
Chapter 459 Six Heavenly Generals

In response to this, Wu Wu is not afraid. He has absolute confidence to defeat the enemy, but can he defeat fate?

This, Wutian dares not think about it, and he doesn't want to think too much. He only believes in a little, and his strength determines victory or defeat. As long as he has absolutely strong strength, he can fulfill his wish.

The wind roared, bringing a little cold.

Heaven is proud of the world, with a little nostalgia on his face.

I remember that in those years, he also stood at the top of this peak and looked at the world, planning his great career, and dreaming of unifying the world one day.

However, at that time, the outrage failed. Just for an unexpected person, he stepped into the irreparable abyss step by step.

Now, he stands on the top of this peak again, conceiving his own ideals, and without the obstacles of the Tianqiao Kingdom. This time, can he fulfill his last wish that he did not fulfill in those years?

Suddenly, the day-to-law took back the nostalgia, and his eyes were faint. He beat slightly and said indifferently, "Is there any news?"

As his voice dispersed, one under the lonely peak. The Taoist figure came and came to his side in the blink of an eye.

Look carefully, it's a thin figure with eyes. In the fierce middle-aged man, he stood respectfully behind Wutian and replied, "King, my subordinates have roughly figured out the sphere of influence of dragons and silver wolves, as well as some of their situations."

Wutian said coldly, "Say it, how's it going?"

The middle-aged man said, "The Jiaolong's sphere of influence is distributed in the two lakes. The area is currently lurking. The power of the silver wolf went south to the coast, replacing the previous Fire Spirit Gate in the South China Sea. It is also temporarily in a state of convergence and seems to deliberately avoid us.

Wutian sneered and said, "It's only for a moment to dodge. Sooner or later, I will take him back. People. Other than that, what about other aspects?

The middle-aged man said, "In yesterday's war, we lost a lot. Total faction. There were fifteen heavenly bird generals, five of whom died. The thousands of heavenly bird troops were sent, and less than 400 were alive.

Wutian's face was slightly cold, and he said coldly, "It seems that the strength of the right path is not simple."

The middle-aged man said, "Big. Wang Mo should be angry. You lead thirty-six Tianvian generals and 3,000 soldiers this time. The strength is unprecedented, and you can definitely fulfill your wish.

Wutian said coldly and proudly, "Without a little certainty, how can I come forward easily?" At present, there are five vacancies. You can ask the general Tianvian behind to fill them in turn and call the six heavenly generals who are escorting me with you.

The middle-aged man answered and then left.

For a moment, six figures flew under the lonely peak. They were of different ages, roughly between 30 and 60, and each of them had its own characteristics.

Look carefully, the first one is tall and ugly, with a pair of sunken eyes shining, like a sharp blade, which makes people dare not look carefully. His name is Hawkeye, ranking first among the six guardian generals, and he is the strongest.

The second one is called Flying Claw. He is thin and pale. He looks a little white and impermanent, giving people a gloomy feeling. This man ranks third among the six escort generals, which is gloomy and frightening.

The third is short and fat, with a round face. He looks in his early fifties and is very kind. His name is Round Face, which sounds ridiculous, but his strength is quite amazing, ranking fourth among the six escort generals.

Next, this is a woman in her early thirties, quite beautiful, but a little charming. Her name is Hongyu, and she is good at killing the enemy with a smile, ranking fifth out of six people.

The remaining two, one is short and the other is handsome. The short man was in his sixties, with white hair. He looked like a dwarf named Yin Xue, and sounded like a girl. He ranked last out of six, but it was not simple.

As for the handsome man, he is slender and extraordinary. He is the most likeable person. He ranks second among the six escort generals, named Yang Yi.

In addition to these six people, Wutian originally had 30 Tianvian Generals, all of whom were the strongest selected from thousands of monsters. Wutian gave them a numerical ranking to motivate them.

In the world of heaven, strength represents everything. As long as you have strength, you can enjoy the corresponding treatment.

Therefore, the six heavenly generals around Wutian enjoy certain privileges, which is the dream of other Tianvian generals.

Six days will be ranked by numbers. Wutian never calls their real names, but directly calls them No. 1, No. 2... No. 5, No. 6. As for the other 30 Tianvian Generals, from No. 7 to No. 36, the higher the number, the stronger the strength, and the greater the power.

At present, five heavenly bird generals have sacrificed, and the number has been automatically reduced by five, and the last one is the 31st.

On the lonely peak, Wutian looked at the six people in front of him and said coldly, "This time we enter the world, our purpose is to eliminate all opposition forces in order to complete the unification of the world. At present, the strength of the right path is damaged. It is the time for us to take advantage of the victory. What do you think about this?

