Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 146 Demon Removal Family 10

Red clothes yawned and came out of the room sleepily. She was casually dressed in a light blue coat. After seeing Yin Guangyao, she only casually asked--

"At noon, aren't you sleepy on such a hot day?"

Yin Guangyao strode to her and suddenly pulled up her wrist. Hongshang almost bumped into his arms.

"You are not pregnant."

He gritted his teeth word by word.

"Did I say I was pregnant?" Hongshang asked innocently.

"Then what did you cry at that time?!"

The faces of the two were very close, and Hongshang could feel the heat of Yin Guangyao's nose, but she suddenly burst into a smile.

"At that time, I was in pain. I came to Kwai Shui. It hurts so much. Hongshang said as a matter of course.

Yin Guangyao's face was stiff, his hands gradually deepened his strength, and Hongshang frowned in pain.

He stared at her for a while before suddenly throwing her away.

Red dress turned her wrist left and right, with a proud smile in her eyes. She didn't expect to fool Yin Guangyao this time. Thinking of his comfortable life these days, he didn't even dare to speak a little in front of him.

Yin Guangyao's mood seemed to have gradually calmed down. He slowly sat down and looked at Hongshang's eyes with more mockery.

"Have you ever thought about how you will stand here in the future?"

Hongshang pulled the clothes on his shoulders, sat down opposite him, and smiled:

"What happened before, so what will I do now?"

"About Jue Luo Qianqi, since you are not pregnant, should you report to me?"

The smile of the red man froze.

"I secretly wrote to Forexia, causing me to lose a useful chess piece. Mu Hongshang, my husband knows that you love your parents and fellow villagers in Xiling City, but you can't turn your elbow out?

"...when did you know?" Hongshang restrained her look. She looked at Yin Guangyao nervously. The matter of pretending to be amnesia was exposed. She didn't know how he would deal with her.

"Do you remember the maid who slapped Lianjian when she got married? You slapped her that night.

"It's been so long..." It turned out that he had already known that he was pretending to lose his memory. Or, he deliberately used that incident to test himself.

Hongshang smiled self-deprecatingly.


The carriage ran very fast. It stopped halfway and replaced it with a full fortula to drive.

After the big man got in, he began to eat his own dry food.

The oncoming wind blew up the forged black sleeves, and the blue ribbon wrapped around it was clearly visible. Her long hair was firmly fixed behind her head with a rope, and her heart was always like a huge stone, breathing dull.

The carriage has been running for a whole day, ahead, which is the location in the task.

The fortight forteared to hold the horse's rein.

The little man was doting. As soon as the carriage stopped, he fell to the ground, and the big man opened his eyes in a daze.

"Have you arrived? Even?" The big man asked.

"It's here, come down." Lian Jian jumped off the carriage, unscrewed the lid of the water bag in her hand, raised her head and took a big sip.

Maybe he was a little anxious to drink, and the water stains overflowed from his mouth and dripped on his body.

Fortear casually wiped her sleeves. She looked at the rising sun in the sky. Yesterday was the time when they set out from Herparation.

And she is not unfamiliar with the deep valley she wants to enter. That's where Bao jumped off the cliff.

Maybe you can find Bao.

When Lian Jian first saw the task, the first thing that flashed in his heart was this idea, and...

Maybe you can touch the meat.

Lian Jian thought about this and took a long breath. She twisted the lid of the water bag and hung it around her waist.

"What about you? Are you ready? Let's go in together when we are ready."

"I've been ready for a long time! Let's just go in and kill the female monster!" The little man looks excited.

"Yes, we will go back early after the killing." The eldest man is 12 years old and looks simple, thick and cute.

Lian Jian nodded with a smile, turned around and took the lead in walking towards the deep valley.

But among the three people in the group, except for the forear, the other two children know that this deep valley is the famous "Hundred Demon Valley".

The reason why they don't look afraid at all is that they think for the forsagi are very powerful, but in fact, the forears don't know the situation here at all...

For example, the begonia demon they want to kill on their mission, Ningyin.

Flower demon... Lian Jian thought of Bao for the first time.

Well, although I haven't played before, it should not be difficult to subdue, right?

However, what she doesn't know is that if it is a little flower demon like Bao who hasn't cultivated a human figure, then she can kill a few.

It's a pity that this begonia demon is a monster with 500 years of practice, otherwise Shangguan Yunli would not have changed his face at the moment he saw the content of the note.

