
Chapter 275 Injure the enemy with one move

Liu Yunyang's situation is a little different. He has learned a lot. Before that, he had been dealing with Long Tianhao with the Xuanyuan beheading method, and the two sides were equal.

At this time, he wants to kill Long Tian Xiao, and of course he has to change the knife method.

Standing in the air, the murderous atmosphere was released, and Long Tian's eyes flashed with fire.

The last time he was frustrated by Liu Yunyang and was laughed at by people all over the world. Today, he has to kill Liu Yunyang with his own hands to wash away the humiliating past.

With a cold smile, Liu Yunyang's eyes were like a knife, staring at Long Tianxiao's eyes. From there, he saw hatred, the firelight, the sad appearance of the dead villagers, and the fall of his wife Liu Hui before his death.

At that moment, anger burned in the bottom of Liu Yunyang's heart, and all the hatred surged up to his chest.

Roared in a low voice, Liu Yunyang said harshly, "Long Tian Xiao, it's time to pay off the debt!" Releasing the magic knife, Liu Yunyang leaned his hands back, and the fire flew all over his body. In the blink of an eye, a huge fire cloud with Liu Yunyang as the center and a diameter of more than 100 feet.

Beside him, the hegemonic sword rotated and leaped, like a tornado storm, attracting thousands of flames, condensed into a hundred-foot dragon, hovering behind Liu Yunyang, proud in all directions.

"If you want to kill me, you are delusional."

As soon as the divine sword is loosened, the hands are buckled. Long Tian's roar urges the proud moon's heart, and the lower layers of golden light are clothed outside the body, which brightens the nearby clouds, which looks comparable to the fire clouds of Liu Yunyang.

In the rear, the golden glow flowed rapidly, converging into a remnant moonlight map, suspended on the dragon's roar.

beside him, the colorful light of Tianqiao glazed sword.

revolves around Long Tian Xiao's body, forming a colorful boundary, which seems to be no weaker than Liu Yunyang.

"Is it? Then you should take a closer look.

Looking at Long Tian's roar gloomyly, Liu Yunyang leaned forward, waved his arms around his body, forming a real attack and shooting directly in front of him.

behind him, the hovering dragon looked up to the sky and roared angrily, with flames flying in his mouth, and roared straight out.

His awesome man went straight to Long Tianxiao.

"Come here and let the people in the world see who is weak and who is strong."

In the loud shout, Long Tian's hands suddenly pushed forward.

drove the moonlight cloud behind him to shoot out and meet the dragon behind Yunyang.

In a moment.

The angry dragon roared in mid-air, the light clouds changed, and the red dragon hit the golden light cloud. The two twisted and deformed, devouring each other's power while splashing sparks.

In the sky, fireworks are like rain.

The light shines, and the blink of an eye drowns the truth.

Liu Yunyang and Long Tianhao were invisible in the middle of the light fog. Both sides tried their best to urge Zhenyuan to compete in this way.

Suddenly, a colorful sword light shot out of the light cloud.

He flew down at a fast and amazing speed and went straight to Liu Yunyang.

At the same time, a dragon roared from the light cloud, and a rolling fire dragon swayed up. After rising to a certain position, his body suddenly lighted and evolved into a pillar of light, roaring down with the power of shaking the nine days, just facing the colorful sword light.

The sword and knife collided in mid-air, and the time was stopped.

The clouds are scattered everywhere.

Thousands of clouds, countless sparks roll together.

formed a rapidly diffused photosphere with golden red light, which swallowed up Yunyang and Longtian in an instant.

At that moment, the spectators were highly nervous. Whether it was the people of Aoyue Villa, Tieshan, Lianxin, or evil masters, they were anxiously waiting for the result of the battle.

The strong light shook, and the thunderbolt sounded.

The diffused photosphere has no time to hold more force, even if there is an explosion.

At that time, the sky was shaking, the mountains and rivers roared, and the strong airflow shook the body of the spectators. Many shallow monks were turbulent and suffered from minor internal injuries.

In the air, the airflow echoes, and the storm of destruction invades every inch of space, like a sharp sword, sweeping one by one from the inside out.

The explosion lasted for a moment. Liu Yunyang and Long Tianyao were shrouded in light and fog. It was not until the wind blew away the clouds that they exposed each other's situation.

Long Tian Xiao retreated a few feet. His handsome face was slightly pale, and his eyes were full of surprise. He was looking at the front warily, holding the magic sword in his hand and being careful.

Liu Yunyang sneered and couldn't see anything strange. The magic knife hovered over his head, emitting a red light, forming a red boundary outside his body, isolating the interference from the outside world.

"First move, you are in a bad situation."

Indifferent and ruthless, Liu Yunyang is like a stranger, describing the situation of the war.

Long Tianyao was a little angry and said angrily, "Don't pretend. Next, I will let you know that Aoyue Villa is inviolable.

Look at the trick."

As soon as the wrist is turned, the magic sword is waved, and countless swords are carried forward and backwards. In a continuous way, Liu Yunyang's body is mis-spersed in Liu Yunyang's body, forming a colorful cloud composed of swords, which is rapidly shrinking.

Up, after Long Tian Xiao attacked with a sword, clenched the magic sword in both hands, roared and roared in his mouth, gathered all his strength and made a simple and clear blow.

At that time, I saw the colorful shining of Tianqiao glazed sword, and the gorgeous sword light rushed straight to the sky. Under the full power of the dragon and the roar of the sky, it sent out a huge light sword hundreds of feet long, directly splitting Liu Yunyang.

