Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 32 Bo Yunlongxi 2

Foria sat at the table and took a small sip of soup. Bao held chopsticks in his mouth and seemed to want to tell her something.

"You have been staring at me for a long time. Tell me, what's the matter?" Forsian held the bowl in his hands and felt the temperature of the soup.

"Well... Master, is your body better?"

"It's much better."

Abao lowered his head and took a mouthful of rice. The head's face was still very haggard. How can it be much better, but... "Miss Xiaoxuan still hasn't come back."

"..." Lianqi's action of drinking soup stiffened. She looked up at the sky outside the window. It was already noon. Xiao Xuan probably went out yesterday afternoon. This... "What you want to say is more than that?"

"At the door, you see... Otherwise, I'll go to Hongxiufang!"

"No." Lian Jian didn't think about it and said it directly.

"But she hasn't come back for so long, I always feel that something has happened..."

After drinking the soup, Forthia wiped his mouth with the towel next to him, stood up and walked to the basin. She gently played with her hands, "Miss Xiaoxuan's martial arts are not below you. If something happens to her, something will happen to you."

"But after all, she helped us find Yan'er... I can't, leave her alone..." Bao muttered in a low voice, "If I had known this, I should have insisted on going by myself... Now I don't feel uncomfortable at all..."

Formia stood in front of the mirror and tidyed up her clothes. She took a look at the little flower demon and raised a faint smile at the corners of her mouth. Seeing that the fortear did not reply to it, A Bao asked again, "Fortear... Is it because of her relationship with Lord Night God..." It carefully looked at the fortear in front of the mirror, afraid that it would hit the key point in her heart.

Anyone can see that the relationship between Lord Ye Shen and this Xiaoxuan should be very good, simply inseparable. It's not ambiguous, but... Xiaoxuan is indeed the closest person to him. Especially for for the forthia, Lord Night God has hardly taken the initiative to pay attention to it.

"So you can see it." Lianbao looked at it funny and joked, "That's right, our little Bao has become smarter."

"So... do we really care about her?" If the forthia insists, Bao will also decide to sit idly by. After all, it cares about the feelings of the fortia the most.

The fortear bent down to straighten his shoes and trousers, and then straightened up and put Bo Yunlongxi around his waist.

"Let's go."


"It's too late."

A Bao stared at the forsythia to walk out of the room, and then he understood that the forsyth forsythia was going to Xiling 13th Street! - He quickly threw the bowl in his hand and chased after the forsythia, "Forsyth forsythia - is this not appropriate?"

"What's wrong?"

"You stay, I'll go, I'll go!"

"What if you don't go back? How can I rest assured that you will go there alone? Lian Jian stopped and looked at the little flower demon beside his legs. He looked in a trance, "If you don't disappear, I'm afraid I'll really go crazy..."

"Actually, you can't go..."

"How can you not go? Xiaoxuan will leave here more or less because of me... What's more, she is his apprentice.

A Bao looked up at the woman beside her. Her face was still very pale and clearly had not recovered from a serious illness, but she insisted on looking for Xiao Xuan. Did she do this just because Xiao Xuan... is the apprentice of Lord Night God?

"What if... is in danger?" Bao is still worried.

"What are you afraid of? I don't have you." Lian Jian said with a smile.

"Ah?" Bao was stunned for a moment and realized that he had been praised. He scratched his green head with his hand and giggled, "Ha ha... Yes... I'm here! I will protect the forthia!"

"Moreover, I discussed with Bo Yunlongxi last night that he was willing to protect me for a day today."

"Hey?! Really?!" Bao stared at the ice-blue sword on Lianbao's waist. Bo Yunlongxi rarely appeared. He actually promised that Lianjian would protect her today! - It stared, it stared, it stared hard! Is it possible for the sun to come out in the west today?!

Bo Yunlongxi trembled gently...

Little monster, don't stare at me all the time, goose bumps are about to rise...

Abao's heart is finally more relaxed. If Bo Yunlongxi is here, some little demons and monsters are not afraid! Moreover, Xiling 13th Street is not far from here, and it won't take long to go back and forth... As long as it is careful, forsythia will not cause any big problems, hehe...

The two left the Mu family together. A Bao seemed to glance at the ground with a black cloak and was slowly crawling forward. It didn't care too much. After all, there were many beggars here. The most important thing is that it is in a much more comfortable mood now. After all, it can find Xiaoxuan, and the safety of the forear is also guaranteed...

However, this slightly relieved mood has not lasted for a long time. Bao's heart was like being pressed by a thousand pounds of big stone, and he couldn't breathe.

Xiling 13th Street.

Although this flower street is brightly lit at night, it now has a dead silence.

Quiet, very quiet, only the sound of their footsteps.

Even the lake is quiet without a trace of ripples.

Two people came to the Red Sleeve Square.

The door is closed.

Forsythia slowly raised his head and looked at the signboard hanging on it - Hongxiufang.


In my memory, there was a rainstorm.

Every well-dressed girl originally planned to welcome guests as usual, but no one expected that everyone could hold their own deed at this moment.

