Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 28 Moon Flower Deficiency (20)

I don't know if it was because of the hot weather, the owner of the flower village suddenly fell ill. Although Sanyou Xian and Lan Ming do not want to give up this opportunity, Huajiazhai has made it clear that the magic needle is the treasure of Huajia Town and will never be borrowed from others.

Fu was in a hurry to shut himself, and other things were not well prepared, so he planned to leave first.

And Lan Ming stayed to see if things had turned around.

The temperature continues to rise, the poisonous sun hangs on the edge of the sky almost all day, and Huajiazhai is surrounded by a dull atmosphere.

Hua Yi took a basin of clear water and came to the owner of Huazhai to take care of it carefully. Since Hua Baixi fell ill, she has been taking care of him all the time.

In just a few days, the owner of the flower village has been haggard.

"Today, the kitchen stewed chicken juice and mushroom clear soup for the village owner. I'll bring it here later. The owner must have an appetite for the aroma!"

Hua Baixi looked at the busy girl. Maybe her eyes were not working well. For a moment, he seemed to see Xing'er.

Whether it's true or false, Hua Baixi smiled unknowingly. After seeing it, Hua Yi smiled more brightly, "You laughed! You really like it, don't you? I'll bring it to you!" Hua Yi said, put the towel on the washbasin, picked up the basin and walked out.

"Yiyi..." The owner's voice was very weak. He coughed gently twice and said slowly, "Thank you for your hard work these days."

"No." Huayi turned around and smiled, "If it hadn't been for the village owner, Huayi would have died long ago - so if possible, Huayi would be willing to serve the village owner for the rest of her life."

"Isn't that delaying you... I'm thinking about what are the reliable unmarried men in this Huajiazhai..."

"Zhai, Zhaizhu..." This was the first time that Hua Baixi mentioned this to her, which caught her off guard.

"Or do you already have a love?"

The basin suddenly hit the ground, and Hua Yi shook her head repeatedly, "No, no... I've been serving the young lady, and the young lady hasn't married yet. How can I have such a thought..." With that, she squatted down and picked up the basin and towel in a hurry.

"Look at your panic... A man should get married and a woman should get married. You are not young. How can I keep you again?"

"The village owner... You are still sick now. Don't drive me away, okay? ...When you get well, I will say whatever you say. I will marry whoever you want me to..."

"I know you're a good boy, but haven't you heard of Chongxi? If you hold a wedding, I may get better soon. I heard from the steward that you have always had a good relationship with Chai Jin in the village. The child is honest, not stupid, and has always been the leader of the escort - would you like me to marry him?

Hua Yi's eyes were a little dodged. She didn't dare to look at the owner of Huazhai, and her face was a little more shy.

"I, I... that..."

When the owner of Huazhai looked at her like this, he was clear about everything. He smiled gently and coughed, but he still looked very happy - Chai Jin has always been his proud disciple, and Huayi is also his favorite maid. If they really have this fate, both of them can accompany him. His You should feel much more comfortable.

And Chai Jin is a talent. He wants to cultivate more. In time, he will definitely become an upright man.

Maybe the burden of Huajiazhai will fall on his head.

"Choose a good day and give half of the matter... Your wedding will be done according to Hua Xing's... Just think that Hua Baixi recognized a righteous daughter."

Hua Yi looked at him in a daze, obviously not to think that he would say so! - Oh, my God, what does the village owner mean? The meaning of the village owner is to say, say...

Tears suddenly gushed out of her eyes, and Hua Yi was moved and happy. She wiped her tears and said, "I'm willing to hear this sentence from the village owner, even if I let me die..."

"Okay, didn't you say you wanted to bring me clear soup? If you don't bring it, the soup will be cold.

"...Hmm! I'm going!"


"My injury is fine. Let's go back quickly. If there is nothing to do, we have to leave overnight - I always feel uneasy about that place." Forsythians touched the wounds of the inner three layers and outer three layers. Now there are Mu Sheng, A Bao and Cha Xi in Huajiazhai. The matter of Huajiazhai is too chaotic. Isn't it still to fight for the magic needle? Compared with this, Lian Jianzhuo wants to go to the night clan earlier... In this way, the meat can wake up earlier.

