Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 55 The Bride of the Ghost (17)

After passing through the minute by minute, the fortightforia is simply restless. But she didn't dare to move for fear that the sound would attract the attention of others.

The sky gradually brightened. She pulled the broken hair around her ear behind her ear and looked up at the tall green shade. There was a crisp bird singing in the distance.

I don't know if it's an illusion. She seems to feel something slowly approaching. A little nervous, Lian forsythia stood up, stepped on the stepping stone beside him, and poked out his head.

The wind and sand were not far away. Although he had never heard any sound other than the wind, the forsythia absolutely felt the proximity of the ghost. She bit her lips slightly and pressed her head down. After all, she didn't know if it was Jiang Beichen at this time. If she was found by others, it would be hard to say...

"It should be here!" A loud voice came, but the speaker obviously lowered his voice.

"Find the entrance separately - hurry up!"

Forsythia suddenly raised her head, and a surprise appeared on her face. She couldn't care about anything else. She hurriedly stepped on the stepping stone and waved desperately.


Afraid of being heard by others, the forsidio's voice is also very low.

Jiang Beichen looked in the direction of the sound. In an inconspicuous corner, there were half-height weeds, and he could faintly see an arm waving.

Forsythia took a deep breath, climbed up from the bottom of the cave, patted the soil on her clothes, and ran towards Jiang Beichen.

Obviously, Jiang Beichen did not expect that the fortear would be here, and there was a smile on his face. He took two steps forward in the direction of the forear. Looking at the forear that had run in front of him, he said with a smile:

"This is really convenient."

To see Jiang Beichen at this time, Lian Jian is naturally so happy that he can't be happier. However, seeing that there were still many people behind Jiang Beichen, she grabbed Jiang Beichen's wrist and wanted to pull him farther away, but she exclaimed as if she had found a new continent:

"Yeah? - I can meet you now!"

Foria looked at his hand happily and said excitedly:

"My spell has improved! Ah ha ha..."

"..." Jiang Beichen held his forehead a little, "Please, my spell has improved."

With the human constitution, it is a profound spell to turn the virtual body of the ghost clan into an entity through cultivation. It is estimated that there will be no more than five people in the Mu family meeting.

Turning his head and staring at her, Lian Jian pouted his mouth with dissatisfaction, and then rudely pulled his wrist and walked to the other side.

"North, I have something to tell you."

Jiang Beichen let her pull, and the two came to the weeds.

"What's wrong?"

Let go of his hand, and Lian Jian began to say what he had thought before.

"Although my request may be a little excessive, I think it's better to attack the greedy territory from the front."

A trace of doubt flashed in Jiang Beichen's eyes, and he didn't quite understand what Forsen said.

"I know my request is very unreasonable. After all, you have all come here, but I want to ask you a question - if you fight openly with a greedy woman, what is the winning rate?"

"Fight?" Jiang Beichen raised his head slightly to think and asked, "Do you mean a greedy woman?"

Lian Jian looked at him without blinking, thinking, should he be able to beat him? But... After all, the greedy woman feels quite strong, this... I'm afraid it's a little difficult for him...

Seeing Forengia's tangled face, although she didn't know what she was worried about, she still smiled confidently.

"Occupy this place is just a matter of time."

With that, he raised his head and looked up at the towering trees and had to sigh:

"What a tall tree... It's really good here. It must be comfortable to stay in summer!"

"That is to say, can you win?"

"Of course, as long as the people who hinder me, of course I will step over them."

"So, since you can win, why don't you give up today's battle plan?" Not daring to waste time, Li Jian immediately said the theme.

"What?" Jiang Beichen looked at Lian Jian with some surprise.

"I know it may be easier..." Lilies hung her head and her fingers intertwined in front of her. Her tone seemed to be sad, "It doesn't matter... I just want to deal with him, if you are destined to fight, it would be better to fight head-on..."

Saying this, Lian Jian's heart obviously hurts - yes, she doesn't want the sky to lose her life inexplicably now, but what if Jiang Beichen loses in the future? ...Although he said that he would not lose. All the time, as long as he says it, he can do it, but... what if? ......

Jiang Beichen looked at forbion and slowly looked solemn. He can feel the strong struggle of the person in front of him at this time.


The fortight's head was lowered again, and the early morning wind blew on their bodies, and the weeds on their legs also swayed.

"I want to ask me a favor..."

"You said."

"Get out of here! Don't do anything, get out of here immediately!"

Finally, she shouted this sentence completely. Lian Jian still closed her eyes. Jiang Beichen has something important to do today. How can she obstruct him because of her private affairs... But...

"Although, I don't understand why you give me a feeling that it's difficult to choose." Jiang Beichen slowly opened his words, "However, if this is what you want, I can do what you want - but you have to tell me, do you have a way to get out of here?"

Forsythia was stunned. She looked at the weed in front of her, gritted her teeth and raised her head.

"I will figure it out. There is no time now. Hurry up and leave!" The longer he stayed, the more likely it was to be found. Lekyan jumped into the hole as he spoke. The dust brought by the action made her cough twice. She stepped on the stepping stone again and waved her hand at Jiang Beichen, "Go back, I'm not in danger. I'll find a way out - help me tell the people of the Mu family so that they don't worry."

Yes, she won't be in danger. The sky is very good to her, and she doesn't want to marry her. So as long as she takes her time, she believes that she can definitely leave here one day.

And didn't the sky tell her what she wanted to do yesterday. If the sky really takes her as a friend, she believes that the sky will be willing to help him leave.

Thinking like this, Lianqi suddenly missed the awkward face. She thought that when she went back, she must ask him for some peach wine again!

"I'm leaving first, you leave quickly! Bye--" After saying this, Lian Jian ran to the depths of the tunnel without looking back.

The ten ghost soldiers watching in the distance didn't know what was going on. They seemed to come to save people, but why did the girl go back? Is there something important that you forgot to take?

Jiang Beichen stepped on several weeds in front of him and turned to walk towards the team.

"Brothers, get ready. Let's go back."

"Big boss..." Jiang Beichen's confidant was a little surprised. He came to Jiang Beichen and followed him back the same way. That girl? ......”

"Although I don't understand, it seems that it is very painful for her to leave here at this time. If she thinks it's better to stay, we can't force her away, can we?

"That's right, but she is a girl who stays here - is it really okay?"

"Well, she said no problem. Although this girl is usually stupid, she is still very stubborn when she is serious.

The group covered their lives and quietly crossed the forest again. While walking, Jiang Beichen held the pocket watch on his chest and gently opened it.

Beijing time, 7 a.m.

Foria still tried her best to look at the situation outside. Yes, she just ran in, but after a few steps, she suddenly thought that she didn't know how long it would take to see Jiang Beichen, and she was suddenly reluctant to give up.

According to her inner wishes, she abducted back again and kept looking at Jiang Beichen and the others leaving.

Although Lianqi is a little nervous about her own ideas, she feels that as long as she works hard, she will definitely do it!

At this time, a sharp knife suddenly lay in front of her, and the silver knife surface reflected a dazzling light, which shocked her and did not see anyone clearly.
