
Chapter 43 Miss, please get out of the way! On

Tiandu, Drunken Fairy Tower.

Today, the business of Zuixian Building is extremely hot, and there is an endless stream of visitors. Among them, some noble children, and the owners of the restaurant, who are close in length and width, have personally come up to entertain some distinguished guests.

Zuixianlou is the most prestigious restaurant in Tiandu. The whole restaurant has three floors, and the first floor is more luxurious than the first floor. The first and second floors are for ordinary mortals and nobles, while the third floor is specially prepared for practitioners, and the whole third floor is a separate private room. Think about it, the owner of the restaurant also knows that the cultivation is powerful and his own business. There is still no need to offend people, although the protective power of their restaurant is enough to block practitioners below the level of teachers. However, the principle of businessmen is "harmony is the most important, and everything looks at money!" Therefore, the treatment of the repairer here is still very good.

At a table on the second floor, a young man and a little boy are constantly sweeping a table full of delicious food.

The little boy kept holding chopsticks with his hands and stuffing food into his mouth, as if he were starving to death.

The two ate happily as if there was no one beside them, which made some people close to see a strong contempt. The whole second floor was basically the children of nobles. Compared with each other, their behavior was vulgar.

But these two people are unconscious and still go their own way. They turn a blind eye to each other and directly selectively ignore the projected gaze.

"Brother, the food here is really delicious~" Xiaoying, who had enough to eat and drink, wiped the greasy on his mouth and said happily to Qi Mo.

Zimo smiled, put down the tableware in his hand, and was about to speak. Far away, suddenly there was an angry scolding. Zimo's eyes also turned accordingly.

The purpose is a table by the window not far from Zimo, a table of three people, two men and one woman, a man with a angular face, handsome, wearing a golden robe, and a faint blurred gold seal on his forehead, which makes people feel a faint domineering. Other

A man was dressed in white and had a gentle look, always with a faint smile on his face. From time to time, he looked at the girl standing angrily, with a trace of softness in his eyes.

The woman is about 16 or 17 years old, wearing a fiery red tights, and her exquisite figure is eye-catching. Many people's eyes are a little hot. However, many people can also see that these three people may not be unusual, so no one dares to come forward to find bad luck.

"Brother! Why don't you take me there?"

The woman's apricot eyes stared at the man in gold, pinching her waist with her hands, and her pretty face was full of anger, as if she had a deep hatred with the young man sitting and smiling helplessly.

"Little sister, it's not that I won't take you, it's just... Hey, all right, sit down first." A trace of helplessness flashed from the mouth of the young man in the golden robe, and he didn't know what to say to the girl who was angry with him.

"No! You must promise to let me go, otherwise, I will tell my father! Humph~" The woman said with an inch, her mouth bulging and humming angrily. It's just that the tone is not as unruly as before. Obviously, it is also aware that this is not a place to speak.

The man in golden robe and the man in white looked at each other, and their eyes were helpless. How could this little ancestor know about this?!

Then, the three people's voices deliberately lowered to continue the discussion, but Zimo noticed that the woman had a successful smile in her face a moment later. A bitter look appeared on their faces, and the man in gold robe was even more annoyed and stared helplessly at the woman in red. The woman in red replied to the man in the golden robe with a proud smile. The angry man in the golden robe gritted his teeth. Obviously, the woman was afraid that she had used something to restrain the man in the golden robe and made him agree to her words.

Qimo silently stared at the three people. He sensed a faint threat from the gentle and elegant man in white. Although he was only a congenital perfection and at the same level as Lie Ming, one of the big officials of the Lie family, he was like a dormant tiger and leopard. Thinking about it, Lieming was definitely not the opponent of the person in front of him. .

Another man and a woman were only in the late congenital period. They felt a trace of unusualness from the man in the golden robe. What it was? Qi Mo couldn't say what it was. The faint gold seal on his forehead also inadvertently attracted the attention of others. Qi Mo felt it carefully, but he still couldn't see any clue, but the woman had no clue. The strange thing is that Zimo believes that he can easily defeat it without using the underworld fire!

When Zimo withdrew his gaze on the man in the golden robe, the man in the golden robe seemed to be slightly aware. His eyes glanced in the direction of Zimo and the ghost, and frowned slightly. The other two also looked at the man in the gold robe. The man in white looked at the two people with a trace of curiosity. Qi Mo's cultivation It didn't attract his attention, but Xiaoying attracted his attention, such a small innate cultivation! This talent is definitely one of the geniuses in the whole Longhua Kingdom!

In a few moments, Qi Mo smiled at the man in white, nodded kindly, withdrew his eyes, left a gold dollar, took Xiaoying's hand and left the restaurant.

The woman in red had no feeling. She only felt that the two were vulgar, as if they had never eaten anything. The girl's attention was always so bitter. After the two left the restaurant, a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the woman in red.

"Does the young master know two people just now?" The woman in red asked the thoughtful man in white curiously.

Huh? Oh, I don't know. What's wrong? Lin'er." The man in white came to his senses,

"Don't you know?" The woman in red said with strange eyes.

"Well, what? Is there anything strange?" The man in white wondered.

"Oh, I don't know, those two men can still be so ambiguous? Hee hee, eyebrows and feelings??!" The woman in red smiled at the man in white.


The man in white was stunned, and then his head was covered with black lines, and his eyebrows were affectionate? This girl...

The man in the golden robe also looked strange, but when he saw his friend's cold sweaty face, he suppressed his smile, stared at the woman in red and scolded, "Liner, don't talk nonsense. How can Brother Dongfang have such a hobby!"

Hearing the words of the man in the golden robe, the man in white showed gratitude on his face, but the following words of the man in the man in the golden robe almost made the man in white almost run away.

" Besides, Brother Dongfang won't look for the one who can faintly see a little handsome trace~"




If Qi Mo is here, I guess he will be the same as the man in white. However, it is estimated that the "second master" will completely run away without the patience of the man in white...


"Brother, where are we going now?" Xiaoying looked at the noisy Tiandu, and there was a trace of excitement on his face.

"Let's buy something first. I have to refine some elixir just in case." Zimo thought for a moment and also noticed Xiaoying's expression, and then said with a smile.

"Good! But is my brother still an alchemist?" Xiaoying looked full of curiosity, but she had never seen her brother refine elixir! Why did you become an alchemist???

First update! The next update is estimated to be a little late. I have something to do in the afternoon, but it will definitely be updated before nine o'clock. Please support me! Call the red ticket to comfort you,,, there is no rise~! Thank you~