miao looked at the fish and pointed to the lantern flowers on the window sill. "I'm looking at the flowers. When I just moved here, I would still play flowers and bones. You see, it's open now." Shi Miao said, but her eyes couldn't help staring at the flowers that had not yet bloomed. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

"Oh, don't look at it. Hurry up and go to bed. I'm still at work tomorrow. It's open!" The fish has no interest in their own lantern flowers and pulls Shi Miao to rest.

This night was probably the reason why she was tired. Shi Miao slept very deeply. The next day, she quickly took a look at the lantern flower, but found that the flower bones were a little bigger than yesterday. She was secretly happy and only felt that the lantern flower was the key to letting herself understand the art of looking at Qi.

This day, Shi Miao went to the square again after work. This time, without Master Gao's greeting, Shi Miao automatically took out his pony and sat next to Master Gao. After there were fewer people, Shi Miao told Master Gao about watching the lantern flowers last night.

Master Gao listened to Shi Miao's words and said with a cheerful smile, "This little lantern flower can bring you a lot of benefits!" Flowers and trees all have aura. If you can see the flower's gas, you will learn to look at it.

"Master, I think the same as you." Master Gao's words are a kind of encouragement for Shi Miao. For Shi Miao, who knows nothing about Xiu Zhen Xiaobai, many things can only be understood by himself.

With Master Gao's words, Shi Miao became more careful about the lantern flower. As soon as he saw Shi Miao enter the house, Baling greeted him and asked, "What did you learn from the warlock today?"

Now Shi Miao doesn't have time to pay attention to Baling, but muttered to herself, "Master said that this lantern flower is the key for me to learn to look forward to it."

After listening to this, Baling only saw Shi Miao walk towards the lantern flower and even forget to cook dinner. Such a focused appearance made Baling both relieved and a little sorry. However, when she grew up, she would absorb more aura. At worst, when she entered the training period, she would get a gadget for her, Baling Shake his tail and walk towards the bedside again.

When I came to the window, I saw that the lantern flower had changed again compared with this morning, which made Shi Miao a little happy. She took out the fish's yoga mat from under the bed. Shi Miao turned off the light and sat in front of the window.

This time, she concentrated quickly. Gradually, Shi Miao first heard the sound of the flowers being driven by the breeze. Shi Miao focused all her energy on the lantern flower. Before long, she saw the lantern flower. At this time, Shi Miao had reached the same eye and heart and watched the flower together.

At this time, what he saw was a little different from what he usually saw. Shi Miao only felt that the flower was more vital than usual. It seemed that there was infinite life from the root of the flower to the top. That was the vitality, and it should be the aura of the flower itself!

This night, Shi Miao stood in front of the lantern flower for four hours until the fish asked her to go to bed. Although she had not learned to be angry, Shi Miao entered a state of selflessness for longer and longer.

The next day, Shi Miao was still like this. She stood in front of the window looking at the lantern flowers. The fish still went out on a date. Shi Miao was surprised to find that the flower bone was half open, and her eyes seemed to be better than usual.

This night, Shi Miao had a dream. She dreamed that she got up from ** in the middle of the night and walked towards the window. In the moonlight, the lantern flowers slowly opened, and a trace of greenness surrounded the blooming flowers. Although she didn't really see it, Shi Miao could still conclude that it was blooming. She laughed happily and tightly. Then a breeze blew, as if someone had called himself, and the dream scene disappeared.

The next morning, Shi Miao woke up and quickly got up from ** and walked to the window to confirm whether his dream was true. But I saw that all the lanterns were really blooming! Is the dream real? Shi Miao couldn't believe it. She began to calm down and slowly entered a state of selflessness. She saw the pink lanterns blooming just right, and the flowers were surrounded by cyan air, which was much more real this time than in the dream! The cyan spirit was like a naughty child. He kept swimming on the flower path and branches and leaves, and finally surrounded the flowers. Shi Miao tentatively stretched out his fingers to touch the blue air, but saw the blue air quickly wrapped around Shi Miao's fingertips. For fear of affecting the growth of the flower, Shi Miao immediately withdrew his fingers, and the green spirit continued to wrap around On the lantern flower.

Baling came to Shi Miao and said with a smile, "It seems that the boy didn't fool you. He really let you learn to be angry. I will see him if I have a chance in the future." Although Master Gao is dozens of years old, he doesn't know how many years younger he is compared with Baling.

Shi Miao heard this, but scratched her hair impatiently. Suddenly, she felt that her apprentice was out of reach and didn't even ask for the master's phone number.