Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 89 The Heart Remembered by Time

The medicine was very bitter, and the forear was slightly frowned, but as expected, it gently pressed against the teenager's white lips.

She was a little stunned and tried to pass the medicine to the teenager's mouth with her tongue.

Afraid of omissions, she still blocked the teenager's lips and did not allow any medicine to flow out.

Between the mouths, it is full of bitter medicinal juice, but there is some light sweetness.

The forsian's cheeks are blushing.

After confirming that all the juice went into the meaty body, she straightened up and gasped gently.

Obviously, he is ill, but now, it seems that she also has a high fever.

Gently licked his lips, and the smell of the medicine was obvious again. Thinking of his behavior just now, Lian Jian's face became more red.

She put the spoon into her mouth again, and her eyes fell on the teenager's slightly stained lips, and her eyes flashed.

Placing the bowl aside, she leaned down and did the same thing as before.

The soft lips quietly waited for her breath. Although the flesh was still sweaty, his face was much calmer at this moment.

Lian Jian didn't remember how many times she repeated the movements until the last drop of medicine in the bowl was put into the teenager's mouth. She was about to straighten up, but in that second, she suddenly had a strange feeling.

She opened her eyes wide and stared at the teenager in front of her.

The meat was in a coma and sensed something in his mouth. He gently held it, as if he had been electrocuted, and the fortight fortight trembled all over.

Maybe he doesn't know what he is doing at all, just licks and sucks (...) instinctively. Yun, the original bitter taste of the medicine also disappeared.

Lion forsies trembling and wanted to straighten up, but found that his body was uncontrollably unable to move.

The brain is blank.

...Is this a kiss?

Obviously, someone didn't know that he had taken such a big advantage. After sucking the last drop of medicine in Lianqi's mouth, he turned his face and fell asleep.

The forclipper's body lay on the flesh, and her face was about to touch his neck. At this moment, she didn't know what to do except for breathing heavily. this a kiss...

What a strange feeling.

Fortear propped up her body, and she blushed her back to the meat and looked blank.

The medicine bowl on the coffee table reflects a faint light in the sun. Looking out of the window, the spring willow catkins flew all over the yard, white, like winter snow.

Forsythia is almost crazy, but a word keeps flashing in his mind--



Everything has become different.

Now the world seen in Foreng's eyes is like seeing it for the first time.

The room that slept for many nights suddenly became strange. All the decorations in the room seemed to have never been seen before, making her distracted.

She thought of coming to this continent for the first time.

In Shouling Village, they met Brother Lanming, and they were chased by the right guardian of the demon world, Gallo.

After that, I went to Kongshan, met Sister Mu, and came to Mu's house with the help of Sister Mu.

She practiced with meat in the Mu family. Her talent for meat was extremely high. She soon received the attention of her master and began to practice alone. And one night, she accidentally exchanged small secrets with Hongshang, and at the insultation of Hongshang, the two took out the Mu family together.

They met the little crescent, reunited with Lan Ming, and began to embark on the road to find the demon king.

Among them, she was tricked into a brothel, but she met Fengling. On the night of the Huakui Competition, she met Gallo, and Gallo also recognized her.

I thought she would be there, but I didn't expect that the meat would appear at a moment.

At that time, the meat was already as young as it is now, and she didn't recognize it.

was held in his arms, and all the fear disappeared without a trace.

That was the first time he saved her.

The second time, it was at Pucao.

She was seriously injured and will definitely die. But he used his blood for blood to keep her alive.

He also paid the price for this - from then on, his life was linked to her. If she died, he would not be able to live.

The third time, it was in the ethereal city. They obviously chose two ways because of the dispute at the gate, but in the end he rushed over - he couldn't let her go.

Fortunately, he rushed over, otherwise, as soon as the time came, he would not only die. I'm afraid Lan Minghong's little crescent moon would have been reincarnated together.

But, on that day, he said...

"I like you."

I like you, like you, like you...

The fortearm sitting by the bed looking back on the past buried his face between his palms, and his heart beat violently at this moment.

After coming to Cang Wu for more than half a year, the meat has always been by her side, trying its best to protect her. Later, she knew the meat's mind and began to avoid it, but it didn't help.

I have always felt that I would like Jiang Beichen all my life, but why is her mind full of meat now?

She never believed that meat really liked him. She thinks that the love of meat is too sudden. How can a girl like her be liked by such an excellent boy?

Even Jiang Beichen, who has been playing with her since she was a child, has not liked him. How can meat like her?

"Meat, in fact, you will like me, but it's because you haven't met any other girls except me. If you get along with other girls, you may find that there are many lovely girls in this world..."

That day, the girl said so stubbornly.

"There is only one fortibi."

The meat interrupted her words, and her voice was still hoarse, but she repeated it firmly.

"There is only one fortibi."

His hands moved away from his eyes, and Lian Jian looked at the ground under his feet, with a slight smile on his face.

She remembers what the meat once said.

"Fortear, no matter how much you want to be with him, please don't completely push me away."

"Give me time and I will prove it to you."

Prove... Do you still need to prove that the fortibi holds down the beating heart with your hand? After so many days, isn't the proof of meat enough?

How many times have you escaped from the claws of death? Why is her spell so weak that she can still live well in this world now? If it hadn't been for the meat that had been desperately protecting her, she would have died hundreds of times!

Happiness comes too fast... It's too fast to be caught off guard...

Lion forbion grinned stupidly and smiled, but shed tears.

Crying and laughing, she doesn't know what she is now. Maybe she is really stupid.

She found how happy she was because of meat love and care.

She finally understood why the little crescent moon would say, "Lianqi, how I envy you."

When she finally came to face all this, she had to admit how lucky she was and how envious the bystanders were.

The meat is still in a deep coma. He doesn't know how much has changed in the heart of Forsia now. Maybe from this day on, everything will be different.

Forsythia took a deep breath. She wiped away the tears on her face and turned to look at the teenager.

With the shyness of her first love in her eyes, she gently hooked her fleshy fingers with her little thumb.

"You can't be fine. No matter what it is this time, you must survive. I know that you have been waiting for my words. I promise you that I will tell you when you wake up this time.

The fleshy eyelashes trembled slightly, and he suddenly gasped, and sweat dripped from his chin to the collarbone.

Fortear held his hot hand with both hands and said again:

"When you wake up, I will tell you my answer. So, you must wake up, and we'll just say so. Don't go back, because I will wait for you until you wake up.

The breathing of meat gradually slowed down, and the fortransied eyes were much softer.

She took the meat's hand and put it on her chest.

At this moment, her heart is pounding.

Lionforia laughed happily.

"Do you feel it? Meat, now my heart, moves for you.