
Chapter 13 Hit the nail on the head

Yunyang looked at him strangely and whispered, "In the past, I thought I understood what I found, but in fact, I only saw a little appearance."

Xiao Canghai smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not the same to you? Your change is unexpected. Often when I first come into contact with one aspect of you, you suddenly change, breaking your image in my heart, which makes me confused most of the time.

"Really? Unfortunately, I didn't notice it."

Indifferent and confused, Liu Yunyang said to himself.

Seeing that he looked dim, he sighed in his heart with a smile. When will the teenager in front of him get rid of the shackles in his heart and show his true self? Thinking about it, Xiao Canghai suddenly thought of something and said, "Yunyang, have you noticed that there is a big difference between here and the world?" Looking at him, Liu Yunyang said calmly, "You mean there has been no wind here, right?" Xiao Canghai nodded and said, "Yes, this is very strange.

It is reasonable to say that this cloud fairyland lacks nothing. There are mountains and rivers, birds and beasts, magical palaces, and immortals who are proficient in the art of change, but why is there no wind? Is this so-called infinitely vast field just a rather closed and silent space without airflow exchange? Liu Yunyang smiled bitterly and said, "These are too profound. If you ask me, you are blind."

It's right to think about it. He smiled at the sea and changed the topic and said, "Let's not talk about this. Do you think we can successfully complete the task this time?" Liu Yunyang smiled, looked up at the colorful Yuntian Hall, and said seriously, "I don't know. I can only feel that this place is very strange. It seems that something is greeting me, and it seems to be tempting me. I can't grasp the pros and cons."

Xiao Canghai was shocked and asked, "Can you feel the existence of that power?" Liu Yunyang nodded heavily: "Yes, I can feel it.

Although it is very weak from time to time, I know that this power is hidden in the colorful clouds.

has been interfering with my mind.

After listening to this, Xiao Canghai's face was very strange, both happy and shocked. He looked at him with complicated eyes and sighed, "Your life is really wonderful. No matter where you go, you can encounter strange things. It's really---alas---" Liu Yunyang smiled bitterly and said, "Ordinary is a blessing, Online."

Laughing at the sea without saying a word.

Thinking about his words, what does the parallel line mean? Is there no intersection, or is it extraordinary? At this moment, he had some doubts and could not grasp Liu Yunyang's thoughts.

And Liu Yunyang also fell into silence after he finished speaking, and his expression was a little sad.

For a long time.

Liu Yunyang looked up at the front, and saw that nine people from Liuyun Wonderland had come to him.

Obviously, the discussion has come to an end, and we are waiting for them to reveal it.

Looking at each other.

Xiao Canghai asked indifferently, "It seems that everyone has been discussed. Now let's answer our previous question."

Yun was shocked and said curiously, "Are you sure that we will agree?" Xiao Canghai asked, "What do you think?" With an embarrassed smile, Yun Yi said, "The laughing hero is an iron-mouthed and unforgiving."

Xiao Canghai smiled and said, "Forgive me, everyone.

Xiao is a bad temper. Please forgive me.

Yun Lei snorted slightly and said unhappily, "Brother Yunyi, you'd better greet them.

If there is anything important, please discuss it with us.

After saying that, he turned around and waved his sleeves and left, leaving Yun Yi to stand there awkwardly, with a smile on his face.

Xiao Canghai took a look at the eight people who had gone away and asked casually, "Your big brother is a little hot-tempered. It's really Yunlei!" Yun smiled and whispered, "The laughing hero's eyes are like a torch. I can see it at a glance. I admire it."

Xiao Canghai laughed and said, "Forget it, don't wear it high for me. Let's talk about the questions raised by Yunyang before."

Yun looked straight, took a look at the Qianhuan Hall, and said in a low voice, "It's not easy to explain this matter by mouth alone, so I'm going to take you two to the Qianhuan Hall and talk about it in detail slowly."

Xiao Canghai said, "It's so good that there is a big hero of Lao Yun to lead the way."

After saying that, with Liu Yunyang, he followed Yun and went to the Qianhuan Hall.

When he came outside the hall, Liu Yunyang looked at the wonderful flames fired by the door of the hall and asked in surprise, "Excuse me, Yun Daxia, each of these six halls shoots flames of different colors, forming different shapes. How is this formed, and what does it mean?" Yun Yi pointed to the lotus-shaped flame in front of him and explained, "This hall is called the Thousand Fantasy Hall. There is a pattern on the door of each hall, representing the ever-changing phantom and traceless.

