Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 30 Major Illness

The next day, early morning.

Langzhong saw Forsythia in the room, and Bao stayed aside.

Cang Liusu stood outside the door and looked at a girl who came in with Sui Xiaoxuan.

"Who?" He asked.

"Master, she came to visit the forearm girl." Xiaoxuan slowly walked up the stairs, stood at the door and looked inside. He turned around and said, "The doctor is treating Miss Lianqi. Why don't you wait here first?"

"Okay." The leading woman was dressed in plain clothes, with long black hair behind her, and three petals in the middle of her eyebrows. Her eyes fell on Cang Liusu, with some doubts. After looking at it for a long time, she couldn't be sure.

The man in front of him is very similar to Mu Sheng, but... he doesn't seem to know her.

Lang Zhong came out of the room. Xiaoxuan turned around and asked, "How about doctor, she..."

"This girl is just because of overwork, emotional excitement, and cold - if she takes good care of herself, she will get better soon. I have a list here. She will drink for a few days, and there will be no problem." Lang Zhong handed the prescription in his hand to Xiaoxuan, "Remember to let her have a good rest and don't disturb her."

"Thank you, please go this way."

"No, no, girl, please stay."

"Well, okay, slow down."

Xiaoxuan did not insist on giving her away, but looked down at the list in his hand, "Master, shall I get her medicine?"

"Remember to ask clearly."

"Well, I know." Xiaoxuan nodded and agreed.

She needs to ask a few more about the medicinal materials on the prescription to avoid any problems... It was supposed to cure the disease, but it's not good to become poison.

"Can I go in and see the forears?" Yan'er, who was waiting at the door, asked.

"Go back." Cang Liusu issued an eviction order.


"Didn't you hear what the doctor said just now - she needs to rest."

Yan'er lowered her head. She heard that forsythia came back and wanted to see her, but she was so ill that she was unconscious... Even if she went in now, she couldn't talk to Lianqi. It's better...

"If Forsythia wakes up, can you help me tell her that Yaner from 13th Street has come to see her?"

Cang Liusu nodded slowly.

"Farewell." Yan'er turned around and left.

"Master, I'm going to get the medicine."


Cang Liusu raised his head and looked at the sky above his head. Dark clouds gathered, as if it was going to rain.

Abao in the room ran to the table to pour tea for himself, and saw Cang Liusu standing outside. He held the teacup and asked carefully, "Lord Night God... won't you come in?"

"This house is not small. Is there no one else?"

"Ah?" Bao buried his head in drinking water. His round eyes looked around and shrugged his shoulders and said, "When I came to the Mu family, there were only a few of us left, and now... Well, one, two, three..." The little flower demon broke his fingers, "Well, there are still three people left in the Mu family now..."

"When did you enter the Mu family?"

"Probably...more than two years ago."

"Is she the head?"


Cang Liusu turned around and his eyes fell on the sleeping forsythia. Bao said "Oh" and nodded, "Yes, when I came to the Mu family, Lian Jian was the new head of the Mu family. At that time, the Mu family seemed to have just experienced a disaster, and many people died, leaving only a few of us... Now think about it, it was not easy at that time... Thanks to Foria, otherwise, the Mu family would have disappeared from Cangwu..."

"She is alone and supports the Mu family?"

A Bao nodded, but quickly shook his head again, "No, it's two people."

"Which two?"

"One is the leader, and the other..." A Bao suddenly stopped talking. He only looked at Cang Liusu in a stunned way, as if he had never seen it.

"Say it."

"Mu...Mu Sheng..."

"Who is he?"

"We all called him Mu Sheng... but the leader called him... meat... I have tried to call him meat before, but he ignored me at all. It seems that no one can call him like this except the head." When A Bao said these words, his eyes kept falling on Cang Liusu, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

"..." Cang Liusu's face changed slightly, but it soon calmed down. He got up and went into the house and walked to the bedside.

A Bao stood aside and took a small mouthful of tea. He looked at Cang Liusu curiously and didn't know what he wanted to do.

However, Cang Liusu doesn't seem to be planning to do anything.

"You just said that there are still three people left - besides Mu Lianqi and you, who else?"


"Where is she?"

"I don't know." Bao shook his head and said, "She finally left with the king of resentment, and I don't know where she has gone now. Have you heard this news now..."

"King of Grievance..." Oh, that guy. It's really strange. Isn't the Mu family a ghost exorcist family? Then this red man should be an exorcist. How can he be with the head of the evil spirit...

There was footsteps outside the door, and Xiao Xuan walked to the door with a few bags of medicine. "Master, I bought the medicine - I went to several pharmacies, and there is no problem with this list!"

