Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 4 Battle of the Sea of Flowers 3

The sky became a little later, and the air gradually cooled down. Lian Jian sat on the ground close to the meat, wondering why the person called "Doomsday" did not appear.

The meat looked at a large flower field in front of them. The folded yuan flower was a very beautiful flower. The white petals bloomed big, and at a glance, it was like layers of white snow. The sun seems to be slowly disappearing. It seems that the day is coming to an end. Suddenly feeling a different breath, the meat raised its head and saw a group of bats flying over the slowly gray sky, followed by a large black cloud.

The sudden change of atmosphere made Lian Jian couldn't help raising her head. She was still wondering that even if it was sunset, it would not suddenly blacken.

"He's coming." The meat picked up the sword in his arms and stood up from the ground.

"Really?" However, Lian Jian also stood up, but the gray in front of her was still a large area of folded yuan flower field, and there was no human figure. Where is it? Why can't I see it?"

"Don't worry, you will see it soon." In fact, I didn't see the meat, but because his skills were deeper than Foreng, he felt a strange breath. Although it is strange, it is integrated with this strong fragrance of folding flowers. Only people who often stay here will have this smell, such as the old woman before.

In this way, the two have been looking at the empty flower fields and the pastoral path in the middle, which is the road they walked when they came. Gradually, Foreng seemed to see a vague point, but it was too far away, and the sky was relatively dark, so it could not be seen clearly. But her intuition told her that this person should be the end.

With the approach of the visitor, the meaty expression has not changed much, but he is 100% sure that his real identity is...

The figure is getting closer and closer, and Lian Jian really saw the people clearly, which only surprised Lian Jian - it looked like he was only in his early 20s. Wearing a rough cloth shirt and dark skin, it can be seen that it is caused by basking in the sun in the field all year round. For a moment, for a sudden, this should not be the person they are looking for, right?

The visitor also saw meat and forearm a long time ago. He was wearing a bucket hat on his head and carrying a few pheasants in his hand. His expression seemed not to be very happy. "Has anyone advised you to leave early?"

The sound is a little low and dry, like a lack of water. Obviously, he looks like a very simple young man, but forsythia is inexplicably not knowing what to say - this kind of aura, like Forsythia, who has never seen the world, has been completely suppressed.

"Are you doomsday?" The meat asked.

"Young man, you are very good, but I don't understand why you came to die?" At this moment, the wooden door that had been closed all afternoon was finally opened. The previous old lady came out of the house and handed her the chicken in her hand and said, "Aunmother, please."

When the old woman took her chicken and looked at him, a trace of puzzled emotion flashed in her eyes. She opened her mouth as if she wanted something to do, but in the end she just took a look at forear and meat, and turned away. That look knew that it was pity.

The meat also looked at the old woman a few more times, but she didn't forget to say, "We're not here to die."

"What are you doing here?"

"The antidote."

"What if I don't give it?"

"Ratch." After saying the last word, he dodged with Foreng and saw a diamond-shaped iron dart behind the tree they had just stood on. If he guesses correctly, there should also be poison on this dart.

When Lian Jian saw that the two were about to fight, she quickly stood aside. To say, this was the first time she had seen meat do something. Standing at the end of the intersection, he ran directly to the meat without stopping for a moment. Two machetes were stretched out from the iron on both sides of his wrist. He rushed to the meat at the fastest speed and fought with him.

The meat jumped back three times in a row, and the loose dark blue robe moved flexibly in the air. Seeing that the knife of the end of the day was about to touch his body, it was dodged by him. Jumping and dodging, the flesh pulled out the scabbard, and the silver sword broke out of the shell, bringing out the sword spirit that made people see that it was a very good sword.

Although Lian Qiao doesn't know the moves of meat, she has seen that Hongchang has used it. She didn't expect that today's meat has reached the position of Hongchang in such a short time, even better than her. Lian Jian finally understands what talent is.

The two fought fiercely in the air. The doomsday should look very powerful, but fortear always feels that he seems to be unable to do his best. And meat naturally knows the reason. In fact, from the beginning when he came to get the antidote with fort, he knew that the situation would happen at the end of the world. Otherwise, how could he take risks with fort?

The sharp sword drew an irregular shape in the air, and the awe-in sword spirit emanating from his whole sword was close to the end of the opposite side. The fierce move made the outsider, Lian Jian, a foreigner, see it. She was even worried that the meat would kill the doomsday because it was too heavy. Meat! ..." She wanted to remind him that if the doomsday died, there was nothing the antidote.

The doomsday was hit hard and fell to the ground, and the meat also came to his side at the second when he landed. The sword in his hand pointed to his throat, and the victory was divided.

