
Chapter 28 Stone Monument

The scene in front of him made Qimo's pupils tighten!

"Xiaoying, come back! Qi Mo shouted at the little shadow who was a little stunned.

Qimo stared at the ordinary pool water. The pool water all changed from turquoise to dark crimson, which was unusually strange, and the pool water seemed to be suddenly heated and began to boil violently. Then under Qi Mo's nervous eyes, a stone tablet-style thing slowly protrude up in the pool.

"Brother, Xiaoying is so scared! "

The little shadow who came to Qimo's side turned pale. Obviously, the sudden change of the pool water made the little shadow of the child a little unable to face it calmly. Not only Xiaoying, but also Qi Mo feels a little pale. Now the pool water is like a blood pool.

"Goo! A sound of water churning in the needle pool added a trace of terror to the quiet cave.

It's okay, Xiaoying! "

Qi Mo pulled the little shadow behind him, carried the heart-burning formula, and took out the dark green dagger. However, the dark green dagger at this time has changed greatly compared with before. The original silent dagger did not shine at all, but now it emits a faint green light, green light? Qi Mo turned his mind and touched it in his arms. Unexpectedly, he got nothing but a drunken fruit.

It turned out that Qi Mo hurriedly put the dark green dagger and the goblin stone in his arms together. When the two did not contact, it was nothing. However, when they came into contact, the dark green dagger was like a hungry wolf meeting a lamb. At the moment of contact, he greedily integrated it into himself and integrated it? Yes, the dark green dagger directly integrates the gobamat into itself. After the gobiki jade is integrated into the dagger, the dark green dagger emits a faint green light. The green light is as before. The light is very gentle, and at the same time it is a little more fierce.

Zimo and Xiaoying quietly observed the strange changes in front of them. Qimo's expression was extremely solemn. He held Xiaoying in his hand and was ready to escape at any moment.

The blood pool rolled, and the strange stone tablet-like thing that emerged from it had been exposed one meter long. The stone tablet was full of simple patterns, and a breath of vicissitudes made Qi Mo frown.

Gradually, the stone tablet accelerated its rising speed, and after a while, it completely exposed the surface of the pool. The stone tablet is more than three feet high and one foot wide, which is very huge compared with Qi Mo's body.

"Is this?! "

Obviously, Qi Mo was a little stunned about this situation. Suddenly, why did such a thing appear in this pool?!

However, in the interval between Zimo's wild thoughts, the pool changed again, and the churning blood red ** was all static. However, the color was still blood red, and the simple stone tablet gradually emitted a dazzling light, and then all converged to form a light and shadow. At the moment the light and shadow appeared, Zimo pulled the little shadow to explode rapidly. Go out.

The light and shadow formed by the stone tablet gradually changed and twisted. Under the surprised eyes of Zimo and the ghost, it slowly turned into the image of a middle-aged man. The face of the middle-aged man was a little blurred, but it can still be seen that his appearance is no different from that of normal human beings.

"Young people. "

The lips of the middle-aged man of light and shadow moved and made a weak sound. However, Zimo noticed that although the lips of the middle-aged man of light and shadow were moving, the sound did not come from it, but faintly from the stone tablet.

"What is the senior? "

Zimo frowned tightly, and a trace of uneasiness appeared in his heart.

"Not to mention this, junior, do you know the sect war a thousand years ago? There is a trace of sadness and loneliness in the voice of middle-aged people in light and shadow.

"Zongmen War? But the bloody battle between the ten sects? Zimo asked in shock, and Gein's war covered a wide range.

The sect war involved far more than the ten sects. The top ten sects are only because the ten sects are the most powerful. Countless small and medium-sized sects of these ten sects almost joined the battle. The battle of the sect lasted for three years before it was over. At that time, countless deaths and injuries were killed, and countless strong people fell, like the five sects. The practitioners at the patriarchal level have turned into ashes and drowned in the historical trend.

Because the situation at that time was extremely tragic, countless sects were expelled from the cultivation world! What's more, the top strong were broken. Three suzerains of the ten sects died and one was abolished. As a result, these major sects were directly removed.

Zimo has been seen from the classics of the tomb peak. Because this war has frightened countless sects, the remaining sects have been closed and developed. After 500 years of recovery, many sects have recovered, and many of them have developed more than before. The four places missing from the ten sects have also been filled.

The Five Jue Sect rose after the war of the sect. At that time, the Five Jue Sect was only a small sect, but fortunately, although the large sect vassal of the Five Jue Sect was not the top force, it was also the top five. Therefore, after that battle, the Five Jue Sect lost some of the good hands in the sect. However, it also profited from it and gained a lot of cultivation resources. Since then, it has risen and developed into a medium school.

"Oh? Younger, do you know? "Middle-aged people in the light and shadow felt a little surprised.

"Naturally, my sect also participated in that battle. Zimo's eyelids were a little sad.

"What is your sect? The middle-aged man of Light and Shadow asked plainly, but Zimo heard a trace of extremely vague hatred from his tone.

Zimo noticed the fluctuation of the middle-aged people in light and shadow, and then said, "Dare to ask the senior, how is it like this? "

Zimo did not answer the question of the middle-aged people. You know, if the other party is a sect hostile to his sect, his situation will be extremely bad. Although the current situation is very strange, at least Zimo has not noticed the danger. If he exposes his sect, he is likely to put himself in danger. . Zimo, who has experienced the test of life and death, is very dangerous **.

Huh? Can the younger generation do me a favor? The old man Guangying obviously didn't want to talk about it, and said to Qi Mo.

"Help? "Zimo frowned.

"Well, it's very simple. After that, I will give you a generous reward! The middle-aged man of light and shadow said with a smile, with a trace of demagogic charm.

What are you busy with? "Zimo was very vigilant. The little shadow had been standing silently beside him, and his little eyes turned around.

When the middle-aged man of Guangying was happy and was about to speak, Xiaoying, who seemed to figure out something, suddenly said, "Brother, ignore him. He is a demon sect!" "

Xiaoying's words stunned both the middle-aged and Qi Mo.

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