
Chapter 26 The Mystery

At this time, Liu Yunyang fell into silence again. This wonderful star map turned from thick to light and cycled down. How did he dare to find out the flaw in it, unlock the mystery hidden in it, and enter the middle of the hall? His silence has always affected Liuyun Jiuzi and Xiao Canghai on the periphery.

In the eyes of Liu Yunjiuzi, Liu Yunyang may be thinking deeply, but Xiao Canghai keenly felt that Liu Yunyang was in trouble, as if there was nothing he could do.

With this conjecture, Xiao Canghai hesitated for a moment. Seeing that Liu Yunyang had been motionless, he couldn't help asking, "Yunyang, what's the matter? Have you encountered difficulties?" Liu Yunyang was shocked by him, and his thoughts turned back in front of him. His body remained as it was. He whispered, "This empty hall is a little strange. Although I have unlocked the first layer of defense, the second layer has no clue."

Xiao Canghai looked at the hall and reminded, "You can't just think about it. Try it, so that you can really understand the mystery and find a way to crack it.

In addition, if you keep silent like this, Liuyun Jiuzi will also be suspicious. Once the situation is chaotic, I'm afraid things will be more complicated.

Liu Yunyang felt reasonable and replied, "Okay, I know."

After saying that, he moved forward ten feet and came six feet away from the palace gate, carefully paying attention to the situation around.

Realizing that he began to act, Liu Yun Jiuzi looked at him nervously, thinking about what would happen next.

And Xiao Canghai's eyebrows are slightly locked, and there is a faint worry.

Standing still, Liu Yunyang looked at the star map from small to large, from thick to light, and knew in his heart that this was the star map after the overlap between the door of the hall and the outer clouds, that is, one of the one he had seen in the first and second halls of Liuyun.

These star maps have been repeated without any external force. Is it just an illusion at the bottom, or does it have a deep meaning? Unable to understand, Liu Yunyang decided to get close to him, so he put a defensive light mask outside his body, and when he was ready.

The body slowly flew into the door of the hall.

Five feet, four feet, three feet, two feet, it is getting closer and closer to the door of the palace, but there is still no wind blowing around, which makes Liu Yunyang happy and a little uneasy.

When he crossed the door of the hall and entered the hall, what he saw in front of him was still the star map, and there was no other scenery.

And it happened to meet the star map from far to near, from thick to light, and disappeared in front of him.

For these.

Liu Yunyang is already very clear, so he is not surprised at all.

But just as he was calm, a surging, irresistible force silently hit his body shield, shattered his mask in one fell swoop and ejected him out of the hall.

The sudden accident shocked Liu Yunyang and flew back in a hurry.

Quickly put a denser mask on the other side to defend against possible attacks.

However, the strange thing is here.

He has not been attacked since he was ejected from the hall.

This made him a little confused.

On the periphery, Liuyun Jiuzi saw that Liu Yunyang was bounced off, and they all looked lost. Obviously, for this scene.

gave a very poor result, believing that his action failed.

Xiao Canghai didn't care at all. He flew to Liu Yunyang and asked with concern, "How about it?"

Are you all right?" Liu Yunyang looked at him twice and shook his head and said, "It's okay. This nihilistic hall is a little strange. In addition to the strong defense on the periphery, there is also a strange layer of defense at the door of the hall.

If you can't find the key, I'm afraid it won't work if you want to break through.

Let go of him and smiled at the sea and asked, "Since you have found this layer of defense, you have to find out the mystery of what force is the force that makes you ejected, and what force is defending against the door of the hall from entering."

Liu Yunyang's heart moved when he heard the words, thought for a moment, and said, "You're right. First of all, find out the source of that power.

Wait, I'll try again. Maybe I'll find it.

After saying that, his body roared and appeared at the door of the hall again in the blink of an eye.

Standing silently, Liu Yunyang looked at the star map from appearing to disappearing. For several times in a row, he had an idea in his heart. The moment he had just been bounced off, as if it was when the star map disappeared beside him.

If this inference is true, then this seemingly illusory star map actually hides a strong power that can bounce off anyone approaching the ground.

