
Episode 1 Who Am I in a Different World Chapter 18 Qin Gu

Five Juesong, Jade Peak.

A small house on the bank of an elegant river, in the pavilion of a natural lake on the side of the house, bursts of quiet and ethereal piano sounds.

"A hundred years of dream, have nothing to do and have fun. There is no need to look for a prescription and ask for the elixir..."

A faint melancholy resounded by the lake, mixed with strong thoughts and sorrow.

Under the pavilion, a beautiful woman in a yellow gauze skirt sat quietly. Two crystal boneless jade hands deftly stroked the guzheng held in their arms. With the continuous beating of the strings on the guzheng, the moving rhythm jumped out of the piano body and kept ringing in the whole valley.

There is sadness between the woman's eyebrows, and the strong melancholy makes people feel pity.

The woman in a yellow gauze skirt muttered softly, as if she was thinking about something. When she was still distracted, a plain-dressed woman stepped into the valley in a hurry.

"Xiaoyan, didn't you say not to go into the valley until you get the news?" The woman in the yellow gauze skirt frowned and said coldly with a slightly dissatisfied voice.

"When I return to the Lord, two women are carrying your jade tokens to see you." The plain woman lowered her head and replied loudly in a very stable tone.

"Oh?!" The woman in the yellow gauze skirt stopped her right hand, which was plucking the strings, pondered for a while, then raised her head, slowly looked at the plain woman with sad eyes, and said plainly, "Bring them in."

"Yes!" The plain-dressed woman responded and then turned around and left.

The yellow gauze woman's eyes are full of memories. Are those years and those figures your bloodline... A woman's whisper came from the valley.


"Brother Qi, I'm sorry to trouble you these days!" A slightly majestic man said sincerely to a strong man in front of him.

"Dragon brothers, there is no need to be polite between brothers." The burly man stared at a place in front of him without looking back and said.

"Yes, yes, Brother Long, Brother Qi and you are brothers. Why do you say that?" A girl in a yellow dress, Qingling's voice sounded by the lake.

"Sister Qin, Longfeng followed me and let you work hard. Thank you for your hard work." Long Feng's expression was soft.

"Oh, Brother Long, the little sister also came to play with Brother Qi. Hee hee, she didn't contribute~" The girl's face was full of smile, looking at the burly man who had been staring at the front, with a strong worship in her eyes and a trace of very obscure admiration.

Long Feng noticed the love of the girl in yellow for her brother Qi, and there was a trace of gir in her eyes, but he also knew that his identity and status were destined not to be able to...

"Ai..." Long Feng sighed imperceptably.

"Bear by the way, Brother Long, the information you said is reliable." The burly man asked.

"Don't worry! Absolutely reliable!" Long Feng said confidently.


Time flowed slowly, and three burly men waited quietly by the lake.

After about a long time of incense, the burly man's face moved, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Long Feng and the woman in yellow looked at the behavior of the burly man and knew that the goal of their trip should appear. They never doubted the perception and strength of the burly man.

After a while, about half a kilometer to the northwest of the lake, a team of about ten people were all dressed in black night clothes and black facial towels. One of the men in black also took a little girl who was still in her in her early days. She seemed to feel that her whereabouts had been detected. The leader of the man in black raised his hand, covered his head with a scarf, and suddenly looked coldly somewhere.

"Friend, since you are here, why hide your head and tail!" The leader shouted harshly.

Long Feng and others no longer hide their breath after the burly man signaled, because the burly man did not show a solemn color. Therefore, I didn't care about the behavior of the leader in black.

Long Feng's body swept away and stood about ten feet away from the man in black. The burly man and the woman in yellow did not stand up. After all, the current situation is the most suitable for Long Feng to come forward. Long Feng's face suddenly looked majestic and said harshly, "Bold Longting, don't you kneel down when you see me!"

When Long Feng appeared, the leader in black looked shocked. Obviously, he was extremely surprised by Long Feng's appearance. However, although the leader in black was shocked, he did not show panic. Because the younger brother in front of him is just a lost emperor, and his power is only in the late congenital period. Although it is very good among young people, I am a scholar! Thinking of this, the leader in black sneered.

"I? Haha! Long Feng, you deserve it too! You are just a homeless dog!" The leader in black, that is, Long Ting, sneered loudly. This man really can't distinguish the form in front of him! I really don't know why that old guy has to pass the throne to this waste, the throne, only the eldest brother deserves it! Humph.

"Dead dog? Humph, very good! Long Ting, you will know in a while who is the bereaved dog!" Long Feng sneered and didn't want to quarrel with him at all. These people were just a bunch of local chickens and dogs in front of Brother Qi!

"Haha! Long Feng, you don't look at your own strength, and do you expect those two people? It's just congenital. Killing you is like crushing an ant!"

Long Ting naturally noticed that the burly man and the woman in yellow standing behind Long Feng, but the cultivation shown by the two was only congenital, congenital? Long Ting curled his lips.

But Long Ting noticed that the woman in yellow, which he ignored the most, did not seem to move, but his hands behind him were indeed pinching something...

"Long Ting, I will give you one last chance to be captured, and I can not blame the past!" Long Hua said solemnly, after all, the person in front of him is also his own bloodline, and his father told him to truly revitalize his bloodline before leaving. Now, not long after his father left, he killed his bloodlines. How could he be worthy of his father's instructions?

"Oh, Long Feng, don't talk nonsense. If you want to do it, come! Just get it, huh!" Long Ting was not shaken by Long Feng's words at all. He said impatiently that he had a task ordered by his eldest brother! I can't do it myself!

"In this case, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Long Feng's face darkened, and he knew that it was useless to talk about it again. Now, he can't be soft anymore.

The man in black standing behind Long Ting holding the little girl's eyes were lax. After taking a breath, he replied as before, as if nothing had happened. However, his eyes glanced slightly at the woman in yellow. After whispering a few words in the woman in yellow, he nodded slightly and then slowly stood away from Longting. .

I returned to school today, and now I have only taken out the first chapter of the empty code and continue to code words. There should be more. However, it is estimated that it will be after the early morning. Thank you for your support~ Thank you~ It will definitely break out in these two days. Please support again~