The light gauze skirts rotated one by one, and many girls ran to the bottom of the stairs, leaving the rainforest on their own. They danced and laughed happily. Although the laughter was hidden in the rain, the whole Xiling Thirteenth Street seemed to feel their joy.

"Forsythia-Forsythia--" Yan'er suddenly shouted into the room, "Come out - forsythia--"

"Here we are!——

Yan'er was waiting for her at the door. When she saw her come out, she quickly took her hand. "Lianjian, didn't you say that you would definitely take off the signboard of Zuiyi Tower?"

The fortear was pulled into the rain by her. They stood under the stairs and looked up at the exquisite signboard. The girls around stopped dancing and gathered around the fortite one by one. This atmosphere deeply infected the forsian. She didn't say anything. She did pull out her sword and row hard at the signboard. The horizontal signboard immediately divided into two and fell down from above.

Everyone's eyes fell on the ladder with it. Yan'er saw it and took the lead in stepping on it, and one foot was not enough.

"Sisters! Let's trample it together!"

"Okay!!--" The girls answered with one voice and surrounded them. No one cared that their bodies were wet, and all of them were there. You stepped on the signboard one by one foot--

It's over!! It's finally over!! Those days that will never end were finally taken away by the rainstorm with this sign!!!

Lion wiped the rain on her face. She looked at them and couldn't stop laughing.


It's so quiet.

There is no sound of wind.

"Is anyone there--" Bao shouted tentatively.

No one responded.

The fortight's hand slowly placed on the door.

She held her breath.

She prayed in her heart.

- May God bless you and nothing happens.

Closing her eyes, she pushed hard, and with a "squeak", the door slowly opened.

With the opening door, Bao fell to the ground after seeing the scene inside! Lian, Lian Jian..." Its voice suppressed a little trembling.

Lian's face was stiff, and she slowly opened her eyes.




Suddenly there was a thunder, and the forsythia trebled. Bao stood up from the ground and hugged the forsythia's thigh - "It's going to rain!"

"Let's go in."


Fortear slowly walked in...

At the table in the room, there are several girls lying down, and there are tea cups next to them that have no temperature. On the ground, at the top of the stairs, there are many people lying. There is blood flowing from their eyes and their bodies are not traumatized. It seems to be... poisoned.

Fortear squatted down and tried the woman's breath on the ground. She was out of breath.

"Sure enough, something happened..." Bao muttered in a low voice, "No woman here has been spared. Who is so vicious?"

The fortibi squeezed its lips, and the bodies turned over one by one, but Yaner was not found.

"Go to the second floor and have a look."

She stood up and walked upstairs.

It's really poisoned.

Every girl died in a different place. They seemed to be doing something before they died. The only thing that was the same thing was that there were blood stains on the corners of their eyes.

"xiao, Xiaoxuan..." Bao suddenly shouted.


A Bao pointed to the door not far away, "It's her!"

The fortear ran over quickly.

"Miss Xiaoxuan, Miss Xiaoxuan!" She squatted down to help the seriously injured girl on the ground. There were many sword marks on Xiaoxuan's body, and she had fainted. No matter how Lian Jian called her, she couldn't hear her.

Lion's heart suddenly picked up, and she quickly sensed Xiaoxuan's pulse and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"How about it?" Bao asked urgently.

"It's okay... Fortunately..." Lian Jian nodded, and her throat suddenly itched. She covered her mouth and coughed, "Cough... cough, cough, cough! ......”

"So, let's take her to the doctor now?"

Forte nodded, "It's not too late, Bao, you take her..." Before Lian Jian could say these three words, Lian Jian found a person stopped behind her.

Familiar atmosphere.

"You're coming..." Lian Jian slowly stood up and made way for the people behind him.

"Lord Night God!" Bao exclaimed, "Why are you here?"

Cang Liusu ignored it, but bent down and picked up Xiao Xuan from the ground. He could be sure of the scars on her body at a glance, "If I don't come, I'm afraid her life can't be saved."

"..." Lian Jian was silent.

Cang Liusu's eyes swept over Lianqi's body, "You are really unscathed."

"You!" Lian Jian looked up and asked in shock, "What do you mean? Cough! ...Do you think it's me who is bruised all over your heart?!"

"Why did she appear here? Hongxiufang... The woman who came to see you the other day was not from here - as I left, you should not go anywhere until I came back. You'd better let her come to such a place--

"Yes!" Lianqi couldn't listen any more. She was in a bad mood, and now she couldn't suppress all the outbreaks. "It's me! It's just that I don't have good intentions, but I let her come here to suffer! It's just that I want her to die!!"

"Fortear..." Abao pulled the fortsia. Abao knew that for fortight did not think so.

Cang Liusu's eyes darkened a little.

Forthia continued to shout, "I only hate why I didn't add another sword for her just now!" Cough! Well...don't you care about her... Why didn't I kill her... hehe..."

After that, A Bao stamped his feet in a hurry, "Sir, do you know what you're talking about..." Forte and Forte, why did you deliberately provoke Cang Liusu?

"Mulinian Jian." Cang Liusu's voice was colder than the ice in the snow. He said word by word, "If I can, I will definitely kill you."

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