Fairy Road

Chapter 151 Egg Custard

In the quiet and peaceful countryside, some chimneys emit curling smoke at dawn, but everyone who comes out of the countryside knows that these families only cook so early when there are students and children at home. Some old people also get up early, but they will not be so fanciful after getting up. Make a breakfast.

"Miao, get up." A deep call made Shi Miao's heart suddenly tremble.

This voice is obviously my father's, but... hasn't my father passed away a long time ago? Are you dreaming now or have you fallen into your own fantasy?

"Sister, I've got up. It's too embarrassing that you don't get up!" Yueyue's cheerful voice suddenly remembered. Although her eyes were closed, Shi Miao could clearly feel that Yueyue was moving in the quilt next to her.

When children get out of bed, they must wake up the adults before they give up, but...

Shi Miao finally couldn't help opening her eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, Shi Miao was stunned.

The ceiling on my head is painted with white dust, and there is still a little feces left by flies hanging on the lamp. This is clearly my home, and my home in Zhangjia Village is right!

Shi Miao had an uncontrollable panic in his heart. When he sat up, he saw Shi Yue waiting for his big eyes to look at him. The little girl had long been wearing a red scarf. She was obviously ready to go to school. The seductive aroma of egg custard floated from the kitchen. The only one who could make the egg custard in the whole family was so fragrant. It's just... But... holding the quilt tightly with both hands, Shi Miao couldn't believe that some of them were real.

When Yueyue was young, her mother obviously passed away. How could she still make egg custard for them?

While Shi Miao was still thinking like this, a middle-aged woman in her forties suddenly came in from the kitchen and frowned as soon as she saw Shi Miao on the kang. The woman's appearance was gentle. Although her skin had already become rough because of farm work, her eyes were exactly the same as when she was young. As soon as she saw it, she screamed People feel warm in their hearts.

The woman didn't seem to notice Shi Miao's excited expression. She just frowned and dressed her little daughter. Then she opened her mouth and said to Shi Miao, "Why are you getting more and more lazy in college? It's hard to come back and you are ready to stay in bed all the time? I've made the egg custard. If I don't get up, I'll see if your sister won't laugh at you!"

"Mom... aren't I dreaming?" Shi Miao looked at the middle-aged woman in front of her, and the tears on her face had already flowed freely. Many times she secretly fantasized about her mother's appearance many years later, but when her mother left, she was still a child. She only remembered that her mother was a gentle and kind woman. Every time she thought about it, she could not imagine if her mother hadn't died. What should my mother look like when I was in college... Sometimes when I think about it, I suddenly find that I can't even remember my mother's appearance! The only thing I remember is the cold spiritual shed and the dark red coffin.

But at this moment, her mother in her forties was in front of her. How could she calm down? Even if she knew that it might be false, she couldn't help crying loudly. She hugged the middle-aged woman tightly with her arms, and Shi Miao couldn't help crying.

This is a real mother! Her body is much richer than in the past, and she has added a lot of fat to her waist, which is more like those middle-aged women in the village in their 40s, and her warm body still retains the smell of the gray of burning grain poles in the morning.

The woman was suddenly stunned, as if she had never seen her daughter cry like this. She patted Shi Miao's hair with tears and said with a smile, "My eldest daughter really retreated more and more, and even cried. I remember that you didn't cry when I beat you when I was a child!"

Lao Shi walked into the room with a smile and echoed his wife's words: "Isn't it? This girl has been very hard since she was a child. What's wrong with her today? Why are you crying? Did you have a nightmare?"

Xiao Shiyue held a bowl of egg custard at the door and couldn't help sending it to her little mouth. As soon as she heard her father's words, she giggled: "Mom, I think my sister must have had a nightmare. The last time I dreamed that I was beaten, I was also very scared."

Lao Shi smiled when he heard the words, clumsily patted Shi Miao's shoulder and said with a simple smile, "There is nothing to cry in a nightmare. Hurry up and eat egg custard. Your mother will steam it for you. If you don't eat it, you will get old."

Shi Miao looked at his father and mother in front of him in a moment and was in a trance. His parents' touch was so real, and even everything in the family was so real. So is he in reality or in a dream?

There was no time to think more. The hot egg custard had already been delivered to Shi Miao, and a spoonful of egg custard was sent to her mouth. She had not eaten such a fragrant and smooth egg custard for many years, and big tears involuntarily fell into the bowl.

This time, no one comforted her. The middle-aged woman just sighed, quickly put away her and her husband's bowls and chopsticks, and said, "I don't know what you dreamed of. Anyway, don't think about it. The things in the dream are fake and countless. You have to go back to school tomorrow. You have to study hard, and there is no one at home. After graduation, you have to do your own work. Xiao Chen's child is also good. It's okay to bring him here to play during the summer vacation. Although we don't have much money, we will never drag you down in the future. Where do you want to go? We as parents won't care about you..."

Shi Miao has fantasized about the picture of his mother's nagging more than once, but he can't figure out what it will look like, but he didn't expect such a reality. Shi Miao's heart at this moment also began to be confused. Where is the dream and where is the reality?

Is everything a dream now, or is it a dream for your own cultivation of immortals?

Looking down at what I was wearing, I was wearing a dark blue sportswear, and my clothes as a year. The elegant white skirt was not worn by myself at all. I reached out to touch the storage bag at my waist, and there was nothing. I was also bare on my wrist, and there was no bracelet at all... Could it really only Is it a dream?

The middle-aged woman seemed to be a little puzzled by Shi Miao's movements. Seeing Shi Miao looking at her bare wrist in a daze, she said with a smile, "In a few days, it will be the Dragon Boat Festival. At that time, I will buy a few colorful lines for you to bring to you. When it rains, you can take them off, so that you can be sick and healthy for a year."

Shi Yue, who was beside her, was immediately excited and shouted, "Mom, I want to give the teacher a colorful thread, okay?"

The middle-aged woman looked at her little daughter dotingly: "Ok, why not!"

The interaction between mother and sister Shi Miao saw it, but the whole heart was like a paste mixed by chopsticks. When her mother died, Yueyue clearly could not speak... But why did the two get along so naturally? Like all rural families, the father only knew how to work, but her mother loved her more. A considerate little cotton-padded jacket.

On the contrary, Shi Miao herself is the most unusual among them. In her twenties, she not only likes to cry, but also always can't tell what is reality and what is false.

After breakfast, Shi Miao rushed to clean up all the bowls and chopsticks. After walking out of the house, she saw a few reed chickens walking in the yard. Her mother's nagging sounded behind her again, "How good these chickens are. I will kill the chickens and stew them for you during the Spring Festival."

Turning her head and looking at her mother, Shi Miao put away all the doubts in her heart and smiled gratefully. Even if it was a dream, she did not want to wake up again, because the reality was too cruel, but the dream was too beautiful...