As for this light flame of different colors, it is a flowing cloud fairy spirit erupting from the hall, which is not a real scene through the transformation of the hall pattern.

Liu Yunyang was a little confused and asked puzzledly, "You mean that all these scenes are illusory?" Yun Yi shook his head and said, "That's not the case. I mean, these different colors and different shapes are actually a way of expression of flowing clouds.

It really exists, but when we usually look at it with our eyes, it is often easy to be blinded by its appearance and lead to wrong ideas.

This time Liu Yunyang understood, but he had a new question: "What is this flowing cloud fairy spirit?" Yun Yi looked at him strangely and explained, "The flowing cloud fairy spirit is just a kind of aura we call here. It is actually a very rare aura. Only when it was sealed in the Magic Cloud Hall by my master in a special way can it produce these many wonderful scenes."

Liu Yunyang said oh, looked at the smiling sea beside him, saw that he looked calm, and quickly closed his mouth and waited for his words.

Xiao Canghai smiled elegantly and said to Yun: "Do we need to prepare to enter this Thousand Fantasy Hall?" Yun Yi nodded slightly and reminded, "What the hero said is true. It is not easy to enter this hall of illusions.

I remember that when we didn't understand the mystery of it, every time we broke in failure, we not only failed, but also suffered a lot, so I still remember it vividly and I feel uneased.

Laughing without saying anything, Xiao Canghai paid attention to the flame of the door of the hall. His whole body's breath changed rapidly, and it changed hundreds of times in just a moment, which surprised Liu Yunyang beside him and couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?" Xiao Canghai Zhenyuan closed and said in a low voice, "I was testing the situation here.

This thousand fantasy hall is very mysterious. The frequency of the flowing clouds and fairy spirit is extremely strange, and it is always changeable, which makes it difficult for me to capture the gap in it.

After listening to this, Liu Yunyang frowned, and the strange light flashed in his eyes. He locked the flame of the door of the hall firmly and explored silently.

As soon as the cloud in front of him heard the words, his face changed greatly. He looked at Xiao Canghai in surprise and sighed, "The Laughing Hero is really a great man in the world. He broke our 200 years of hard work at a glance. It's really higher than a mountain."

Xiao Canghai said disapprovingly, "Yun Daxia is flattered. In fact, there is nothing surprising about this. It's just that you have been misunderstandings, so it took 200 years."

When Yun heard it, he asked for advice repeatedly: "How can I understand what the laughing hero said? Please come back."

Xiao Canghai smiled faintly and explained, "The reason is very simple, but before I tell you, you have to answer me a question."

Yun Yi: "Laughing hero, please tell me, Yunyi who knows is bound to tell each other."

Xiao Canghai nodded slightly, doubted for a moment, and asked softly, "Who among your nine brothers discovered this secret first? In addition, among the nine brothers, who do you think is the smartest? Yun Yi was slightly stunned, hesitated for a moment, and replied, "The first person to understand this secret was Yun Zhen, the seventh brother.

As for the smartest one, it should be the ninth sister Yun Ying.

Xiao Canghai frowned, but in a blink of an eye, he returned to normal and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that the Yunying heroine was the smartest. What a surprise.

Okay, it's my turn to tell you the answer.

The mystery of this is actually very simple, that is, you have been following the master to practice painstakingly. Since he founded this wandering fairyland, he has been here for hundreds of years.

During this period, your interaction with the outside world is almost cut off, so your thinking has been stuck in the stage a long time ago, so when thinking about things, you either think too simple or too complicated, because it takes a lot of time in vain.

Yun Yi thought about his words and felt that although it was a little one-sided, it was not unreasonable.

Nine of his own brothers have been here for hundreds of years. In addition to practicing or practicing all day long, the living are about to become dead. How can there be no reason for their thoughts to stop? Understanding this, Yun Yi felt and said, "The words of the laughing hero are really to the point, which makes me suddenly wake up.

Now I know that although we have been working hard for hundreds of years, our results are often not as good as others for decades in the world. It's really the opposite of things.

Xiao Canghai comforted, "That's not to say so. The way of cultivation is strange. Different factions have different ways of cultivation. How can it be generalized?

The Taoist family is the most important incompetent. It advocates quiet and incompetent, but if the desire is spotless, it can obtain magical power in the ethereal spirit and no desire.

And the most important word of enlightenment in Buddhism, the predestined person can suddenly realize that he will become a Buddha in an instant, and everything will come naturally, and there will be no way.

However, there are more than thousands of creatures in the world. This kind of clever thing is true, but it is also extremely rare, so it is the right way to practice hard.
