Fairy Road

Chapter 157 Changing

Baling's lips were slightly cold, and he gently kissed the crying Shi Miao. In this world, although the two people have different personalities, their situations are surprisingly similar.

Wake up from the gossip array, Baling is already alone. Whether it is the enemies who sealed him or those demons who have disappeared for a long time, even the cultivation sect of immortals in the past has withered. Even if he has arrogance, he still has to bear his own loneliness.

The same is true of Shi Miao. Her parents died young and her younger sister was young. The whole Shi family was also relying on her to support them alone. Both of them were lonely and lonely. At this time, the two kissed together, with less heartbeat of **, and more pity for each other.

It's more like two people snuggling up to warm each other, in order to drive away the cold in their hearts. The tears on Shi Miao's face flowed freely, but they did not push away Baling away. Just because she was reluctant to give up Baling's broad mind, she also needed something to divert her attention from the illusion.

After a few rumblings, the big tree at the head of Zhangjia Village shook, and a drop of dew fell from the tree to the ground. The tree demon lay on the trunk and saw the cracks of amber, and his face was full of astonishment.

"How can they be released so easily?"

Before she recovered from her surprise, the moment the amber broke, a light curtain suddenly hit the ground, and the two people who were kissing suddenly came out of the illusion and fell to the ground.

Stepping on the soft grass, Shi Miao suddenly had a sense of reality and realized that his lips were still being kissed by Baling. He quickly pushed Baling away, with a grim face.

Baling has never had close contact with a woman. Today's kiss made his whole heart melt comfortably. Seeing Shi Miao's angry face, he realized that he was a little abrupt.

It's a pity that it's futile to explain with Baling's character. He had to say to Shi Miao indifferently, "I just want to take the opportunity to divert your attention. Don't mortals often play and need men to kiss women to wake up?"

The light appearance of the clouds made Shi Miao almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, but she had just experienced a great joy. She had no strength to debate these with Baling. In fact, she should be grateful for this illusion. At least in the illusion, she was lucky to see her parents' living and happy appearance, and she was even more fortunate to eat her mother's hands. The dumplings made for herself also give her the opportunity to talk to her mother.

Even if she wakes up, there are more things in Shi Miao's heart, more yearning for life, more yearning for the future, and the night her mother's death will no longer be a nightmare in her heart.

Compared with these, that dragonfly-like kiss is not enough.

With a gentle leap, the tree demon jumped from the tree in front of the two. Shi Miao only felt a heat wave coming. She looked at the tree demon with a wary face and suddenly remembered that she had walked to this oasis. As soon as she felt that a heat wave was coming, she directly lost consciousness.

With her foundation-building cultivation, she can't feel the existence of the tree demon. This tree demon is too threatening for them!

"I didn't expect you two to be so lucky to break the illusion created by the Wuyun magic mirror!" While talking, the tree demon couldn't help looking at Shi Miao. Seeing that Shi Miao was just a foundation-building period, he covered his mouth and smiled and said, "This girl looks really beautiful. I feel pity when I see her. No wonder someone is willing to take risks. It really makes me so envious!"

Baling was not moved by the words of the tree demon and whispered to Shi Miao: "Don't listen to her nonsense. She is the tree demon in the five magic mirror. You were sealed in her amber before, and she sent me into your magic mirror..." The demon nature is different, and some of them are different. Children are still simple, but some are moody. Baling looks cold and fairy-like, but because the body has been sealed, the memory is intermittent, and the thoughts are also very simple. Sometimes it is based on preferences to deal with others, and sometimes it is all based on the intuition of demon cultivation.

This tree demon is very difficult to deal with, which is Baling's intuition.

Shi Miao looked at the tree demon without a trace, but saw that her body was soft and beautiful, and her smile was also charming, but a pair of eyes implied calculations, so people had to be more guarded.

At present, she has completely come out of the great sadness and joy, and her whole body has calmed down a lot. It is reasonable that she and Baling should leave directly at this time, but it is even more strange that the tree demon left without saying anything.

Seeing Baling's cold eyes at her, the smile on the tree demon's face did not diminish at all. She walked to Shi Miao step by step, reached out and stroked Shi Miao's white dress, and asked, "I don't know what kind of fabric it is. Why does it look so white and transparent?"

This tree demon has been trapped in the magic mirror for tens of thousands of years, just like a ten-thousand-year-old otaku. How can she know that the fabric of the clothes outside has long changed? A pair of eyes can't help staring at a set of clothes and can't wait to see a hole in Shi Miao's skirt.

Shi Miao was a little uncomfortable and couldn't help saying, "It's really a pity that the younger generation didn't even have time to bring a change of clothes, otherwise he would have to give this skirt to the senior." At this moment, Shi Miao also regrets. Why didn't she learn from Qian Lele and bring two sets of clothes when she went out? This white skirt has long changed from a long skirt to a short skirt because of the battle with the silver corpse, and only the tree demon will be interested in it!

I thought that when the tree demon said this, it was enough to say a few words with regret, but an unexpected scene happened. After hearing this, the tree demon actually grabbed Shi Miao's wrist and said, "I have a lot of clothes here. Why don't we exchange them?"

"Exchange? This..." Shi Miao was a little embarrassed, but because the tree demon had to agree to the tree demon's proposal, Baling and Shi Miao entered the tree hole of the tree demon under the leadership of the tree demon.

The tree demon has lived for tens of thousands of years. The whole tree hole is like an underground palace, dividing different spaces. Shi Miao has been closely following Baling and the tree demon all the way, afraid of getting lost in the tree hole.

Walking into a room, the tree demon stood still and said with a smile, "You can choose the clothes here."

Hundreds of all kinds of clothes were piled up on the ground, including men and women, and even the clothes of the elderly and children. Seeing this scene, Baling asked the tree demon with a calm face and angrily, "Isn't these you taking these off from the dead?"

The tree demon nodded and said calmly, "It was taken off from those dead monks, but their clothes are not many defense weapons, and the materials used were good at that time!"

It turns out that not all the monks who enter the Wuyun magic mirror will sleep in the illusion, and some will also die here. The tree demon will take all their clothes for their own use when these people die, which are also her collection for tens of thousands of years here.

In her spare time, the tree demon will keep changing her new clothes and then pick out her favorite clothes to wear. Today, she became interested in Shi Miao's white skirt. Seeing that Shi Miao refused to speak for a long time, the tree demon's face became less and less smile. "Why, my sister is not satisfied with the clothes here. ?"

At this time, Shi Miao chose a white Hanfu from a pile of clothes. This Hanfu was worn by women, embroidered with elegant flowers, but it looked very ordinary among these colorful clothes.

(The water has been cut off at home for two consecutive days, and I feel like I'm going crazy... tears... T-T, I don't want to live without water...)