
Chapter 120 Sioned by the Heavy

With all this, Wang Yunfei's heart was shocked. Originally, he thought that he should pose a certain threat to Liu Yunyang.

But now it seems that his attack has attracted Liu Yunyang's terrible move, which is really unimaginable to him.

However, at this moment, it is useless to think too much about these in danger. Therefore, Wang Yunfei's heart was fierce and no longer paid too much attention to it. His rotating body accelerated again, and his whole body instantly turned into a golden flame and shot at Liu Yunyang's chest.

Looking from afar, I saw two people at this time, a full-body flame, with a blood knife flying overhead, surrounded by a strange fire boundary, and a larger fire boundary a few feet away was shrinking rapidly.

In it, a golden flame changed from weak to strong, which is just connected to Liu Yunyang's defensive boundary. The strange light flashes at the intersection, and a wisp of spark is like a silver snake swimming, changing from time to time.

In the hall, the fire drowned out all the light, but it could not drown out the golden flame.

It is like a brilliant flower, blooming dazzlingly in the rotation, moving towards Liu Yunyang step by step.

The speed of progress is not fast, and the brilliance of the golden flame gradually fades with the passage of time.

When the golden flame penetrated Liu Yunyang's defensive boundary, Liu Yunyang shouted coldly, "It's over. It's a pity that you let me down."

He held the magic knife high in his right hand, and then cut it down angrily. A bright bloody storm with the power of tearing the sky and the earth, easily smashed the time and space and devoured the golden light.

The knife is like electricity, and the air is like a long rainbow! Liu Yunyang's knife destroyed Wang Yunfei's attack. At the same time, the flame pointed by the blade was like a pillar, and the Vulcan Hall hit in this.

was also greatly shaken.

For this reason, Liu Yunyang frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt made him feel confused.

According to your knife, this knife is enough to open the mountain and crack the ground. Why is the Vulcan Hall just a shock? Is there anything else you have ignored? A knife to destroy the earth made Wang Yunfei's body turn into ashes, but the yuan god did not die.

Taking advantage of the moment when Liu Yunyang was separated, Wang Yunfei's yuanshen escaped three feet. Looking at the bear flames around him, there was an indescribable anger and desolation in his heart.

How many times.

He, the director of the villa with infinite scenery, will think that one day he will be destroyed, and together with the yuan god, he will also fall into hopelessness.

Anger and despair make people confused. At this moment, Wang Yunfei, the yuan god has been hit hard. Knowing that there is no way to escape, he can't help but have the idea of burning jade.

Looking at Liu Yunyang angrily, Wang Yunfei roared, "Who the hell are you, boy? Why did you come here in disguise before?

No more to hide it at this moment?" Liu Yunyang heard the words and looked back at him.

said coldly, "The disguise is just to come in smoothly. Now I don't hide it because it's unnecessary, because you are just a mortal person."

With a strong shout, Wang Yunfei roared, "What an arrogant boy. Even if I'm going to die, I will never make you feel good. Look at it."

After the words fell, the local god drifting in mid-air began to shine, and gradually contracted, and finally turned into a golden ball of light.

flashed a gloomy and cold breath and slowly flew towards Liu Yunyang.

Looking at this golden light ball only an inch-sized, a wisp of warning sign appeared in Liu Yunyang's heart, and a faint uneasiness made him panic.

He doesn't know what it is.

can't predict it, but he is both confused and suspicious that Wang Yunfei will come at this moment.

What else can't be done? Thinking about this problem, Liu Yunyang waved his magic knife in his right hand, and a dazzling flame twisted the power of time and space, and fell fiercely on the ball of light.

This blow was even more domineering than the knife just now. However, the golden light ball did not explode or disappear. Instead, it shrank three times. It went up in the dazzling red-blooded flame and accelerated to fly towards Liu Yunyang.

Aware that the situation was not good, Liu Yunyang quickly launched the transformation method of Cangyun, avoided the approach of the light ball, and carefully analyzed it with the eyes of the soul to trace the mystery of the place.

Due to his high concentration, Liu Yunyang was keenly aware that the golden light ball could be automatically tracked, and in the process of approaching, he absorbed the aura in the hall at an amazing speed to transform it into attack power.

In this regard, Liu Yunyang's mood was a little heavy. He knew in his heart that the longer he procrastinated, the more unfavorable he was, so the best way was to face it calmly.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunyang waved his right hand, and the magic knife automatically flew up and hovered over his head.