It's awesome! Lian Jian looked at the meat with a little more worship in her eyes. She ran to the meat and said, "I didn't think it would be so soon..."

"Today is lucky. If he can use his own mana, we have no chance of winning at all." Meat said, looking at the doomsday lying on the ground: "Am I right?"

"Hmm." Doomsday snorted coldly and said disdainfully, "Today, it fell into your hands. If you want to kill it, you can do whatever you want."

"I want an antidote." Meat raised his hand and inserted the sword into the scabbard, in exchange for a greater sneer at the end of the world.

"I won't give it to you even if I die."

"Are you willing to die like this?" The meat asked rhetorical.

"It's none of your business."

"This...doomsday, why don't you give us the antidote? It's not bad for you." Lianqi is puzzled. Now the doomsday is obviously at a disadvantage, but it refuses to take out the antidote: "We have no intention to break in. I hope you can forgive us if you have offended me. As long as you are willing to give us the antidote, we will leave immediately and definitely go far away!"

"If you want to kill, don't grind - the antidote? No!"

After hearing this, he took out the charm from his sleeve and put it on his leg. For a while, the doomsday leg could not move as if it had been tied. He pulled forbula and walked towards the wooden house, and the meat voice was chilling: "I'm afraid you're too lonely alone. I'd better let the grandma in the house accompany you."

Realizing what the meat wanted to do, he shouted, "You stop! Son of a boy!"

Lian Jian looked back and saw the doomsday struggling to get up. His bucket hat fell to the ground in the struggle, which made his forehead show a few wrinkles, with his face in his early 20s. It was strange. Brother Doomsday, you'd better give us the antidote."

"Fuck your brother! You should call me uncle!" The doomsday gave a "pooh" and continued to scold the meat, "And you, bastard, why do you bother to embarrass an old man who has no power to bind chickens?" I still think you are a young hero and want to fight with you head-on, but you have done such a small act!"

"You just can't kill me now. If you could kill me, I would have died long ago." The meat had come to the door, but did not go in. The doomsday on the ground still looked at the figures of the two people in front of the door, and their necks were red. The young man's dark blue clothes swayed gently. A few seconds later, he turned around and said, "Well, if you are willing to give me the antidote, I will help you do what you haven't finished." After a pause, he didn't forget to threaten, "If you don't agree, I'll kill the people in the house now."

The doomsday's face was blue and white with anger. His lips trembling and finally lowered his head feebly: "Even if I promise you, you will never finish what I want you to do."

"Texit about it." The meat's face is a little more certain, as if everything is certain. Forthia stood beside him and squeezed her lips. She didn't understand the conversation between the two.

The charm gradually disappeared from the lap of the doomsday, and the meat had come to the table in the yard with forears to sit down. Doomsday stood up from the ground and limped towards them. If the sun doesn't rise tomorrow, he won't have the strength to fight with this ghost exorcist. It's better to delay the time and wait until tomorrow... Humph.

"I've been waiting for someone. The folded iris was planted in the process of waiting for him.

"He? ...Or her?" Lianqi asked, but he guessed in his heart that it should be "her".

"It's a girl." The smell of Caixiang was stronger. After a long meditation, she continued to say, "I have been waiting for her for 20 years, but I can't wait."

"Twenty..." Lian Jian looked at the speaker, and he looked only 20 years old, didn't he?" How old are you this year?"

"Forty." The doomsday said this age without expression, but the forsythia opened its mouth wide and couldn't close it - the doomsday should be a human! People's words, why do 40 years old still look like 20 years old?! Could it be... you are also a cat?!" Meat is a cat, a kitten that is only eight months old, but this sad child looks 18 years old!

"He is an illusionist." The meat explained, "The illusionist can change his appearance at will, and it is not surprising that he becomes a baby."

"Illusionist? So is the little crescent..." But she hasn't seen the little crescent moon change.

"This is graded. Your friend, I'm afraid the level is not enough." The doomsday began to turn his neck and felt very stiff in the cervical spine.

"In that case... your illusion is very high?"

"V very high." Meat replied for him, "But today, the ability of the illusionist will be sealed. If we hadn't taken advantage of people's danger, we would have no chance of winning." Early in the morning, he felt that the little crescent power in his sleep was completely lost, which meant that the magic power of all illusionists was sealed on this day.

"You boy, you know a lot." Doomsday once again looked at the people in front of him with new eyes - as far as the special identity of illusionist, few people in Cang Wu Continent know that their illusions will be sealed once a year, and this day will not be fixed at all and can happen at any time.

"Maybe it can really help you." The corners of his mouth smiled, but his words were rational and objective: "Don't regard entrusting things as procrastinating time. This may be your only chance. If you give up, you may miss the person you have been waiting for all your life."