Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 8 The most troublesome thing about the title. I don't know what this chapter is called

In the empty prison, the two dogs sat alone in a chair, and other jailers were on duty outside the door. He had been listless since morning, and he might have caught a cold.

Abao on the other side of the iron fence pretended to sit calmly on the stone** and kept repeating, "There must be nothing to do, there must be nothing to do, there must be nothing to do..."

Suddenly, there was a burning question.

The second dog looked around blankly and looked around to find that in the innermost cell, the hay on the ground burned.

He suddenly stood up from the chair and shouted, "Fire!!!"

No one responded.

"..." Bao looked at him in a staring way.

The second dog lowered his head and touched his body, and then he remembered that the key to the cell was hung by a little third son today! As soon as he was in a hurry, he ran upstairs and opened the iron door hard. Just as he was about to open his mouth for the key, he saw a strange man standing outside the door.

And several people except him were all lying on the ground, unconscious.


The next second, he lost consciousness.

shun ling disappeared into the dungeon.

The light was very dark, but the little flower demon A Bao still recognized him accurately - "Lord Left Guardian!"

A thing was thrown in from the outside. Bao picked it up and saw that it was the key to the handcuffs.

She quickly opened the handcuffs in her hand, and now it can use the spell! - "Do you want to take me away?" It asked.

"Hmm." Shunling nodded.

A Bao came to the door of the prison and was minimized in an instant. It drilled out of the crack of the iron fence, and instantly bent down and put it in her hand.

The fire in the deepest part of the dungeon gradually became bigger. Shunling left from the main door with A Bao without changing her face. The moment he closed the iron gate, the fire in the dungeon was fierce, and the blazing fire seemed to burn the whole dungeon.

The jailers outside the door were lying on the ground, and they were all spelled by Shunling, so they couldn't wake up.

Abao climbed onto Shunling's shoulder and stared at the people on the ground and asked, "What should they do?"

"No one was spared the fire in the dungeon?" It seems that Shun Ling has the intention to throw them into the dungeon.

A Bao saw the innermost two dogs and shook his head repeatedly, "Don't! The jailer's eldest brother - he is very good to us. The leader was sick. It was all the medicine he bought and cooked it himself... By the way! Master!?——"

"She's fine. I'll take you to find her now." Shun Ling turned around and said, "Since he has helped you, forget it."

shun ling extinguished and left with A Bao.

After they left, the spell disappeared and several jailers slowly woke up.

"This..." They looked at each other and didn't know what had happened.

"Ah! It's on fire!" Someone shouted.

The second dog stroked the back of his head, stood up from the ground, and looked at the direction of Shunling and A Bao's disappearance. it an illusion? In a daze, he heard it all.

"Cough, cough! What a fire!" As soon as a jailer opened the door, a thick smoke came to his face. He quickly closed the door heavily and stopped everyone from retreating several steps with his hands. "This fire is incurable. Everyone, stay away!"

"But in prison--"

"How to save such a big fire!"

Several people had a slight argument, and the two dogs left first. It seems that Bao and the fortibi girl are all right... Just in this way, the fire can burn everything, and no one dies.

But in fact, Shun Ling doesn't think so. He set fire to burn his breath, so that Fu Zishu didn't know who saved Bao. There are already so many hostages in his hands. If Lianqi robs Abao before he took Abao back to the empty mountain, presumably he will not specially chase him back. And this fire will fall on the head of Forsythia - who let Bao appear with her? Everyone will doubt her.

On the other side of the inn, Forteoria drank a lot of wine and blushed.

She ran dizzy in the direction of the toilet and felt something suddenly come out and hug her waist.

"The leader!! Great!! You are really alive!!!"

"Huh?" She lowered her head slightly and saw the big golden head, "...Abao?"

Abao...Abao...Abao should not be taken to the empty mountain? Why did it appear here?

"It was the Lord Left Protector who saved A Bao!" Bao raised his head and said happily.

The drunkenness of fortear suddenly disappeared a lot, which was the first time she heard the name of Shunling after she left the domain.

"Is that so..." She smiled and said, "It's him."

The sound of Hongshang's shouting came from the second floor. Bao looked happily at the direction of the private room and asked, "Is it Hongshang? Hongshang is also here?!"

"Well, that's right. Bao, go up first. I'll be right there."

"Hmm!!" Bao ran away happily.

It's really complacent that Lianqi rubbed his temples with his hands and picked up a life. He drank so much wine all of a sudden. It seems that I can't sleep well tonight. But... she is really happy. Although the meat did not come... She turned slightly and looked at the shadow behind the tree, with a slight gentle tone, "You are also here."

A dark shadow slightly revealed half of his body, "Hmm." He whispered.

"Haha..." Lian Jian laughed happily.

shun ling looked at her complicatedly. She was a little drunk. He knew - but did she smile so happily because he came?