With a cold smile, there was a cold light in Liu Yunyang's eyes. He quickly raised his right hand and held the magic knife on his head. Then his arm was turned over, and the sharp knife was crissscrossed. Under his control, a cross-crossing knife was formed, shooting directly at the dragon and sky roar.

In a flash, Liu Yunyang's whole body was divided into eight. At the same time, he performed different moves and integrated with each other to form a trend of wind and rain.

In this way, I saw eight brilliant knives split into the middle from eight directions and fell on Long Tian Xiao in the blink of an eye.

The color is flashing, and the sword spirit is soaring.

Long Tian Xiao chopped down with a sword and directly shattered the three knives on the front, but unfortunately did not hit Liu Yunyang.

On the contrary, in the gap where he waved his sword, Liu Yunyang's offensive came in an instant, and three bundles of knives hit him, directly breaking his protective boundary and euncing him away.

With a muffled hum, Long Tianhao bit his lips tightly.

When the body drifts, the backhand is a sword, which is obviously to prevent Liu Yunyang.

"One step wrong, lose the whole game, this is God's will!" The cold voice echoed in Long Tian Xiao's ears. Liu Yunyang was like a ghost, easily avoiding a sword and appeared in front of Long Tian Xiao.

Aware of the danger, Long Tianhuo roared, "I'm going to kill you, kill you-you-you-" and his voice trembled.

Dissipates in an instant.

It turned out that at this moment, the god of the ice field on Liu Yunyang's back had come out of the sheath, and the two were only one foot apart.

I immediately sealed Long Tian Xiao.

"Knowing today's results, I believe you will regret what you have done for that day.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

You can give it back with your life."

The magic knife trembled, the domineering smoke flew, and the roaring knife turned at a high speed, and climbed to the limit in an instant. Under the urging of Liu Yunyang's anger, the red light flashed and hit Long Tianshao.

"No-bominable-" in a scream.

Long Tian Xiao fell from the sky and his body was severely damaged.

Liu Yunyang smiled cruelly. After taking action, he showed the most mysterious illusion of Liuyun Wonderland. He appeared on the ground first, and the magic knife was erected in his hand.

Waiting for the fall of the dragon's roar.

In the blink of an eye, Long Tian Xiao fell heavily and hit the tip of Liu Yunyang's knife. His body was pierced with a knife, and a sad scream came from his mouth.

With his right hand held high, Liu Yunyang looked crazy and laughed and said, "Long Tianxiao, I said I would not let you go.

Today is the time for you to be punished.

One knife pierced the body, and Long Tianyao was injured.

But after all, he is a master of the real world, and he knows that he can't delay.

Therefore, he took advantage of Liu Yunyang's laughter.

The left hand slaps on the tip of the knife that runs through the body, and the body bounces up.

is out of Liu Yunyang's control.

Outside the court, Long Tengyun saw the situation, and he shot out eagerly, waving his hand.

Liu Yunyang smiled coldly and seemed to have expected that when Long Tengyun took action, the magic knife in his hand was turned over, and the third move of the Holy Dragon Eight Chopping Method - Panlong Jiuqu. With the eel dragon change in the Dragon Nine Transformation, the power suddenly doubled several times.

The knife flashed, and the eel dragon appeared.

The light cloud changes behind Liu Yunyang, and the dragon is possessed when the move is made, and it is automatically integrated into the knife formula. In addition to giving people a shocking visual feeling, the power is also greatly improved.

This time, when Liu Yunyang's offensive collided with Long Tengyun's attack, the invincible knife instantly smashed the palm of Long Tengyun and shot directly into Long Tengyun's chest.

With an exclamation, Long Tengyun was quite surprised. His body had no time to dodge, so he had to push forward with his palms overlapping and send out a golden beam of light. In the blink of an eye, the two forces collided with each other and suddenly exploded. Its strong destructive power and diffused airflow bounced Long Tengyun' Yes, and there was a lot of shock.

Liu Yunyang took the opportunity to pull himself out and avoided the rebounding force. The magic knife in his hand trembled, and the roaring knife shook the soul. With a red pillar of light, it was divided into nine in mid-air, such as nine-star beads, ringing outside the dragon and roaring quickly shrinking.

The body was damaged, and the action of Long Tian Xiao was affected to a certain extent.

When people had not fallen in mid-air, they found that Liu Yunyang was catching up again.

Knowing what Liu Yunyang thought in his heart, Long Tian Xiao couldn't take care of the trauma on his body. He separated part of Zhenyuan to close the bloodline and put most of his energy on defense.

At that time, Long Tian roared his body and unfolded a fast body to dodge the attack. At the same time, he waved his sword to defend, and lay a colorful sword light outside his body.

A flash of red light, and a flash of lightning swept.

Continuous knife light wave after wave, hitting the colorful sword light outside Long Tian's roar.

At that time, the swords and shadows will be entangled with each other.

The sacred sword spirit fights against the yang Dao. Both sides have their own advantages, and the weak will die.

Long Tianxiao's cultivation was slightly worse, but the gap was not big. With the assistance of Tianqiao Glass Sword, although he was eventually chopped up by Liu Yunyang's sword, he was not injured.

He shook his body and retreated, gasping and Long Tian roared at Liu Yunyang angrily, with a slight panic in his eyes.

Liu Yunyang smiled cruelly, his cold eyes were cold, and he said coldly, "Second move, you are seriously injured."