Then Liu Yunyang's right hand slowly stretched forward, and the white light flashed in the palm of his hand, emitting an extremely cold ice light, binding the moving light ball.

? In mid-air, the speed of the photosphere slowed down, and the golden light ball with a light and cool atmosphere met the air of the earth's mysterious ice emitted by Liu Yunyang. The two did not explode, but were intertwined, and changes that could not be seen by the naked eye.

The hall is much quieter at this moment. In addition to the sizzling sound of the fire, there is silence around, only the golden ball of light spinning forward, and the gradually shrinking white ice.

Time passed in a blink of an eye. When the golden light ball was one foot away from Liu Yunyang, it was frozen by the white ice that occurred in Liu Yunyang's palm.

At this time, the speed from the fast and slow light ball suddenly exploded in the stopped killing, turned into a hestremous flame, shook out the surrounding flames in one fell swoop, bounced Liu Yunyang away, and hit the stone wall of the hall fiercely.

The shock appeared on Liu Yunyang's face, but in an instant, his face became complicated, and his body slowly flew back to the center of the hall and looked at his feet indifferently.

Wang Yunfei's yuan god is no longer there. His dying blow shocked Liu Yunyang, and he almost smashed his defensive boundary, causing him to be in a desperate situation.

Now, Liu Yunyang seems to be fine, but in fact he has been seriously injured, but his body is special. The fire and the secret of Xuanbing are running at a high speed, constantly absorbing the aura around him and moistening his body.

In the hall, the flames gradually recovered.

The nine fire altars are erupting with fire, and the surroundings are bright.

Standing quietly in the air, Liu Yunyang was surrounded by faint traces of blood, and wisps of fire were woven into a mesh, clinging to the surface of his body, forming a flowing blood pattern.

This pattern is very strange, just like a person's meridians. It has been fluctuating all the time, and it is completely alive, giving people a very strange feeling.

Liu Yunyang didn't care about these at all. He knew in his heart that the fire formula in his body was absorbing the true element of the fire in the hall to transform it into his own true element and repair the injured body.

At this moment, what he cares about is the nine-star array in the middle of the hall. Will it hinder his action? While thinking, Liu Yunyang's body is gradually recovering.

When the dazzling bloody flame outside the body calmed down, Liu Yunyang stretched his muscles and bones. After feeling completely recovered, he whispered, "Iron Mountain has been gone for a long time. I can't hesitate any longer. Now let's bet on fate!" With his right hand, Liu Yunyang grasped the hegemonic blood god knife, took a gentle look, and then the magic knife was raised outside. A wisp of sharp knife roared a beam of flames and shot straight to the right, forming a ten-foot-long knife light, flashing with terrible power in the swallowing.

With luck, Liu Yunyang's eyes were slightly closed, and the eyes of the soul observed every corner of the hall and analyzed the situation around him.

Through observation, Liu Yunyang was surprised to find that the whole Fire God Hall was integrated, just like vitality. While sealing the exit of the flame, it also absorbed the scorching gas under the ground and turned it into a defensive force, firmly defending the hall.

And all the causes come from the nine-star array in the middle of the hall, which plays a decisive role.

Knowing this, Liu Yunyang's heart was a little heavy. He knew that if he wanted to destroy the temple of fire, he must have the power to be strong in the flames of the heart of the earth.

Is it just possible? Can manpower be stronger than nature? He was a little skeptical about this, but after thinking about it carefully, he had some hope.

Unlike ordinary people, Liu Yunyang's all his strength originated from here, from the nine heavenly flames and the fire of the heart of the earth.

Now he wants to break the prohibition here, based on his own pure fire, so that the external defense power of the hall is almost invalid for him.

With this layer, it is not too difficult for Liu Yunyang to destroy the hall.

After thinking about this truth, Liu Yunyang did not dare to delay any longer. The magic knife in his hand trembled, and a shocking Thunderbolt came. The red pillar-like knife formed a ring in mid-air and fell from the sky under his control, just hitting the nine-star array.

In an instant, the splashing sparks scattered like clouds, and the jumping and unrestrained fire Zhenyuan produced a shocking explosion under the effect of the impact, and its airflow was like a sharp blade across the sky, destroying the buildings in the hall.