"What are you going to do in the future?"

Huh? Plan? ...Didn't I say that in front of so many people? In the future... I'm going to find Cang Liusu... convince him..." Lian Jian's voice was a little weak. She shook her head and smiled stupidly, "Well, I'm going to find him."

I don't know what's wrong with me.

She obviously wanted to persuade her eyes to deal with the demons with the human alliance, but why didn't he be angry with her at all when he heard these words...

But Forthia had realized what she had said. After a few seconds, she bent down to him apologetically, "I'm sorry...I..."

"You don't have to say sorry."


"You are a human race."

It's just a different position. He can understand the psychology of for Jian... I'm afraid that only for Jian will make him willing to think from her standpoint.

Lily foria is going to find Cang Liusu.

He also saw Cang Liusu that night.

It seems...isn't what he thinks? And today, that guy didn't come. He won't ask what's going on. He just came this time and just wanted to say...

"If you really have no place to go, go back to the demon world."

"..." Lian Jian looked at him in a blank way.

"There will be a place for you."


"..." Shunling looked away and looked a little awkward, "That, and... it's nothing..."

Nothing...nothing special meaning...

"Thank you." Lian Jian lowered his head and sighed with a smile, "I'm really afraid that one day I will be expelled by the human race. With your words, I'm relieved."



Another silence.

Lion forbion frowned slightly, "That, I..."

"Hmm?" Shun Ling looked at her.

The fortear turned around and continued to move towards the destination. "Excessue first... It's really...urinary."



"I want to vomit!!!" Hongshang lying on ** shouted, Yin Guangyao quickly brought the spittoon, and then Hongshang couldn't wait to spit out all the food and drink.

"Tell me what you... do after drinking so much!" Yin Guangyao complained.

The room was full of the smell of acid and rotten. Although his expression was very disgusted, he had been delivering tea and water beside Hongshang to replace the spittoon. After vomiting, Hongshang fell asleep and was completely unconscious. Yin Guangyao muttered and complained, and then hit a basin of water to clean her face.

"It's really not reassuring..."

Uh... The other corner of the quilt moved gently, and Yin Guangyao patted it rudely - "Hey, little guy, don't eavesdrop on people!"

"It's not eavesdropping! We are in the same room, and you obviously said it in front of me!" A Bao covered his head to protest.

"Since you haven't fallen asleep, get up! Wash the red mans before going to bed!"

"Ah - I'm already asleep!" Bao has been noisy all day today, and he is tired now! Let it bathe the red man? No, no, no, it doesn't want it!

"You don't think it's dirty..."

"No!" Bao replied loudly.

"..." Well, Yin Guangyao helped Hongshang cover the quilt. Since the people who slept with her didn't say anything, he didn't worry about it. It's... "Where's the fort?"


"What, where has she gone?"


A well appeared on Yin Guangyao's forehead. He pulled Bao out of the quilt and stared at his eyes and said, "Speak!"

Abao shudled. It was so cold! It said pitifully, "I will catch a cold if it goes on like this! - And I really don't know where the leader is."

"Who did she go out with?"

"Lord Left Protector."

"In an instant?"

"Hmm! That's him!"

Yin Guangyao let go of his hand, A Bao fell on **, and he quickly got back to the bed. This move made Hongshang turn over, mutter a word she didn't understand, and continued to sleep deeply.

Do you want to go and have a look?

Yin Guangyao thought.

After all, for forssia is not a child. Nothing should happen.

Moreover, the fortear has been in the demon world for more than a year, and he must have been well with Shunling, so that person is not an enemy, so there should be no danger for for fortsia?

Well, it should be like this.

Yin Guangyao nodded with approval.

Well, since there is nothing wrong, he is also going to bed. Hey, after tossing around for most of the day, he is really sleepy... Let's talk to Hongshang about the future when he gets up tomorrow... Um...


In the night sky of the imperial city, the stars are particularly bright.

Foria sat on the roof with a warm water bag in his arms. Although it is the end of winter, the night wind is still very cold. Shun Ling is right next to her.

Boo were silent.

The reason why I'm here is because of a sentence that Shun Ling said before.

- For the sake of my special arrival, just stay with me tonight.

Forearm did not refuse.

She was a little drunk and didn't think about the meaning of this sentence. She was originally a delicate girl, and she was a little careless when she drank too much. Naturally, I didn't notice why a big man asked you to sit with him for the night.

No one said anything.

Foria is sleepy.

Her head slowly leaned against Shunling and leaned against his shoulder.

Breathing is very even.

In an instant, the corners of her lips were slightly raised.

His hand gently stopped Lian Jian's shoulder.

Because she is drunk, he can do this.

When the fortight fort wakes up tomorrow morning, they will return to the original point.

In this case, let him cherish the feeling of forearm around now...