And for the sake of fairness, each of them carries swords that can't be ordinary roadside goods...

Lian Jian looked at the map while walking. Obviously, this competition is very formal. At least in this big valley that is easy to get lost, the location of the begonia demon is still clearly marked.

As she walked, she made a mark. The original sense of direction was not very good, but after more than half a year of training, she was much better than before. The big man and the small man saved trouble and followed her. Both of them still had a smile on their faces. Later, they talked about you and talked about you without pressure. Maybe she didn't even find out that now she has become someone else's support.

At least her thin back can already give people a firm sense of security.

"Well... it's a fork in the road again..." Lian Jian lowered his head and looked at the map again, "This way? ...Or this way?"

She figured it out carefully and finally determined--

"Well, it's this way!"

Her finger points to the mountain road on the right.


There is an inconspicuous cabin halfway up the mountainside of the jungle.

At this time, the whole roof was surrounded by a purple-black smell, and Bao lay on a big tree far away, looking frightened.

From its perspective, you can just see the scene inside through the window of the wooden house.

Its body began to tremble slightly because of fear. It didn't expect to see such a horrible thing here. The beautiful Ningyin sister, which made it envious, unexpectedly...

Abao gently propped up his body. He has been looking for the flag of the Mu family this month, but the valley is so big that he doesn't remember the road it has taken.

Not to mention looking for a flag, it can't even go out!

Fortunately, there is nothing but monsters in it. Although the demon clan is scattered, things of the same kind are absolutely prohibited - although the demon king Yin Shuo, who set this rule, has disappeared, the people of the demon clan still abide by it self-discipline. But Bao never thought that it would find out that the demon clan had killed the demon clan in this place!——

The begonia demon in the room has just sucked an orchid demon that has been doing well for 300 years into her body. She breathed softly and gently, leaning against the head of the bed, her face was pink.

She put her left hand in front of her mouth, and it was this hand that firmly controlled the monster so that she could suck her into her body. Nowadays, there is still the smell of the orchid demon on her fingers. She greedily licks her fingers and licks them one by one from her index finger to her little finger, with a fang smile on her face.

"Really, my appetite has become bigger recently..." The begonia demon muttered slightly, and she complained dissatisfiedly, but the voice was crisp.

I don't know if it's A Bao's illusion. Obviously, it is a distance away from the cabin, but it hears the mutter of the begonia demon.

But the next second, it knew that it was not only not its illusion, but also it absolutely heard it, because!——

"What should I do? I'm really hungry." The begonia demon propped up slightly, and her eyes gently swept towards A Bao. Her tongue gently licked her bright red lips. She smiled and said, "Although Taoism is very bad, I have never eaten a monster like you. Why don't you try it today?"

Her eyes were firmly locked on Bao, and Bao's body began to tremble, and finally she couldn't help falling from the tree.

The body hit the ground heavily, and it shouted in pain, and then stood up from the ground in cold sweat.

"Would you like to run?" There was a sneer on the face of the begonia demon. She only gently stretched out her index finger, and Bao found that her body was pulled by invisible force and drove in her direction.

"Rando, let go of me!!--" Bao knew what he would encounter next. He saw all the scene just now. When he fell in front of the begonia demon, she was afraid that she would eat herself like eating the orchid demon before!

"I let you go once a month ago, and it's okay if you don't have this valley. Instead, you came to me today. It happens that I'm still hungry, and I often smell like you, an unknown flower demon. The begonia flower demon said slowly, but then again, this ignorant little flower demon is really strange. Why can't she see what kind of flower it is?

"Don't, don't!" Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the cabin, Bao closed his eyes and shouted, "Don't eat me! - I'm a flower growing in the pit! It stinks and stinks. Don't eat me!!——"

The begonia demon did not dislike hearing this, but covered his mouth and laughed wildly.

"Flowers in the pit? I've never heard of it. I'm very interested in you now. You can't run away.

Abao came to the door in a blink of an eye, and the door opened automatically. Although it struggled desperately, it still had to be pulled in.

Looking at the begonia demon close at hand, Bao finally couldn't help crying loudly.

The fragrance of the begonia flower has surrounded it all, and the begonia flower demon gently stroked its neck, which was the most enjoyable thing for men, but it made it creepy.

"Sister, relax. You haven't always been envious of your sister's appearance. Now that your sister has sucked you into your body, your body is also yours. From now on, you will be as beautiful as your sister. How can you be unhappy?"