"Let's wait." Hongshang is also anxious, but... "I don't know when Phoenix Ling will come back. I'll go back with you when he removes this illusion." Hongshang doesn't want to be separated from everyone anymore.

"...that's good." Lianqi thought for a moment and nodded, "Next, we are going to the night clan together. Don't you want to go?"

"That's not good. Of course, I'll go wherever you go." Hongshang patted Lian Qiao's shoulder with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I will accompany you."

"Thank you." Forthia said from the bottom of her heart.

"It's Mu Sheng, is he all right?"

"Cha Xi said that his life would not be in danger, but it would be more troublesome to wake up..."

"Tea? The girl in green clothes? Is it credible?" Hongshang frowned slightly. In fact, she thought the girl was a little strange, but she couldn't say anything strange.

"I don't think so?" Lian Jian is not sure, "I think she... likes Mu Sheng very much and should not hurt him."

"Oh - it turned out to be a rival?" Hongshang suddenly realized that there was something wrong with her. It turned out to be this reason.

Lipiao also smiled with her, "I just told you that you are my best friend. That girl made me very scared."

"Are you afraid?"

"I once had a dream... I dreamed that Mu Sheng walked with her without looking at me." Lian Jian's voice suddenly became very sad. "That dream is so real. Even if I think about it now, I still feel like a prophecy..."

"Okay, okay, dream, dream is dream. Dreams are the opposite of reality, so don't worry, Mu Sheng will never go with that girl!" Hongshang quickly comforted him.

Foria looked down at the circles of bandages on her body. She suddenly remembered that as long as she was injured, the wound was always treated at the first time. Even across thousands of mountains and rivers, the meat did not allow her to be hurt... Now there is no meat to heal the wound with internal force. Only then did Licici know that the wound was so difficult to heal. .

"Look, do you want to bring a small crescent moon when we leave?" Hongshang suddenly asked, in fact, she just wanted to talk about it.

"She will definitely refuse, right?"

"It's possible." Hongshang nodded. She thought about it again and continued, "How do you think that Yin Guangyao will appear here?" Alliance?"

"It seems that he promised Feng Ling to take good care of the little crescent moon while he was away..." Lianqi recalled, and she remembered that Yin Guangyao told her.

"Phoenix Ling is quite good for the little crescent."

"The man who just arrived at Huajiazhai and competed with Lanming? He was chasing me at that time, and now it's quite horrible to think about it.

"Yes, but he shouldn't want to kill you now... Yin Guangyao doesn't seem to kill you either." The red man looks like a casual mention.

"Yin Guangyao's heart can't figure out..." Lian Jian frowned and didn't kill for a while. She didn't even bother to think about it.

"Ha... Well, maybe I like you... Er..." Hongshang suddenly felt a little incoherent.

Foreared for a moment, he turned his head to look at her, "What?"

"I heard it that day." Hongchang took a deep breath. She looked at Lian Qiao and smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I don't care. Anyway, I won't like him. I'll do what I say..."

Lian Qiao looked at the red man in a stunned and did not reply.

"I just, just ask casually, ah, that, in fact, it's nothing. Don't worry about it, I don't care at all... Uh-huh, I don't care."

With such a lame performance, for fortear suddenly found that Hongshang really can't lie.

"Do you still like him?"

"No!" Hongshang immediately replied, but then she seemed restless... She struggled in her heart for a long time and finally nodded, "For the time being, I haven't forgotten it yet - but with a little more time, I will definitely be able to do it!" Look, how long has it been..."

It is undeniable that the short white hair has appeared many times in the dream of red. Such a strange man, his clothes are the most special on this continent, and he has never been worn by others. If he is also wearing everyone's clothes, and if he also has long hair, it may be easier to forget, right?

"He's lying."

"..." Hongchang raised her head in a daze and looked at the foreared... Is it a lie? Doesn't he like forsthia?