It's just one thing. The process of this star map turning from light to light is not fast. Although it is a circular repetition, will there be a trace of interval, which can make people have an opportunity to think of this. Liu Yunyang's mind is slightly moved. Maybe this is the key, and it is worth a risk.

Do it when you think about it. Liu Yunyang still set up the defense first, and then observe it carefully. When he found that the star map disappeared, a new set of star maps had just been generated. At the moment, he seized the opportunity to enter quickly and crossed the interval at an amazing speed.

Everything is only an instant. The ten people on the periphery looked at this scene nervously and only cared about the result.

However, Liu Yunyang was highly focused. After entering the hall, he carefully paid attention to everything outside and analyzed the countless things that happened in this short process.

One foot, three feet, five feet, Liu Yunyang's body gradually rushed into the hall, but when the speed reached a certain stage and the forward momentum was amazingly strong, a force changed from weak to strong, hindering him, slowing down his forward momentum step by step, and gradually pushed him back, and finally He bounced out.

The process is slow and fast, and everything is only found in the blink of an eye.

When the people outside the hall saw Liu Yunyang being bounced off for the second time, most of them sighed with disappointment and thought there was no hope.

Xiao Canghai has been paying attention to Liu Yunyang's situation. Although he also has some bad ideas, he found that Liu Yunyang's momentum of being ejected is much weaker than the last time, which is quite critical.

Although the results are all bounced off, subtle changes often indicate that things are changing, so that success is getting closer and closer.

Thinking of this, a wisp of smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Canghai's mouth. He stayed quietly in the same place and did not pick up Liu Yunyang again.

A few feet back, Liu Yunyang stabilized his body, and his eyes looked strangely at the Hall of Nothingness, and there was a very strange feeling in his heart.

Two failures are more frustrating for ordinary people, but Liu Yunyang feels that he is not. He feels that he is getting closer and closer to success, only the last key.

For this reason, Liu Yunyang ignored the strange eyes of Liu Yunjiuzi and returned to the door of the Hall of Nothingness for the third time, exploring quietly.

Combining the first two failures, Liu Yunyang had a bold speculation.

The star map in the hall of nothingness does have the power of defense and attack, but this force is very strange. It feels like the waves in the sea, one wave after another.

Only at the moment of encountering the strongest wind and wave will the body receive the greatest attack, which is why the second time he rushed in, he received less rebound than the first time.

With this analysis, Liu Yunyang's current dilemma is, how can he clearly see this invisible force, understand the change of strength, and break through it with his own strength? Thinking of this, Liu Yunyang thought of his own eye of the soul again. Is it useful for everything here? In view of the fact that the eyes of the soul rarely fail, Liu Yunyang's mind moved, and the golden light in his eyes flashed, showing the eyes of the soul, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed greatly.

Through the observation of the eye of the soul, Liu Yunyang realized that the star map seen by the naked eye before did exist, but after the transformation into the eye of the heart, the order of it was reversed.

At the beginning, as seen with the naked eye, the star map went from the inside out, and the light changed from strong to weak, and finally disappeared.

At this time, as seen from the bottom of my heart, the star map is still from the inside out, but its power has changed from weak to strong, and it climbed to the limit when it reached the gate of the palace.

And just as the power of the star map is strong to the limit, the next group of new forces begin to be like waves. Although there is a certain gap between them, they are integrated without any fw.

At this point, Liu Yunyang fully understood why he failed the first time and the second time. At the same time, he also made it clear that the first time he met the lime head, and the second time he met the wind valley, so there was a big difference between the strength of the two.

After understanding this, Liu Yunyang still carefully observed the situation of the other five temples, and the result was completely consistent with the imagination. The second defense of the whole nihilistic hall was the same.

Back in place, Liu Yunyang thought carefully. There was no flaw in this defense. Even if he avoided the strongest limelight, how could he avoid the second wave of attack? Obviously, it's not good to escape, but it's okay to break through. Under this dilemma, is there a third way to go? With his eyebrows locked, Liu Yunyang felt that he knew the mystery as if he didn't know it, but he still couldn't think of a way.