Hearing this, Hawkeye said, "After yesterday's war, the rest of the right path is full of masters. If we launch a second attack at this time, it is estimated that it will have little effect.

The flying claws said gloomily, "At present, the dragon and the silver wolf are watching. If we attack strongly, we will inevitably lose some strength. That's what they want to see."

Yang Yi said, "If we want to unify the world, we still have a lot of obstacles. We don't have to rush to put the main force on the right path. I think we can put pressure on Jiaolong and Silver Wolf at the moment, and it's better to recover them to relieve their worries.

Hongyu smiled and said, "In the current world, there is only one heavenly demon religion left in the evil sect, and the right path is already lonely. On the contrary, those scattered immortals made us a little embarrassed. I remember that in those years, we ignored these people, which led to a loss in the end. Now that we have entered the world for the second time, we must not make the same mistake again.

The round face and Yin Xue didn't say much. It seemed that what should be said was finished by the other four people, and they could only say nothing.

After listening to the four people, he nod his head and said, "Your analysis is reasonable, but we can't waste time and give the enemy the opportunity to take advantage of it."

Yin Xue said, "King Mo Jiao, we can do both. In view of the right path in the world, we can launch some small raids at any time, which not only makes them restless, but also keeps abreast of their situation. On the side of Jiaolong and Silver Wolf, we gradually exert pressure, control the heat, and test their reaction first. As for those scattered immortals, let's master their situation first, and then take the right medicine.

Wutian thought it was reasonable and laughed and said, "Okay, let's do it this way. You can assign it immediately and report to me at any time if there is any news. Yang Yi, stay first. I have something to ask him.

The six days will respond in unison, and the five people who have not been ordered left together, leaving only Yang Yi to accompany Wutian.

Moving his eyes to the distance, Wu Wu put away his indifference and whispered, "Yang Yi, do you think I will succeed this time?"

Yang Yi pondered for a moment and asked, "Don't the king have confidence in himself?"

Wutian shook his head and said with some emotion, "Sometimes, confidence does not mean victory, do you understand?"

Yang Yi nodded slightly and whispered, "I understand, but since the king is here, why do you think too much?"

Wutian didn't answer. He looked at the sky quietly and said after a while, "I want to send you to track down something."

Yang Yi said, "Your Majesty, as you can tell me, I will do my best."

Wutian withdrew his eyes, stared at Yangyi a lot, and whispered, "Five hundred years ago, I was defeated because of the lord of Tianqiao. Now, five hundred years later, although the Kingdom of Tianqiao is gone, the Lord of Tianqiao has reappeared in the world. I want to send you to check it.

When Yang Yi heard the words, he said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will definitely live up to my mission."

Wutian said, "Very good, go ahead. Remember to be careful about this."

Yang Yi answered, and even if it flashed away, it disappeared into the sea of clouds.


Nothing happened all night. Xiao Canghai, Yan Feier and Lihan left Qishan Valley early the next morning and returned to Yunfeng Mountain.

Along the way, the three people in Xiao Canghai heard a lot of rumors, all about the battle between the right path and the demon world, which made people panicked and uneasy all over the world.

Obviously, the defeat of the Star Academy and Cihang Jianzhai has brought a great shock to the whole world of cultivation, making the already chaotic world of cultivation worse and even more unbearable.

Previously, there were righteous masters to fight against the demon world, and many monks chose to avoid or dodge.

Nowadays, the right path is declining, and no one has the ability to compete with the demon world, which makes people all over the world panic. Even the Heavenly Demon Sect, which does not care about the world, is forced to send masters to understand the current situation.

In addition, Liuyun Fairyland has always been out of the matter. Now there are rumors that they are ready to be born. It seems that the harm caused by the demon world to the world has spread all over the world.

In a hurry all the way, it was already noon when the three of Xiao Canghai returned to Yunfeng Mountain. When Shui Menghen learned that the three of them were back, he immediately led the crowd to welcome them.

When they met, both sides had to be polite, and then the group walked into the main hall.

During this period, Xiao Canghai was quite surprised by the arrival of Yixiaosheng, and was also very stunned by the appearance of Qingyu.

Later, Aoki briefly talked about the situation of Xiaosheng and Qingyu, and then Xiao Canghai and Yan Feier were relieved.

After a few chats, everyone will get to the point.

Shui Menghen asked, "Is there any news about the magic scorpion dragon when you go this time?"

Yan Feier answered first, "Yes, but the result is a little unexpected."

Yan Nantian asked, "What's the accident? Fei'er, make it clear."