" Xiaoxuan, come with me first." Cang Liusu walked out of the door, and he seemed to have something to say to her.

"Oh, okay."

"Then I'll boil the medicine!" Bao put the putt on the table, ran to Xiaoxuan's arm, and held the medicine in his arms. "If you drink the medicine earlier, you can get better earlier!"

Xiaoxuan smiled at it, and Bao quickly ran away with the medicine in his arms. She looked back and asked, "Master, what are you looking for me for?"

"I'm going to get out of here."


"I'll tell you later."

" long will it take?"

"I don't know. However, I will come back as soon as possible - you have to wait for me at Mu's house before I come back. I will set a boundary here. Outsiders can't come in. You have to pay more attention to even if Mu Lianqi wakes up, you must not let her leave this house.

"I understand. I will never let her out." How can Xiaoxuan let Lianqi leave? The master is gone, and it will be bad if the person who encounters trouble at that time.

"Yes!" Xiaoxuan suddenly thought of something, "What about the girl named Yaner just now, if she comes back in the future..."

"Look at what Foreng says. The woman just now has no internal strength. If Lian Jian said it, then see it.

"Well, I know."

"I'm leaving."


As soon as Cang Liusu was about to leave, he heard the sound of heavy objects falling into the room. He turned his head and saw Forrenqi roll down from **.

"Miss Lian Jian!" Xiaoxuan quickly ran in and picked up her body.

The forsythia's body was still hot. She leaned weakly on Xiaoxuan's body and looked weakly at Cang Liusu at the door.

Her lips are one by one...

Cang Liusu came over, took her from Xiaoxuan's hand and picked her up from the ground.

"Don't go..." Lian Jian's voice was very light. She didn't even have the strength to hold his clothes. When she heard that he was leaving, she remembered, but she accidentally rolled out of bed.

Cang Liusu bent down, put her back**, and covered her with a quilt.

The for foreared nose is red.

She looked at him in horror and choked, "Don't... leave me..."

The voice almost pleading, Cang Liusu's heart softened incredibly softly in an instant. He straightened up and turned away as Lian Jian struggled to hold him.

There is no attachment.

Lion fortibi still looked at his disappearing door. Xiaoxuan squatted by the bed and held Liantight's hand comfortingly, "Girl Lianqi, don't worry, he's just going out to do something and will be back soon."

"Is it......" Lian Jian's eyes were scattered, and she lay weakly **, looking at the ceiling in a daze.

Xiaoxuan took care of the sweaty hair on her forehead. "You take the medicine and have a good sleep. When you open your eyes, he will definitely come back."

Forteart buried his face in the pillow and cried silently.

She is so scared.

She is so afraid that everyone will leave her. She is really afraid. Why did the meat leave? Where is he going? Why didn't he tell her? Why did he leave without saying anything?


disappear from now on?

Like many people, they thought they were just saying "goodbye" and thought they would meet again one day, but they found that they would never see each other again.

"Mir, the medicine is ready." Bao came in from outside with a tray.

Xiaoxuan raised the forear from ** and put her back against the bed rail.

"I'll do it."

She took the bowl from Bao's hand and stirred the black juice in the bowl with a spoon.

"Are you crying?" Bao found that Lian Jian's eyes were red. He put his hands by the bed and said extremely seriously, "Lian Jian, don't be sad... No matter what happens, Bao is here. Bao will accompany you and will always be with you."

The for upturned hand covered Bao's green palm, and she nodded with tears.

"I know... you're the best..."

A Bao is like her little tail. It follows her wherever she goes. It has always been like this, following her and going wherever she wants to go.

"Come on, drink the medicine." Xiaoxuan handed the spoon to her mouth.

Fortear bowed his head and slowly drank it.

It's very bitter.

But it can't withstand the pain in my heart.


"Remember, you must make it clear to Forthia! She must be so sad now. Stop joking with her. Do you hear me?"

"I heard it, Miss Hongshang, you have said this 800 times - I will find the forsythia as soon as possible and bring her here, so that everything will be untied? It's you. You have to take good care of yourself during my absence.

"Go quickly, go!" Hongshang has been worried about for the forsever since she learned the news of the death of several children in the Mu family. Fortunately, Cang Liusu was followed by Lian Liusu. She thought that Lian Liusu might be excited to avenge her autistic, but Cang Liusu would definitely stop her, right? I don't know where the forscorpse is now, but if she transports the body, she should go back to Mu's house to let the body be buried. It takes several days to get to Mu's house from here. It's better to have Yin Guangyao go.

"Remember! Be sure to make it clear to Lian Qiao!" Hongshang shouted uneasy again.

Yin Guangyao, who had gone far away, waved his hand to her.

(Merry Christmas~~~~~)